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The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: heavy suggestion
belen wandered near the wellspring. it was too cold to swim and so she only drank. the girl was interested to know the mazoi, but most of all she wanted to go outside. was it even allowed? eventually she made her way upon and lingered just inside the open-air throne room, staring out at the red lands but not daring to step foot inside them.
January 05, 2022, 05:56 PM
(This post was last modified: January 05, 2022, 05:57 PM by Satsu (Ghost).)
belen,crooned the queen.
she stood nearby.
her eye had caught the girl entering the throne-room and so she'd paused to watch her. but now, she drew across the threshold and towards where the girl stood.
skin afire; reeking of pharaoh.
do you like the view?
January 05, 2022, 05:59 PM
belen turned quickly to see the queen of akashingo. she lowered herself into a bow, not wanting to admit that she had been searching for the shape of neizan in the distance. but she did not truly think he would return, and she was not sure she wanted him to come back. "your majesty," belen said softly, suddenly smelling the pharaoh all around them both. she had heard satsu in the hallways. they all had. "i was just wondering if i was allowed to go outside," the girl murmured, a perfect picture of respect this time, down to the averting of her eyes.
January 05, 2022, 06:04 PM
(This post was last modified: January 05, 2022, 06:04 PM by Satsu (Ghost).)
the girl appeared well.
her eyes were downcast; she spoke carefully, but satsu did not care so much for her question.
the queen moved to the plinth and smiled down at it, as this was where she —!
satsu looked over the red hills.
her eyes were downcast; she spoke carefully, but satsu did not care so much for her question.
the queen moved to the plinth and smiled down at it, as this was where she —!
what is outside that you need?she murmured softly, and then turned her fierce gaze upon the girl for a blink.
satsu looked over the red hills.
the fellahin serve you well? and your.. studies?
January 05, 2022, 06:08 PM
"there's nothing out there." it was not a lie. belen knew a no when she heard one. and so her attention, her curiosity, started to blossom and grow. it tendriled toward the queen, the fragrance of the ruler, and that odd scent that seemed to be emanating from satsu herself. "am i not a fellahin, your highness?" she asked curiously. "kasmut says i am allowed to go with her next time she sees the rey. jawahir says it will be a long time before i am ready."
January 05, 2022, 06:14 PM
nothing? yet the girl pines for it. satsu finds the answer unbecoming, but she does not press. ultimately it does not matter what belen wants, or why.
imagining herself fattened by pharaoh stirs something inside of her.
kasmut says...
jawahir says...
jawahir cannot be trusted.the queen snapped. winter's thickest snowfall could not compare to the ice within her tone. she draws a careful breath afterward, as if to melt it all away, and is somewhat successful.
what have they taught you?satsu asked of the girl then, her eyes still following the curves of the hillside; she thought to herself will i become as curvacous?
imagining herself fattened by pharaoh stirs something inside of her.
January 05, 2022, 06:18 PM
belen's ears splayed. "yes, your majesty." but she was not truly dissuaded. if anything she was far more curious now. jawahir could not be trusted but she held a higher rank than any of the fellahin. the queen's tones were full wintertide. belen would not stray here again. "sayf — told me some things. he likes to be worshipped. pharaoh, i mean." she peered cautiously at satsu. "not only with words. sometimes with your —" but she was not sure she would say it. or should say it. or was allowed to say it. and so she fell quiet. "is there more to know, highness?" the girl asked in the next few moments, unable to stop herself.
January 05, 2022, 06:24 PM
(This post was last modified: January 05, 2022, 06:25 PM by Satsu (Ghost).)
laughter came. the sound of the girl she used to be, filling the space of the throne-room. the bashful belen would not speak of all she knew, but it was clear she knew plenty. she did not sound afraid of what might become of her.
oh, the things she would learn.
satsu was distracted by many thoughts; or maybe it was one thought split many ways: ramesses, ramesses, ramesses, how she hungered for him now.
is there more to know, highness?
oh, the things she would learn.
mm, of course. there is always more.
satsu was distracted by many thoughts; or maybe it was one thought split many ways: ramesses, ramesses, ramesses, how she hungered for him now.
would you like to see him?she turned as she asked. looking upon little belen with more warmth than before.
i am sure he would be delighted with a visit from you.
