vague baby name starter! backdated, flexible, can be a quick one! <3 @Toula @Rashepses, plz tag puppies as u will!
hem arrived in his usual quieter state, directed to the throne-room where he had once seen ramesses sit.
and once makono too had occupied these halls.
the servants offered him drink, which senmut took up. he had brought the seal of the Apis, reminded of another ceremony, horseblood staining the lintels of a wedding.
by now the golden blossoms had become quite delicate, but they would shine once more upon the faces of yet another generation.
and once makono too had occupied these halls.
the servants offered him drink, which senmut took up. he had brought the seal of the Apis, reminded of another ceremony, horseblood staining the lintels of a wedding.
by now the golden blossoms had become quite delicate, but they would shine once more upon the faces of yet another generation.
September 04, 2024, 09:01 AM
four perfect beings, positioned before herself and her husband. she herself sat proudly behind them, alongside her beloved, her eyes bright with the joy her family brought her, and with her eagerness for this occasion. she could not help but try to think back—could she remember sitting before the then Hem as a girl for this very thing? so many times she had sat poised before and eventually beside her mother and father while they both lived, learning,
she did not know it would all be for something quite so grand as this!
Toula, in those days, never imagined that this day for herself would be as it was now. no—she had imagined herself wed to a Sphinx of some other kingdom, aiding her father and then, when he had passed, aiding @Makono with the alliance. the cubs would come to be named, as she would never give the divine part of Herself up and would, in turn, share it with her young. and when she returned here, the reunion with her fiercest sister would be sweet. young would crowd both of their feet, the children of Pharaoh and Godswife—
Makono! a fierce pang of longing tore through her. they would visit her pyramid after this, she decided. Makono would know them even still.
and now it was she herself bearing the sigil of Pharaoh, and her own young that would someday inherent the lands she and Rashepses would lay claim to. she had always known the Hem would be present this day, presiding over the rite, but not that she would be sitting upon the Horus Throne! the Gods worked in mysterious ways—it was undoubtedly Them that orchestrated this all. the pain of the losses endured lingered, but it was softened with the knowledge that death was not the end. that they might be looking upon them now! more than ever, Toula felt her father.
how strange, that these ends brought the most brilliant of beginnings! Toula had ushered in an era of peace, of prosperity—she had continued her fathers great work of expanding trade. in every reign there was some turmoil—heretics, attacking her Hem and striking down a Hemet. oh, @Melody! Rashepses would see to it that his army was rebuilt, see to it that no hand could rise against them without the consequence of losing it! and their children…
what had her father hoped and dreamed for her? as she looked upon @Den and @Neith and @Khaemwaset and @Satakhetem the Pharaoh prayed for peace and happiness and love in their hearts to accompany the grand and great things they were each meant for. that she herself, with her husband, would ever be able to bear witness to such. what things had her brothers @Siptah and @Sethnakht accomplished? ah, they were too far away! Toula thought on them with love in her heart, but hoped her own children would never go so far away!
she traveled both back in time and to days that did not text exist in the span of seconds. Toula had instructed her young that the Hem would guide them, and to listen to him this day!
she did not know it would all be for something quite so grand as this!
Toula, in those days, never imagined that this day for herself would be as it was now. no—she had imagined herself wed to a Sphinx of some other kingdom, aiding her father and then, when he had passed, aiding @Makono with the alliance. the cubs would come to be named, as she would never give the divine part of Herself up and would, in turn, share it with her young. and when she returned here, the reunion with her fiercest sister would be sweet. young would crowd both of their feet, the children of Pharaoh and Godswife—
Makono! a fierce pang of longing tore through her. they would visit her pyramid after this, she decided. Makono would know them even still.
and now it was she herself bearing the sigil of Pharaoh, and her own young that would someday inherent the lands she and Rashepses would lay claim to. she had always known the Hem would be present this day, presiding over the rite, but not that she would be sitting upon the Horus Throne! the Gods worked in mysterious ways—it was undoubtedly Them that orchestrated this all. the pain of the losses endured lingered, but it was softened with the knowledge that death was not the end. that they might be looking upon them now! more than ever, Toula felt her father.
how strange, that these ends brought the most brilliant of beginnings! Toula had ushered in an era of peace, of prosperity—she had continued her fathers great work of expanding trade. in every reign there was some turmoil—heretics, attacking her Hem and striking down a Hemet. oh, @Melody! Rashepses would see to it that his army was rebuilt, see to it that no hand could rise against them without the consequence of losing it! and their children…
what had her father hoped and dreamed for her? as she looked upon @Den and @Neith and @Khaemwaset and @Satakhetem the Pharaoh prayed for peace and happiness and love in their hearts to accompany the grand and great things they were each meant for. that she herself, with her husband, would ever be able to bear witness to such. what things had her brothers @Siptah and @Sethnakht accomplished? ah, they were too far away! Toula thought on them with love in her heart, but hoped her own children would never go so far away!
she traveled both back in time and to days that did not text exist in the span of seconds. Toula had instructed her young that the Hem would guide them, and to listen to him this day!
