Sunset Valley nomfri
1,356 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
moonglow intrigued her. so far she had only met veteran from duskfire glacier, and he had been very cool. she figured the others in the visiting pack would be as well.
heda skipped down the edge of the valley into the main moonglow camp. she was respectful as she passed among them, keeping to known places as she searched for any faces her own age.

maybe moonglow kids? :D @Kausiut @Samani @mttn @Wilwarin (for visibility)
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
A stranger walked among them.

Samani could see the pale shape of a young girl. Her back was streaked in auburn, down her spine and to her tail. The moon child was quite intrigued by the unfamiliar shape of her. As she followed quietly behind the individual, she noted that her fragrance was unlike the wolves of the glacier. Veteran’s scent did not match the red-striped girls, but she still carried the scent of wolves upon her.

As Samani drew closer, she lifted her slender muzzle up and yipped a short greeting. The jade color of her eyes devoured every detail on the unknown figure’s body.
219 Posts
Ooc — Me
After her brief stint with the ethereal Kausiut was back to her usual angry self in the morning. She had fought with some kids and probably annoyed more adults. She had run off twice, not saying a single word - where to and why. She had rolled in a dead animal and by mid-day the stinky, dirty and generally unpleasant puppy was sleeping soundly next to a fallen tree trunk with a sense of morning well-spent. 

All four paws up, not having a care in the world. 

Until she heard someone walking that did not sound like any of the village wolves. Kau opened her eye, rolled on her stomach and looked around for the source. She caught sight of Samani approaching someone and, when after a moment, it seemed that this encounter had not ended in her sister's untimely death, Kau considered it safe to go and investigate herself. Her crooked leg was a tad bit stiff after all the activities she had performed, therefore it took her longer than usual to hobble up close to the stranger and without a "hello" or "how are you?" she cut her path and looked her up and down with a disapproving look. 

In Kau's world you could condsider this as a compliment. Pretending that you did not exist at all was a more frequent approach.
1,356 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"oh!" heda exclaimed, blinking and stepping back as the odd stranger child pushed into her space. in this regard she was reminded of bright and loud indra back home. 
"hi," she told the pair, eyes darting between them both. despite physical differences, they were very alike, down to their color. almost identical. "i'm heda from rivenwood," she told the moonglow girls with a smile. 
"should i not be here?" she frowned softly, backing another step beneath the intensity of the second girl's stare.
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Kausiut appeared and rudely inserted herself at the front of the pale girl. Samani blinked softly at her sibling, feeling uncertain why Kau needed to behave in such a way. They were children of Moonglow, after all. While she struggled with her peculiar feelings of irritation – feelings she did not understand – the stranger introduced herself as Heda from Rivenwood.

I am Samani and this is my sister Kausiut. We are daughters of Moonglow.

Samani nodded her head to Heda with a thin-lipped smile.

It is not for us to say whether you should be here. I think you would be welcome.

Unless Heda was there to cause harm or trouble, the moon child could not think of a reason why she would be turned away. The new scents that were carried on her coat were intriguing to Samani. The slender peach stepped forward and drew in the pale figure’s smell.
219 Posts
Ooc — Me
Heda did not seem to mind Kausiut's intrusion and, while Samani took over with the social part of the conversation, her sister moved around the stranger to have a better look and gather all the smells it had brought with it here. It felt foreign and it both repulsed he and made her feel defensive, but also curious. There was life outside the village - that she knew already, but it was very rare for it to be brought here to them. 

Eventually she hobbled back to stand next to Samani, her eye still trained distrustingly at the stranger, fur standing up on her spine. The girl may have been older and bigger, but there were two of the moonchildren. Both capable of being fierce despite the appearances that suggested something different.
1,356 Posts
Ooc — ebony
heda still wasn't sure what to make of the two. one was kind and used words. the other was not and used only the glower of a single eye. somehow each one was a perfect refraction of the other, down to their builds and the color of their fur. "i'll stay then."
heda sat. she looked at them both. "do you guys like visiting down here?" she asked after a moment. this sort of small talk was dull but it was a good place to start.
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Samani was only moderately surprised when her fierce sister turned and returned to where she stood. Kau’s expression retained its ferocity. The young girl thought her sister was remarkable, in this sense. She never appeared to back down from a challenge. She had the daring of a hawk in her eye.

