He had heard some rumors about the (former?) Matrona’s runaway sons, though nobody had spoken to him directly about any of it so Atreus minded his own business. With that said, he’d also heard tell of two packs on either side of the canyon, which certainly intrigued the aspiring ranger.
After wrapping a patrol near the southern end of the canyon, he decided to scope out the next door neighbors in that direction. Atreus knew enough about protocol to hang far back from the borderline, though he sniffed along the outskirts of the hollow, assessing all the scents he came across.
After wrapping a patrol near the southern end of the canyon, he decided to scope out the next door neighbors in that direction. Atreus knew enough about protocol to hang far back from the borderline, though he sniffed along the outskirts of the hollow, assessing all the scents he came across.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
December 06, 2022, 09:53 PM
(This post was last modified: December 06, 2022, 09:55 PM by Alstroemeria.)
Busying herself in some fashion, Alstroemeria had been back and forth across the territories nearest the canyon searching for some herbs to secure in her newest cache.
Tucked together in a wide leaf, a small collection was held tightly between her jaw. Though she was in the process of returning them to her den, something distracted her.
Shifting her attention, the scarred woman noticed the boy sniffing along the earth.
Curious, she inched closer, setting her bundle down carefully.
Tucked together in a wide leaf, a small collection was held tightly between her jaw. Though she was in the process of returning them to her den, something distracted her.
Shifting her attention, the scarred woman noticed the boy sniffing along the earth.
Curious, she inched closer, setting her bundle down carefully.
Looking for something, or simply observing?
December 06, 2022, 10:19 PM
He came across a particularly compelling scent and stood there, nostrils flared and snorting as he drew it into his nose. He was so caught up, he didn’t hear Alstroemeria approaching. He glanced sideways rather absently, caught sight of her and startled.
His eyes dropped to the bundle of leaves at her feet. It reminded him of his momentary misunderstanding at their original meeting. Atreus drew in a breath, still intimidated by her appearance even if she was only a Plebeian. He wanted to say it’d had nothing to do with the jump scare a moment ago, but…
Shit,he hissed under his breath, his heart pounding. Trying to quickly recover his cool, Atreus answered,
I was just snooping on the neighbors,with a too-casual shrug.
His eyes dropped to the bundle of leaves at her feet. It reminded him of his momentary misunderstanding at their original meeting. Atreus drew in a breath, still intimidated by her appearance even if she was only a Plebeian. He wanted to say it’d had nothing to do with the jump scare a moment ago, but…
What are you up to?he asked, genuinely curious.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
December 06, 2022, 10:55 PM
Like before, the response to her presence had been noticed, but did not affect her in any negative way. By now, she'd grown used to it.
When the boy questioned her own whereabouts, she tipped her snout downward towards the bundle.
Snooping? Is that what you young ones take interest in now?It was meant mostly as a joke, though her somewhat stern tone did not suggest as such.
When the boy questioned her own whereabouts, she tipped her snout downward towards the bundle.
Just collecting a few much needed items for my cache.Then a thought occurred.
Care to lend a paw on the way back? I can only manage so much, and I need a few more things.What sort of adult would she be if not to deter their youth from such absurd activities?
December 06, 2022, 11:10 PM
He sensed some disapproval and understood her question was meant to be rhetorical. But as she explained her own goings-on—collecting items for her cache, would he like to lend a hand?—Atreus thought of something.
But he hadn’t meant to ignore her request, so he gestured with his snout toward her bundle and said,
You can learn a lot by observing,he said, unwittingly reminded of his loathsome cousin who’d always been skulking around the rise, spying on everyone and everything.
I mean, couldn’t that be a useful skill? Sneakily gathering information?
But he hadn’t meant to ignore her request, so he gestured with his snout toward her bundle and said,
Sure, I can carry that for you if you want.He padded closer, prepared to pluck the small parcel off the ground but thought to add first,
Do you know anything about them?whilst nodding his head toward Paleo.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
December 06, 2022, 11:23 PM
Nowadays, just about anything could be made into some skill or another. Atreus certainly found no difficulty in proving that.
It wasn't what she'd really expected, him to be so quick to agree in assisting. But he was, even offering to carry the current bundle. Alstroemeria offered a small, grateful nod.
Before she could even begin to think of where she should be searching next, a query slipped his tongue. Shifting her blind eye absentmindedly towards him, she struggled to infer just what "them" was. Clearing her throat quite loudly then, the woman flicked her good eye in the direction he gestured towards.
You are correct, to some extent. I suppose you could say that is part of being a ranger. They aren't always required to be so devious, as you suggest-.. but being attentive is quite crucial.The two had yet to formally begin the boy's lessons, but it appeared that today he would be receiving his first of many studious lectures.
It wasn't what she'd really expected, him to be so quick to agree in assisting. But he was, even offering to carry the current bundle. Alstroemeria offered a small, grateful nod.
Before she could even begin to think of where she should be searching next, a query slipped his tongue. Shifting her blind eye absentmindedly towards him, she struggled to infer just what "them" was. Clearing her throat quite loudly then, the woman flicked her good eye in the direction he gestured towards.
Very little. The imperator knows of a man there — a midwife, and presumably a healer of other sorts. It was suggested that I visit there to receive some instruction in that field of expertise.Other than that, she was just as clueless as the boy appeared to be.
December 07, 2022, 09:58 AM
He liked that word: “devious.” It pained him to follow in Masque’s footsteps, though he had to admit that sneaking around had a certain appeal. If he did it right, Atreus could gather all sorts of intelligence. He only needed to be attentive, which was a far less exciting word. He was fairly certain he could do that.
