Redtail Rise XIII
Redtail Rise
671 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
maybe @Ratio? <3

this time he was not upon the mountain nor hunting in the plains. augur traveled the stony creek and lapped happily at the cold water.

the days were warming and his grey coat was responding, shedding in large tangled clumps to expose the softer summer fur beneath. he stopped along the bank to roll in the smooth sand, leaving swatches of discarded pelt caught there as he loped further downstream.
899 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Avicus is displeased.

her growing belly weighs her down. it's like an injury, but somehow worse. with hurt, she could fight past the pain. this is nothing more than a hindrance, extra weight upon her rangy frame, and she resents every second of it.

when will they come?!

she gives Augur a gentle whuff as she lumbers down the slope, moving past him to splash into the water, the coolness of the stream a balm to her hot and irritated temper. she stays in the shallows, feeling the slippery moss beneath her pads.

glances at Augur, chest-deep, and lets loose a deep sigh as he runs—so unencumbered!—through the sand.
but see, amid the mimic rout,
a crawling shape intrude —
a blood-red thing that writhes from out
the scenic solitude
Redtail Rise
671 Posts
Ooc — ebony
red woman carried young.

redtail rise was his home. she might carry his children. she might not, but augur was already devoted to the pups.

the clawan returned as red woman slid into the water. he put his ears back and lowered his posture upon approach, whining gently and licking his lips.

the shallows embraced him again. he snorted bubbles below the surface for his own amusement.
899 Posts
Ooc — mercury
she stares curiously at the bubbles, torn between amusement and irritation. she lets the former have control, if only slightly, and does the same. the water gurgles out from her lips, rising to the surface in—

a passing fish tickles her paws, and she lifts her head suddenly, glancing downstream.

fih'hhh, Avicus barks quietly, the forbidden syllable forced hard past her ragged tongue. she glances at Augur. shall we try to catch some? her eyes read.

she makes her way, slowly, to the opposite bank, and sinks down once there to wait.
but see, amid the mimic rout,
a crawling shape intrude —
a blood-red thing that writhes from out
the scenic solitude
Redtail Rise
671 Posts
Ooc — ebony

it was not his area of skill, but for red woman he would try.

augur copied her, though he stayed where he was. the elimination of their shadows brought the fish in a shoal between them. he was not sure how long to wait and so lunged too early, scattering them toward the alpha female.
899 Posts
Ooc — mercury
rolled for failure too -_-

Augur is unsuccessful. she does not hesitate a moment, striking as soon as she sees the silvery fish approach her paws.

perhaps she'd be quicker if she weren't enceinte, but the fatigue and extra weight must have some effect—or, at least, that's what she'll tell herself to soothe her bruised ego—because she snaps her head down into water and comes up empty.

she spits, frowning, and shakes her head, sending water in a halo spray 'round her face. 

the fish, meanwhile, have well and truly taken fright, and Avicus thinks it'll be a while before they again find the trust to approach the bank and what loomed above.

bad 'hhluck, she remarks, glancing at the bold hunter.
but see, amid the mimic rout,
a crawling shape intrude —
a blood-red thing that writhes from out
the scenic solitude
Redtail Rise
671 Posts
Ooc — ebony
augur chuffed and splashed. it did not matter. fish were fickle. but she must eat.

the great wolf pulled himself with splashing from the surface. he shook out his fur and approached to nose red woman's cheek where she still stood in the creek.

the man rumbled. he would bring her more substantial food and he would bring it here so that she might eat in leisure.

when dismissed, augur would set off.