Sun Mote Copse fool for love
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
All Welcome 
just some quick reference tags for the fam back home. please allow rolayne to post after me, then it's free game!

With @Rolayne in tow, she moved north of Moonspear, having stopped there only overnight to spend time with @Elentari, @Acrux, and @Maggak before she had set off again. There were many errands to run, and Sialuk hoped that this time with Rolayne would help him to see that she could love him from afar. Connections were not broken—nay, the starwoman had found they were strengthened—with distance and time. She thought of Argent, willing him home to warm their ulaq once more.

Sialuk did not arrive without gifts! She had given Rolayne a small, soft fox pelt to carry, and she herself carried a larger cut of a bison skin from the large hunt carried out prior. They would line @Njord and @Meerkat's ulaq, keeping them warm while this year's babes took their first breath.

She set the pelt down, and turned to Rolayne. You may not have memory of Meerkat and Njord, but they are very dear to me. Then she called for her friends, a note of apology in her voice for not coming to see their new home sooner.
Atkan Aleut
58 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Their last stop had gone well, and Rolayne was excited for the next one. The fox pelt he carried in his jaws was hard not to play with, and his energy got the best of him a few times, but it mostly stayed clean. 

He sat down next to his Mom as he did last time, his tail still wagging as his head tilted to gaze up at Sialuk. Apparently he had met these wolves before, but he would likely not remember. Still, even in his wildness, he had not met a stranger yet. He tried to howl around the pelt, but it didn't work out too well. Still, he was excited.
2,013 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Coach
Master Therapist
Master Ambassador
She barely emerged from The Taigh during her heat. The moment it began to wane, Meerkat ventured out into the crisp January air. She only meant to go for a short walk to stretch her legs but an overabundance of pent-up energy saw her galloping through the copse.

Njord was on border patrol this morning. She raced to find him before deciding it would still be safer to stick to the territory’s interior. Meerkat zoomed from the northern hunting grounds to the southern stretch, then wheeled past the frozen pond to the nearby cliffs. She halted there, breathing hard and surveying her domain.

As her eyes wandered, so did her mind. She supposed it might be wiser to keep her distance for another day or two but she hadn’t seen @Reki in quite a while. Meerkat wanted to check in with him, so she planted her feet, threw back her head and sent up an inquiring note.

She was met with silence. Meerkat’s brow furrowed. Eventually, she retreated back the way she had come, loping toward The Taigh. Maybe her mate would be there. She would ask him when he’d last seen their young pledge.

She’d only just stepped inside the door and found it empty when Sialuk’s call came. Meerkat hesitated briefly before setting out toward the borders after all. This wouldn’t be their first time meeting under these circumstances! She would be safe with her sister-of-sorts.

When she arrived and saw that the pale Ostrega wasn’t alone, Meerkat blinked, smiled and closed the gap with a little twitch of her tail. In lieu of words, she reached out to nuzzle Sialuk, then turned to sniff noses with—not Acrux, as she’d thought at first glance, but Rolayne!—marveling at how much he’d grown.

I figured I’d upcycle this post since it was lonely. :)
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
phew, been a busy couple of weeks! thanks for being patient y'all.

Meerkat was, as always, open and inviting. Sialuk realized just how much she had missed her village sister, and she returned the nuzzle with several quick licks to the Redhawk's cheek, her tail fluttering quickly from side to side between her hocks. They had seen one another briefly for Seal's ceremony, but neither had really had the time to connect that day.

We have brought fine skins to line your new ulaq, Sialuk said, laying the bison skin flat against the earth so Meerkat could inspect the thick fur upon it. Do you remember Rolayne? she asked, nudging the boy's shoulder so he might properly introduce himself.
Atkan Aleut
58 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
It didn't take long for their call to  be answered, and Rolayne practically buzzed with excitement while still trying to keep his bum on the ground. As soon as Sialuk and the other were done greeting, Rolayne leapt up, twirling and prancing around with the fox pelt in his jaws. He tripped a few times but was quick to right himself. He came to a stop next to where Sialuk put her pelt and he placed his own right by it. Hello! he said happily.
2,013 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Coach
Master Therapist
Master Ambassador
I don’t remember him being so big, Meerkat replied to Sialuk’s question in the age-old fashion of mothers. Hello! What have you brought me? she added, speaking directly to the excitable youngster as her amber eyes ranked appreciatively over the bright pelt at his feet.

