Swiftcurrent Creek heart on your sleeve like you've never been loved
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,095 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
All Welcome 
He's looking for @Cygnet but AW on the borders.

The spring wind drifted past him—the scent of lavender beginning to bloom, and instantly it was if he had been punched in the abdomen—a quick suck of air—a shudder. Eshe, his mind instantly clung to the idea—but he knew she wasn’t there, and that she wasn’t coming back. He recalled the day he had caught her rolling in the sprigs of it—

—now he got to be haunted by the scent of it, and reminded of her every time.

With a clench of his teeth he continued his trek along the borders. Mae was becoming a little more independent now—practical in her ways of how she would begin to maneuver within her home. As such, the Mayfair swept the well-marked lengths of their borders—champagne eyes roving before him as he searched for a certain little sassy youth.

He hadn’t seen Cygnet about as much in the past few weeks—but it was clear that if she were to be involved in the mundane tasks of a pack wolf, it would be him to teach her, after Arric’s well-placed resistance.

Peaking his head through the hollow of a log, he chuckled to himself—she was probably getting too big to fit herself in these kind of places. “Just me, out here, alone… Looking for the toughest warrior we have at the Creek,” he beckoned out—wondering if she was nearby and would hear him.
Swiftcurrent Creek
113 Posts
Ooc — Jess

Arric’s claim on Arlette fended the pale girl off, and now that a new yearling had arrived, Akavir’s attention became divided as well. In her usual manner, she didn’t rush to be friendly with the newcomer, though her curiosity was spiked as her scent was somewhat familiar. 

She lurked and spied on them when she could, and once she caught Akavir’s lone scent, she began to follow him in hopes of reminding her of his existence.

She huddled as he searched in a log, lifting just her head to peer at him from behind a thicket of shrubs as he spoke. Her pupils dilated and like a cat, she steadied herself on her paws, crouched, and then sprang toward him.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,095 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
He might not have exactly expected her to pop out of the log—but he had suspected she was close by. Still, when she did pounce at him, the peripheral of his gaze was the only warning he received, and he laughed as he widened his stance, his weight taking the tackle, though being jostled heavily. “Well done,” he chuckled, gaze shifting over her in appraisal—he hadn’t seen her the past few days and wanted to ensure she was okay.

“Hunting, fishing or scouting today? You're getting older. You thinking about doing an apprenticeship of some kind?”
Swiftcurrent Creek
113 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Unlike the time she had attacked Arric, all intentions of tackling or biting the dark man ceased the moment he caught sight of her- and showed his approval. She sheathed her teeth and simply allowed the length of her body to slam against his, though she was slightly disappointed to note how little he budged. 

Ah well- that was fair enough. He’d had several more years than she to grow big and heavy- she would simply have to start bulking up. Already her thick limbs showed promise of giving her the stature of her mother. 

Her answer to his question was to rove ahead, hackles bristled. She liked patrolling, marking the borders, and warding off strangers. She barked abruptly- as if to remind him to keep up with her.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,095 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Cygnet was as silent as ever—Moss had never been one to talk much, but Cygnet refrained entirely from the act—thought he did not feel this was a fault of hers. Arric might have disagreed, but Cygnet was an asset to their pack—loyal in ways that his Beta might not have been used to—and clearly hurt by the blue-eyed man’s sudden position within her life and having to share Arlette.

With a smirk as she flashed a look to him, uttering a demanding bark, he sauntered after her—ensuring to snap playfully at her heels before barraging ahead—beginning a round of chaotic border patrol with the pack’s growing spitfire.