Emberwood I had a dream of the pale morning sky
-I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done.-
243 Posts
Ooc — Killi
All Welcome 
All welcome but @Reverie if you could?

So they had allies in Kvarsheim and Swftcurrent. How interesting to the male wolf. Today though he was headed towards the scent of other wolves. He had heard of the trouble the creek wolves had and he was concerned about it. 

So with light paws, and even lighter movements he headed towards the foreign scents. He sniffed around finding bedding and spots that wolves had lain, possibly 4 strong, 1 female, 3 males if he wasn't mistaken. There was also a scent of of something with the one, but what it was he wasn't sure. There wasn't something right. 

He continued his slow amble through the area, nose down, yellow eyes on the shadows and surrounding trees.
Party City
1,546 Posts
Ooc — xynien
I'm gonna set this...pre-bear because honestly I don't know what she's gonna do post-bear
She went back, and found the place empty, the scents fading. Sadey wasn't here anymore, none of the wolves were. Reverie might have worried that @Akavir would think her mad or a liar, had they not left clear evidence of their presence here. But she wasn't thinking about Swiftcurrent Creek or its somber leader just then. She had to find Sadey, she felt. She had to try to help her.
But instead she found someone familiar in an entirely unwelcome way. It was the man from Riverclan, the big one who had scared her so. This time, she wasn't quite afraid, but she couldn't shake her wariness. She stopped a distance off when she spotted him, and all she could do for a moment was look at him. What would he do? Would he judge her again?
-I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done.-
243 Posts
Ooc — Killi
works for me <3

Sandy was suddenly not alone and he lifted his head quickly, yellow eyes narrowed as he scanned the surrounding area. But his stance and his face eased up as his gaze fell upon the little fae girl. He offered her a smile and shook out his fur.

You scared me. I thought you were bad news for a moment.

He took a breath and another, forcing his breathing to even and his body to calm. He took a breath. 

You're the girl from Kvarsheim, um Reverie right?
Party City
1,546 Posts
Ooc — xynien
This time, he smiled at her, and her breath caught in her throat for a moment. He had a kind smile, a warm smile. It was the type of smile that almost felt like a hug. Reverie found herself relaxing, but she noticed that he seemed nervous.
He explained that he'd thought she was bad news. She'd never heard the phrase, but she thought it described her perfectly. She certainly never brought any good news to anyone. And she might have said as much, but then he named her pack, and her, and she blushed a little. She could not remember his name.
Oh! Yes! I'm sorry, I don't remember your name. There were so many people... She was learning to recognize the beginnings of attraction, and she was learning to feel flustered and guilty about it quite quickly. Surely Lestan wouldn't appreciate it.
But! His smile!
-I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done.-
243 Posts
Ooc — Killi
He shifted and moved a little closer. Agile grace as always. Slow and steady as he was. He had thought for certain she was the gang back to cause more problems, but not for just the creek wolves this time, but his  new family.

He shrugged a shoulder. No worries. I'm Sandulf Ardeth, though most everyone calls me Sandy.

His tail weaved behind him and he looked around again. I was checking out the scents of those others. I was fearful for a moment that you were one of them, but what are you doing out and about. You okay?

He tilted a downy head, ear perked forward. Smile gracing his face. At ease.
Party City
1,546 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Oh no. She did like him. There was warmth in his voice when he spoke, and he wore his smile easily. He expressed concern, a far cry from when they'd met the first time. Reverie wondered what was different about her now. It had to be her, right? She was the strange one, the one who needed to learn and grow and change.
She remembered that Lestan had been kind to her even when she was confused and oblivious to pack life.
And then Sandulf — Sandy — mentioned the wolves that had been here. It was easier to put aside her small crush, then, because she had to hide her sudden nervousness. Oh, I'm just - I noticed they were gone, and I was curious, It was a lame excuse, but it was also something she would really have done. He couldn't know why she was really here. It's nice to officially meet you, Sandy. She added with her own slightly shy smile, but it faded when she continued. I'm sorry about the first time we met. I was... confused. About so, so many things.
-I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done.-
243 Posts
Ooc — Killi
Sandy was oblivious as he often was when he came to matters of the heart and him. He was not one that knew all that much about it. He had liked others, had even loved one he had thought, but well what was one to do.

He saw her sudden nervousness and he took it differently. Not realizing she was worried cause she knew them. 

Oh you don't need to worry about them anymore. Seems they're long gone.

He chuckled and tilted his head, meeting her gaze with sunflower eyes. Nice to meet you too, Miss. Reverie.

He shrugged. I could tell. I apologize if I seemed Brusque. I was a little confused also. And i'm sorry if I scared you more than you already were.
Party City
1,546 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Yes, they were gone; that didn't bring her any comfort, but she tried to smile anyway. Sandulf was kind enough to make it easy, at least. He apologized for his own behavior, and for adding to her fear, and she shook her head brightly. It's okay! We can start over, She assured him.
Maybe we could look around together, Reverie added a little shyly. I've been meaning to find more of the plants that are still around. The snow has killed so many of them... It seemed like useful information, particularly after her knowledge of berries had become relevant. She would need to know what was available during this time, and then maybe she could be a little less useless.
-I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done.-
243 Posts
Ooc — Killi
Sandy wasn't sure why she didn't seem at ease. Did the gang of wolves scare her that much? How unfair. He'd have to see if he could make her feel better somehow, but he wasn't sure how. Though she gave him the opening with her next words.