Alstroemeria said she didn’t know much about the pack residing in the hollow. He nodded to acknowledge her answer, then dipped his head to pick up the pile of greens tucked inside a broader leaf. It was a delicate business, though he managed it and stood to his full height, using his eyes to indicate she should lead the way.
Alstroemeria said she didn’t know much about the pack residing in the hollow. He nodded to acknowledge her answer, then dipped his head to pick up the pile of greens tucked inside a broader leaf. It was a delicate business, though he managed it and stood to his full height, using his eyes to indicate she should lead the way.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
December 10, 2022, 12:07 AM
Leaving open space for them to speak more, but if you would rather save more lessons or "get-to-know-you" conversations for other threads, then we can fade here after your next post!
The boy listened, but shared no voice of afterthought. She thought it slightly odd, but refrained from any added comments. He would speak if he so chose.
When he collected the bundle he had offered to carry, Alstroemeria waved her tail with some slight decision, beckoning for them to head on in the direction of the canyon. Though, they would not be returning just yet.
If Atreus wished to question the woman, or bring forth some topic or another, she would be delighted to oblige. But if not the case, she would collect what items she sought before Ali lead them home.
If you don't have business here, I suggest you get lost.
Wylla had spotted the pair from where she stood atop the high rise in the center of the hollow. She had watched for a few beats, awaiting a summoning howl, and when none came, she began a quick lope in their direction.
It took time to reach them. She was frankly astounded they were still loitering near her borders without announcing their presence by the time she did. They were, in fact, a respectful enough distance away and turning as though to leave, but Wylla didn't much care. One had a bundle of herbs in his mouth. Herbs that she assumed belonged to Paleo, given the proximity.
It was obvious enough to her what they were doing here, skulking about without announcing themselves, and she would have none of it.
She rose imperiously before them with her tail lifted and lightly bristling. She knew by scent these were Mereo wolves, but the alliance between their packs did nothing to excuse their suspicious behaviour, and she did not know these two specifically.
Leave those,she commanded.
If you wish to take our herbs, you ask. They are not yours to take as you please. I don't imagine your leader will be impressed with you stealing from us, either,she added as a warning, baring her teeth in a silent growl.
December 10, 2022, 12:43 PM
They began to shuffle away toward the canyon, though they didn’t get very far before a sharp voice commandeered their attention. Still clasping the leaf in his mouth, Atreus swiveled his head toward the voice and found a bristling she-wolf.
His brows rose. They were just leaving, couldn’t she see that? It actually struck him as funny, a little snort of laughter muffled by the bundle clenched in his teeth. Atreus bit it back nonetheless, sensing this lady was deadly serious.
His eyes shifted questioningly to Alstroemeria in case she wanted to field the woman’s remarks. She had mentioned paying a visit to learn from this pack’s healer, though Atreus couldn’t help but wonder if that was going to work out well given this open hostility.
His brows rose. They were just leaving, couldn’t she see that? It actually struck him as funny, a little snort of laughter muffled by the bundle clenched in his teeth. Atreus bit it back nonetheless, sensing this lady was deadly serious.
His eyes shifted questioningly to Alstroemeria in case she wanted to field the woman’s remarks. She had mentioned paying a visit to learn from this pack’s healer, though Atreus couldn’t help but wonder if that was going to work out well given this open hostility.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
December 10, 2022, 02:11 PM
A voice rose above the air. It was not that of her company, nor anyone of familiarity.
Alstroemeria turned, close in sync with Atreus.
This woman was quite presumptuous, even slightly hostile. The boy gave a small snort, then looked to the scarred woman. Before preparing to address the stranger, she gave the boy a silencing wave of her tail.
Alstroemeria turned, close in sync with Atreus.
This woman was quite presumptuous, even slightly hostile. The boy gave a small snort, then looked to the scarred woman. Before preparing to address the stranger, she gave the boy a silencing wave of her tail.
We are not lowly wolves as to steal. You should not be assuming otherwise.She spoke in a calm tone, while yet remaining firm.
These herbs were not in fact collected on your territory.Ali then added, gesturing to the bundle. She then cast a glance to Atreus.
I had already had them in my possession before we arrived here.We. It had not entirely been the case, but whether the boy was at fault or not, she would not place any blame upon him; especially not in the eyes of this woman.
I apologize if we traveled too far. It is my fault, really... I had been carrying the herbs for so long before passing then to him that they spoiled my nose. We will be returning home now. You needn't worry of us roaming any further by mistake.Alstroemeria watched them steady now. Would she let them depart peacefully, or would the hostility ensue.
Wolves who loitered about on territory borders that didn't belong to them all seemed to have something in common, thought Wylla. As Alstroemeria went on and on and on, she had to resist the urge to roll her eye.
What was it with dumbasses and not knowing when to shut the hell up?
What was it with dumbasses and not knowing when to shut the hell up?
Then take them and fuck off,she rumbled without acknowledging anything else the woman had to say on the matter. Her tone said her words did not: if they didn't go away right this second, she would take action on the disrespect shown to her and her pack.
January 24, 2023, 01:54 PM
Alstroemeria offered a reasonable if long-winded explanation. In turn, the strange woman told them to fuck off. The boy’s brows raised a little and his eyes flicked between the two women for several seconds. How was his pack mate going to take that?
But before she could react, he mumbled,
He didn’t wait for a reply. Hoping his movement would encourage her to follow suit, Atreus did what the angry, one-eyed lady wanted and fucked off back to the canyon.
But before she could react, he mumbled,
C’mon,around the leaf in his mouth and cocked his head indicatively.
He didn’t wait for a reply. Hoping his movement would encourage her to follow suit, Atreus did what the angry, one-eyed lady wanted and fucked off back to the canyon.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
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