Lion Head Mesa provectus
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
All Welcome 
backdated to may 21, morning

he was narrowing upon his quarry.

the princess @Lilitu was not among his suspects, but he sent a polite invitation for her to join him all the same. once more he would take an interview in the open-air throne room.

he settled himself to wait.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
She'd enjoyed the soldiers' presence, if only for a diversion. The young man Killdeer was a delight, charming and humorous, and although Glaukos remained silent, his hulking form was something to behold. She heeded Germanicus's call immediately, moving to the throne room with light, quick steps.

Hi, Lilitu greeted him, giving a quick semi-curtsy. Or as much of a curtsy as a noble wolf would do. She was still getting herself used to the customs here. You called for me?

He was rugged with many scars, clearly a warrior, and smelled somewhat of the mountains. She wondered if he was from the same mountains in which the Reneian Empire had been tucked away. 

And if he knew where her sister was. . .

Lilitu stood waiting, tail swishing gently behind her, a pleasant smile sitting upon her muzzle.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
"i did. please. sit with me."

he would lower himself to his own haunches once lilitu had done so.

"how long have you lived in akashingo, princess?" the eagle asked formally.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
She sat down with the lead soldier, and thought for a moment on his question before answering, About two moons, I think. Maybe a little longer than that. It felt like eons, and she found herself having to more carefully calculate the time than perhaps she'd anticipated.

I'm originally from Brecheliant, the pack that lives on the caldera. But I suppose you know that already, Lilitu added with a smile. He was knowledgeable, having gained intelligence from Ramesses and other sources.

And he was here to speak with her, which meant he'd likely prepared.

What did he know—what did he think—of her and her family's pack?
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
"i know brecheliant. my former companion and i once hunted with the raven there, teya." it explained a good deal of lilitu's composition. she was humble compared to the others, not yet settled into the role that had been decided for her.

in this she was similar to what his first glimpse of satsu had been.

"have you been treated vell here in the time you have been present?"
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Her face broke into a smile at the mention of Teya. She's like a mother to me, Lilitu remarked softly. Especially since mine died a while ago. She was immediately more trusting of Germanicus with this connection to the Raven.

Oh, yes, she replied. I've never been more spoiled. Berries and baths. . . it's a whole different world than anything I've experienced! 

But that was Ramesses. He'd come from nobility and had never known anything else. And she certainly wasn't complaining to be on the periphery of his indulgence.

She cocked her head slightly. Have you found anything out about Satsu? she asked.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
"my investigation is not yet at its end, princess lilitu."

germanicus wondered if she enjoyed her title. it seemed a bit too large for her delicate head, this crown that ramesses wished her to wear.

but wear it she would if only for the sake of brecheliant. "i am glad akashingo is treating you well. pharaoh said you were to be married. this sort of luxury will be yours to enjoy for all your life."
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
She nodded along with his words, but something in them had sparked an inquiry she'd forgotten in recent days.

Do you know anything about a pack called Ursus? Lilitu asked. Like where they live? My sister is one of them; I ran into her a while ago, but it was away from their territory.

Had Pharaoh mentioned Mereo could be of assistance or was she only imagining that? But Germanicus seemed so knowledgeable about the area's affairs, he had to have some idea. . .right?

She blinked at him hopefully, trying to keep desperation from her face.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
"ursus fought beside akashingo when we sent the saints out of the sunspire."

something in the young woman's mien had shifted and greatly so. "i only met merrick and his daughter avicus. i believe the bear worshipper brought with him a son and another young woman. perhaps that was your sister."

germanicus was silent now. he wondered if she would indicate her reasons for asking.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Maybe,  said Lilitu fervently, and leaned into him. She was part of a bear cult. I am looking for her.

She cocked her head. Where are they? she asked, her voice maybe too sharp for the one being interrogated.

Her breath came sharp, chest heaving.

She was closer to Arielle than anyone, or so she thought. And yet, it could all be taken away. And what if this man thought she had something to do with Satsu's murder? Especially now that she'd admitted she was sister to a member of a cult?

Lilitu felt her entire being turning to ice.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
"long before all this, ursus lived in an eastern alley far beyond the sunspire mountains. but when they came to join akashingo, they came from the west. i cannot properly answer your question, princess."

her sister was a bearwolf. they were savage and unheedful. but she spoke of separation. she was searching. and lilitu had come from brecheliant, not ursus.

"how did you come to be parted from your sister?"
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
The west. That was. . .no. That was the wrong direction. It had been east that she'd met Arielle, right?

She sighed, shaking her head. A long time ago, she whispered sadly. Our family moved a lot, and finally separated. I lost her in the midst of it.

Clearly he was acquainted. Not recently, though. She was a little annoyed. Hadn't Pharaoh told her Mereo knew the whereabouts of Ursus? Her teeth clenched tight.

Where are they, Germanicus? she asked, her shoulder blades bunching together.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
"that is all the information i have upon ursus, your highness. i would be willing to lead an expedition to the valley in search."

he studied her.

"why is it so important that she is found now? the cult of bear worshippers is a brutal place."