September 08, 2024, 03:03 PM
this was senmut, erpa-ha, high priest, yes, yes, yes. khaemwaset knew himself the sounds, the titles. but he did not know this man, and so when divine mother brought he and his siblings here before those green eyes, khaemwaset was wrought with anger.
mother had said to listen.
khaemwaset said to bow, bristling before the priest; he aggressively parted himself from their gilt numbers and stood demanding obeisance with silent, unshaking eyes limned in grandfather's kohl.
mother had said to listen.
khaemwaset said to bow, bristling before the priest; he aggressively parted himself from their gilt numbers and stood demanding obeisance with silent, unshaking eyes limned in grandfather's kohl.
September 08, 2024, 03:04 PM
(This post was last modified: September 08, 2024, 03:05 PM by Satakhetem.)
satakhetem sat between her siblings, and before her mother, and before this man she had seen and smelled in the halls but did not know.
he carried something with him and she was immediately curious of it; but she was nervous too, and found comfort by leaning against khaemwaset.
she wanted to look back to her mother; her mother who was always laughing or smiling, or kissing with father, and seemed unbothered by all the world, and untouchable. she wanted herself to be untouchable too — was that why they had come here?
was that a gift this man would provide?
so many questions!
he carried something with him and she was immediately curious of it; but she was nervous too, and found comfort by leaning against khaemwaset.
she wanted to look back to her mother; her mother who was always laughing or smiling, or kissing with father, and seemed unbothered by all the world, and untouchable. she wanted herself to be untouchable too — was that why they had come here?
was that a gift this man would provide?
so many questions!
September 09, 2024, 09:11 PM
They had been gathered for something important. And while Khaemwaset made a show of himself - angry and bristling and bold - his crocodilian brother sat watching beside Neith. The piercing of Den's eyes traced each individual dark hair on his brother. The way that Khaemwaset was so forward with himself was equal parts embarrassing and admirable. The young prince could not decide which feeling weighed more.
A soft touch of Den's snout was pressed to the back of Neith's ear. A kiss for his most beloved companion.
But his eyes remained glued on the wrathful figure of Khaemwaset. Amusement curled the edge of his dark lips.
A soft touch of Den's snout was pressed to the back of Neith's ear. A kiss for his most beloved companion.
But his eyes remained glued on the wrathful figure of Khaemwaset. Amusement curled the edge of his dark lips.
September 15, 2024, 11:18 AM
(This post was last modified: September 15, 2024, 11:26 AM by Neith.)
The princess’ feet move in graceful diffidence. Mother’s essence dwells here, preserved in the ancient reliefs and gilded coptics, most predominantly in the sharp soar of two vacant seats. Neith’s eyes raise in wonder, enthralled as much by the thrones of crimson stone as she is momma’s shimmering resplendence within the open-air barrazza.
In the center of the room is a red man the girl has not yet met, but whose movements are natively deliberate. She lingers to watch the unveiling of gold-kissed blooms upon a field of white, feeling the blood in her veins prime in answer.
Tucking with her siblings beside momma, Neith beams at Den, the delight unadulterated beneath his adoring kisses. She looks fully into his nile eyes, then at the shadowy faces of her brother and sister, burning with a sagacious knowingness that this is all for them.
In the center of the room is a red man the girl has not yet met, but whose movements are natively deliberate. She lingers to watch the unveiling of gold-kissed blooms upon a field of white, feeling the blood in her veins prime in answer.
Tucking with her siblings beside momma, Neith beams at Den, the delight unadulterated beneath his adoring kisses. She looks fully into his nile eyes, then at the shadowy faces of her brother and sister, burning with a sagacious knowingness that this is all for them.
September 20, 2024, 02:13 PM
(This post was last modified: September 20, 2024, 02:29 PM by Rashepses.)
A final procession moved at the flank of Semer-wati, all manner of fragrances, parched bones, honeycomb, lotus flowers and young meats born by the fellahin to the altar of Amun-ra. For the last, a dried jackal-skin platter upon which sat the still steaming heart of a mare, quartered, and placed at the side of Erpa-ha and before the royal assemblage.
