Cricket Creek Bog The world don't speak for us
565 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Pack Activity 
out of territory pack hunt!! Anyone welcome!  Gonna be vague about who is here.  Feel free to pp all you wish!

who she told  - @Sequoia @Wraen @Elwood @Niamh @Colt @Maia @Epic @Clover

Kiwi had tracked the herd (with Sequoia's company at times) and noted when they would reach the open bogs.  Chasing them in the forest would be difficult, but the open space and peaty earth made this an ideal ambush point in her eyes.  Here they could run the herd down until it tired.

She had siblings now, back home, but hadn't seen them yet.  She'd been planning this instead, hoping to surprise her mom with a catch and something fun to bring by for them to play with once they were old enough.  Those she chose she'd told the plan to - split into two, surround and cut off the chosen deer, chase it until they could make it fall.

She watched with narrowed eyes as the deer picked their way across the thawing ground, browsing lazily.  Two young stags and four does, one of whom seemed older.  That was the mark she had described.

Slowly she crept around in a wide arc, intending to burst from the trees and being the chase towards the wide open.  She indicated the rest should follow, and waited until they chose positions before signaling the run.

As a pack they burst out, a pincer of flashing teeth, spurring the deer into a frenzy of motion.
Kiwi will internalize lies and twist things to her benefit until this becomes her reality.  Her thoughts are not my own <3
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
It was months now, since Wraen had hunted something bigger than a hare, and with her feet still raw and healing, the pack hunt was badly timed. But with the birth of Wildfire's and Eljay's two children and with more coming in the following months, she reasoned that it would look bad, if she did not give the hunt a try. 

If any of you have had a blister, while wearing new shoes, especially, if that happens at the inconvenient moment, when you have a whole day ahead of you walking in those shoes, you will understand, how Wraen felt, when she ran along the rest of the pack. The pounding pain was hard to ignore, therefore her gait was an awkward mix of hobbling and leaping, but she tried her best to follow, what was going on and especially take notice of Kiwi's instructions.

While the rest advanced forward, she kept herself slightly behind the group, knowing that she would have the most difficult time to manouvre quickly, when it came to that, and that she should make her decisions more carefully.
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Colt was loath to leave Niamh, but a hunt was a strong call, and he was definitely digging the opportunity to exploit his prowess and work out a little warm-blooded aggression.  So he joined them, ranging alongside Kiwi and cutting to the side when she ordered to places.  Kiwi was taking the other, and he flashed a quick wink at the sisters who were along as well before focusing back in.  

His position was the left flank, and he'd try to raise some hell to cut the majority of the herd off.  Hopefully they could manage it.
1,540 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia knew that Wraen's paws were bothering her, and she definitely had told her a few times she didn't have to come, but her big sis seemed determined. Well, she was awesome enough at hunting that it would be no problem, and besides, Maia could handle a bunch too.  This was gonna be fun!

Or so she tried to convince herself.  She wasn't super excited to join because she did not at all like the girl leading it, but she wasn't about to prove her right about being useless, and she had a chance now to rub her nose in how wrong she was.  Maia bet she was a way better hunter, her dad and Sarah and Wraen were the best teachers.

She was a little survey, following behind, but Colt's wink made her flush and brightened her spirits a bit.  What? He was cute, for an older guy.

She began to jog that way, knowing her size would be a good help in dividing the herd.  They had to get it on its own before they could run it down... grudgingly, she thought Kiwi's plan wasn't too bad.
565 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
(Keeping it vague!! So others can still hop in if they so choose.  Going to keep this to three or four rounds <3)

When they rushed the deer, Kiwi felt elation fill her when the entire herd took off, just as planned.  They had them on the run and she felt powerful being the one to lead this chase.  She liked this quite a bit.

She looked at Colt and Maia and barked a sharp command, then glanced quickly over her shoulder at Wraen.  Hopefully she'd be able to do her part once the other two got the target separated.  She wanted the kill, badly, but before she could the animal would need to be slowed enough for her to get a good shot at it.
Kiwi will internalize lies and twist things to her benefit until this becomes her reality.  Her thoughts are not my own <3
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
aaand skipping with colt bc it makes sense!

Their charge at the deer seemed to work and Colt immediately focused his attention not only on the older doe, but also the movement of the herd around her.  Thankfully she was towards the edge of the mass, but it would still be risky trying to separate her.  They'd need to avoid those running on both sides.

Kiwi's command made his ears flick and he smirked, digging in to sprint towards it.  The challenge was the fun part, right?

His goal was the young buck running just to her left, on the outside.  If he could panick it the other direction, perhaps it would close in with the group and leave her to the edge instead.

Unfortunately, (after rolling a 3) the maneuver didn't work quite as expected.  He dove in to snap at the buck's heels, but rather than swerve around, the deer kicked out.  Luckily he dropped quickly, narrowly avoiding a muzzle full of hoof.  Yikes.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Frankly speaking, Wraen was a little at loss of, what she was supposed to do, while the rest of them charged forward, scattering the herd in every direction and slowly closing on their target. She did her best to keep up, but with every step sending burning pain up her limbs, she was unsure, how long would she be able to do that. 

A sharp bark from Kiwi - a momentarily confused expression on Wraen's face. What now, where to? Yet, aside from Colt being almost kicked in the muzzle, nothing much seemed to happen that would favour her situation. She did observe, however, that there were fewer herd members flanking the older doe and that it was slowing down a little. Could they chase her out of steam entirely?

