Redhawk Caldera you're always talking but you're not playing
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
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Ooc — Iris
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All Welcome 
Eljay had been in good spirits ever since Maia had come to their doorstep. Even the revelation about Peter had made Eljay feel more trusted with her and though he'd been tired as he tried to process all of the belated emotions, somehow remembering what Peter had brought to his life made Eljay feel good in some way, too, despite all the grief and pain that lay behind it.

Today the medic was patrolling the borders. He'd checked out the southern borders and peered into the dark forest there, but saw nothing -- he wondered idly of @Towhee had already taken care of the threat there -- and then he moved on to the west. He diverged from the borders again there (because subconsciously, patrolling the northern border would remind him that Wraen was coming, and subconsciously, he preferred to stay in absolute denial about the fact that Maia was a) leaving at some point and b) not, in fact, a part of this pack.

As he went further inland, Eljay caught the scent of a rabbit that he managed to chase down through sheer luck (just as it was about to dash into its hole it bumped into a rabbit that was just coming out, and the headbutt gave Eljay time to grab it). In good spirits with the prize between his jaws, Eljay started to make his way back to his family den while the sun warmed his back.
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Ooc — Me
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Keeping vague about the contents of Maia/Wraen ongoing thread.

It's an age-old story about closing the eyes for just a little while and awakening several hours later. In Wraen's case she had cuddled up to Maia, fallen asleep and slept for a whole day, waking up briefly to stretch, turn and get more comfortable. Weariness was heavy on her still even on the day, when she no longer wanted to just sleep. Her body and limbs were stiff from lack of motion and she herself felt very hungry too.

@Maia had left some morsels for her to eat and, though this was hardly enough to sate her hunger, it was good to get her on her feet and have her moving. Walking through Redhawk caldera felt a little awkward - this had never been her home and, even though she knew that technically no one had forbidden her presence, it still felt foreign and unfriendly to her. 

Therefore imagine her relief, when the first person she caught sight of was Eljay, who by the looks of it seemed to be both in good health and spirits. "Good morning!" she called out to him from afar and then hastened her pace to come and greet him properly.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
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The first person Eljay saw when he returned to the den wasn't who he expected. Instead, it was Wraen. He was glad that Wraen was staying at Redhawk Caldera for a while, because that also gave him more time with Maia before her inevitable departure. He had not decided yet what his role in it all was; where he would go.

As he arrived at the Blackthorn den Eljay first put down the rabbit he'd just killed. Hey Wraen, he said with his trademark soft smile. He glanced at the rabbit and hesitated a moment. Are you hungry..? We should leave some for Maia, but you can have half if you want. Eljay nudged it forward with his nose towards Wraen.
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Ooc — Me
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"Oh, I will be fine. Don't worry," Wraen declined politely, though she was hungry and this would have been an easy treat. But she also knew that compared to Maia her cold did not prevent her from going out and finding something for herself. It would therefore feel wrong to eat away the resources of others. 

"I wanted to thank you for taking such a good care of my sister," she went straight to the point, because, what else she could say to the man. "I was worried that she had got in some sort of trouble and I am glad that she ended up here out of all the other places," she said, meaning every word. She hated to imagine, what would have happened if the attacker had succeeded in his quest.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
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Master Sitter
Wraen declined, and Eljay nodded, secretly a little relieved. He wasn't a big star at catching small prey so he was quite glad that he wouldn't have to go out and catch more for Maia soon. Hopefully the pack'd bring down something a bit bigger so that he could share some of that, soon. Maybe he'd look up @Niamh later to catch something together; they had always been a rather efficient hunting duo and he enjoyed working together with her on these things. Eljay had always been much better at catching large prey than small things, but that also required other wolves.

Wraen went on to thank him for taking care of Maia. Eljay couldn't help but wonder if Maia had already told her, but he could only imagine... Probably? It was hard to imagine Maia not telling Wraen about it right away. He was glad to hear that she was happy she'd ended up here; he could imagine, after having purposely left the pack, that Wraen might not have been too happy about her sister ending up here — or mostly, having good reasons to want to be here more.

Ah, uh, it was no problem, Eljay said with a sheepish smile; he'd never been good at taking compliments, even now that he was beginning to realise that he maybe was competent at some things, such as caretaking. I'm... He thought of the past days and smiled a little as he felt butterflies dance in his stomach. I'm really glad that she ended up here of all places, too. There was something magical about Redhawk Caldera for Eljay, and this was only proof of it. He still hadn't completely put leaving out of the picture -- but if they did, then where would they live? he just didn't see himself as a wolf without a pack around him -- but at the same time, raising children not right here at the Blackthorn den made him a little sad, too, since it was his home and he really would like to give such a home to his children, too.

