Duskfire Glacier preshon
1,358 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"are they alive?" she asked breathlessly when she had a moment to pull @Druid aside. "you came back." why hadn't she stayed in rivenwood? she did not mean to accuse or demand, it was only surprise. relief.
guilt washed over heda, choked her hard. but she forced herself to stay close, to listen to whatever her sister had to tell her. 
even if it was to fuck off.
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat

Yes, Druid said quickly. Mama and Witch are unharmed, but a few of the others were injured. The raiders took Laurel’s pups. There was more to tell, though she pressed her tongue to the roof of her mouth, wondering if Heda needed a moment to process. Had something waylaid the scouting party?

At her sister’s subsequent words, Druid didn’t say anything. Instead, she flung herself at Heda, embracing her. You were wrong, she declared almost gladly against her red ruff. She gave Heda a squeeze to show that she was happy about this; that she forgave her sister’s words, spoken in the heat of the moment; that she hoped she could be forgiven in turn for her vanishing act.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
1,358 Posts
Ooc — ebony

heda audibly let out her breath, tears springing to her eyes. she squeezed druid. "i'm so damn happy to be wrong,"' she whispered, grateful that her sister would not hold her harshness against her. 
when they parted it was for the girl to dab at her own eyes a moment. "the others went after you and i think they got caught in a storm on the way back."
she looked at her sister. "they took the pups? to —" she couldn't even say it. "are you going to go back? or — what are you guys and mama going to do?" her tail wagged. "you could come here if you wanted."
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Druid didn’t know what to say about the waylaid scouts, so she said nothing. Anyway, Heda pressed her for her next moves. She welcomed Druid to come stay at the glacier. She very much appreciated the invitation, though she reeled at the thought of leaving Rivenwood on any kind of permanent basis.

I’m going to go home, she replied, but I’m not sure what’s going to happen next. Mama didn’t really have any answers, either. But she did tell me the names of the raiders. It was probably too little, too late, but she decided to share, The pack is Ursus and the ringleader is Merrick. He’s related to Laurel. Maybe Heda had already learned as much via the scouting party.

For the nth time, she wondered what had caused this apparent blood feud. But she didn’t speculate out loud. Druid could probably share some of her contentious thoughts with her sister, but she decided to just keep them to herself. In a sense, these weren’t Heda’s problems anymore.

I guess you can get back to your new life now, Druid said quietly, her smile a little sad, a little sheepish. I think you picked a wonderful place to call home. The Duskfire wolves seem great, especially Lane. Are you guys really moving? She’d heard whispers during her stay and now it hit her that Heda would be even further away.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
1,358 Posts
Ooc — ebony
sorry D;;;

ursus. merrick. heda nodded slowly. druid seemed so confident about going back. but he was related to "— laurel? that's weird. or maybe it's not." she pondered. "it's odd they would raid you for one wolf, right?"
she let out her breath at the question. "yeah. pretty far away too." she studied druid. "it's a big mountain, as far west as you could really go." her ears splayed. "i really will come visit, but — maybe it won't be as often as i was hoping."
not nearly as often as she was hoping.
heda sighed but tried to put on a cheerier face. "you've been traveling a bit, right? is there anywhere else you'd like to go?"
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
There’s no need for apologies! Also, we can keep this short if you like.

Druid’s claw clenched in response to Heda’s remark. Maybe “odd” wasn’t the word she’d use. She might call it extremely unfair. Why should all of Rivenwood suffer for Laurel’s mistakes? But she said nothing, still keeping her ugly thoughts to herself.

Heda sounded regretful as she talked of the pack’s distant destination. Druid’s chest tightened and her throat felt thick. She swallowed and nodded mutely in understanding, only to begin shaking her head at her sister’s next question.

I don’t mind visiting Sapphique or exploring the areas around the bypass, but there’s nowhere else I want to be besides Rivenwood, Druid said firmly, inhaling and exhaling through her nose. But maybe, one day, I will travel with you to your new home, see what it’s like.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
1,358 Posts
Ooc — ebony

some sort of emotion hung around druid. but the girl was so grateful not to talk about rivenwood that she welcomed the change. "oh my god, it's so cool there! it's like no place i've seen before. the ground is warm. and there are like ... vents of steam. i didn't get to explore a lot but it will be fun to go back."
druid of rivenwood.
on impulse heda reached out to tightly hug her sister.
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
It was acutely bittersweet, listening to Heda chat excitedly about her new home. She would be so far, yet that meant she would be out of reach of the dangers which threatened Rivenwood. For that, Druid was relieved, even though it made her ache. She wanted only for her sister to be happy, healthy and safe.

When Heda drew her into a hug, Druid clung to her tightly for long moments. She wanted to stay in this moment forever, knowing that when she released her sister, she couldn’t be sure of the next time they’d see each other. But the sooner she and the Duskfires left, the better. With a bitten back sigh, Druid let go of Heda.

Take care of yourself, Heda, she said quietly, placing a kiss on the other girl’s cheek. And… don’t come back, at least for a few moons. It’s not safe. Enjoy your new home and help your pack get settled in there. Then, when the warm weather returns, perhaps you can come visit again and I will journey with you to see it. Maybe Witch can come along too. It can be a… girls’ road trip, a summer vacation.

With a last, tight smile, an adoring look and a soft, I love you. Goodbye, for now, Druid turned toward the bypass, tears blurring her vision.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
1,358 Posts
Ooc — ebony

heda watched her sister go with a lump in her own throat. "i love you," she whispered upon the wind.
the idea of her sisters coming to visit her lifted her heart somewhat.
heda heralded druid with a long and confident howl, one filled with pride and with love.