Silver Creek The Hunting Grounds
175 Posts
Ooc — The System
Pack Activity 
This is an inter-pack hunt with side threads being a possibility! Participation is highly encouraged but not required <3 @Jarus Domaire (I know you aren't back till the 4th but I figured you could join in late if you want!) @Kevalin @Vaska Vidaar, Venere, the Dominion pups can watch but are too young to participate. @Fury (I'll let you tag your pack <3) and I heard a potential @Alduin might bring some of his?

The time for the Dominion's and the Saint's hunt was upon them, and Vex brought her wolves from the forest and towards the creek. "Our allies, the Saints, will be here soon. This hunt is an attempt to solidify the alliance, as well as make new friends." She turned to her children, smiling. "Fury has a daughter, Sovereign, who is a little older than you. You'll be meeting her today." With a grin, Vex dipped her head back and loosed a loud call, for her allies and for any potential joiners.
Physical Health (100/100)

Vex is currently healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Vex is currently doing well mentally... or, as well as Vex can be.

73 Posts
Ooc — Aero
Kevalin stood a respectful distance from the rest, shifting from foot to foot impatiently. "The last time I tried to make friends I was taken captive" He shot a smirk towards Vex.
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
@Adlartok @Arlette @Turmeric @Maiken @Sovereign @Arashi here's the inter-pack hunt thread!

Fury lead her daughter and the Saints through the Sweep, cutting along the border of their allies until the Creek was within sight. 
As Vex sent up her call, Fury sent up a howl of her own to let her fellow monarch know they were coming, and close.

Once the Dominion members were within sight within the terrain of the Silver Creek, Fury let out a brief bark to signal their arrival, and would stop beside Vex to allow her own members to introduce themselves to their allies. 

Hopefully Alduin would also arrive. 
Fury held a small sense of faith he might hear Vex's call from wherever he was....
Fury is in peak condition
Health (100/100)
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Adlartok was told there would be a pack hunt. So he followed. Staying nearer the back. Not wanting to draw attention to his limp. He was a fine hunter, had managed to use his disability to adapt. However, at first glance most would look and wonder and he didn't wish to cause an uproar. He watched with golden eyes the goings on.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken arrived on the tail end of Adlartok and she smiled at all the new faces. Would introduce herself to those nearby. She lay down the bundle in her maw. The herbs wrapped from damage, in a broad oak leaf. She would share when the time came too.

Hi. I'm Maiken healer beside Arlette.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,159 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette walked beside Fury, though clearly letting the female lead. She followed her through the sweep. She was very curious about the other pack, the dominion. Arlette followed Fury in her pace. They were met with the alpha female. Arlette had a friendly wag of her tail. She gave a nod, when Maiken said she was a healer with her. The nod indicating she was Arlette. "Nice to meet you," she greeted, looking at Fury for instructions. She didn't seen wolves of Atautsikut. Perhaps this wasn't the inter-pack hunt but another one only with the Dominion.
40 Posts
Ooc — Aero
Vidaar walked up boldly towards the group of gathering wolves. He bared his teeth, his dull red eyes boring daggers into them. "No, you can go now." He said through a growl. Admittedly he was the least friendly of the pups. With only room for his sister and brother on his good days, he wouldn't even tolerate his own mother half the time. Now all these new people? He didn't like it one bit. And he had to protect his sister and brother from them.
45 Posts
Ooc — The System
Venere was quiet in the presence of so many others, but she watched and listened to them all, curious. Vidaar seemed intent to challenge them as per usual, but Venere just huffed and rolled her eyes. "Just listen to Mom for once," she hissed in undertones to her brother. Her eyes, which were slowly turning green, searched for Fury's daughter.
Physical Health (100/100)

Venere is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Venere is mentally well.
239 Posts
Ooc — Heretic

Having been present for a portion of the inter-pack hunt announcement, Arashi had followed suite in joining the group.

Unlike the rest, he'd been a bit slow to arrive. While the rest were close behind Fury, the General remained towards the rear of the travelers. 

Eventually, he caught up and joined to stand close at his wife's flank. Perhaps he would not hunt with them, but he would stay for added protection.

115 Posts
Ooc —
It was strange, being a part of something again, but the decision had been an easy one (even as much as Turmeric missed the independence that had come with roughing it out there on his own). He roved here and there within the group of the Saints, chattering at whoever would listen, other times drifting aside to inspect a curious leaf or plant.

