Firefly Glen [PHE ] there, there, baby, it's just textbook stuff
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,141 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Bidding farewell to Moonwoman, the Mayfair lifted a paw, rubbing at the back of his neck a moment as he considered. The only approach was to do it now—the saying of eating the frog standing out clear within his mind.

So, he went to go rip the bandaid off swiftly, disappointment etched upon his features.

Crooning—he beckoned for @Cygnet and @Mae in the Swiftcurrent camp, coming to a small clearing and thrumming a paw on the ground as he waited. His eyes lifted to the sky—noting the direction of sun. Later day—cooler now, then it had been only hours before. Thus was autumn.
Swiftcurrent Creek
134 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Cygnet and Mae had been working on a game that the two of them could play that seemed to keep others from coming over to interact with them. Facing one another, one wolf took a turn laying with their forelimbs outstretched, though with their core engaged and some weight settled onto their hind limbs. They would need that balance to yank one of their forepaws back as quickly as possible. 

The other sat, with both forepaws planted on the ground. The aim of the game was for the sitting wolf to smack the other opponent’s paw against the ground before the other had a chance to pull it back. 

“Knuckles,” essentially. 

Occasionally, a fake would be thrown in- and if the other opponent flinched, then a free smack would be given to their paw. 

They played mercilessly, and Cygnet caught herself wondering if Mae truly was blind. 

When the call came, she heaved a sigh. S’go, then, She muttered. 

Guiltless, but with forepaws smarting lightly, she answered Akavir’s call and looked at him questioningly.