Raven's Watch And a love, and a home
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
All Welcome 
Hope this is okay! didn't want to jump the gun too much but it made sense for her to check here before headin south <3

Bridget really didn't want to do this, but she'd scoured the area with no luck.  Sundance had already gone south and she wanted to follow, but she couldn't while leaving this stone unturned.  Much as she despised them, she had to ask if they knew anything before she called it quits for now.  She'd keep looking, but at this point, she was starting to think Teya really had vanished into thin air.

When she got to their borders she howled unceremoniously, then waiting.  Knowing these ones they'd be on her momentarily, though she wondered which it would be.  Shady shim or sparkles?  Either way, she'd have to play nice, because she needed this information.  For Teya, she'd suck it up.
devour the stars
243 Posts
Ooc — Gina
-descends on this-

The howl was a voice unknown to the man, his head lifting before dark eyes searched for the woman he had come to spend so much time with the last few weeks. This one will return, He told @Antha, already planning to return with a meal for her and the boy both once his business at the borders was complete.

Departure made, the gilded wolf made his way to where he had been called, surprise and ire both rising in him when he realized who, exactly, it was. Suspicion riled and coiled, wondering if the dark headed woman was here as well, but another breath corrected his thoughts. She was alone.

You called? He asked, taking great effort to keep his voice level, giving her space in case she decided to lash out with more than just words this time.
10055/50000 (10055/50000)
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Sparkles, Bridget noted silently, and she gave him a look that spoke of the thousands of things she'd rather be doing right now a she greeted him with a simple Hey.  Look, she was a friendly soul, but sometimes there were certain wolves you just never learned to like.  She trusted her gut on these ones.

I don't want to bother you any more than you probably want to see me, but I'm looking for a friend.  She disappeared a few weeks back.  Bridget's jaw tightened with feeling as she thought about how many days had passed.  Way too many to bode well.  Her name's Teya.  Gold, like me, but small.  Blue eyes.  Real quiet.  She looked at the man, searching for any sign of recognition.  If they hadn't seen her then she could maybe try the plateau pack... but she'd been there only recently and seen no sign.
devour the stars
243 Posts
Ooc — Gina
Impassive and stony, the star-eater gave no outward indication of his recognition of the woman the fire-breather spoke of, weighing the possibilities in his mind. The fact that she sought her friend, the very one that remained under his care, drew him away from the conclusion that this was some sort of ploy to harass he and his brother, or their claim, again. And true, he could have bargained, her friend for her avoidance of the Watch, but Stjornuati was not trader of flesh. 

A breath furled from his nose in a visible cloud, one ear flicking as he studied the woman before turning back towards his forest, casting a look over his shoulder. Come, He instructed. Teya is under this one's care. And yet, for all he knew, the fire-breathing faerie would accuse him of holding her hostage, or worse, and while he exercised patience, there would be a limit to it.
10055/50000 (10055/50000)
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
He was not wrong.  Her immediate reaction was outrage.  Under this one's care?  What the fuck did that mean?  Fortunately (for her, mainly) he started with the most important part.  She could keep her mouth shut in order to not mess up the invitation, but everything about this had her on edge.  If they hurt her...

Mostly shut.  Fine, Chuckles.  Lead the way.  She was obviously restraining herself.  Her immediate tension was offset a bit in the relief that at least she'd found her and, apparently, she was alright.  Though why she hadn't made that known to her and Sundance was another question entirely, and Bridget intended to get to the bottom of that real quick.
devour the stars
243 Posts
Ooc — Gina
The moniker she bestowed upon him drew little to no reaction from the man of the Watch, merely turning to stride forward with fire-breather at his side. A flutter of wings above cast his gaze to the branches, a caw punctuating the silence as if to pierce the tension that existed between them with a spear. Stjornuati took this as a sign, one that bid him to speak. So, speak he did.