The pleasure of a thousand suns swam before the King’s eyes as he met the imperial gaze of Pharaoh, how she gleamed in new maternal lustiness that had only served to augment her seraphic vision.
The divine look turned upon each of the regal children then, lined before their mother. His daughters were prized for their elegant and awesome beauty, with gemstone eyes and Toula’s queenship which would grow in the feminine courtliness of their mothers' kingdom.
But it was his sons whom Rashepses favored for their imperious natures, the sharp dominion of tempers so utterly defined by the blessings of the tempestuous Gods. It was to these deities the children would be presented, and endowed with Their divine protections.
To the firstborn the king acknowledged now, the crocodilian son with Sobek's pharaonic power who wore the gold of valor upon his crown. In a resonant voice the child was bid to rise towards father and priest to stand within the infinite light of Amun-ra.
“Behold, first prince of Pharaoh, Amiir @Den of Akashingo, ‘He Who Brings the Water’, the ‘Lord of the Two Lands’ Nebtawy, Sobeksetep ‘Chosen by Sobek’.
"May He trample foreign lands and nourish upper and lower kingdoms, usher Akashingo in a state of reverence that his own arm maintains!
"Great Protector of the Old Ways, captor of wealth and destroyer of walls!
"He Who will Bring Water to Egypt and beyond, expander of kingdoms, creator of rain!
"Let your water flow over the world!
"Long may He live to walk in the light of Ra!”
A rattling of sistraa sealed the king’s words, but Rashepses perceived nothing aside the fearsome face of the boy in abundant health and precocious strength who would become king. A regal kiss to the crown of Den and then Semer-wati looked grandly on Pharaoh to name their next.
The pleasure of a thousand suns swam before the King’s eyes as he met the imperial gaze of Pharaoh, how she gleamed in new maternal lustiness that had only served to augment her seraphic vision.
The divine look turned upon each of the regal children then, lined before their mother. His daughters were prized for their elegant and awesome beauty, with gemstone eyes and Toula’s queenship which would grow in the feminine courtliness of their mothers' kingdom.
But it was his sons whom Rashepses favored for their imperious natures, the sharp dominion of tempers so utterly defined by the blessings of the tempestuous Gods. It was to these deities the children would be presented, and endowed with Their divine protections.
To the firstborn the king acknowledged now, the crocodilian son with Sobek's pharaonic power who wore the gold of valor upon his crown. In a resonant voice the child was bid to rise towards father and priest to stand within the infinite light of Amun-ra.
“Behold, first prince of Pharaoh, Amiir @Den of Akashingo, ‘He Who Brings the Water’, the ‘Lord of the Two Lands’ Nebtawy, Sobeksetep ‘Chosen by Sobek’.
"May He trample foreign lands and nourish upper and lower kingdoms, usher Akashingo in a state of reverence that his own arm maintains!
"Great Protector of the Old Ways, captor of wealth and destroyer of walls!
"He Who will Bring Water to Egypt and beyond, expander of kingdoms, creator of rain!
"Let your water flow over the world!
"Long may He live to walk in the light of Ra!”
A rattling of sistraa sealed the king’s words, but Rashepses perceived nothing aside the fearsome face of the boy in abundant health and precocious strength who would become king. A regal kiss to the crown of Den and then Semer-wati looked grandly on Pharaoh to name their next.
September 23, 2024, 12:12 PM
for dramatics id love to have sen give each pup their own prayer :D
a prince to match rashepses stepped to confront the high priest. as a hallowed vessel for the gods themselves, senmut did not have to recognize the influence of a mere infant.
and yet his sense of hubris and obligation would not allow the red prince to disregard the child. this was no mortal youth, after all; these four bore the ancient blood of two preserved lineages.
low before the boy he bowed.
den, intended next pharaoh of akashingo.
his voice rose in soft chanting as rashepses proclaimed; he lay the old Seal at the noble feet of the boy.
Den, senmut echoed.
the heart's-blood, steaming; he reached out in sober quiet to paint den's forehead with their mark of Amun, "He Who Gives First the Spark sees this firstborn son of pharaoh and Semer-wati and Breathes upon den's soul."
fragrant reek of horse-life in the air, reminding him sharply of makono and her abrupt absence from this dynasty that had once been hers to begin.
and yet his sense of hubris and obligation would not allow the red prince to disregard the child. this was no mortal youth, after all; these four bore the ancient blood of two preserved lineages.
low before the boy he bowed.
den, intended next pharaoh of akashingo.
his voice rose in soft chanting as rashepses proclaimed; he lay the old Seal at the noble feet of the boy.
