Moonspear doomed
who stole my toe?!
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Ooc — aerinne
vagueposting re: tony injuries. for meerkat! whip tag for reference. <3

Njord and Seal were healing, and Sialuk's heart went out to @Meerkat. She called for her sister, seeking to take her mind off the injuries of her family. Sialuk was still tender, but she was thankful for the support of the family she had built here. @Whip, Elentari, Argent, and even Towhee watched the children at times, keeping them safe when Sialuk needed to tend to other business. Her little Maggak was perfect in every way she could imagine, and Acrux was no less perfect. They were a lovely little package who had come into the world on the same day. A blessing from sedna, no doubt.

In the den, she pressed the little lookalike to her chest, reminded of how Towhee and her own child looked like carbon copies of one another. While she waited for Meerkat to arrive—Sialuk had sent Phox after her—the starwoman sung a small song for her daughter and the son that was never far away. It was an old song her own mother had sung to her many, many seasons ago, and she hoped that one day, Maggak would sing it to her own children upon the mountain that would be hers.
Atkan Aleut
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Life could only be idyllic for so long in the Teekon Wilds. Meerkat had been feeling a little bored and restless for a while but just the other day, she and @Njord had tentatively decided they would move forward with their plan to relocate. Just when she was getting excited about the prospect of their next step, fate decided to overcompensate by throwing a bonus tiger at them, specifically her mate and child. And now it felt like her whole world was collapsing. Again.

After spending some time in the healing ulaq, Njord and Seal had been relocated to the family ulaq. Meerkat and @Orca II stayed with them, of course, the former rarely ever leaving their sides. Nursing her husband was hard enough but seeing her daughter in pain absolutely tore Meerkat apart. It brought up all sorts of horrific, painful memories of Swordfish and Quennell. It made her sick to her soul.

When Sialuk summoned her, she initially thought to refuse. But both invalids were sleeping soundly with Orca there to keep watch. Perhaps seeing her friend and the baby would bring her some solace. Meerkat shuffled toward the head’s ulaq, heaving a sigh and raising a paw to knock gently against the doorway.

Tags are for reference and so people can call out any incorrect assumptions. :3
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who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
took me way too long to track down this word, hehe.

Sialuk saw the strain in Meerkat's eyes when she revealed herself at the doorway. She was reminded of the way the world seemed to never give without taking, though Sialuk would never wish the harm that had come to Njord and Seal. They were in good hands here, she knew. Sialuk had gone often to make sure they were on the mend, and they could bring in Kukutux if they needed additional help. Whip and Phox both were quick to follow any instructions to keep their family safe in the aftermath, and Sialuk was thankful for their help.

She mentioned none of this to Meerkat and instead used her muzzle to rouse @Maggak, who squeaked softly but appeared ready to wake from her long nap. She is called Maggak Ostrega, Sialuk said, and she wishes to know her ajaukuluk. The new mother motioned to Meerkat, showing her the babe.
Atkan Aleut
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Ooc — Twin

maggak squirmed at her mother's touch, and though she did whimper, she did not cry. instead, she reached out when a new smell appeared. she was curious, though not afraid of this new scent in the den. nothing in her short life had ever caused her alarm, and today was no different. the smell of this new being was sweet, but there were hints of something else on it that the infant could not place.
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Seeing the pale cub in Sialuk’s arms did lift her spirits a little bit. A very small, soft smile pulled at her lips as she padded into the den and crouched, settling on the dirt floor. She touched her nose delicately to the infant’s, then skimmed it up to her forehead. Meerkat gave her a brow a kiss, then withdrew to look into the new mother’s face.

I’m so happy for you, she said genuinely, despite her family’s own suffering. But since she didn’t have the spoons to guess and didn’t want to assume, she asked, What does it mean?

Her eyes glowed warmly when Sialuk translated, though soon they dimmed and her face clouded. She swallowed and glanced away, breathing for a moment and trying to gather herself. When she felt a bit more collected, Meerkat faced Sialuk and Maggak again, simply gazing at them for a few beats.