This one bid her rest after Teya stumbled upon the mountain with the crown of storms. Her leg took injury. A small break. Leading her deeper into the watch, near where @Antha bedded down with @Frost, Stjornuati sought the den where the quiet @Teya took shelter. It will not, A pause, a rack of his brain. Ekkert sem mun stoppa hana í langan tíma. A soft murmur as he said the words in his own language, thinking how to translate it for her. Nothing that will stop her for long.
10055/50000 (10055/50000)
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
a light doze had taken teya into a deeper slumber. whatever herbs stjornuati had been administering were effective. and though her hindleg still throbbed with the ache of its fracture, it was easier to settle.
one eye flying open as the healer's accented baritone floated into her consciousness. then another, and her head lifting with frantic thumps of her greypumpkin tail. "bridget?"
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget was still skeptical when she listened and that feeling only grew at his rather cryptic description.  His words were conflicting - a "small break" was still a massive injury that took a hell of a lot of healing.  Unless he didn't know what he was talking about, which she was beginning to suspect.

What are you, some kind of healer? She asked combatively, as though the next words out to have been "so prove it".  She was still learning, true, but she'd trust her knowledge over his own any day of the week.  

Teya!  She ignored whatever answer she might get as her friend's voice broke through, and she brushed past him on her way to nose Teya with concern and enthusiastic relief.  Her own tail was going a mile a minute, but it stilled for a second.  I've been looking everywhere for you!  Her voice was thick with relief, but she glanced back at the man before asking, what happened?  Full offense, but she wanted to hear it straight from the source.
devour the stars
243 Posts
Ooc — Gina
Can be skipped until he is addressed again!

It was here he would stop, giving them space and allowing their reunion to be had in relative privacy. Stjornuati was not so interested in proving the fire-breather wrong in her assumptions of him that he would stand over their shoulder to listen in, but he also did not trust her enough to allow her free reign within the Watch. So, outside the den he lay, a yawn splitting his jaws as he settled where he was, back to the entrance and the two women that had been brought together again,
10055/50000 (10055/50000)
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
as stjornuati moved off, teya glanced along the strong line of his back and then back to bridget. burning beneath the soft tangerine fur along her cheeks. "i walk along the mountain. stjor came to me. i was afraid. i slip," she sighed, lifting her fractured hindleg with a sigh, "and now he say i stay here till next moon." 
a twist of her lips, teya's gaze seeking bridget's cardinal masque as ears cupped against her skull. "sundance?" she whispered softly, reaching for her companion again with a low sound of relief.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget noted the way Teya's eyes followed Sparkles and she felt a small amount of indignation, part jealousy sure, but also part "friend who can definitely do better".  It was no confirmation, but it was enough to get a wolf like Bridget's gears turning.

Instead of commenting, she made a point to inspect Teya's leg herself.  She breathed a soft sigh of relief when she realized Stjor's "small break" was actually a hairline, nothing that would heal awkwardly or keep her down long.

He went south.  He was a mess, honestly.  Poor guy is hopeless with this kind of thing.  Bridget had been worried too, but where she turned hers into angry action, he had withdrawn into hopelessness.  She needed to go find him now.

We looked everywhere.  We were worried.  She softened at the last part a bit, but there was a touch of hurt too.  It seemed that Teya hadn't made any attempts at all to let them know where she was.  She could have saved them both a lot of heartache if she had.  Though perhaps she'd asked and been denied.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya felt bridget grant her own inspection over the break, straightening again as the redbird began to speak. and at once her ears flew back, first to hear of sundance, and then to know her own silence had hindered them further. "sorry," she choked in a whisper. "i had fear." of what, she did not know, only that it was crippling, and that the chains of it had kept her silent far longer than she should have been.
"i not travel now," and for some reason angry tears sprang to the wideriver eyes. "stay in one place. not be worried over. for you. or sundance."
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget let out a sigh, but she smiled.  She didn't hold it against Teya, but it was hard to let all that tension and fear of the last few weeks go.  She'd been starting to think horrible things might have happened.  Me too.  But she gave her a friendly nuzzle, forgiving her.  It wasn't her fault they'd lost track of her, and by now, Bridget knew her friend wasn't the sort to make a scene.  Different wolves could get away with wildly different amounts of bullshit with Bridget, and it wasn't clear if Teya even had a threshold yet.