Lousy post, sorry. Wraen's useless at the moment.
1,540 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
oh goodness no worries! I mean... I'm playing the other three so if there's anything you need lmk haha.  I am iffy at best at hunt threads!

Maia wasn't hugely in the know either, and it showed.  Wraen and she had a system and Kiwi's was not it, but she tried as best she could.  Colt didn't seem to be having much luck turning aside the herd on his side, so she snapped at the other.

She wasn't entirely positive why they were trying to scatter them.  If they just ran, the one deer would probably get tired right? 

Anyway, whatever, she wasn't about to ask Kiwi anything.  Oh please don't let her mess this up in front of the other girl.  Please please please.

She was focusing so hard on not messing up and getting kicked or bit or, idk, impaled by deer antlers that she failed to notice a ridge that those running in front of her cleared.  She caught it with a paw and ended up falling heavily on her shoulder, momentum stopped short.  

Oh come on.  Seriously?

With a desperate whine she stumbled to her feet and tried to run after, but now she was trailing same as her sister (assuming Wraen probably paused to check).  Her ears were flat with embarrassment, but she gave a quick I'm okay. despite her shoulder kind of actually hurting now.

btw I'm rolling terribly haha, wow
565 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
This was a mess.  She caught Maia's fall out of the corner of her eye, and she saw Colt trying but failing to separate the deer from the herd.  Wraen was lagging behind, and apparently she was the only one who was going to be doing any good on this.  It was her first time leading a hunt, and even if they were short on numbers and ability, she wasn't about to let it end without a kill.

They'd just have to try and slow it down.

Just keep chasing it! she yelled as she sprinted forward to take a snap at one of the doe's hind legs.  It was old and while the herd still had some steam, it was maybe starting to lag.  They could outlast it.

Her teeth missed, but she didn't let it deter her.  She dropped back again, out of range, ready for a dogged chase.

going to prob do one or two more rounds! To see if they get it or not.
Kiwi will internalize lies and twist things to her benefit until this becomes her reality.  Her thoughts are not my own <3
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
i think this hunt might be a goner sorry kiwi XD poor colt rolled a 4

Maybe if they'd had another, or two, they could have gotten the deer.  But as it was, Colt was beginning to tire and the sisters behind weren't looking so hot either from his cursory glance.  Maia had taken a fall and Wraen had not been running correctly from the start, and he worried that she'd hurt herself if she pushed it.  It wasn't worth it for one deer.

He took a final run to try and tear into the doe's side, but she was a clever old deer who had lived a good many seasons.  As he did, she threw herself sideways, and he missed.  Well damn.

I'm calling it! He yelled, looking at Kiwi with narrowed eyes.  They couldn't afford to overextend themselves.  There'd be other hunts.

He started to drop back, slowing and prepping to stop in the pursuit.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Wraen did stop to check up on Maia and would have done so, even if her sister had not fallend down and hurt her shoulder. Running barefoot in the snow is a trifle enough, running raw-foot as she had been doing, was horrible. And it was a wonder truly at, how far she had forced herself to go. However, everyone has their limits and, when the Readleaf girl nuzzled her sister's side of the next in encouragement and affection, she knew that she was not going to resume the run. She could hardly walk.

This did not mean that she did not feel enormously guilty and sorry for Kiwi, but at the same time - though unpleasant - it would serve as a good lesson. That most hunts ended up in failure of sorts. It was doe's lucky day. She sat down and began to groom her frostbitten feet to stop them from bleeding. The snow, where she had stood earlier, was already tinted with pink and light red. 

Last one from me.
1,540 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
It really did sting, and when she tried to run, it only made it worse.  So by the time Colt called it off, she'd had no plans to continue.  Instead, Maia had stuck next to Wraen, worried after her as well when a glance showed she was moving worse.  Nope! They were done!

She sat down with a whump next to Wraen and slowly stretched, grimacing as the new soreness tensed.  It wasn't a bad injury, but it was uncomfortable enough that she wouldn't be running any more today.
565 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Kiwi was set to continue when Colt called the hunt off, and she whirled on him, incensed.  Who did he think he was?  This was her hunt to lead, and just because he was old didn't mean he got to overrule her.  She bared her teeth and stiffened.  

I'm leading this hunt, not you, she growled, far smaller but definitely ready to throw down.  She did not see his comment as a mentor, but as someone who wanted to snag the lead for himself because he didn't think she was old enough to do it.  She'd show him.... just let him try and push it.  I didn't say we could give up.  

She noted that the other two had already stopped back, and her hackles lifted.  She was not about to go home empty handed.
Kiwi will internalize lies and twist things to her benefit until this becomes her reality.  Her thoughts are not my own <3
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Colt relaxed some when he saw the sisters stop, not liking the look of their walk.  Hopefully they'd take it easy for a bit.

His fur lifted, though, when Kiwi rounded on him and spat a counter to what he'd said.  Cool it kid, Colt retorted, eyes narrowed with a lack of humor despite his casual tone.  No hunt's worth injury, not unless your desperate.  Next time.  

He didn't much like her posturing, but he wasn't about to try and vye for her place, so he dropped his own head a bit and bit back some of the rudeness from his reply.  She's young, she'll figure it out, he thought, though he watched her turn and storm away skeptically.  Maybe she would, maybe she wouldn't.