Emberwood Bite It
-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
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All Welcome 
Sadey was not thrilled with their current circumstances. It was winter, they had no caches, no territory really to call their own. Her body was ruined, not that she had ever put much stock into looks, but it was ruined to the point that her life would possibly be difficult. 

The ribs that had been wounded were still tender, the skin still pulled back and ugly. Tight against her white fur. She tilted her head as she moved through the emberwood. More and more scents were becoming prominent around here. It was concerning. And Reno nor Colt had really told them what they were doing.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
There were too many trees here. It was an aversion many of the Medeiros siblings would share throughout their lives; the open sky had been a way of life back in The Gilded Sea, so constant that Reverie had taken it for granted. Now she wished she hadn't. Everywhere she went, wolves congregated under the trees. Even those she had grown so dearly fond of, like Bjarna and Lestan, disturbed her a little with how perfectly content they were to live caged-in and cut off from the sky.
And she had seen how trees burned, the scant few that existed in The Gilded Sea. They were hunched and sparse, but made of wood like any tree. The thought of a fire among all these trees made her nauseous. She decided not to think about it.
Which was easy enough when she caught sight of the woman. A woman who had been hurt, and badly, and recently. She appeared to be healing, but even so, a wolf in any stage of injury was at a great disadvantage. Concern was foremost among Reverie's initial reaction, but fear was there too, even as she called out, Hey, are - are you okay? She noted belatedly the scent of others mingled with the stranger. She was probably being cared for, but Reverie felt she had to make sure.
-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
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Sadey's fur was raised and she turned to look  at the girl. She wanted to growl and chase her on out, but at the same time. She dind't know if she could. Body broken as it was. Ole Sadey, well she just wasn't sure if she could fight anymore. And that was where the rub lied in.

So instead she nodded. I'm fine. It's healing, but you girl crossed claimed territory. Best be careful. The fellas aint' as nice as ole sadey.

Sadey studied her. You smell like that pack over yonder.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
How did I not know that the Emberwood is their claim...it's okay Reverie is dumb anyway
She hadn't considered that this place might be claimed until the woman said it, but as she spoke, it became apparent that she had been wrong about several things. The wound, on closer inspection, was not quite as fresh as she'd thought. It was just... terrible. And this place wasn't only a high traffic area; it was another pack, right next to Swiftcurrent Creek the way Riverclan was right next to Kvarsheim.
I didn't think... She trailed off, feeling stupid and wary of the way she was bristling. Eventually someone else would come along, she thought, as it had happened at Riverclan. She would apologize and leave, she decided. Then the pale woman, who identified herself as Sadey, pointed out her pack scent. Kvarsheim? Did she know Bjarna? The thought immediately set her at ease, if only a little. Maybe she wouldn't need to leave immediately.
-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
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Goodness it happens. Reyson did it a ton of times when i brought him into game :D

Sadey shrugged. It's okay we all have moments of not thinking. Just skedaddle before they decide you're worth some trouble. You want to look like me, eh?

She blinked pretty grey eyes. 

If that's what it's called. Ole Colt had a deal with some lady from there by the name Sanja. Some pregnant thing. Haven't smelled her in a while though and Ole Colt been staying away.

Sadey sniffed gently at the girl. To catch a whiff of who she was and where she was from. So this place Kvasheim. They had too many neighbors. Way too many neighbors. It made her itchy.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Sadey spoke strangely, Reverie decided, and suddenly wondered if others thought the way she spoke was strange. But the woman was kind enough to her, even going so far as to explain how she knew of Kvarsheim. Reverie wasn't sure who Sanja was, or Colt, but she didn't even consider that the other might be lying.
Who is Colt? She wondered, and then remembered that Sadey had suggested she leave. She stepped back, glancing behind her, toward Swiftcurrent Creek. Heading there seemed like the safest option.
-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
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Sadey knew her accent left a lot to be desired. Her english wasn't great and the way she said things, well it was clear she hadn't had much education in the way of speaking. But she didn't rightly care if she was honest. Didn't care one whit.

Colt is well i guess he's a bit like our leader. Though Reno's above him as it were.

YOu heading towards those Swiftcurrent wolves are you. They still there? We came across them, a bit ago.

Sadey wondered how much she could give away. If she treaded carefully she may get a little information.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Reverie was beginning to feel a little flustered, torn between focusing on her own curiosity about the woman and her escape route. She could hardly resist the allure of another connection to Kvarsheim and, by extension, Bjarna. But did she really want another incident like the one with Riverclan?
Then Sadey said something that caught her attention. Something about Swiftcurrent Creek. Reverie recalled something Lestan had said to her when they first met, about bad folk. Sadey didn't seem like bad folk to her, with her pretty stormcloud colors and her roughshod but benign demeanor, but that wound...
Reverie was not a wolf suited to deception. Though she tried to hide her mounting suspicion and fear, it was written all over her face and posture as she took another step back. Then another. Um... She said, distracted now. Something like that. Sorry, I should go...
-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
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Sadey saw it as soon as the girl realized who she was. Her eyes went flat and cold and she stared at the girl.

Then she shifted and stretched. You better run now girl. Run fast. I won't chase you this time. Consider it a favor for being kind.

Then Sadey shifted into a more domineering and aggressive stance. The girl needed to go now. She would let her go as promised, but if any of the guys came back. Well this would not be good for her or Sadey.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Sadey knew. She knew that Reverie knew, and for a moment the golden-furred girl thought her heart might stop. Any moment now, she expected to see the woman come crashing toward her, or maybe even someone else from the shadows. Instead, Sadey told her to run.
Run fast.
Consider it a favor.
She ran. It was a blind and desperate scramble for Swiftcurrent Creek, armed with nothing but a gnawing fear that someone else would find her. Or that Sadey would follow after all, and prove herself as bad as Lestan had said. But it didn't happen; Reverie wasn't sure if that was better or worse.