Den, senmut echoed.
the heart's-blood, steaming; he reached out in sober quiet to paint den's forehead with their mark of Amun, "He Who Gives First the Spark sees this firstborn son of pharaoh and Semer-wati and Breathes upon den's soul."
fragrant reek of horse-life in the air, reminding him sharply of makono and her abrupt absence from this dynasty that had once been hers to begin.
September 24, 2024, 07:49 AM
she thought to earlier that day. of taking her children to the temples, of presenting Them to the Gods. of the warm and aureate glow that surrounded them then. other offerings provided, before each among their family were bathed in sacred water—purified after the rituals.
and now, the naming! her husbands voice filled the space that already felt so full. she could feel the Gods lingering still, watching—waiting! for Iset’s favored daughter, and Her incarnate, had brought forth with her King more little Godlings to change the world in Their image, as They wished! she felt Their pride, Their power, Their joy.
it filled her voice as the room fell to a quieter hush, gemstone gaze moving from Sobeksetep (giving him a kiss, love and happiness in that same look—how well he had done!) to the daughter made in the image of Herself, of Her father. and now Merneith was bid toward the altar, into the great light of Amun Ra.
she spoke:
more rattling, and Toula looked proudly on at Merneith Satriya—named now for two Goddesses, and meant for much greatness. a doting kiss upon the crown of Merneith now, her eyes falling back to her husbands and filled with adoration. she listened for the Hem, and turned to give him the respect due—gratitude existed in the eyes that, dimmed briefly by a passing cloud overhead, were then the same lapis lazuli of Rameses.
and now, the naming! her husbands voice filled the space that already felt so full. she could feel the Gods lingering still, watching—waiting! for Iset’s favored daughter, and Her incarnate, had brought forth with her King more little Godlings to change the world in Their image, as They wished! she felt Their pride, Their power, Their joy.
it filled her voice as the room fell to a quieter hush, gemstone gaze moving from Sobeksetep (giving him a kiss, love and happiness in that same look—how well he had done!) to the daughter made in the image of Herself, of Her father. and now Merneith was bid toward the altar, into the great light of Amun Ra.
she spoke:
on this sacred day, beneath the all-seeing gaze of the Gods and surrounded by the life-giving embrace of the River, we gather to bestow upon you names that shall echo through the annals of our history. as Pharaoh, divinely chosen, it is my profound honor to grant you titles with the essence of the divine. for today, we celebrate not merely your names, but the heralding of a future as radiant as Ra’s light, and as enduring as the pyramids that shall withstand time.
witness now the first Amiirad of Pharaoh, Nebetawy, 'lady of the two lands,'—may you be the sovereign unifier and steadfast protector of our majestic realm with your gracious heart!
Satriya Merneith, 'Daughter of Riya, Beloved by Neith,'—may the goddess Neith's boundless love and wisdom illuminate your path. with Her guidance, it shall always be right!
Nimaatkheru, 'true of voice,' may your words be forever guided by the principles of truth and integrity. let the song you sing always be heard with these things in mind—let each word shake the world with its goodness, and it’s justness!
may the Gods bestow their eternal blessings upon you, Nebetawy Satriya Merneith Nimaatkheru, now and forevermore!
more rattling, and Toula looked proudly on at Merneith Satriya—named now for two Goddesses, and meant for much greatness. a doting kiss upon the crown of Merneith now, her eyes falling back to her husbands and filled with adoration. she listened for the Hem, and turned to give him the respect due—gratitude existed in the eyes that, dimmed briefly by a passing cloud overhead, were then the same lapis lazuli of Rameses.
September 27, 2024, 03:13 PM
a princess.
already a shimmering miniature of her mother, senmut saw ramesses' kohl there too upon her seeing eyes. gently he took up the Seal and lay it now before the gilded girl, moving soft as pharaoh intoned the blessing, the titles.
High Priest bowed low to her divine power over him, even now and forevermore.
she was proclaimed, and came into her power with the horse-blood and the echo of an unknown aunt in the not-so-distant history of the former dynastic power. how long, he asked himself, begged; how long would he remember how it was?
with blood he brought amiirad into the eyes of the gods.