Eventually he found his way to his mother's side as the two packs settled in to greet one another and begin their hunt.

He couldn't say he was particularly interested in hunting together, but he did find a curiosity in these other wolves, and he dragged a thoughtful gaze around them. If they were to be neighbours, well then, now would be an excellent time to get to know just who they were living beside!
29 Posts
Ooc —
Vaska brought up the rear of their puppy posse, with Venere and Vidaar comfortably in front. For as much as they pushed him around, he felt safe as their lackey, protected from the frontlines of all these strangers by their brazen approach.

As it was, he peered from behind Vidaar and sought the faces for anyone he knew, Kevalin especially. But his gaze instead lifted up to a woman from the Saints and he felt his skin prickle with surprise and unease.

He had never seen anyone who had looked like him before (from what little the others would tell him about how he looked, if he, and when he, ever asked), but when he looked upon the snowy woman, with eyes as red as sunset clouds, he wondered if this was what he looked like, too.

Which meant that he was not alone, and Vaska marvelled up at @Arlette - quiet, and distracted, by these questions that held no words.
175 Posts
Ooc — The System
This round will end on 8/19! No post order.

Fury had brought many wolves with her, whereas Vex had only Kevalin to assist during this hunt. She tried to not let it rankle her — a jealous Vex was not a good thing. She turned to Fury and the others at large, and she grinned broadly at them. Thank you all for coming. It is mine and Fury's hope that this inter-pack hunt will lead to stronger friendships, and cement us as allies. She gestured with her muzzle out to the fast plains before them.

I've found a herd of bison — no doubt one will feed us all, and leave much to spare so that the wolves could take some meat back home. Vex looked to Fury. I think I'd like for us to be among those that fell it, what say you? She grinned, fiery eyes dancing.
Physical Health (100/100)

Vex is currently healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Vex is currently doing well mentally... or, as well as Vex can be.

Swiftcurrent Creek
1,159 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette was surprised to hear the foul tone from the child and the mother not correcting it. She would not say something about it, but she had noted it. Her eyes scanned over the group, realizing there were more children than adults. It seemed this Dominion would need their help. Arlette was afraid that she wasn't really that much of a help. She would try her best.

Arlette offered her son a soft smile when he stood by her side, it made her so proud. The female then caught the eye of a pup that looked like her. It looked a little timid. She offered him a warm smile. "Will someone stay with the children?," she asked then. "Do you have experience hunting bison? They are quite the difficult prey," Arlette wondered, it wasn't a snark comment, as her tone was friendly. It was more of an inquiry.
329 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maiken stared at the child for a moment. She muttered under her breath in her own language.


Though she made no move to reprimand. He was not hers, and he could be possessive or territorial. She was fast realizing not all the wolves that were involved with Warchief Fury were kind. Though Fury was in her own right.

Her eyes grew wide at Bison. They were huge, and they would certainly feed many. She would love to have the fur, if they were part with it, but she wasn't sure if she could ask.

Large feet, brutish heads. We must watch the horns.
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The child drew a small smile from Artok. He had been that child. The one to open his mouth and speak before he was supposed to. The rude child. He saw nothing wrong with it, as he would have done the same. He had done the same.

It was he who had looked right at Kove and told him he disliked him. Yes that youth would make other's mad, but he would know his own mind as he grew. And that was something Artok was immensely proud of within himself.

Maiken is right, though if memory serves. Their eyesight is poor.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.
73 Posts
Ooc — Aero
Kevalin grew restless as the gathering grew. They were severely outnumbered, but he found the company in front of him not unpleasant. He couldn't hold back a snicker when Vidaar challenged the gathering pack, but felt responsible as his self appointed babysitter. So he nudged him back, whispering. Friends, Vidaar.

Then he moved forward to add to their conversation before the child could retaliate. Tough to bite into. He imagined it'd be similar to trying to bite into a tree, but had only heard stories himself. His adrenaline was starting to build at the challenge nonetheless.