She eventually broke the silence to say quietly, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something. After what’s happened, it’s a different conversation than I’d planned. But, she sighed, shrugging and waiting for a cue to continue.
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who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Dear aunt, Sialuk responded with ease. Still, she did not always remember that her language was not second nature to Meerkat, who had so long been a part of her life. It was a blessing that her sister could be here to greet the babe, and she did see a flicker of light and hope come to the Redhawk-daughter. There was something else on her brow, too. Not the worry for her family—which was first and foremost—but something else that she brought up in her own time as she always did.

You do not need to hold words for me, Sialuk assured her, a silver paw coming to Meerkat's blonde one. Her ear turned forward and she listened.
Atkan Aleut
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Ooc — Kat
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Sialuk indicated for her to speak her mind, so Meerkat inhaled through her nose and said, Njord and I have talked about claiming the copse on the other side of the mountains, where I was born. We’d just talked to the girls and made the decision as a family, so I was going to talk to you next.

But now,
Meerkat continued after a heavy pause, well, everything’s changed. When Njord and I first discussed this, I was telling him I wanted to ask to rejoin leadership. I didn’t want to do that if we were planning to move away, though now I know that won’t be happening for a while, if at all. And with Njord out of commission for a little bit, it feels even more appropriate to offer to step up as an advisor again, if you’ll have me.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
While it pained Sialuk in some way to know that Meerkat had made plans to move away from the spear, she knew that wish all too well. And with the village a bustling hub of activity, she did not fear for the safety of anyone who resided here. The starwoman swallowed her childish feelings and listened further as Meerkat explained what she now thought the best use of her time and energy: becoming a member of the council alongside her husband.

If you wish to be advisor, the door is always open for you. But is this what you wish? The day-to-day could be easily handled by Sialuk with all the help she had from her lovers and relatives here, including Meerkat. I do not wish for this to be an offer because you wish to fill a gap in your husband's current state, but because it is something that calls to you. And if Meerkat pressed, Sialuk would give way with ease, knowing her friend was just as smart and capable and in control of her own feelings and thoughts as she ever was.
Atkan Aleut
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Ooc — Kat
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Sialuk asked her if she was certain. Meerkat didn’t reply right away. It wasn’t the future she had been envisioning lately, so to speak, but before she and Njord had begun to seriously entertain the idea of moving to the copse, she had already been moved to step up again. She reflected on that conversation now, giving the head’s question the weight it deserved.

I shouldn’t have stepped down in the first place, she admitted. Looking back, I was overthinking the weight of my responsibilities. I think I would’ve been able to handle them then and I know I can handle them now. I was prepared to lead beside Njord, in the copse, when the time came. But now…

There was that phrase again. This wasn’t the original plan. Perhaps Sialuk didn’t vibe with being Meerkat’s backup plan. That was entirely valid. In a sense, Meerkat had already let her down once before. But Meerkat believed this whole thing was a sign, or at the very least a cruel twist of fate. Perhaps there was some entity out there, hamfisted in its attempt to keep things interesting, so that she would never know lasting peace.

Meerkat realized she was getting lost in her thoughts. She shook her head lightly and sought Sialuk’s gaze. Although she did want to cover for Njord, that was actually the least of her reasons for offering. Although it wasn’t the path she’d chosen, it was the one she’d been given, and she was going to walk it now.

It’s up to you and I totally understand if you decline, Meerkat said, squaring her shoulders, but I really do want to give leadership another chance.
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who stole my toe?!
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Ooc — aerinne
Meerkat spoke her mind, and Sialuk was satisfied with the answer. The Redhawk daughter was wise, and the starwoman had no reason to refuse her. She had always wished that Meerkat had stayed beside her husband in leadership, and now that she was certain she wanted to, Sialuk nodded. There is no shame in learning a new thing about yourself, she said, stretching her neck out to touch Meerkat's muzzle. And although she had long since moved past her crush on the reinstated councilor, Sialuk would always hold a special place in her heart for Meerkat.

How are they, Njord and Seal? Sialuk asked, the medic part of her kicking in along with the general concern for her villagers and family. I will go see them again soon, but... she motioned to the small body laying contentedly between her forepaws. Maggak bopped there, her head still too heavy for her weak neck. Alaric will be home soon from his ventures to our neighbors, and he too will be able to tend to them. Sialuk had not considered what an asset he would be with the other two healers (herself and Elentari) out of commission in some way or another.
Atkan Aleut
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Meerkat took Sialuk’s words as acceptance. She managed a quick smile and a dip of her head in acknowledgement before the conversation moved onto more pressing matters. She went rigid before letting out a shaky breath.

