Wheeling Gull Isle he worries: did he hear a goodbye? or even a hello?
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Limit Two 
pups can cameo but I'd like to limit this to just two posting adults, please!

She had given @Aiolos a cursory overview of the situation—well, multiple situations. She had, of course, welcomed Jakoul into the fold without question, but that seemed to be all right. That was taken care of, and Jakoul was a Yuelong wolf now, once again by Maegi's side.

Then there was the matter of Niamh's sudden appearance, her even more sudden death, and the pups they'd rescued from her womb. That was a little harder to explain, but she'd done it.

Overall, she felt as though she'd handled things in the leader's absence as best as she could, given the myriad troubling circumstances. 

The pups were a blessing in more than one way. Her teats and belly might have been unbearably swollen by now, with no babes yet to suckle. . .but pups there were, and the pressure was eased. She still worried about what effect it may have on the children of her own flesh still to come, but it was too late to turn back now. That bridge would have to be crossed when they came to it.

Unable to go much of anywhere these days, she instead lifted her muzzle and called for Aiolos from the place where she lay, half-inside, half-out of her and Mou's den. She wanted to invite him to see the little bundles of joy—his pack's next generation. He had as much of a right to see them as anybody, really.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
The first pups of the year had come at quite a surprising, brutal and graphic circumstance as they were quite literally plucked from their mother's exposed insides.  It was something Aiolos was happy he had not been here to see and yet still felt great shame for having not been here when he felt he was needed all the same. Both @Mou and Maegi had proven to be quite trustworthy and capable wolves to leave in charge of Yuelong during his absence and he was ever greatful. Even @Mal, another 'M' named wolf,  seemed to be active and committed within the ranks (granted quite a few of the members were his own originally) despite his far less happy and peppy personal.

The Greek wondered what other pups may come besides Maegi's obvious own. Would it be Hua's? Would it be his? He wondered what might become of he and @Kukutux coupling, if anything at all. Aiolos had not exactly smelt her heat upon her and the thought alone that she had laid with him not out of a nagging drive to reproduce, but because she simply wanted to was enough for Aiolos stomach to flutter.

As fate had it, Aiolos had already began making way into the war-torn woman's direction when when she called for him. Clutched in his jaws was a decently sized sea salmon. Aiolos knew now Maegi's time out and about was limited and though the quiet Mou was capable, Aiolos thought himself to be of help. When he arrived, he sounded out a whine his head falling low with the fish still in his jaws. His tail fallen, moving in a low wag between his legs. Eyes darted around for Mou, wondering if he would be met with a stern and watchful gaze in protection of his mate. Aiolos heeded Maegi's call to find her half stretched out of the cave and into the sunlight. Aiolos stops and makes certain his approach is welcome by the Mother of Yuelong.
moonglow daddy
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Aiolos came, and brought with him food, which brought a smile to her face to see. She nodded, beckoning him forward, waiting for him to place the salmon upon the earth before tearing into it. You'll excuse me, her eyes flashed briefly upwards; she was ravenous, or, rather, the babes within her were ravenous, as were those at her breast.

Aren't they beautiful? she asked him between bites, gesturing toward the trio. They're growing well; I was worried that they would be too small to survive, but here they are, still. 

She wondered if he would have children this season, too. Hua had been all but disappeared, lately, with Aiolos taking the de facto helm of the pack. But he did not seem to have a mate, and she didn't know any of the newcomers well enough to pair them with the man.

Jakoul? Maegi thought briefly, then cast the notion aside for now. She would love nothing more than to raise her children alongside her old co-leader. . .but dwelling on fanciful notions was silly. Jakoul would choose a man or woman for herself, or not at all. As would Aiolos, she supposed.

For now, he was the father of Yuelong. How are you? How are things? she asked, tongue swiping away flecks of fish that clung stubbornly to her lips.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
She smiles, happy to see him and nods in approval for him to come near. The Greek had lived outside and away from the Nereides claim around a year and a half now and in Yuelong itself just over a year. Since then he had been allowed to visit pups and their mothers at their dens. He was still respectfully cautious and always would be so, especially given the fact that where he had come from, a man being around a mother and her pups are not at all common. Men did not have any right to be near a woman and her pups in such a manner.

So as Aiolos draws near, he does so at an easy pace, head still hanging low out of attentiveness to the mother. He would lay the fish down before her and she takes to it hungered, both the pups at her side and the pups inside leaving her famished. He leaves her to it, settling into a sit before her as his eyes wander over the small trio. They are, he agrees and motions to one of them, @Prevost, And that one looks like it has some red coming through.

He wonders, then, as she does, if he would have pups of his own this season. He hoped so. He hoped so with @Kukutux but he also knew she was of another pack and that could make things a bit more difficult for them. It was a difficulty Aiolos had no problem with enduring but could not say so for Kukutux who would feel the pressure more so.

