Swiftcurrent Creek prepare yourself, you know it's a must
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
Random Event 
she led @Stone and @Brook back the same way she'd gone yesterday, near the edge of the borders. she spoke softly to the pair as they went, though her attention remained fixed on the path before them. "remember - we have to be quiet, sneaky. if the herd gets spooked, they might leave the territory." she'd been watching them a few days, now, and though they were small, they appeared strong. it what had kept her thus far from instigating a hunt, for she knew that in matters of the hunt, patience was oft crucial. 

the herd had moved - deeper into the trees, where before they'd occupied a small plain. she motioned for the pair to still, and curiously scanned the group, wondering why they'd moved deeper into the territory. she found her answer in a moment; one of the young does stood stiffly, head hung and bearing a winding cut along her haunch. retreating slightly, thrum of anticipation arching along her spine, Dawn whispered to the pair. "we'll hunt, today. you can watch, but stay quiet and out of the way. soon, you'll be able to join the big hunts, but I need you to know how they work, first." she refused to place them in any danger they were unprepared for, and though the thought of hunting alongside her children brought forth an odd burst of joy, she'd waylay it for as long as it took for them to learn. 

nudging Brook's crown briefly, she called then for the pack - @Aditya, @Kavik, @Sherigrim, @Rosalie, @Panther, and @Alessia. despite the anticipation, she was still, calm, as she waited to see who among her packmates would appear. when they did, she greeted them and outlined her plan in hushed tones. "our target is the injured doe. one group can cut around them easily, position themselves where the trees open up. the rest will stay here and flush the herd in the direction, and together we'll cut her from the rest." 

first round ends on the 16th!
1,335 Posts
Ooc — torvi
Master Warrior
at first, panther is apprehensive about answering the group summons that rises through the air, if only because he inwardly cringes at the thought that it might be a pack meeting and though he assumes a simple plebeian as himself would not have to speak the thought of having to speak with any sort of length with raw and rasping vocal chords makes him reluctant. nevertheless, he heeds the call, long legs carrying him towards the meeting spot, awareness dawning on him the closer he draws.

not a meeting then, but a hunting party. that, panther thinks with an internal sigh of relief, he can live with. he's the first to arrive on the scene, noting the silvered mother surrounded by a gaggle of young and eager cubs. as the others file in, she — dawn he would come to learn her name is — gives the pack a rundown on her plan. simple. straightforward. he takes a moment to consider where his strengths might best be placed. he is broad and not as swift as someone of a smaller stature than him would be and speaks up, i will help flush the herd. where speed wasn't quite such a necessity.
73 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
He was aware the call was for one of a hunt. He was no hunter, but he'd help. It was part of pack life and instinctual. 
He loped towards the call, he recognised to be Dawn's and tilted his ears, sussing the new packmate. He smiled kindly to her offspring, listening to the plan. His lips pursed, thinking.
He was large enough to help cut the deer from the rest but he didn't have the tactical knowledge to go for the kill. Ah, others could do it unless it was necessary. 
The dark man was much the same build as himself, perhaps he should stick with him.

"I can flush the herd. But if you need me somewhere else, I'll try."
He knew his strengths and weaknesses but had little knowledge of how to apply them. He's proposed where he thought he'd be best and that was that.
.。.:* ☆:**:.                                "Language of the Stars" "Common"                               .:**:.☆*.:。.
204 Posts
Ooc — jem
polaris knew that the meat she was provided came from animals that had once pranced, hopped or flew around their shared lands. well actually, she refused to eat birds- she liked them way too much and actually grew physically sick at the idea of...eating the feathered beauties. so unlike most pups, she shied away from the idea of hunting or getting to look in on pack hunts. she didn't get the excitement of most kids at the idea of killing these beautiful animals, didn't get why they pestered parents to get to tag along on their killing sprees. just didn't understand it at all. she'd heard, like most kids, the whole circle of life stuff but decided she simply didn't agree with it. why do wolves have any right to kill deer just because they liked the taste of them? all she took away from the story was a sense of superiority that didn't sit well with her one bit. however she couldn't really put forth this argument because she'd yet to find an alternative. berries could be delicious to snack on but she knew they didn't do anything to fill her up, so she'd guiltily continue to accept the meat she was given as long as she didn't have to see it..die. except for birds of course, and she had no problem with giving out to anyone she seen going after them.

yet still...when she heard that familiar call she'd been near and curiosity guided her paws slowly forward until she stood a little ways off from where wolves were beginning to gather. a sad frown pulls at her features as she spots their target but she finds herself unable to draw away..instead remaining tucked near a sheltered tree...just watching.
"common" | "french"
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963 Posts
Ooc — Hela
The alpha tracked the herd often, learning their routines and keeping an eye out for any opportunities. He had been returning from a patrol when the breeze brought the scent of deer coming from deeper in the territory than normal. Curious, he had begun to head in that direction when he heard Dawn's call and quickened his pace in response.

He arrived shortly after his daughter, and he slowed and paused at her side, nuzzling her in geeting. You can watch, but stay here where it's safe, Kavik instructed. He was, unfortunately, oblivious to her confused feelings on the subject of hunting and assumed she would want to start participating soon.

He moved from his daughter's side to go stand with the group. He scanned the herd, noticing the injured doe right away; that must be why they had strayed from their normal routine. His gaze fell on Dawn, and he dipped his head, stating: I can cut around and wait. He was large enough and skilled enough at hunting to be able to handle the situation, although a partner or two would make things easier. I will likely need a partner, though he added, surveying their surroundings. He knew Rosalie would most likely be abstaining from the hunt, as he suspected she was, as usual, tucked away with his youngest pups. She didn't leave the den very often—something that had started to worry him a little. But, their family had been through quite a lot, and he couldn't exactly blame her.

One or two more packmates would make this a smoother hunt, so he waited, hoping more would show up.
I'm no good without you
1,328 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
one-post cameo; just PP him doing whatever Dawn tells him to

he heeded dawn's summons immediately, apprehensive as he was; they hadn't much spoken since their last conversation, which had ended abruptly and mysteriously. shreds of the common tongue were coming back to him, but he still wasn't comfortable with more than a passing 'hello' to his packmates. to his children, he wagged his tail, greeting them with enthusiastic nudges and licks.

aditya stood quietly, listening to dawn's instructions. others volunteered themselves in various groups, and he licked his chops nervously, feeling the heat of eyes upon him (imagined or not).

he stared at the mother of his children, eyes warm and golden as twin suns in midsummer. where you. . .need me, he said slowly, each word somewhat of an effort. but it came, thankfully, and he fell silent once more, waiting for her verdict. he could cut, he could flush—hell, he would be glad to watch the kids, if she needed him to.

whatever she needed, he was here. for better or worse.
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
her packmates begin to assemble, and a her muzzle twists into a smile when they seem to naturally fall into balanced ranks. Aditya's arrival, and his few staggering words of the common tongue, steal her attention entirely - she finds it hard to remember their last conversation, as exhaustion has clouded much of the early memories of her children's birth, but she knows she feels badly about how it went. she smiles and nods, making up her mind easily. "Adi, Kavik and myself will by the ambush party - we'll signal you when we're in place." 

five was a good number, and she did not expect many more to show up. with a nod, she motioned to Kavik and Aditya, and the three moved around the deer, offering a wide berth. the herd still seemed tense, which would add another level of difficulty to the hunt. when the three were in place, roughly opposite of the others, Dawn gave the low call that would signal the start of the hunt.

edit: ending 11/09/2019
they pack moved, and in a quarter hour, the group stood huddled loosely around the felled body of the doe.