Sun Mote Copse Whispering in parlour rumours
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Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller

Promoting Phox to Honoree rank had been on Wraen's mind for quite a while now. First - they needed a bit of gender equality in the upper tier with Eljay being outnumbered greatly at the moment. Second - she had a choice between him and the younger Bronco and Arthur. While she liked the two and thought they would make good leaders one day, it did not feel like it was the right time to push them up the ranks. The first had still a lot of maturing to do, the second needed long and wholesome holidays to recuperate from recent stresses at his own home. 

The Sovereign chose, what she supposed to be the best time for visiting - kids (hopefully) tired, fed and sleeping - and adults free to steal away for a chat. She approached the rendezvous site, announcing her presence with a quiet bark.
First Trader
lord of the hunt
1,605 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
The past month had gone by in a blur. Quetzal, Alyx, and Primrose were growing like weeds (of course), and Meerkat was looking more and more like a real girl every day. Time stormed straight ahead, and Phox's life fell into a particularly predictable rhythm. He had zero complaints about that, even if his writer occasionally yawned at procrastinated writing with him because of his happiness.

When he saw Wraen approach, Phox's tail gave a friendly wag, and he invited her over with a friendly nod where he lay on the grass, soaking up the afternoon sun.
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3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Wraen was glad that she had managed to catch Phox in the rare moment of peace and quiet. He did not look as worn out as Niamh was, but - perhaps - that kind of change was less visible in a person, who was not such an example of outstanding beauty as his wife was. And this was meant as a compliment. 

"Hi," she greeted him and joined his sunbathing spot, sitting down at a polite and comfortable distance for them both. "I won't interrupt your break for long - I came here on business, in fact," she said. "I would like to offer you a place in the Council as a fellow Honoree. I see you as a very valuable asset to our team and I think it is time we instilled some balance there as well. Too many head-strong females against just one Eljay hardly seem fair," Wraen smiled.
First Trader
lord of the hunt
1,605 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Wraen wasted no time getting to what she had come to him for. Phox blinked, soaking up what she offered, but he knew as soon as she spoke that he would have no reason to decline her offer. It would be my honor, he replied with a broad smile and a dip of his head. He knew the title was one Niamh had acquired some time ago, and there was something nice about feeling that he was seen as a model citizen for the rest of the pack.

Is there, uh... anything I should know about such a prestigious position? he asked. Phox figured there wasn't much outside of being a tradesmen, but maybe Niamh, Towhee, Eljay, and Wraen all had secret council-only meetings he'd never been privy to.
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Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"Congratulations and you do realize that I would not have taken a "no" for an answer," Wraen grinned at him slyly. She would have been very surprised, if Phox had declined the offer, because he was perfectly cut for the job. 

"I would not say it is so much different from, what you do now. But it comes with the chance to boss others around a tad bit more, you can create your own guild, if you want. Niamh, for example, is our Sergeant-at-Arms and she is responsible for all the guardians and mercenaries. Eljay's more of a healer," she explained.

"But that's up to you. I also trust your judgement in assessing people, who ask for a home at our borders," Wraen added. "And - of course - your job is to keep others from fighting and scratching each other's eyes out, but I think that you are familiar with already."
First Trader
lord of the hunt
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Ooc — aerinne
Wraen explained that she would not have taken no for an answer, and who was he to argue with who she wanted to promote... especially if it was him! It didn't carry the same weight as an actual leadership position, and for that, he was thankful. The thought of being "honored" by Wraen was nice, too. She had been a much better leader than boring ol' Quixote and Colt, and she'd certainly kept the pack together for longer than he'd ever been able to do so.

If I can keep those three rascals at bay, certainly I can keep the rest of the pack in line, he said, winking at Wraen. As for my specialty... hunting is the more practical skill, so maybe I can be... the Head Hunter. Wait, no, that's no good. What about Captain... or maybe Lord of the Hunt? It had a nice ring to it, didn't it? Head Hunter felt too diabolical for Phox.
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3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"Head-Hunter sounds good as well, you could go after "heads" too, if they misbehaved," Wraen toyed with the words, but knew that, whichever title Phox chose for himself, he would wear it well. So to say. "Lord of the Hunt... you aim high, don't you," she chuckled. "But that is good. Leaders need ambitions."