January 05, 2022, 06:32 PM
of course. there is always more. belen was suddenly ravenous for whatever satsu was about to say. as the queen looked more softly upon her, the girl brightened, ready to learn. the woman had been with ramesses. she was his chosen. but belen did not expect this offer. her mouth formed a gentle 'o' of surprise before she restricted her expression and nodded eagerly. "i would like that, majesty."
January 05, 2022, 06:38 PM
satsu moved swiftly, silently, around where belen stood and sought a path, a door. she did not call out - the mere sight of the queen by one fellahin or another was enough.
then she returned to belen, drawn to the plinth which had been the center-point of not one, but two transfigurations of satsu. she lay across it as she waited.
perhaps she had something to teach belen after all.
then she returned to belen, drawn to the plinth which had been the center-point of not one, but two transfigurations of satsu. she lay across it as she waited.
perhaps she had something to teach belen after all.
January 05, 2022, 06:51 PM
the queen moved and then reclined. belen had not heard her voice but dutifully settled closer, haunches pressed to the stone floor as she snuck another look at the posed queen. her heart raced, and she could not tell if it was fear or anticipation — or both.
January 05, 2022, 06:55 PM
pharaoh was not far from his queen. all of satsu called to him. she had proven to be a spice far more addictive than he had expected, for beneath the effect of her body was something else, some other way in which she had begun to work upon him.
it was sayyadina who had sent him along; ramesses followed satsu's path hungrily and found her lithe, maddening frame poised elegantly in the room of their first interlude.
pharaoh growled lowly, crossing to kiss her shoulder, her nape, her mouth; so besotted was ramesses that he did not immediately spot the young fellahin.
when he did, surprise and pleasure touched the lapis eyes. 'hello, belen." he looked back to his queen, questioning, questing.
it was sayyadina who had sent him along; ramesses followed satsu's path hungrily and found her lithe, maddening frame poised elegantly in the room of their first interlude.
pharaoh growled lowly, crossing to kiss her shoulder, her nape, her mouth; so besotted was ramesses that he did not immediately spot the young fellahin.
when he did, surprise and pleasure touched the lapis eyes. 'hello, belen." he looked back to his queen, questioning, questing.
January 06, 2022, 11:10 AM
it was not long before satsu was beside herself with passion again, harboring each touch of the pharaoh as something precious. the girl child was put out of the queen's mind as the man came and decorated her with kisses.
she almost wanted to have him right there, and flashed a greedy look to ramesses as his attention drifted.
satsu touched her husband's shoulder and pulled him close, conspiratorial in every way but volume, as she was not afraid for belen to hear:
satsu had taken tamar from him. perhaps in this way she could redeem herself.
she almost wanted to have him right there, and flashed a greedy look to ramesses as his attention drifted.
she has learned much,satsu mentions.
once, she asked to learn from even me.
satsu touched her husband's shoulder and pulled him close, conspiratorial in every way but volume, as she was not afraid for belen to hear:
let us teach her.
satsu had taken tamar from him. perhaps in this way she could redeem herself.
January 06, 2022, 01:43 PM
ramesses would have told the lie, that the words of his queen did not send a jagged spear of purest lust through him. he kept his eyes trained upon her own, lapis against lakeblue, knowing. approving. he loved her more in this moment. and he did not hesitate.
ramesses reached forward to lick along the jawline of his queen and then sent his gaze scudding heatedly toward belen.
jawahir had said months; he would not wait. he did not wish to wait. pharaoh reluctantly drew from satsu — her scent chased him, surrounded him, and moved to stand before belen.
he compelled her to rise, and though her head was downturned, ramesses reached to lift her chin with his muzzle.
"look at your queen," he murmured, pushing her toward the plinth where satsu lay in languid beauty.
lips pressed between her hackles; ramesses gentle and unhurried.
the education of belen would reach its crescendo here.
ramesses reached forward to lick along the jawline of his queen and then sent his gaze scudding heatedly toward belen.
jawahir had said months; he would not wait. he did not wish to wait. pharaoh reluctantly drew from satsu — her scent chased him, surrounded him, and moved to stand before belen.
he compelled her to rise, and though her head was downturned, ramesses reached to lift her chin with his muzzle.
"look at your queen," he murmured, pushing her toward the plinth where satsu lay in languid beauty.
lips pressed between her hackles; ramesses gentle and unhurried.
the education of belen would reach its crescendo here.