She glanced at her village sister with a warm smile, acknowledging the skin she carried too. As soon as Rolayne told her more about his gift, Meerkat planned to guide them deeper into the territory. They could visit The Taigh and place the skins, then catch up there or perhaps go on a small tour in the hopes of catching a patrolling Njord.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk laughed at Meerkat's comment. She felt much the same way when she had come to find Rolayne at her doorstep.

But there were other things she wished to speak of besides the gifts. There was so much more to know since they had last properly spoken. Sialuk had always promised herself distance would not wear holes in her friendships, and still she felt that she had failed herself in that.

Has your village grown? she asked, Will you grow more family with Njord?
Atkan Aleut
2,013 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Coach
Master Therapist
Master Ambassador
Sialuk questioned her about the village. Meerkat was happy to tell her anything she wanted to know and learn everything about the goings-on in Moonspear too.

Let’s head to The Taigh, she said, motioning them to grab their things and follow her. That’s the name of our communal den, she explained, eyes shifting between pale and swarthy faces. I’ll give you a little tour as we make our way there.

Meerkat began to walk into the copse with her guests in tow. She replayed Sialuk’s queries in her head.

We haven’t grown much yet, she admitted, though she wasn’t sad about this, but we will grow it ourselves, yes, in just about two months’ time. I think that’s how we prefer it anyway: a small, quiet village built around our family. We’ll always welcome others who want to make a home here, of course.

She didn’t mention their wish for another, younger breeding pair to join them. Sialuk might know of an eligible couple, though now that she had hopefully conceived, Meerkat was very content with her lot and the prospects of their future.

Posting again since Rolayne went inactive. I know it’s a bit dated but I’m game to continue at least a few rounds if you are, Aerinne. :)
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
sia's posts have not been coming easy lately; thanks for being patient! i'm cool with a few more rounds.

Sialuk obliged, hefting the bison skin and motioning for Rolayne to grab the smaller fox pelt. Her eyes lit up when Meerkat mentioned that she would be growing the copse village with the help of new children. Ah, more babes! Sialuk beamed, happy to hear that Seal, Orca, and Ray would have baby siblings. The family would grow, and it was with this growth that Meerkat and Njord planned to establish their village. It was a wise plan, Sialuk thought, and one she had seen many times in her travels (and here in the wilds).

I suggested for Brecheliant to make a visit soon, Sialuk said. Bridget there is a kind woman; do you know her? While Sialuk's interactions with the three-legged medic had been far between, she had always enjoyed their time together.

As they walked, Sialuk glanced at her surroundings, taking in the sights of the new village.
Atkan Aleut
2,013 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Coach
Master Therapist
Master Ambassador
She pointed out landmarks, well aware that Sialuk would quickly catch onto the theme. Would young Rolayne understand that each area was named after a wolf? Would he want to know more about them?

Yes! I know Bridget. She saved my mom’s life many years ago, then more recently taught me about chamomile tea, Meerkat said with a swish of her tail. I would be happy to see her, and it went without saying that she wouldn’t mind if Seal came along for the visit as well.

It wasn’t long before the trio arrived at the tree standing guard over their communal den. Meerkat ushered her guests inside, helping them offload their burdens to be piled neatly against the wall.

Make yourself at home, she encouraged, dispensing some chunks of dried jerky to snack on as she settled down as well, then tell me about all things Moonspear.

No worries! Feel free to fade to black whenever. :)
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
who stole my toe?!
1,301 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk's tail wagged when Meerkat mentioned her knowledge not only of Bridget, but of things she had done to help the Redhawk clan in the past. It did not surprise the starwoman, who had always felt a kindness in Bridget's spirit. As they moved through the copse, it took her longer than she would admit to realize the theme of the names. Each landmark named for one of the family members. She smiled, happy to be welcomed into such a close-knit family, even if it was not hers by blood.

Now resting in the communal den with Rolayne at her side, Sialuk and the boy ate bits of the jerky her village sister offered and began to recount all that had happened in Moonspear since the couple had left. All in all, there was not so much to tell, but Sialuk would stretch out this meeting for as long as she could. With all the distance between their homes, and with the spring season swooping in quickly, it would be some time before they could meet again.
Atkan Aleut