Moonspear crystalline
1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
it had been njord's presence which had saved bronco, teya believed. she had many of her own reservations about leaving the packlands, but with frolic locked down, or so she hoped, and a new auspex appointed to handle brecheliant, the raven chose to make a social visit.
tapping @Ponyboy to come along with her, teya kissed her mate and left the pack in his capable paws, with the support of eljay and maia.
the going was not long to her, but might be for her son, and so she paused often as they traveled the rocky offthrow of the hinterlands to moonspear's sprawling base.
teya called up before she began to climb, nosing ponyboy ever so often. this terrain would not be so familiar to them, and it was why such trips were important for learning.
980 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
These days Njord reluctantly stayed within Moonspear’s borders. Though Seal had made a full recovery, Njord still walked with a stiff limp. He was careful not to aggravate the wounds and so he tread Moonspear’s rough terrain slowly and carefully.

He could still hike a leg, however, and set off to reinforce the borders. To his surprise, a call announced an arrival.

Njord saw a pair of wolves in the distance, an adult and a pup. When they drew nearer the man recognized the woman’s face as Bronco’s companion from that fated day.
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1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the man who approached was familiar, and teya stepped a couple of feet closer, a tail wave behind.
"i wanted to come say thank you. bronco is healing. would not have lived without you."
had she ever gotten his name? had she ever given hers? teya felt that his face was kind, and perhaps she had already softened to see it. "i teya, his mate. this ponyboy, one of our sons."
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
96 Posts
Ooc — Jess
The normally energetic boy found himself losing steam as they began the climb through the foothills. He hadn't expected for the journey to be so hard, and so he'd wasted good steam bouncing about, and found himself very much in need of the breaks his mother provided. He tried not to look too winded, but his mother seemed to take his tiredness in stride. When they arrived at the borders, he was tired enough to behave, which had likely been her plan all along. 

This wasn't where Ajei lived, but it was apparently where another girl lived- the one who'd been in the fight with whatever animal had ripped his Dad into shreds. The man who showed up had scars as well- something Ponyboy was very used to seeing, though it puzzled him to see that the man had fewer fresh scars than his Dad. His brow furrowed. His tiredness was forgotten shortly after his mother spoke, and he fell back into his typical, outspoken self. 

"How come you got beat up less?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. "D'you just move faster or what?"
980 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Njord walked close to the pair and greeted them with a diplomatic dip of his head. Then, he listened.

Wife. Son.

It embellished the painting that was Bronco’s life.  Njord knew him to be brave. A fighter. A loving brother to Meerkat. Now, a devoted family man, through and through. Of course, he was – it was the Redhawk way. Njord’s respect for him grew and grew.

“That is kind of ye, Ah’m happy tae hear Bonco’s on tha mend,” Njord accepted, at first, appreciative to know he had played a part in Bronco’s survival. A feeling of repentance warmed his heart. “But ‘tis I who is in Bronco’s great debt. My daughter, Seal, wouldnae ‘av made it if it was not for yer husband. None of us would ‘av. He is s selfless man.”

“My name is Njord,” he added. “My wife, Meerkat, is sister tae Bronco. That makes us kin,” he went on to explain with a small smile. Recently, Meerkat had paid Brecheliant a visit and had reported that Bronco was in bad shape, but healing. Maybe this was the event meant to bring their clans closer together.

Then, his attention turned to the young boy. At his age, Ponyboy reminded Njord of Loko. “Ah wish that were the case,” Njord mused. Superspeed would have been a helpful power. “Ah’m like this only because of yer Da’s actions. He exchanged heavy blows with th hellcat, drawin’ its attention, an’ caused tha most damage out of all of us.”
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!

1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
bronco had saved a girl named seal. the man was named njord; seal was his daughter, and through this bond it turned out they were related! njord even refocused the aplomb onto bronco once more, noting that bronco had taken the majority of the catclaws.
this frightened teya in a low, vague way, the momentary smatter of a sensation for which she had no name; she shoved it away and smiled at njord. "if related, we not be strangers so much, yes?"
ponyboy was given an affectionate nudge. "maybe, later, we bring kids together to meet? families, too. brecheliant quiet. small. but we are family."
again, the low glissade, and in spite of herself, teya glanced back down along the mountain.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
96 Posts
Ooc — Jess
It was validating to hear that his Dad had been the hero- and unlike the effect those words had had on Teya, Ponyboy felt even prouder to know his father had suffered the blows so that others would survive. Still, he thought- Njord must have been quick on his feet to escape such a fearsome creature.

He imagined what it must have been like to witness but was pulled back to reality when he was nudged. A bit surprised, he looked up, and then another memory struck him. ”Does Ajei live here?” He asked hopefully. He felt sure that the name of her pack was similar- and thought perhaps if she did, then he might see her again if the packs got together for a playdate.
980 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Njord could see the soft affection Teya had for Brecheliant. A small sensation of remorse hit him. Why had a violent event been the thing to finally bring them together? He wished they could be merry under different circumstances.

Alas, hindsight was 50/50.

“That’s a bonnie idea,” Njord agreed sincerely. “I ken my daughter is already fast friends with Frolic from Brecheliant. It would be good for both packs tae gather.” Family. Friends. Let them all tend their bonds like sprouts in a garden.

Then, young Ponyboy asked a question.

“Nae, @Ajei lives the next village over, at Moonglow. But she oft stops by tae visit Seal.” Njord thought a moment. “There’s a few other lads at Moonglow. About your age… have ye met them?” he asked. The Elder was excited to watch the next generation grow.
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1,182 Posts
Ooc — ebony
in many ways, for many reasons, teya appreciated njord's accent. "we not been to moonglow. well, not in some time." had she ever been? "but we know place. you say there are boys, pony's age?"
she looked at her son. perhaps that was what was needed, a trip to break up the monotony of watching bronco heal, worrying about him, watching the pack quiet.
they needed a livening time.
"who leads moonglow?" teya asked next, wondering if the names would be the same.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
980 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
“Kukutux an’ her husband Aiolos, lead Moonglow,” Njord replied. “Their hearth welcomed three sons this past spring,” his eyes shifted over to the golden-colored lad. “Ah’m sure you’ll find no shortage of friends, there. I encourage ye tae visit all of tha moon villages,” he added with a smile.

“Kukutux’s eldest daughter, Sialuk, leads this pack… Moonspear. Come, rest a while,” he offered. Both of their families had been through much, and Njord was eager to share stories over snacks.
Members of Sun Mote Copse are welcome to join all threads and power-play Njord (excepting injury or death) for cohesion and continuity, whether or not he's an active participant in a thread. Just tag me!