Lost Creek Hollow huacalera
Swiftcurrent Creek
961 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 

meet & greet for riverclan! optional <3 our map is below btw!

in a golden oak forest just below the falls was the little network of caves, and it was here that silvertongue called everyone together. @Crowfeather would be closest; her voice beckoned the furthest away to @Faun and @Sandulf. when they had arrived, she gave them each a single white goose-feather. "now," silvertongue said promptly. "keep these close. we all have one and i think — maybe we should bring them for meetings. the first thing is that we have a close neighbor in kvarsheim. they are just west of us, in the stone circle. i am only familiar with gunnar and bjarna, though i know the leaders are sanja and taktuq. they speak a different language than us, but we should try to be their friends. they are always kind." she glanced around and then her eyes settled on crowfeather.
909 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The shadow arrived to hear Silvertongue speak about their neighbors. They were a small group, it seemed. This made him feel better. Crowfeather was not sure he would sit well beside a group that had as many numbers as Mereo or Akashingo.

We should invite them to a gathering, maybe.

The dark figure wavered his tail nervously. His ears shifted atop his head. Crowfeather wanted to make sure that they were kind to the other group of wolves. He had no interest in making enemies with those who were nestled close to them.

Somewhere in the middle. We can eat and share stories and updates. Crowfeather wondered what they would think of it.
-I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done.-
243 Posts
Ooc — Killi
Sandy arrived to listen, his goose feather he wound in his fur, near his feet. It would stay there for a time, like some macabre decoration, until he moved it to a safe spot for his new packs meetings. But for now, it would be fine.

Gunnar and Bjarna, Taktuq and Sanja. He would remember those names, they spoke a different language. This could be both bad and good. Good because they would have a chance to learn something new, bad because there would be a barrier. A hard one, there could be misunderstandings, though if some of them could speak their language, perhaps not so bad.

Sandy hard the words that the three legged shadow spoke and though it was not something he was used to. It certain had merit this idea of his.

It has merit, and I would rather have peace than war.
Swiftcurrent Creek
961 Posts
Ooc — ebony

gonna continue, @Crowfeather & @Sandulf! hop in anytime box!

silvertongue nodded to both these things. "i have not seen anything like war. bjarna is a child. gunnar is an old man." but not too old, and her laugh was only for herself. "west of us is a glade filled with foxes. it is close to kvarsheim and riverclan. shall we call them there?" she felt quite important, poised before their small pack.
909 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Silvertongue knew a fair amount about their neighbors and the territories that were close to their hollow. Riverclan was lucky that she was with them. Crowfeather did not think that would have been able to navigate between the two, gathering as much information as she had. The shadow gazed thoughtfully at her, delayed in his response.

Oh, yes! We should. A glade with foxes… I like the sound of that.

Crowfeather thought of Foxfur, how he had not returned to collect him. Or if he had, he had been too late. The young tripod wondered if he would see the weary warrior again. Honey gold eyes shifted toward Sandulf, curiosity running rampant in his head.

It’ll make a good place for meeting neighbors. The shadow smiled to the blue-eyed girl.
-I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done.-
243 Posts
Ooc — Killi
Sandy listened taking in the words. Though he did frown for a moment. I would like to patrol where the foxes are. Father told me a place once upon a time when they set upon him. I would like to make sure this will not happen again. But I am fine with setting up a meeting.

Crow's curious gaze upon him drew him pause and he met the leaders eyes briefly and gave a soft smile, then turned back to the she wolf Silver Tongue. He tilted his head, ears pressed forward as he tried to catch all they both said. While thinking things through as well.
Swiftcurrent Creek
961 Posts
Ooc — ebony

she nodded. "all right. sandy, you go to the glade. scout it. come back to me and then we all go to kvarsheim." silvertongue frowned a little. "we should bring regalos. gifts. what do you think, crowfeather?" he was to be their leader one day soon. she wanted his input centered.
909 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Silvertongue said that Sandy should scout for them. Once he had returned, they could all go visit Kvarsheim. She turned her glass blue eyes to Crowfeather and inquired about bringing gifts to their neighbors. The dark figure blinked, knowing that she was seeking his opinion. He bit back the urge to ask what Sandy thought, then what Silvertongue believed what might be best.

Yes, we should bring gifts. That’s a great idea, the tripod complimented, soft in his voice.

They would probably do well with some herbs and meat. Crowfeather wondered if he could gather enough to take with them. Sandy would surely not take long to scout.
Swiftcurrent Creek
961 Posts
Ooc — ebony

last for me! feel free to close or reply again!

gifts then. "meat," she suggested aloud. they would discuss it until planned, and then silvertongue would dance forward and kiss them both. and then she would be off, to hone her hunting skills in the cool green shadows of the hollow.