"He Who Gives First the Spark sees this daughter of pharaoh and Semer-wati and Breathes upon merneith's soul."
now would her name be inscribed upon the mural of time, her cartouche set beside that of den, and the priest's eyes moved thoughtfully upon the four children.
already a shimmering miniature of her mother, senmut saw ramesses' kohl there too upon her seeing eyes. gently he took up the Seal and lay it now before the gilded girl, moving soft as pharaoh intoned the blessing, the titles.
High Priest bowed low to her divine power over him, even now and forevermore.
she was proclaimed, and came into her power with the horse-blood and the echo of an unknown aunt in the not-so-distant history of the former dynastic power. how long, he asked himself, begged; how long would he remember how it was?
with blood he brought amiirad into the eyes of the gods.
"He Who Gives First the Spark sees this daughter of pharaoh and Semer-wati and Breathes upon merneith's soul."
now would her name be inscribed upon the mural of time, her cartouche set beside that of den, and the priest's eyes moved thoughtfully upon the four children.
September 29, 2024, 12:18 PM
(This post was last modified: September 29, 2024, 12:19 PM by Rashepses.)
Long rang the sistraa and the receding prayers for his daughter, but how they all waned when the second son, his mirror image, fell into view. Semer-wati sensed Kem’s passion like a hot clap of thunder in the air; a khamsin out of season; a charging of the air whose commanding forces herald the desert storms.
A wordless bidding, and as the boy stepped within the light he spread and grew taller. The prudent eyes ignited with knowing, a glittering illusion that everything unfolding now had happened before.
“Rise now second prince of Pharaoh, Amiir @Khaemwaset of Akashingo, ‘He Who Comes Out of the Sacred Land’, the ‘Lord of the Two Lands’ Nebtawy, Horus-nebkhau ‘Lord of Illusions’.
“Divine of Egypt, may He fill every land with his power which His rays encompass, for He is the orb of light above the horizon!
“Arms are raised in adoration at His appearing! The whole earth is in praise of His spirit!
“Lion god, bearer of teeth, whose dread strikes down the enemies who ignore His terror!
“The Dual Prince, Unifier of the Two Lands, joining the Sedge and the Bee!
“Long may he live to walk in the light of Ra!”
Presented now for the hem’s prayers and adornments, but not before an intimate touch passed from father to the crown of a king.
A wordless bidding, and as the boy stepped within the light he spread and grew taller. The prudent eyes ignited with knowing, a glittering illusion that everything unfolding now had happened before.
“Rise now second prince of Pharaoh, Amiir @Khaemwaset of Akashingo, ‘He Who Comes Out of the Sacred Land’, the ‘Lord of the Two Lands’ Nebtawy, Horus-nebkhau ‘Lord of Illusions’.
“Divine of Egypt, may He fill every land with his power which His rays encompass, for He is the orb of light above the horizon!
“Arms are raised in adoration at His appearing! The whole earth is in praise of His spirit!
“Lion god, bearer of teeth, whose dread strikes down the enemies who ignore His terror!
“The Dual Prince, Unifier of the Two Lands, joining the Sedge and the Bee!
“Long may he live to walk in the light of Ra!”
Presented now for the hem’s prayers and adornments, but not before an intimate touch passed from father to the crown of a king.
September 30, 2024, 12:14 PM
ah, this one.
the rattles! the lyrebird singing; the chants of status and golden knowledge. ancient wisdom filled this chamber.
semer-wati's praise bent the High Priest low as he set the old Seal now before this second prince.
The Unifier
above those fierce staring eyes did senmut paint blood for the third time, its gamy lurch in the air present then to remind them all of who had come before, and who would come after.
in this one did the hem sense some — he would not name it; he surrendered himself to the sungold moment and raised his voice in hymn,
"He Who Gives First the Spark sees this son of pharaoh and Semer-wati and Breathes upon khaemwaset's soul."
the pride of the boy burned. High Priest lent his voice to the chanting, looking now toward the fourth of the divine quartet.
the rattles! the lyrebird singing; the chants of status and golden knowledge. ancient wisdom filled this chamber.
semer-wati's praise bent the High Priest low as he set the old Seal now before this second prince.
The Unifier
above those fierce staring eyes did senmut paint blood for the third time, its gamy lurch in the air present then to remind them all of who had come before, and who would come after.
in this one did the hem sense some — he would not name it; he surrendered himself to the sungold moment and raised his voice in hymn,
"He Who Gives First the Spark sees this son of pharaoh and Semer-wati and Breathes upon khaemwaset's soul."
the pride of the boy burned. High Priest lent his voice to the chanting, looking now toward the fourth of the divine quartet.
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