Sure. I don't know how much flora and fauna you're gonna find, but we can try it. You maybe able to find some Ginger, or Rosemary. They are around in winter at times.

That was the extent of his knowledge really. He motioned for her to follow and he stepped into step with her.
Party City
1,546 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Rosemary. Oh! Tears filled her eyes, though she tried desperately to ward them away. Reverie turned her eyes away from her companion as she moved to walk at his side, hoping he wouldn't notice the change in her. She didn't want to think about Rose, not now. It would ruin everything.
What is ginger? She asked, to distract herself. The plants were different here; she would have to remember that. At least, some of them were. She wondered what Rose would think of it, and then silently scolded herself. No! Not now!
-I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done.-
243 Posts
Ooc — Killi
Sandy saw the look on her face, and he was alarmed. What had he done. He hadn't meant to upset her in any capacity. He felt like a heel. He wondered if he should say anything, but she began to question him so he tried to answer.

Well it's a type of root plant, the color of my eyes in a way, little darker. It is for upset stomachs. Pregnant and nursing mothers can take it to help with nausea. I only know about it, cause my mom used to use it all the time as did my sister Thessalina.
Party City
1,546 Posts
Ooc — xynien
He reminded her of Lestan, just then. Reverie could tell that he had noticed something was amiss, but instead of questioning her, he obliged her and explained what ginger was. She took a breath, and felt herself beginning to calm down. It was funny, how everything seemed to come back to pregnancy and children lately. As if the whole world was geared toward it, in preparation for whatever spring was.
Wait. Hadn't Lestan wanted to wait for spring, before they — did he — oh, by the Mother! She couldn't think about this now! She was thinking too much, she decided, and made herself speak instead. A root! Reverie mused softly, meeting his eyes again when she was certain her own were free of tears. She owed him an explanation. I'm sorry, I... my sister's name was Rose. I didn't mean to - I try not to talk about her. Maybe we could look for ginger?
-I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done.-
243 Posts
Ooc — Killi
Sandy had yet to meet the small brown wolf of Swift current, but he'd have known the name were she to share it with him. And he had learned being around women most of his life, that sometimes you didn't ask. Chances were they would open up and tell you if they felt safe and happy to do so.

He shrugged a slim shoulder. It's alright I miss my family too. But no need to feel bad about being upset about your siblings. I have many trust me. I know about it. We can.

He nosed towards a tree. Ginger is often near trees and the like. It sort of has funny shapes, but it mostly looks like claws to me. Has a musky, sort of sweet scent.
Party City
1,546 Posts
Ooc — xynien
I miss my family too. She wanted to ask if they had died, if it had been as horrible as the way Rose had died. Instead she thought on what he'd said about ginger and added, I've always thought all roots look a little like claws. They are sort of like a plant's feet, aren't they? As close as they have, Reverie followed him to that first tree and inspected the dirt around it. She wasn't quite sure what they were looking for above ground, but her trained eye zeroed in on each hint of plant life. Second nature to her, by now; she'd done this for as long as she could remember.
-I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done.-
243 Posts
Ooc — Killi
Sandy would have gladly shared about his family if asked. He missed them certainly, but it eased some when he spoke about them.

He chuckled. They do don't they. reaching up towards the sky to get the sun or water. Little wee claws. I like that.

I"m afraid i'm worthless with most plants. Do you know some of them?

He tilted his head and waited. A gentle expression on his patient face.
Party City
1,546 Posts
Ooc — xynien
She flushed and smiled, surprised but pleased that Sandy agreed, found her amusing. His lack of knowledge about plants didn't bother her at all. In fact, she was a little pleased for it. Finally, she had the upper hand; she knew something that someone else didn't!
I love plants, She admitted, pausing her search to look at him. I was going to be a healer once, but - I can't do that anymore. I still think it's pretty neat though. There are so many different kinds, so many names, and some of them are very strange! I used to think about what kind of plants I would create, if I could, because all of them seem like - like something out of someone's imagination. As if someone had dreamed it, all of it. Maybe that was true.
-I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done.-
243 Posts
Ooc — Killi
Sandy could hunt all day. He could stalk and fight and take down deer, and rabbits and other creatures. But when it came to plants, it was looking at some other language. He had no idea what any of them meant. They were there, and he was certain they were useful, but other than some very well known ones, he was lost.

Is it alright to ask what made you not want to heal anymore?