However, it was far too early to talk to Maia about children, and so he put the thoughts away again for now. Instead, unsure what Wraen had shared, Eljay decided to stay professional and just share her healing process with his friend. She seems to be healing well enough. The wounds have scabbed over and though it will take some time, I don't think there's any permanent damage. How about you? Are you feeling alright? Anything I can help with? He was ever the caretaker, after all, and now that she was here anyway he might as well check up on how his friend was doing.
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"I am fine, thank you, Eljay!" Wraen politely declined his offer for more assistance. Maybe later she would inquire about some remedies for her cough, but experience told her that this would subside either within 7 days or one week, regardless of, what she did or did not do. Unless it got complicated, but she did not want to think about that too much. 

"I spoke with Maia just recently," she began another topic, one - perhaps - Eljay too wanted to discuss, but being shy did not dare to bring up. Which - if it was true - was funny, because Wraen had never considered herself to be scary or threatening. "You two are kind a thing - to put it in her words?" she asked.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay frowned when Wraen turned down his offer. Honestly, he didn't have many herbs right now anyway, but he had wanted to ask some check questions just to be sure it was just a cold or something. When she turned down he opened his mouth to object, but then he frowned, internally debated it and decided that Wraen was too stubborn anyway. She wouldn't change her mind. So the caretaker said, Alright. Just... Tell me if it gets worse. He hoped she would do that for him, at least. Wraen had always been a silent sufferer, something Eljay wildly admired and envied. He tried to hide his pain, but the last few years had showed all his closest that he just wasn't any good at it.

Eljay nodded when Wraen said she'd talked to Maia. What had Maia told Wraen? A lot of things were still pretty unclear, and a lot of them unspoken. The only thing that that really knew for sure was that they liked each other and they wanted to see more of each other in the future.

When Wraen shared that he and Maia were.. a thing.. his eyes widened. He hadn't expected that, of all things for Wraen to say. After a few seconds of stunned silence Eljay finally managed to use his words to express his thoughts. Yes, that's right. I mean, we didn't -- like -- officially official anything, uhm... Eljay's smile grew as he continued: But yeah, pretty much. We know we like each other a bunch, and like spending time together. He wondered what Wraen thought of it all. Then again, just because Maia and Eljay wanted to see more of each other, it wouldn't necessarily impact how much Wraen and Maia saw each other, right? But then, Wraen did want to cut ties with the Caldera and Eljay wasn't so sure he wanted to leave it. And he did want kids again some day, maybe... Eljay hadn't even shared the latter with Maia though -- it was way too soon! -- so he sure as heck wasn't planning to share it with Wraen. He really just wanted to enjoy the now and not think of the future too much. Of course, he hoped that his future would have Maia and their kids and Redhawk Caldera and Wraen in it... However, he was realistic enough to see that all of that might not be an option, all at once.

He contemplated asking Wraen why she didn't like Moonspear. However, he didn't really want to cut their lovely conversation about Maia (insert rainbows and unicorns and cotton candy clouds floating by every time Eljay said or thought of her and her name) with something that sound be construed as him trying to convince Wraen to change her mind. That didn't seem right, so he didn't share it.
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Ooc — Me
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"I promise," Wraen nodded in agreement, feeling a little guilty for not giving in right away. Eljay was a healer, who took pride in, what he did, and she had forgotten that one had to boost that small ego of his in, whichever way possible. Besides - weren't she notoriously famous for downplaying symptoms of sickness? When it came to her own health, the inner barometer did not work that well at all. 

"She seems very happy," she remarked and so did Eljay. For the one and a half year she had had the pleasure of living next to him, Wraen had not seen much spark in him. Especially after Wildfire had died, with his parents passing away too. Deep inside Wraen was still sceptical about his ability to move on and deal with his self-esteem and control-freak issues, but there were never relationships without obstacles to overcome. Perhaps, having someone like Maia by his side - who also battled with her own insecurities - made them better friends and way down the road - mates too. 

