Emberwood Searching seering.
40 Posts
Ooc — Meri
All Welcome 
Enelise was probably too young to be out of Riverclan. But her mother hadn't been around this morning and she felt a bit suffocated in the pack lands. So she'd l3ft.

She found herself in a golden halo of wooded area. The early morning light fell across the ground and colored the land in shades of color. Dark and light.

Fir a time she chased a light as it moved through the shadows. But finally she found a tree and settled under it. A nap sounded wonderful.

Swiftcurrent Creek
1,113 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Tags for reference/assumption he took the boys out. Feel free to join in or just cameo/or whatever works for you... don't want to overload anyone's threadlog. <3

He had taken the two boys today—had wanted to take Mae, but she had been reluctant to come with him—despondent in his presence.

He needed a distraction—and so before the morning light truly fell upon the land, he nudged @Nicodem and @Jakub awake. “We’re learning to track today,” he told them, and before they could argue or question, he swept out of the family den and began to lead them to the borders.

Summer warmth clung to the air—the starting coo of morning doves is what greeted them with the sun. He nosed at the ground, every so often, and his eyes traced over the two boys, every so often asking them what they scented—and testing them to see if they knew how to follow it.

Later in the morning, they had passed the borders and found themselves within the shade of the emberwood. There, beneath a tree, rest one of Ash Paw’s pups. It was impossible to misplace the pattern of fur. Tentatively, he would have seen if the boys could track the scent of a Riverclan wolf, but didn’t want to scare the girl—who likely shouldn’t have been so far from home.

Uttering a low ‘woof’ of greeting, the dark man paused his step a respectful distance from her, doubting she would recognize him. “Hey—one of Ash Paw’s pups? Need help getting home?”
40 Posts
Ooc — Meri
She recognized his scent. He often smelled on Silvertongue. Why she didn't know.she figired they were friends. Friends smelled like each other right.

You're Akavir and they be the little boys.

She lifted her head and stretched out her longer limbs as she was growing at a fast clip. Would probably be bigger than her mother, but not by much.

I know the way. Whatcha doing, mr. Akavir?

102 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He hadn't been sleeping, anyway, so his irritation upon being roused was less about the interruption of sleep and more the dictation of what he should and would do today. With a huff, he rose, and always kept a slight distance between himself and his father and brother—

Not by pure choice, mind. Jakub distracted easily; he found diversions in worms and insects along the way, and lost even more ground when the vivid color of a mountain bluebird showed suddenly amid tree branches just ahead.

He was aware of questions being asked him, every so often, and gave nods or shrugs in reply. He'd grown up not speaking much, and he wasn't about to start now. Words just seemed like a waste of breath.

Eventually, the dark trio came across a gray and white girl—a face he recognized. She'd nursed alongside him and his siblings, after Mother had gone away. 

Jakub was already inclined to dislike her for that reason—purely circumstantial—but then she called them the 'little boys.' The nerve! They were the same age! Any neutrality left in his gaze fell away, revealing barely-concealed disdain as he stared at her from his place at Father's shoulder.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,113 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Jakub had been distracted for most of their time, but when the girl spoke, he noticed the frost of the boy’s demeanor—it wasn’t hard to miss, particularly after the girl spoke. He swallowed any amusement—one day, such words would be trivial to the boy.

His own ear gave an idle flick, his eyes sweeping over the girl. “That’s good,” he replied at her statement of knowing the way. “But since we’re out scouting, you can show us the way back.” He hadn’t worried she would become lost—no, he worried about the darker ways of the world, and what could happen to such a young girl on her own and so far from her packs reach.

He cast a sideways glance to Jakub, wondering if the boy would speak anything on the matter. “Maybe we can see if any of the herds are on their way towards Riverclan.”
40 Posts
Ooc — Meri
I'm sorry Enelise can be so mean

Enelise met the boys gaze with her own. Her own disdain dripping from her gaze and around her mouth a barely concealed smirk. He didn't have to like her. He could hate her. She knew she was better than him. She was a queen after all. And he was trivial.

She tilted an ear to the older man allowing more neutrality and deference into her gaze though she snuck a tongue out at the boy. Then spoke I can help. What you scouting?

She stood then and shook her multicolored pelt free of debris and waited. Mama would like some deer and fur. That would be nice.

She thought of her siblings and how amazing it would be she could tell them all that she had found herds with help of course, but mostly her. That was the way of the world. The storyteller got to tell the story how they saw fit. Or so she felt.

102 Posts
Ooc — mercury
His icy gaze grew even more so, frosted over with cynicism, as she smirked and then stuck her tongue out. She was really just betraying her own words—childish behavior from someone who had called him and his brother 'little boys.'

Jakub glanced briefly at Nico, wondering if the other had any reaction to this interplay, before following the exchange of words with his eyes.

Scouting. Herds. Deer. All words he'd clocked before; beyond scouting, though, he wasn't interested.

Where? he asked, his voice caught between a boyish octave and a bullfrog's croak from disuse. His question was aimed at Akavir; he staunchly refused to give the girl any more of his attention or energy.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,113 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
“Deer,” he replied to the girl, noting small parts of the youngsters interaction with vague amusement, but not interrupting whatever may come of it just yet. Nicodem seemed uninterested one way or another, but that was fine for now—Akavir was simply keen on enjoying the bit of companionship he could steal with his boys for now.

“So some deer or furs we’ll find for her,” he offered then, and nodded in the direction from the woods to Riverclan—they had a bit of travel, and he certainly had a debt to repay Ash Paw… Not to mention, it would be good to see her once more—how she was doing.

“So if we were to track the deer herd, where would we start?” And with that, he rocked back, waiting to see if any of the youngsters were keen on using their noses and learning to track.
40 Posts
Ooc — Meri
Enelise was spoiled and vain and petty. She just was. She'd been born that way. For the few short time she had her father he had doted, and her mother well Ash Paw was kind of an absent mother, but not in a bad way. She just let her children learn their own lessons. And she had been busy for much of their puppy hood, with her other siblings and then these little milk drinkers.

Enelise tilted her head and nodded her head. Look for broken branches and their scent. They smell kind of musty. I only know cause a herd walked past. They didn't notice me. She looked down sheepish. She had actually been a little scared when they had gone by. She had never seen such large creatures so close. Mother had told her what they looked like and she had seen them from a distance, but never right on top of her.