"Sleep on it and choose wisely. Niamh became "Sergeant at Arms", because I dreamt it one night. The combination came right from..."
she looked up, "...heaven. Divine inspiration. But you do not tell her that." She winked conspiratively.
First Trader
lord of the hunt
1,605 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Oh boy, Phox replied when Wraen explained how she had decided on Niamh's title. Just what she needs: more ego-boosting. He winked at Wraen, knowing full-well that was the last thing his partner needed. Niamh thought very highly of herself, and while he did, too... it had been a point of contention in the past (and it likely would be in the future, too).

Say, what's your title, anyway? Surely you aren't just Sovereign, right?
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Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"Let me think... I have been a Sovereign - reveled and feared," Wraen said this with a grin, "for such a long time, that I have quite forgotten my other titles. Or nicknames to use a more colloquial term. I think... I was Hag of the Hills for a while. Though I am not so sure about the "hills" part. Hag - definitely."

"I imagine that Towhee might have plethora of unofficial titles - butt-biter - among them. She might tell you that story one day, if she has not told you this already,"
she went on. "I have been Wraen Renevermind a-a-a-a-a-a-and... that's about it. I came up once with a great title for Maia, but that is quite lengthy. That one makes Niamh title run for it's money," she grinned.
First Trader
lord of the hunt
1,605 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Aw, now I'm even more sad that Wraen left. <3

Wraen explained her many titles, and Phox chuckled at each one (especially Hag of the Hills). When she teased Maia's title, stating that it was lengthy, Phox leaned in a little closer. Well, are you just going to dangle that in front of me and not tell me? he asked, faux-offended. He didn't think it was very fair of her to do so, but maybe he could track down Maia if Wraen wasn't willing to cough it up.
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3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"That's between me and Maia - confidential information," Wraen shook her head, her expression telling "my lips are sealed". "But if you name one or a handful characteristics that you are particularly proud to own, then I can rephrase that title so that you can dangle it right before Niamh's jealous nose anytime you want," she offered and eyed him expectantly, while she tried to recall all of the fancy titles she had once given Maia.
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lord of the hunt
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Ooc — aerinne
What a rascal! Wraen really wasn't going to cough up the title (or titles) she'd given to Maia. Now he was even more curious, although he laid the subject to rest for now. He could always ask Maia herself if he really wanted to know. She offered to come up with some titles for him as well, based on whatever good characteristics he had, and Phox thought about that for a moment.

Let's see... I already mentioned the hunting thing, but I've always considered myself a pretty good dad, too. And I like telling stories about the constellations. Those were the things that set him apart from the other wolves he'd met, but then again, he didn't know many other dads. Eljay was the only other one that lived with the Firebirds.
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3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"A hunter, a story-teller, a proud dad, stargazer... alright," Wraen memorized all this and then went through the mental compartments, where the full title of Maia was stored. She found the manuscript written on yellowing paper, which had tatty edges and ink had been blotched in some places. 

"Alright... King Phox the Starborn of The House Artemis, the First of His Name, Father of... Many Marvelous Children, Greatest of All Hunters and among all Wolves, Gentleman of Extraordinary Value and Master of Firebir... breathing birds, Bard of Wondrous tales," Wraen left it for Phox to fill in. "And just a good citizen. Here you have it. Go and make Niamh jealous," she finished.

Inspired by many titles of Daenerys Targaryen.
First Trader
lord of the hunt
1,605 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Wow, she really wasn't kidding about the long title! Phox took it all in, his grin growing wider as she went on. Maybe the reason she wasn't able to spout back Maia's title was simply because it was this long! He wasn't going to question it, or he might be sitting here all day listening to hours of a single wolf's title. Now that's a title that nobody will want to mess with, he replied with a good-hearted laugh.

With the suggestion of making Niamh jealous, he wondered what she was up to. Probably wrangling the kids, which he should probably be helping with. I think that's just what I'll do—go make her jealous with my big, fancy new title. Phox paused, giving Wraen a lingering look. Thanks again for the Honoree title. I'll try and live up to it. As all good things, their meeting came to a close, and Phox headed back toward his little fam-bam.
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