"Uh... you will be happy to know that we figured we could try and settle nearby so you and her can meet each other regularly," she said. "It's the middle ground between my wish not to be allied to Moonspear in any way and her and your chance at making a relationship. See, where it goes."
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
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Master Sitter
Eljay's smile brightened when Wraen said that Maia looked very happy. When he looked at her face she looked very happy, too, but it was still a great reassurance to hear it from her sister. Wraen would always play a big role in her life, after all.

He nodded when Wraen said that they would settle nearby so that Maia wouldn't have to go far away from him. That's great, he said, a little calmer and less over-the-moon in love this time. He contemplated to ask if they had a place yet, but decided against it because it was unlikely he knew the place anyway, and also this settling-nearby thing was pretty new, so probably the answer was no. There were a lot of doubts surrounding it all, such as what if we want a family but he knew it was too early to spring them on Maia, let alone Wraen.

Instead, he asked, What... What happened, with Moonspear? Why do you not like them? Eljay knew very little about pack politics. If it were up to him, he'd prefer they stay independent as a pack. He had never even visited Moonspear or talked to anyone from there. This meant he didn't yet know about the reasons why Wraen didn't like them. He naively thought that maybe if he could somehow fix that, he could get them all to live in the same place eventually: right here.
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Ooc — Me
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"That is a long and convoluted story. Dates way back, when I lived in Moonspear myself. To put it briefly - I and Ostrega family with few exceptions have fundamentally different ideas of, how one should lead a pack or deal with problems in relation to family matters," Wraen explained, though - as she said this - it felt very old and dusty already. The statement still stood true, but she wished that there was a chance to move beyond that, let the hurts and misunderstandings of the past lie and not have them affect present. Yes, she would never like Hydra, nor would the latter appreciate Wraen in any way. At the same time... and especially now that this mutual dislike had made others think that it was alright to attack her verbally, threaten her even... she did not know, how to handle it properly other than distancing herself from Moonspear itself and packs that were their allies. 

"I recently had a unpleasant run-in too and learned that no one has taken kindly to Arcturus leaving the pack," she explained. "What's more - I am blamed for doing that," she said. "And with Arthur not being ready to face his family or talk to them - he did not leave on good terms, I do not feel safe to either be close to, where Moonspear lays their claim on the lands or where they are closely allied to someone. I have my full faith in you and Towhee and the rest of Redhawks - I like you a lot, but at the same time I do not wish to be in a situation, where my personal views come at odds with what this pack needs."
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
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Master Sitter
Wraen explained that Moonspear's ideas were very different from Wraen's, and he wondered what had happened to make her think that. Oh? he wondered out loud. Eljay had never even met any of them. I didn't know you used to be a part of them. He knew very little of the world outside of his little bubble in this pack.

She then went on to explain that Arcturus' family looked down on him for leaving. That was unimaginable to Eljay. He couldn't help but wonder if there was nothing that could be done, but it sounded like a terribly gone wrong situation.

She then finished by saying that she liked the Redhawks -- which prompted a soft smile from Eljay -- but that her personal views clashed with what the pack needed. Wow, Eljay said with a thoughtful frown. After a moment of thought to process it all, Eljay said, Why are Moonspear and the Redhawks allied at all? Why would they -- no, actually, why would we give up some of our own -- someone who lead us for so long -- for... Them? For staying friends with them? Who decided that? He didn't mean to stir any shit up, but found himself at a total loss. He just didn't understand. At the first sign of another wolf being in potential danger from another pack, he felt that they should've always chosen their own.

That was his philosophy, and how he felt that leadership in the pack should be. It was hard to imagine Towhee would throw Wraen and Arcturus under the bus like that. That she'd choose the alliance over her own pack. Had she really done that?
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Wraen knew that she had said too much, when she saw change in Eljay and him beginning to question things. His leadership above all. Crap. Now she had to fix things quickly, before he ran off to Towhee and a whole lot of another mess unfolded. Was this her good luck or what?

"Umm... you see, it is not that straightforward. I have my differences of opinion with Moonspear wolves, but that does not necessarily mean that the way they handle things is entirely wrong. They do it in accordance, what they believe is right and in their best interests," she explained. "And I have my way of doing it, which is not either right or wrong."

"Besides - whatever has happened between me and my former pack or Arcturus and his family is a very personal matter. Personal and politics should not mix. You do, what is in the best interests of all," she said. "It would be blatantly wrong for me as a leader to insist that my pack has nothing to do with the other one, when our children have gone there to learn and grow and build a future," she went on.