He tilted his head at her hurried words. From someone's imagination. Well perhaps he names did come from some ones imagination. Not the plants, but the names? What's your favorite plant name?
Party City
1,546 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Sandy had two questions for her, but she found the latter easier to focus on for a moment. Oh - probably silverpuffs! They're not very nice to touch, but they're pretty. They really do look like puffs of silver, Then Reverie took a breath, and prepared to explain why she could no longer be a healer. Ever since - well... something happened, and now I can't... when I see someone in pain, I can't handle it. It's too horrible. I used to be able to deal with it, but now I just look at wounds and I think about how it happened. How it must feel. How the damage is forever, even if it heals. It's worse when it's something like - an eye that won't heal right. It makes me nauseous and afraid, and then I make it all about me. You can't do that, as a healer. It can't be about you.
She hadn't meant to ramble, but it felt good. It felt freeing, to finally unload all of these thoughts, to finally be able to hope that someone might understand because she'd actually spoken her feelings this time.
-I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done.-
243 Posts
Ooc — Killi
She answered his second question first, alright. Perhaps she didn't want to share the first. That was fine. He had said if you don't mind telling. He was all set to just pass right by that question. The flower she spoke of. He'd never seen one like that. Black head tilted, yellow eyes studying her face, listening with rapt attention.

"I don't think i've ever seen something like that. Why isn't it nice to touch? Does it sting or prick?

Then she began to open up and he settled to his haunches, ears forward, nose up to listen, eyes steady on her. She had his full attention to get whatever she pleased off her chest.

[b]Do you miss healing? I only ask because if you do, you can turn that around. It seems like it's all about you, but you are genuinely worried about the other wolf, you said as much. You said that you wonder how they must feel. You are showing a great display of empathy in that moment. Yes it doesn't do well to ruminate on how it will be for forever, but if you want to change tha tway of thinking you can.

He shrugged a thin shoulder.
I don't mean you must do healing, but i Think you have the just of healing more than you think you do.::
Party City
1,546 Posts
Ooc — xynien
It's prickly, I guess. It doesn't really have petals - they're seeds, Reverie confirmed. She considered his words. Did she miss healing? Somehow she'd never thought to ask herself that question.
No, I don't miss healing, She decided then and there. Healing is - a selfless thing, and I don't want to be selfless anymore. Eventually everyone starts to take it for granted. They start to think that... you don't need comfort or support the way they do. I don't think anyone means to do it, but it happens anyway. And then you're left just standing there, holding all these problems that aren't yours, and you're breaking but no one notices -
Until you're broken, and you can't hold it anymore, and then you're just another thing to forget; to pass off into someone else's arms.
She stopped herself. I can't, anyway. Not anymore. I can't even help myself. So I have to be a little selfish instead.
-I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done.-
243 Posts
Ooc — Killi
He listened to her with a small smile. Well if you find one this spring. I'd like to see if, if you don't mind showing it to me. It sounds pretty and interesting.

Sandy stretched his neck thinking about that. He would bet that it was pretty here in the spring too. Flowers everywhere all the plants and trees in full bloom.

Sandy frowned for a moment and then said quietly. well then selfishly. I'm glad you're being selfish. I think the world would be a little less happy with a broken Reverie. So yea.

He shifted. Sometimes everyone has to be selfish once in a while. Or you do end up breaking.

He sighed, thinking of Crowfeather who was the most selfless wolf he had ever met, who was on the verge of a break down and Sandy couldn't do anything for him. No matter how hard he tried. He would be there in the fall out and he hoped with every fiber of his being that it didn't end that way. That Crowfeather could realize his worth before he got too bad, but he wasn't sure about it.
Party City
1,546 Posts
Ooc — xynien
She was silent for a few moments. How could she tell Sandy that it was too late, that she was already broken and now it was a matter of picking up the pieces, trying to find how they went back together again? She was finding that none of it seemed to sit quite the way it had before. Something about her just wasn't right, wasn't the same; she was in some ways the girl she had been, and in other ways a stunted and strange woman. It made for an odd sort of combination, the girl and the woman in one soul. It... it wasn't right. That was all she could think.
But it was such a sweet sentiment. Reverie could never pass up an opportunity to soak in the knowledge that someone still saw goodness and worth in her. So many people did, it seemed.
Just not the ones she'd needed it from.
I - appreciate that, Sandy, She smiled and meant it; the company of someone as kind as him was always a good enough reason to smile. And I'd love to show you a silverpuff if I can find one here! Reverie was beginning to puzzle out that spring meant the snow would go away. She didn't like that idea... but she did miss seeing plants everywhere she went.
-I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done.-
243 Posts
Ooc — Killi
She didn't need to explain. He could infer as much. That she was speaking from experience, but it felt like intruding to ask or mention. So he said nothing in regards to it. At least not more than he already had.

There was something nice about withering the day away with talk of plants and spring and pretty things. He enjoyed it. Found it much to his liking.

I hope you can I look forward to it. He nodded his head in firm believe. The scar upon his face a sharp contrast to the wolf himself. This conversation made him think of that day and that wound. It was painful, he quickly stuffed it down and moved about. Their search for Ginger having been side tracked.

They would speak throughout the day of different things and hunt down the elusice ginger. Parting ways with a smile on his gave. Sandy would head home.