I'm going to worry whether you like it or not,  Bridget corrected with a laugh.  Then she spotted the tears and quieted, but kept her smile.  Look.  I have to go let Sundance know, either way.  Do you... like it here?  She couldn't keep the hesitation or dubiousness from her voice.  Did she seriously want to say here, with them?  And, oh god, did that mean... shit.  Bridget didn't know if she could take living in the same space as Shitstick and his groupies, and Sparkles here lurking behind was a constant reminder of that.  Bridget glanced from the corner of her eye, then turned back to Teya.  Please, for the love of everything, say no.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya wished to say no, but nodded in honesty. "i do. but —" and she wet her lips shyly before lifting her wary ears to look directly upon bridget. "i not want to be stuck here," she whispered, unwilling to let stjornuati hear her lest he think teya ungrateful. "it is nice place. but it not a home for me." where that would be, the ishtar did not know, but raven's watch was too filled with skilled warriors for her to ever be at ease, always inferior to those who led and to those who joined.
sundance and bridget had enjoyed her company in a warm and familiar way. teya treasured the watch-wolves for their mercy, but the looming land of storms kept her in regard of each one as a god.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh here we go.  She was worried until the tone shifted and Teya added the quiet addendum.  Thank you.  If Teya had wanted to stay, Bridget wouldn't have resented it.  She wouldn't have a single clue why, of course, but she wasn't about to make he woman's decisions for her.  It was likely, however, that she'd have sent Sundance this way with word that she wouldn't be coming along.  No offense to the Watch, but.... no way.  No way in hell.  (And full offence to Sollpatch).

You won't be, she replied, respecting Teya's undertone reluctantly.  She didn't mind stating it for the other wolf to hear, but if they were treating her, she'd play by the timid woman's rules.  She'd ensure that Teya was allowed to leave if she had to come here and get her herself, which was likely to be the case.  She'd return anyway - it was dangerous traveling alone, obviously.

Will you be alright here, a bit longer?  I can come back as soon as he knows.  She'd have to find him now, obviously, but that task seemed the easier job.  He'd called and given her a direction to go off of, after all, and that sad boy wasn't getting far.  Her concern still held though that they might be treating her friend poorly here, and if that was the case, she wasn't fond of the idea of leaving her alone.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya considered the implications of what this was mean. who could know how far sundance had gone? and with snows to pass, the little courtier was unsure if it would be a long or a short time before she saw bridget again. this did not please her in the least. stjornuati was kind but the ravenwatch lacked the warmth to which she had become accustomed.
"yes," she breathed, for she must. teya had no other choice but to stay, for all the well-wishing in the world would not mend her leg faster. stupid, foolish girl. "when you come back, i be ready to go." that at least could be decided, she hoped, determined to make it be so at whatever cost.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget nodded.  She wasn't overly thrilled either, if she was being honest... but she did not want Teya to rush, and if she were Sundance, she'd want to know.  It was tempting to leave him in the dark and remain, but she couldn't bring herself to do it.  She was tired of lone travel after these past few weeks, but a little farther wouldn't hurt.

We'll make it happen,  she said with a smile, hoping to settle whatever doubts her friend might have.  They could judge it at the time.  If it wasn't safe, or she wasn't healed, then they'd wait.  If not here, then somewhere else.

She glanced back at Chuckles.  I shouldn't stay.  But I'll be back soon as I can, swear.  She had some ground to cover, but she came forward to fold her chin over Teya's shoulder and neck in a quick embrace, pressing softly.  I'm glad you are okay.
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the touch of bridget's embrace was both expected and surprising. initially the girl grew quite still, but as the scent of the cardinal wreathed about them reassuringly, she lifted her own muzzle and returned the gesture as best she could. once more her face felt sunwarmed despite the cold of the season; she caught the eye of the former courtier, swallowed, looked away.
"it good to see you. i be here." a thump of her tail to promise bridget that she would be all right here. the watch-wolves had given her no reason to believe that they would not tend her as stjornuati said.
she hoped that the red-masque did not hear the pathetic flutter in her chest.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
838 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget didn't feel too self conscious despite Teya freezing; she was a wolf who showed her affection openly and warmly, and she was pretty unapologetic about that.  But she smiled when her friend attempted to return it, and held for a moment before pulling back and giving her one last, heartening look.  She'd be back as soon as physically possible, hopefully with Sundance in tow.

See you soon, she promised, then turned and looked at @Stjornuati to indicate she was ready to be escorted out.  When they reached the border she'd have few words for him, just a Take care of her, that was delivered with a heaviness.  If he didn't, she wouldn't be shy about her response... it wasn't an outright threat, but it wasn't a passive statement either.  This was lightened, however, by the begrudging and thanks. she tacked on before departing to disappear into the trees.

Last for me! (unless he stops her for whatever reason)
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