"Just because I have differences of opinion or some bad experience, does not mean that Moonspear does not host good people. They do. They even have admirable qualities. And they care well for those, who have been placed in their trust," she said. "If Towhee, Niamh and Phox entrust their children to be in their care, I say you should have full faith in them and their decisions," she finished. 

"I left my post, because I value my friendship with you way more than to let my past come in and ruin it," she smiled at him fondly.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Wraen went on to say that Moonspear wasn't bad, but that she was just different in how she did things. Wraen put some things in perspective, but still, Eljay found it hard to believe. Despite all of it, he felt that the pack should've supported Wraen. That they should've chosen her, not Moonspear. No matter the reasons, they didn't matter. Wraen was their friend and their leader; she was family. It was like Towhee said: she was a Firebird, a Redhawk and a Blackthorn all in her own way, like all of them.

It was very altruist that she gave up on the pack, on all of it, for the pack, but it still didn't sit right with him. There was another thoughtful pause after Wraen stopped talking, and he smiled fondly at the last thought. That was nice...

... But it was also wrong, he felt. If they're good people, why would they hate you for supporting Arcturus in his choices? Eljay remembered that Arcturus had come here by his own devices. He had chosen. And still, I think... I feel that I've failed you, Wraen. That we all did. Heck, I didn't even know this was going on. I was so... Drowning. And now that his head was finally sticking out of the thick fog that Wiffle's death had left behind, a lot had changed. He'd almost lost Maia over it. And he wasn't sure he wanted to lose her - or Wraen - again. The thing is not whether Moonspear was wrong here. It's that we should've all chosen to be a pack above supporting our allies, all of us. The strength of a wolf is in the pack. And the pack can only be strong if we all trust and support each other. I'm not... I'm not saying we should all hate Moonspear... He frowned thoughtfully. But we should have chosen our pack mates over our allies. Every time. And in turn, we... He looked up at Wraen now, feeling flustered and nervous about saying this about her actions, but knowing he had to, Should trust in the pack to make those right choices, too. Being a leader doesn't mean you have to choose for us by leaving. It means... I don't know, helping us make the right decisions I guess, and being there for us, but -- and -- Wraen, you should have seen it. That you would always be more important to every one of us than the alliance with Moonspear. He looked at her then, not looking away like he usually would after saying such a bold statement. Because he knew for sure that he was right this time (even though he was a total noob at pack politics). Eljay was completely determined that that was the truth of the matter. So determined, in fact, that he spoke on behalf of the whole pack for convenience's sake.
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After that one conversation, where Maia had expressed her unhappiness about Eljay staying behind and Wraen had told her rather unkind opinion of him, she had actually felt a little guilty for letting almost two years worth of annoyance pour out so freely. Good thing that her sister had not taken every word to heart and that she had reached out to her happiness regardless of what her older sister may have said previously. Because now, when Eljay spoke so ardently about, how the pack should always have chosen their own members over alliances, it reminded her of that summer day long, long time ago, when Wraen had been elected as a Sovereign. He had been the one to support her. And somehow in the sea of depression she had witnessed afterwards, this moment of glory along with all the other good qualities that Eljay had, had disappeared from her sight.

She felt moved by his loyalty to her even after she no longer was his leader and did not belong to the same pack. That spoke volumes of, what kind of person he was: once you had earned his place in his heart, you stayed there forever. And Wraen appreciated it a lot and regretted that she had given up on him before. It was as Wildfire had once told her - it took a lot of patience with Eljay and in the end it was worth it. To see him shine through all the little insecurities that plagued his life. "Eljay, you did not fail me. Towhee did not want me to leave, I left on my own accord," she said, smiling at him sincerely. "But you cannot expect either her or Niamh putting me above their children, do you?" she asked. "You would not do that either. And I would loathe to require it of anyone. Future matters, Eljay, and past should never stand in the way of it," she said.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
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Master Sitter
Even though there were many logical explanations, it still didn't sit well with Eljay. Meerkat should never have left, young as she was, she should've been raised right here amidst the pack. Bronco was old enough to choose for himself. However much it pained Eljay, for he'd gotten used to having Fennec around for the brief time she'd studied with him and her feistiness reminded him of the son he had lost, if it was Fennec or his own pack, he'd have to choose his pack every time. It would be up to Fennec and the other kids, then, to choose the right side of the argument; their old or new pack.