The girl had decided she would stay and moved to join them.

She asked if they were enjoying their stay near the glacier. Samani drew her ears up and shrugged softly.

It is different. We get to learn new things here, meet new wolves. Learning is always good, the moon child answered. There was a glittering to her jadestone gaze. The light of her eyes was fixed on their company with curiosity.

What do you do for your village?
219 Posts
Ooc — Me
A cameo from now on - Kau is right there with Samani. Tag me, if something's needed from her.

Thankfully Samani did the talking for Kausiut, so she did not even have to act civil or even pretend that she was interested in getting to know the stranger better. She sat stoically next to her sister, her gaze never leaving the other and as much as Samani was welcoming and polite, Kausiut emanated 100% of "get out - the sooner the better". It was clear that the only thing that kept her from sinking her teeth in the other's scruff or having the joy of chasing her out and over the hills, was the fact that her sibling did not seem likely to join the effort.

Maybe later. And patience was something she had got by the plenty.
1,356 Posts
Ooc — ebony
kausiut did not become more friendly. heda didn't answer samani, her silver-smudged gaze following the other one with open curiosity and perhaps a little wariness.
"yeah — uh, i want to move here with the duskfire wolves, actually. rivenwood is nice, my sisters and my mom are there, but being out here made me feel something else?"
"does that make sense?" she chuckled. "and i'm a hunter. well, i want to be." her ears perked. "i hear moonglow has really good hunters."
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The pale wolf said that she would like to move to Duskfire Glacier permanently. Samani widened her eyes with surprise, wondering what had made Heda feel like leaving her home. While she had enjoyed their time away from Moonglow, the moon child could not help but miss their homeland. She would be happy when they returned to the familiar grounds of their village.

Moonglow has many good hunters. I’m sure they would teach you some of what they know, Samani answered with a small smile. She thought of Kigipigak teaching Heda to hunt and imagined it would make a good pairing. The white hunter had been patient with Samani, in the time she had spent with him. I’d like to learn how to hunt, too. She thought it would be nice if they had something in common.

Samani glanced toward Kausiut, wondering where her sister's passions were.
1,356 Posts
Ooc — ebony
skip w permission!

kausiut glowered. heda chose to pay her attention to samani then. "um, a white wolf with a scar on his face taught my sister and i some stuff when we first got here. oh, and mireille, our friend from sapphique." a pause before she really rambled. "i'm pretty good at hunting birds, actually. little ones. maybe medium ones, like ducks. but birds can bite really hard! did you know that?"
she snuck a look at kausiut again.
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
That is Kigipigak.

Samani offered a small nod. She understood that the white wolf had a great deal to teach others. Her mother had prized him as one of their best hunting wolves. From what the moon child had seen, it was a fitting role for the man. Such an interesting character, Kigipigak was.

When Heda mentioned that she was quite skilled at hunting birds, Samani drew her ears to a point and waved her tail softly.

Oh! Birds? I do not know many things about hunting them. Do their bites hurt? the girl could not help but ask. Samani had not forgotten about her sister. Her jadestone eyes shifted from Heda to Kau with every intention of seeing when Kausiut had grown tired of visiting and wished to leave. In the meantime, Samani was rather enjoying herself.
1,356 Posts
Ooc — ebony
i am prob cool to wrap this if you are <3

"do they!" heda exclaiming, filing away the pale hunter's name. "one time one almost pecked my eye out! but i didn't tell my mom, she would have freaked out. it tasted better, actually, cuz i had to fight so hard."
the way that samani's twin was staring at her was starting to truly unnerve heda. "maybe we could look for birds a bit later? there aren't tons here right now but i could find some."
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The inquiry about birds sparked life into the pale figure. Samani smiled encouragingly, listening as the hunter spoke of her battle with the feathered one that had nearly taken her eye. The moon child did not know that birds could be so dangerous. It impressed her that Heda had not turned from the danger but had finished the work and had claimed her prize.

I would like that, yes, Samani answered upon being asked if she would like to hunt for birds later on. The young girl imagined that Kausiut was not pleased to sit and listen to them chatter. If she wanted to join their hunt later, Samani would not mind. She nudged her sister’s shoulder to signal that they could leave and Samani bid Heda a gentle goodbye, for the time being.