I think they somehow escaped with only minor wounds. I’m afraid of infections but I know they’re getting the best possible care. They’re comfortable and resting. There’s no reason to think they won’t make full recoveries.

There was the sense of a “but…” in there, even though Meerkat didn’t voice it. She paused, taking another steadying breath. Her pale face scrunched in thought, smoothing a bit when her eyes caught on Maggak. The newborn really was a sight for sore eyes, even if Meerkat could never forget her troubles.

Looking up at Sialuk’s face again, she said, It reminds me of when Fish and Quen were mauled by the bear. They were far more injured and were on bed rest for ages and ages. It hurts my stomach to even think of those days… what they led up to… losing my son…

Her voice shook and tears sprang to her eyes. Meerkat had moved on with her life despite Swordfish’s absence and the lack of closure, though the grief remained with her always. She felt it more deeply than she had in some time, her chest tight as she tried to breathe around the painful throb in her heart.
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who stole my toe?!
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Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk did not doubt that Njord and Seal would make a full recovery, but she wished to hear it from Meerkat, too. She listened as the councilor recounted the ordeal with Swordfish and Quennell, and Sialuk nodded in understanding. The latter had eventually healed and wandered to find his own fortune, but no amount of calling for Swordfish had ever brought him home. Sialuk had not forgotten him, though she did not know if he returned if he would only be a demon wearing his face as her own brother had been. If it ever happened, it would be a consult with anaa to determine the best course of action.

The healing den is imbued with the energy of many wolves who have recovered there. It is a good omen for them to be home and safe. Sialuk moved Maggak to be closer to her brother, then stood and wrapped Meerkat in a hug, letting her sister lean in as close and for as long as she wished.
Atkan Aleut
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Sialuk shifted Maggak and then drew Meerkat into a hug. The newly reappointed councilor sagged into it gratefully, somehow managing to hold back the tears even as she pressed her face into the woman’s pale shoulder. She clung to Sialuk for several minutes before slowly pulling away with a sigh.

Wiping at her damp eyes, Meerkat said, I feel like an idiot because everything was so boring for a while and I felt like I was languishing. I should’ve known it was only a matter of time before tragedy struck my family again. I should’ve been grateful for that peace, reveled in it. I squandered it instead.

She shook her head, aware that she was bringing a lot of negativity into this ulaq. Meerkat didn’t want to do that. She drew in a breath, steeled her spine and caught Sialuk’s eyes with her own wet gaze.

Perspective is a hell of a thing. I’m ready to really rededicate myself to Moonspear now, though. I’m so grateful for the opportunity, Sialuk. I really am.
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I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk patted Meerkat on her back as they embraced, and Sialuk hoped that her sister could find true peace here upon the mountain. She would never begrudge a mother wishing to strike out on her own and make her own path, but Sialuk also yearned for family to stay close. She wondered also if her own child would want to fly the coop someday, to branch out on her own as even Towhee's children had done at such an age that they were. Perhaps it would be better to guide Maggak on that path before she began to think of it herself. In this, Sialuk wove a plan. As soon as little Maggak was ready, they would begin trips to Moonglow. And when her legs grew longer and her muscles stronger, they would visit Moontide as well. Branching out, little by little, under the guidance of Sialuk herself. It was not so different from how Sialuk had learned the world.

It is easy to be unkind to our past self, Sialuk said, a kind smile toward Meerkat. Village Moonspear is lucky to have a councilor who is wise beyond her years. And one with a wise husband! she grinned.
Atkan Aleut
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The mention of Njord made her smile, at first. Yes, he was a wise man, with many wonderful features. Meerkat, their children and all of Moonspear were lucky to have him. Nobody was luckier than Seal, though, a thought which made the councilor swallow thickly. Her da had saved her life at great peril.

Speaking of him, I ought to get back to him and Seal. I’m sure this news will cheer them up a bit. Thank you again, Sialuk, she said, nuzzling the head before doing the same to Maggak. I’ll see you again soon, were Meerkat’s parting words as she turned and strode from the ulaq.
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