It wasn't about that, though. It wasn't about choosing Wraen over Bronco or Meerkat. It was about choosing for pack and family, and Wraen and Maia were irrevocably a part of that. How could he explain that, though? Eljay felt that Wraen softened as she spoke, understood where he came from, but still she did not relent in her opinion.

I would hope my children to choose for family if it really came to that. This family -- this pack. All of us. Not whatever part of it is convenient. Eljay still believed that both the pack had failed Wraen, and that she had failed the pack by choosing for them rather than helping them decide the next step. If the future matters, and we shouldn't let the past stand in the way, then why can't amends be made between Arcturus and his family? The whole Moonspear thing seems to be exactly a case of the past standing in the way of the future, or -- the here and now, at the least. Things had not been the same since Wraen and Maia had left. Some things had changed for the better for Eljay, but he still felt a big hole. Not just where Maia had stepped out of his life, but Wraen, too. They'd known each other for so long, and she was one of his friends. He didn't want to lose her over some stupid feud that made no sense to him.
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Ooc — Me
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"Well, that's where you and I differ then," Wraen replied, enjoying this new Eljay (or the same old one, but from a side she rarely had the honour to see) and the conversation they had. "Because... pack matters to me just as individuals do. I may not have approved of Bronco or Meerkat going there for the fear that they might change. But I met Bronco afterwards and not only I realized that not only I love that sweet mug no matter, where his affiliations lie, but he also has his good heart right, where it has always been," she replied. 

"To me love and loyalty means not only keeping people close, but also knowing, when to let them go. By giving them freedom, I gain more. By removing myself from here, I may have acted selfish, but the past does not poison any of my present relationships," she said. "Well, it is not that straightforward and, whatever unfinished business Arcturus has with Moonspear is better left for him to deal with in his own time and fashion," Wraen told. "You of all people know the best, what it feels like losing everything and how long it takes to get back on your feet and put your life back together. To decide, where you want to go from there," she said.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
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Ooc — Iris
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Master Sitter
Wraen stuck to her point, and though Eljay didn't really get it, he still respected her opinion. He could see how individuals mattered, not just pack, but at the same time he felt that their family stood above all. But maybe it was just his herding instinct speaking; Eljay just wanted everyone he cared about to be together. He'd learned the hard way with Elfie that things didn't always play out that way, though.

Eljay couldn't help but think that Wraen was again trying to do it all alone in this hypothetical situation. Yeah, suppose we do. You could've stepped down without leaving, or asked counsel and not made the decision yourself. I mean, I know it's too late for that, water under the bridge and all, but maybe in the future... He paused briefly before he added: The weight and responsibility of the world only rests on your shoulder alone if you make it so. He hoped he wasn't overstepping any boundaries and looked away after he'd said it, a tell that he realised it might be a bit much to put it that way. However, he did feel it true, and he wanted his friend to know that sometimes it was okay too ask others for counsel rather than fix everything for everyone alone.

Yeah... he said on the matter of Arcturus, sucked back momentarily into darker times of his life and how miserable he'd been. He still felt guilty for putting everyone else through that. He must not have been very fun at the time. I hope he and his family figure it all out. It seems like a lot. Eljay knew nothing about them at all, but hopefully some day it was all solved. He really did liked to think that maybe there was a remote possibility they could ask live together again one day. Here, hopefully.

I miss having you around, he admitted, perhaps giving away some of the more selfish reasons for his sadness over her departure and how he felt the pack should've stuck with her.
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"I try not to forget about it, but... to be honest with having only two... three fairly independent people to look out for instead of making decisions for the whole pack, it is easier. Leadership takes toll on you and there are times, when you grow tired," Wraen replied, knowing that she was a happier being now that there was not so much responsibility of her shoulders.

"And... I never considered that "Sovereign" would be a job for life to me. I stepped up, when the pack needed it the most, and I stepped down, when my job had been done. I want to believe that I left the pack better than, when I got it, and I was very lucky to have such a wonderful co-leader to take over," she said.

"Eljay, you should not feel bad for me, when it does not bother me at all. I have no regrets or hard feelings or disappointments. I had a great time with you all, I learned a lot and now I am off to learn some more," she smiled. "Just because I won't have a home right here with you, but in the vicinity, does not make you any less of a friend or a family," she told him.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
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Ooc — Iris
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When Wraen said that being a leader was taxing, Eljay nodded. I can't imagine, but it must be. He had never been a leader, after all. The closest he had come to it was when Wiffle had asked him to become an Honoree, and then the thought of her appointing him leader had been so scary. Admittedly, right now it wasn't as scary at all as it had been back then, though he didn't consider himself someone who would take up the helm of any pack. Instead, he half-jokingly said, Guess my parents got it right, huh, sticking to Beta. It seemed a lot easier to just advise the one who carried the brunt of the weight than having to carry it all on your own back.