January 06, 2022, 01:49 PM
belen could not keep her eyes from ramesses as he entered, so fixed as she was upon their connection. she examined the way they kissed one another, how pharaoh looked at his queen. but she darted her eyes away at once as the ruler looked in her direction. and then they were speaking of teaching and her ears strained to hear. all of a sudden ramesses was before her, lifting her. belen tensed in surprise at his touch, a sharp intake of breath audible as she was turned and gently prodded toward the raised redrock throne. when pharaoh ran his kiss along her nape, belen stared wide-eyed at satsu, eyelids shuddering eventually as ramesses continued. what was this?
January 06, 2022, 02:04 PM
he approved.
she could see the way his eyes slid across her body and relished the attention, even mourned the loss of it a bit when he looked to the girl.
the girl was drawn closer; pharaoh spoke and with that as cue, satsu sprawled, her eyes loving and for ramesses only, but because belen was so close, she could share in the amorous look.
satsu's openness was limited by her season. she would not be so compelled when her time had ended, and might even revile the girl later; but she thought only of the now, as that was most important. most pertinent.
she rose from the plinth to meet belen, and bestowed upon her a series of small kisses; she looked to ramesses hungrily in between.
she could see the way his eyes slid across her body and relished the attention, even mourned the loss of it a bit when he looked to the girl.
the girl was drawn closer; pharaoh spoke and with that as cue, satsu sprawled, her eyes loving and for ramesses only, but because belen was so close, she could share in the amorous look.
satsu's openness was limited by her season. she would not be so compelled when her time had ended, and might even revile the girl later; but she thought only of the now, as that was most important. most pertinent.
she rose from the plinth to meet belen, and bestowed upon her a series of small kisses; she looked to ramesses hungrily in between.
January 06, 2022, 03:22 PM
belen's sounds, her yielding; the flagrant flame of satsu's gaze. for a long time they only caressed belen between them, looking to one another with the heavy, heady myrrh of the queen an embrace for all of them. ramesses watched in desire and love as satsu slowly began her own conquering.
pharaoh was content to allow his shabti to be their authority. he did not care who might come upon them, for it was titillating to think that they might be seen. not a one in akashingo was unfamiliar with the ways of their ruler's dalliance, but this time it was different.
this time satsu was with him.
in time he moved back, not yet ready pull the girl into him. his gaze was on the queen; on a blade's edge he waited for her command.
pharaoh was content to allow his shabti to be their authority. he did not care who might come upon them, for it was titillating to think that they might be seen. not a one in akashingo was unfamiliar with the ways of their ruler's dalliance, but this time it was different.
this time satsu was with him.
in time he moved back, not yet ready pull the girl into him. his gaze was on the queen; on a blade's edge he waited for her command.

January 06, 2022, 03:28 PM
this was what @Kasmut had tried to explain, over and over. the queen tasted of ramesses and her own sweetness. belen had become slightly intoxicated herself upon the confusing fragrance which clouded rosily upon her countenance. pharaoh — why had she not comprehended before? it felt almost worshipful, the manner in which they held her, stroked her. she felt ramesses shift and her eyes opened, drinking in the look of the queen, gazing at her as she had been bid to do. all of her soft; all of her wanting, understanding and yet not.
January 06, 2022, 04:59 PM
(This post was last modified: January 06, 2022, 04:59 PM by Satsu (Ghost).)
it did not matter who came upon them.
satsu had eyes only for ramesses; yet she took to belen as if she played with a living doll rather than a person, and every act was done in worship of her own new-found physicality.
nothing was taboo as she explored.
the girl would learn by the soft hand of satsu, the passionate and experienced influence of ramesses, and together the royal pair would cultivate something new of belen.
better than tamar in every way.
as satsu leaned in close to belen's ear she whispers,
satsu had eyes only for ramesses; yet she took to belen as if she played with a living doll rather than a person, and every act was done in worship of her own new-found physicality.
nothing was taboo as she explored.
the girl would learn by the soft hand of satsu, the passionate and experienced influence of ramesses, and together the royal pair would cultivate something new of belen.
better than tamar in every way.
as satsu leaned in close to belen's ear she whispers,
we shall have all of you,in a tone fit to devour.
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