He glanced towards the woman that had spoken of the children, Arlette, she was called. She had a strikingly similar appearance to Vaska and he caught the smile she threw Vaska's way. He was thankful the child had the opportunity to see that he was not alone in his appearance, and he hoped today's hunt was successful so the child had more opportunities to see the woman.
40 Posts
Ooc — Aero
Vidaar snarled and snapped at Kevalin's heels as he walked away from him. He sat his rump on the ground, frustrated, he grumbled to Venere. Shoulda taken him down when we had the chance. The adults were talking about hunting something big. He wondered when they'd actually start doing something.
45 Posts
Ooc — The System
Venere watched the assembled wolves, curious, but not really paying that much attention yet. She did note that one wolf looked strangely like Vaska, but she didn't know what to think of that. Instead, she whispered to her other brother, Maybe when we're bigger, we can take him.
Physical Health (100/100)

Venere is healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Venere is mentally well.
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Apologies if this post is too short <3

Among the introductions, Fury noticed the hostility of the male pup, who was soon growled at by his sister.
The Warchief raised a brow, but paid it no more attention as Vex called their attention to the herd of bison on the plains.

Quickly, it was time for hunting tactics.

Arlette brought up a sound inquiry however, to which Fury would offer her attention before they got too deep into brainstorming the hunt.

"Arlette has a point that must be addressed before we share tactics. Someone will need to guard the pups while the rest of us hunt..." She turned her gaze to her sister, then to her son Turmeric and back.
Would one or the other of them prefer to protect the youth?
Would Arlette volunteer herself to do so, due to her dislike of bloodshed?
Fury is in peak condition
Health (100/100)
Fury claims a +6 buff in all combat dice rolls
239 Posts
Ooc — Heretic

The point had been made twice now. Until someone had decided who would remain, the purpose of this gathering would not yet be fulfilled.

I will stay to watch them. Arashi announced blatantly. 

It is obvious that I am not a creature built for speed, and this party does not lack the strength to ensure a successful take-down. Simple points, none of which he assumed any would argue against.

175 Posts
Ooc — The System
Next round ends 8/27!

Arashi would guard the children; Vex gave him a quick once over before she dipped her head in assent. To her children, she said, Watch and learn — it is not often that we get the chance to fell such large game. And this time would be wondrous. She was beyond ready to begin.

There is an aging bull, likely shunned from his herd by a younger, healthier male, just on the outskirts. He is our target. She was not a woman who cared much for tactics, especially not with this rumble of hunger in her belly, so she struck out to lead the way, expecting everyone else to follow.

Vex led them through the plains, circling the herd until she found the male she wanted. I hope you're all ready! Vex called out before she rushed forward with a cackle. Their hunt would begin now.
Physical Health (100/100)

Vex is currently healthy.

Mental Health (100/100)

Vex is currently doing well mentally... or, as well as Vex can be.

73 Posts
Ooc — Aero
He was grateful that someone clearly strong and capable would be around to watch over the pups. He nodded in appreciation to the man. Vex had zero interest in chiming into their chatter. He debated just watching her go in by herself but decided against it. Sighing, he muttered, At least she keeps life interesting, before he rushed after his alpha.
40 Posts
Ooc — Aero
Vidaar ran after his mom, intending to lead his brother and sister, and put some distance between himself and the man that would try to watch them. His distrustful eyes glanced back and forth at the giant of a man, baring teeth from time to time. He would keep him and his siblings safe as he always had without a giant man looming over him. Besides if he was trying to protect his brother and sister this whole time, how was he supposed to watch? He growled in frustration.
115 Posts
Ooc —
Small, and inexperienced, Turmeric wished he had spoken up to guard the pups before another had - and he had caught Fury’s eye on him when the idea was first spoken - but he had been too slow, and the thought of watching these children seemed almost as difficult as felling their prey.

He’d rather have his own blood on his head.

But Vex’s lack of instruction troubled him, and as the others charged after the lead, he sought leadership in his mother, who he knew had hunted bison before. Staying alongside her, he would listen to her instruction. He trusted his life with her, not so with Vex.
-Dark of Soul, Strong of Body-
306 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Artok shifted and moved to stir the herd away from the bison. Herd it towards Vex. His limp was there, but he paid it no mind. If he died doing this so be it. It would be bloody and bad, but it would be over.

Golden eyes assessed and reassessed and he moved to where the herd was weakest pushing the bison away. He snapped at it's haunches, barely missing a hoff, but a low rumble of a chuckle lit up through his chest and he went into position again. Following the lead of the clear leader in this hunt.
Artok has a permanent limp in his front right foreleg.