Eljay nodded as Wraen further explained. He didn't mean that she should've lead them forever — he just wished she'd stepped down and stayed with them. The herd dog in him hated the thought that they couldn't have stuck with some of their own, made them stay, and he wondered still if it was in part his fault — their fault — or if it was only Wraen's stubbornness that was to blame.

As if she sensed this, Wraen said that he shouldn't feel bad for her. Well, maybe his thoughts were in part selfish, he realised as she said that, because he really just wanted them to be together, the family; everyone. Wraen included, there. He nodded and let out a sigh, though it was unclear whether he was disappointed in that he hadn't been able to convince her of his thoughts, or that he agreed with her. ... I know. I just... He shook his head, as if dismissing the thoughts. It didn't matter. I guess you're right. I just miss having you around. Of course, Maia, too, but Wraen was as much a part of that equation for him as Maia was. Well, okay, maybe Maia a little bit more. But still; seeing Wraen again made Eljay realise how much he missed it when everyone was a part of the same pack. Maybe it meant a little bit more to him than to others because for him, his world was limited pretty much to the pack so just dropping by for a visit wasn't as easy.

Trying to shift onto more positive subjects Eljay asked, So uhm, where are you staying now? Did you find somewhere nice to settle down yet? Are you planning to make a pack, or just band together with you guys for the winter..?
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"No, not yet. It is just an idea," Wraen shrugged, but knew that the time to start doing something about it was very near. Either they found a place or they chose a different solution for themselves. But she did not wish to think that far in the future. One problem at a time. 

"We'll see. It's three of us at the moment, but I am thinking of going off to the plateau and meeting my niece and her family too. See, if they were interested to band together for winter. And if we survive that - perhaps - a lot longer too," she grinned. She was about to ask, if Eljay knew any suitable territories nearby, but did not. He after all was not the travelling type. 

"How is Weejay doing?" she asked, remembering her last encounter with the girl, who had been so distraught about the garden a deer had destroyed.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
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Ooc — Iris
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Eljay nodded as Wraen said it was just an idea for now. He hoped they had enough wolves for a pack and maybe a territory already, too. It seemed that the planning phase wasn't that far yet. Eljay toyed with the idea of coming with them, but he had returned here so recently and he wasn't sure he was ready to go again.

Honestly, if this had been the firebirds, he really did feel that he would've gone. But it wasn't, this was so much more home than that. Eljay nodded at Wraen's words, happy to be informed but not having much to add; he didn't travel much after all, so he knew little about the territories in the area.

Wraen asked after Weejay, and Eljay smiled softly as he recalled his last talk with his daughter. She seemed over the moon about Eljay and Maia. She is doing quite well. She's such a good person. Caring, sweet and really kind. This was said with some pride. Her garden at the Copse was ruined, but I hope here she could... Well, that wasn't so sure then, that it would be here, anyway, he thought briefly before continuing that sentence, Make a new one in spring. She's, uh -- she also really likes Maia, so she's happy about us. Eljay smiled. Sometimes he worried a little that Weejay maybe cared too much about him. He loved her to bits, of course, but he wanted her to lead her own life, too.
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Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"Weejay has always been a very good girl," Wraen agreed with all that Eljay had said and was glad that despite complicated childhood the girl had grown up into a mature adult, who exemplified the best qualities of both of her parents. "I was there, when the garden was destroyed and really felt sorry for her. She had put so much work and care in it," she said. For a moment there she thought about Elfie too and what would he have to say about the matter, but for her at least - he had remained stuck in time - she remembered the boisterous and passionate teenager, but could not picture him as an adult. 

"I would not have expected anything less of her. Maia is person, who is difficult not to like. And I say it not just because I am her sister," she explained, though Eljay was the last person she needed to convince, how amazing Maia was. Whether them two could find a common ground and meet each other in the middle, when it would come to opposing character traits was an entirely different matter. For their sake, she hoped they would build their relationship on solid foundations and not give up at first difficulties. 

