Redtail Rise LIX
Redtail Rise
663 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
another deer had come down in the bloodwood. mountain boulder and new snow had left its body in the forest to visit for meals as they worked on the den.

this day, he brought one of the legs back to the rise, flank to hoof and still fresh albeit stiff with cold.

mountain boulder searched for no one in particular as he paused in the burned place to begin butchering the haunch, intending to spread it between several caches before he went on patrol.
899 Posts
Ooc — mercury
despite his position as huntleader, Augur had been scarce. Avicus noted this, assuming he'd been out, naturally, doing his job. she hadn't left the Rise and found his burgeoning claim to the maplewood, after all.

but still—their paths had barely crossed since the brouhaha with Lilia and Ancelin.

today, they finally converged.

Augur, she greets, having stepped into the place herself to hunt for small game. she's spent a lot of time here, as of late; she's missed her mother greatly, and Astara's namesake place brings her some measure of peace.

she nods down to the kill, a rumble of approval in her throat. well caughh', she murmurs. 

the air between them feels heavy, though perhaps that's only her imagination. there's still a lot of mistrust between the pair, she thinks.
but see, amid the mimic rout,
a crawling shape intrude —
a blood-red thing that writhes from out
the scenic solitude
Redtail Rise
663 Posts
Ooc — ebony
wealda came.

ulfhedinn had been reminded his place was not guaranteed and had quieted then any semblance of what could be considered challenge.

mountain boulder offered a thump of his tail, yellow eyes narrowing to slits as his ears fell back and he welcomed her with a lap to scarlet chin.

mountain boulder was waiting for moon runner.

red woman was given his respect as always. he motioned toward the deer-leg with a lowered head.

did she want it?
899 Posts
Ooc — mercury
his gesture is met by a shake of her head; no. no, he'd done well in the hunt, though she hopes he'll stash it away for the Rise's benefit.

she cares little about the prey in this moment, only the wolf whom her eyes rest upon.

Augur, Avicus begins, straightening. her gaze is soft, quietly assessing. i. . .know ihh' nohh' been good here.

her shoulders lift, eyes swivel briefly in illustration of all that had transpired. 

and then: you truhh' me? she asks, her stare growing gimlet. i truhh' you—you are here.

if he had really been swayed toward Lilia's banner, he would have followed. and yet, he remains.
but see, amid the mimic rout,
a crawling shape intrude —
a blood-red thing that writhes from out
the scenic solitude
Redtail Rise
663 Posts
Ooc — ebony
red woman was hesitant in a way he had not seen before. mountain boulder was attentive, his ears cupped toward her as she spoke.

through tone and the language of the body, he gathered that she wished him to perhaps reinforce that he was loyal to the rise. he could not parse anything more nuanced, else he might have answered that he did not feel her trust and had grown wary of earlier security.

his ears slanted. trust. he did not trust she would not leave again and he did not trust that his choices in leadership would be upheld. the former was not his responsibility; wealda came and went and remained their head, as they wished. as he wished. the latter too, his appointment of other co-leads, was something he now surrendered to her.

but mountain boulder could convey none of this sentiment, a low whine of vague trepidation sounding beneath her hard indigo eyes.
899 Posts
Ooc — mercury
he's still unsure. she can't blame him. but at the same time, she cannot trust him wholly yet, either. she nods, and steps forward to the haunch, beginning to tear the meat in a workmanlike fashion, portioning it out for a later time.

they will dwell in silence for a while, before Avicus lifts her head and licks her chops and,

i 'hhtruhh' you, she insists, giving him a graceful bow of her head. you've been good for uhh' all.

hunter, warrior, father to a child or two. hopefully, she can retain his loyalty.

but she does have questions.

why did you nohh' pick me, over her? Avicus asks, lips drawing tight.
but see, amid the mimic rout,
a crawling shape intrude —
a blood-red thing that writhes from out
the scenic solitude
Redtail Rise
663 Posts
Ooc — ebony
why did you not trust in why i chose her? was something he simply could not communicate.

there was an answering hurt in his eyes. he looked now, hard, in the direction red woman had gone, and then the direction in which she had returned.

where she had met with he and wolverine, the moment of the broken trust.

we waited. i waited.

and when the waiting had been through, she had come back and turned her teeth on the woman who had stepped into a role of leadership.

he did not understand.
899 Posts
Ooc — mercury
he can't answer her in the way she desires. she only sees the pain in his gaze, and knows—though finds it hard to admit aloud—that he'd struggled with this just as much as she had.

now, she struggles with words in response.

but maybe they didn't need them, now. he'd never had them, after all—and she struggled with them, based on her upbringing and her tattered tongue.

he's here. she's here.

Avicus steps forward and presses her muzzle into his temple, breathing deep.

she understands.

and she hopes they both can forgive the other.
but see, amid the mimic rout,
a crawling shape intrude —
a blood-red thing that writhes from out
the scenic solitude
Redtail Rise
663 Posts
Ooc — ebony


all forgotten. all forgiven.

her kiss, returned.

when they leave the land it is together; they would hunt and share blood, and the freshness of a kill made between them would right all wrongs with the salted taste of connection and success.