Ocean's Breath Plateau enemies
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
All Welcome 
please let @Marina post first!

The journey was not long, and Sialuk soothed the young woman with soft words whenever she looked as though she might break again. Upon the still fresh borders they came, and Sialuk called for @Samani and @Rodyn. She prayed they would have room for the young woman and her children, though she knew they expected to have their own this year.
Atkan Aleut
144 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Marina was mostly quiet as she followed Sialuk, but she appreciated the occasional soothing words that the woman offered. She was deep in thought. Life as a single parent was not what she had pictured for herself, and even now the thought had her stomach churning painfully. But it wasn't like she could just go find that man from the meadow. She didn't even know his name!

So she was to be alone through this. Alone, as her own mother had been. And look how well that had turned out! Marina was distraught, but tried to look a little less forlorn when Sialuk sent up her call. She would have to hold it together for introductions, at least.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn heeded the call at once. Curious as to why Sialuk just didn't arrive without sharing she was there It was polite sure, but he was certain Samani wouldn't have her sister always waiting to be allowed entry. But it was with surprise that he was met with not only Sialuk, but another. He lifted his head and perked russet ears forward. Warm yellow eyes tracing first Sialuk and then the other.

Hello Sialuk. It's good to see your face. What brings you to Moontide?

Though as he got closer, he felt the niceties die on his tongue and he stopped and then backed further up. To give the poor girl more room. He locked his legs and stood stock still and then looked to Sialuk questioning and a little upset. What would have happened if they had been set upon as they walked. Goodness gracious.

Then he dipped his head to the female beside her. His voice slightly strangled. I'm Rodyn Ardeth.

After all he was still a man, though a gentlemanly one.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The familiar call of her sister had set Samani’s heart leaping in her chest.

Sialuk had come to see Moontide!

It was her joy that carried the sea girl to where she had been summoned. As her steps carried her in, she saw that Rodyn had already met the duo at their border. Sialuk looked strong and happy. There was a glowing pride to her pale figure and her sharp eyes. The wolf who had come with the Moonspear leader was unfamiliar to Samani.

Hello, sister, the girl greeted with a sweet smile. She drew near to Rodyn and looked over Marina, interested. The woman was beautiful, and her features were gentle. Samani wondered if they had come with a message from the mountain.

We are pleased to have you visit. Come further in. Let’s find somewhere comfortable while you are here, she suggested to them.

I didn't have her recognize Marina in heat because she hasn't had hers yet and she hasn't been in a threat with another female character in heat... so I thought it best not to mention it from Samani's point of view. >w<
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk tensed when Rodyn arrived, but he was pleasant enough, and she was grateful for his prompt attention. Samani arrived only moments later, and Sialuk greeted her sister with a nose to her shoulder, following the younger woman wherever she might lead them. As she walked, Sialuk explained all that had transpired.

This woman—Marina—her people did not teach her the way life is created. She has lain with man, and may be with child. Moonspear cannot take her with so many children coming soon. The question was implied, but not asked. It was a favor, the starwoman knew, if her sister would be able to help Marina with her predicament.
Atkan Aleut
144 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Marina understood that Sialuk had seen a vulnerable side to her, and perhaps felt protective for it. Her charity was misplaced. But she didn't need to know that. None of them did. She let her speak first, taking in this new information in silence. So that was why she hadn't been offered a place with Sialuk.

Honestly, she wasn't invested in any of it. She felt numb; still in shock. In time these wolves would learn her sharp edges, if they allowed her to stay, but today Marina was all dulled eyes and tired lines in her face. She opened her mouth to speak, to make some kind of offer or promise, but what could she offer? I... Marina trailed off and went silent. She didn't bother trying to explain herself. If they couldn't tell that she was half out of her mind right now, she had a feeling she wouldn't get along with them anyway.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,647 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn listened and was unsure what to say. Sialuk was putting them in a tough spot too. For if he and Samani wanted children, or if Heph did. Or if any of Void's children arrived on their door step. They would be hard pressed. He was a good hunter, but even he would find difficulty feeding so many, but he would do it.

But he also wanted to help. He would wait and let Samani speak and then perhaps they would find an answer.

I will find some food for us all. he bowed his head with a gentle dip. He would go find what they could eat. If she was with child even as early as this, food would be needed.

It wouldn't take him long to round up some soft furs for them to sit upon if they wished, and some dried caribou meat that Kukutux had taught him to keep. He would lay these things near. Then with a gentle press against Saman's side. He'd settle himself a little further away. Watchful for any males in the vicinity, while the girls talked.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
298 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Oh, Marina was with child! Samani’s eyes flicked to her, bright with excitement. 

Sialuk explained that she didn’t have the room on the mountain for so many children. The sea girl nodded her head, understanding. There were families gathered on Moonspear. While their numbers were small, Samani thought they could offer a home to the girl. She hoped for children in her future. She hoped to make the grounds of Moontide a place of family and love. Perhaps Marina would enjoy these things. 

Rodyn said he would get food. Samani wondered if this was because of the subject matter, or if he thought they needed a space without a man’s presence. Marina uttered a single word before she silenced herself, unable to finish. 

The sea girl smiled softly to her. She nudged against Marina’s shoulder, encouraging and still gentle. 

Do not worry, Marina. Moontide has the space for you and your family. I will help Rodyn with the hunting, to keep you strong. There was no need to fret over what had happened. Marina would not be shamed by the young Samani.
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Rodyn excused himself, and Sialuk was relieved to hear that the growing village would have room for Marina and her babes. It would bring Moonspear and Moontide closer together with this bond, and the starwoman was happy for it.

The hunter returned with furs and dried meat, which Sialuk nudged toward Marina. For herself, she took a smaller piece, chewing on it and relaxing now that she had found safety for the young woman. Village Moontide grows strong, she observed, casting an approving smile to both Samani and Rodyn. How many live among you now? she asked.
Atkan Aleut
144 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Sorryyy aaaaa, skippable unless addressed from here
These wolves were too kind for her; it was almost uncomfortable, because Marina wasn't sure what to do with it. She couldn't deny that it was exactly what she needed right now, though.

She nodded gratefully to Samani, and accepted the dried meat that was nudged her way, but couldn't bring herself to try to speak again. Overwhelmed, all she could do was busy herself with the meat.
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
The sisters continued to chat, Sialuk casting Marina an occasional approving glance. The Ostrega sensed that she would do well here, even if her situation was a difficult one. When their conversation died down, Sialuk embraced her sister and said her goodbyes to the other two, making her way back to Moonspear.
Atkan Aleut