"So, is she following in our footsteps and learns about medicine? Or has she chosen a different path for her?" Wraen asked.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay nodded at Wraen's words, happy just to talk about his little girl Weejay for a moment. He frowned and nodded about the garden. After that they'd tried to patch it back up, but then the floods had hit and, well, there wasn't a lot that could be done about it after. Eljay had tried very hard, but in some way, maybe those were the last attempts of him trying to make living in the Copse work; and in some way, the last of his grief seeping away because he'd tried so hard that whatever happened to the garden, it wasn't his fault.

Hopefully she can make one next spring, he ended up saying as a way to revive what he didn't say before. He left it open where that would be. Eljay hoped that it would be here, but he also knew that Maia cared a great deal about her sister, so maybe not.

As Wraen said that Maia was difficult not to like, Eljay chuckled. That much was definitely true. It was surprising that there was such a soft, insecure interior beyond that cheerful and friendly exterior which had nothing to dislike to it. Then again, Eljay had found that the interior also had nothing to dislike to it, so to him, like to Wraen, it was very hard to relate to anyone disliking Maia.

As for Weejay and medicine, Eljay looked uncertain. Not entirely. I mean, she's always shown interest in plants and I've taught her a few things based off that, but she mostly really loves flowers and knowing about flowers, I think. He wasn't sure that she would go into caretaking as hard as Eljay himself had.

After a short moment of silence, Eljay then said, I'm glad Maia has a big sister like you. Eljay thought briefly to his own childhood, which had been hard. He had only had his parents and cousins, but no one else to look up to. His mother'd vanished a few times on trips away and he had hated it, and then there were the times when it was uncertain whether she'd come home at all. He always tried to be the big brother to his siblings that he didn't have, but he knew that he wasn't really big brother material. He paused a moment while he contemplated what else to say without sounding cheesy -- 'you're great' or 'she loves you a lot' seemed too much, and yet also too little -- and eventually he just remained silent and hoped a good follow-up would come to him later.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"I find it very funny, when they call me her "big sister"," Wraen remarked. "Because just look at us - one's small, withered and in the colour of dirt. While the other's taller and sturdier, and overall better looking too," she smiled to herself, knowing well that, if Maia were here, there would be a very heated argument about proving that Wraen was absolutely wrong. "If anyone was a big sister, then Maia is definitely one to me. And saying - older - just makes me feel old," she sighed. 

There was a silence between them afterwards, while Wraen tried to decide, whether she should bring up serious matters in regards of Eljay's relationship with Maia now, or do it later. Or not at all and have things unfold gradually and sort out themselves. Were it not for the recent falling out with Bronco, she would have gone for The Talk straight away. Because Maia's beau was similar to his object of adoration in that he did not know, what flings were. If he got together with a girl, he had already everything planned out right 'till the day they would die. Would her warning him about not attempting to clip Maia's wings in the name of safety and his peace of mind, do any good? 

What had it been the boy had said - had it occurred to her that she did not know everything? She had got so used to the role of being the shoulder everyone cried and snivelled on that she had assumed that their troubles were hers to solve. Or that she should give some advice at least or go ahead and deal with troubles even before they had happened. But now - though it hurt still that she had been rebuffed so by a person, who she held dear, this experience had taught her that she did not need to meddle in everything. Some things were better left alone. Therefore, she made a decision not to get involved in Maia's and Eljay's relationship. No matter, what happened, it was their ship to sail and steer, she would watch from the coast. With a small luxury called binoculars.

Wraen let out a small sigh, turned to Eljay and said: "I think I will go and take some rest now. It was nice talking to you."
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,127 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay chuckled as Wraen said that she was definitely the shorter and smaller sister. Eljay didn't think that being a big sister was about size, but he kept it to himself as he didn't want to start any arguments about whether or not Wraen was a good big sister. He'd said it, and he didn't think that arguing with Wraen would change her thoughts. But hopefully, thinking about him saying it at some point might make her smile a little, because she deserved to feel good about the role she fulfilled in Maia's life. It was clear that Wraen meant a great deal to Maia.

There was a silence between them, and Eljay never really found a good thing to add onto his previous sentence. He decided not to say anything in the end, and just stayed silent. It seemed Wraen was in a contemplative silence too, until she decided with a notable small sigh that she would rest up. Eljay nodded, understanding that being sick took a lot of energy. Yeah, of course. You too, Wraen. Eljay smiled softly at her and let her be on her way then.