I'm well; The pack's well, despite the recent happenings. With their ally quite literally crumbling, with Hua stepping down, with their other ally suffering so much though themselves they had been left only to come here to Yuelong. I think Mal and his lot are still trying to find a place for themselves on the island. Kukutux, who I visited- He mentioned his relationship to her and her connection to Moonspear briefly before, -She and what few remained from the broken packs have founded a new home, they are Moonglow. Maegi might have just been curious of the happenings of the pack but Aiolos felt good reporting to her. It felt right.

His fiery attention then drifted back to the pups. A wolf from what he called Caldera came to visit a few days back, said he was looking for Niamh... He admitted, grimly. A Redhawk, he said, wanting to know if she and the pups were safe. I know Niamh mentioned wanting to be free, wanting a fresh start so I didnt tell him about what happen-or these pups, He paused, eyes moving between Maegi's features and the pups. I just told him she was gone.
moonglow daddy
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Yes, she agreed, looking at Prevost with a smile and trying to keep thoughts of Sakhmet at bay. It was easy enough, given that Aiolos launched thereafter into answering her questions and a lot came to her; she tried to make sense of it all but some of it ended up jumbled. Names she didn't know, things she already knew. . .

Caldera. Redhawk. The words snapped her into focus, her ears coming forward, eyes narrowing. Good, she said in response, the last consonant clipped. She pulled the babies closer, as if the stranger lurked just around the corner. Hopefully, he won't be back. Although. . .

Her voice dipped low as she considered a stark possibility. Is he their father? Maegi asked. Did he say, I mean? I don't suppose you could tell. . . Parvati's children had not resembled any of their parents, blood or otherwise, in the slightest. 

But if the Redhawk was her father, it made her feel a little uneasy to have kept his own blood from him. Granted, Niamh had wanted a fresh start—but if Maegi had children out there, somewhere, she'd go to the ends of the earth to find them. Obviously it worked differently for mothers—

She shook her head, cutting off the emergent tangential musing, and waited for Aiolos to speak again.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Aiolos didnt know exactly how much Maegi was aware with their current politics. Hua had always been the face of Yuelong as far as he knew and had been the only one once Ying had departed. Aiolos was her guard, more likely to stay at home and watch the lands whilst she had meetings and visitation with allies, allies which now no longer existed. There was no more Moonspear, Glen or Neverwinter. A whole new chapter was being created for them with the turn of the season and Aiolos could only hope they would survive it.

I'm not sure. He spoke with the rolling of his shoulders. I know he seemed very concerned, wanted to check out the territory himself to make sure... Which obviously meant he didnt trust Aiolos' word but the man hadn't fought too hard on it, perhaps knowing well enough not many would let someone just wander all over their home searching for someone they were already told were no longer present. Could have been just a concerned pack-mate. Family, a brother, maybe even her mate, Aiolos was not certain and didnt push to ask because he hadn't had wanted to spund suspicious.

His amber eyes trailed to the pups she had pulled closer to her. Just but dark bundles of fur savor the one with some red. Their true colorations and patterns would not come out for some time. He was black and gray with a white tipped tail and orange eyes. But it's hard to really tell... He mused as he continued to look over the pups.
moonglow daddy
96 Posts
Ooc — m
just a one-post cameo

she stirred as the adults spoke, adding to their conversation with quiet whines that meant nothing in particular. her littermates were still sleeping, but hunger had pulled her from it. she crawled clumsily, blindly, but remaining close to mother's side— rooting for a nipple away from the others, already learning to avoid their clumsy paws and startling pain that sometimes occurred when they crawled over each other. after a moment, she settled, the taste and warmth of her mother's milk soothing her. she grunted softly as she ate. in a few minutes, after she had her fill, vesper would drift back to sleep as the adult voices droned on, a vibrational lullaby.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Aiolos didn't have much for her. She let out a sigh, a brief exhalation through her nostrils, then started a bit as the eldest girl latched on. Craning her head slightly, Maegi looked at her for a long moment, her face softening, before returning her gaze to Yuelong's highest-ranked male.

Highest-ranked. . .anybody, really. Hua had been so scarce.

They're alive, she murmured. Her ears canted to catch the pup's soft, homely nursing sounds, swiveling back forward when the suckling began to subside. And safe. But he may come back. I would. Wouldn't you?

It was strange, to face a Redhawk threat so far removed from anyone and everyone. Perhaps their past would follow them to the ends of the earth.

She lifted her chin. What's wrong with Hua? Maegi asked bluntly.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Aiolos agreed with her words about the man returning again. If he knew Niamh had been here once before perhaps he would think she'd return. That, or someone else... Maybe someone more diplomatic and quick toughed, maybe someone far harsher and pressed.

And then the conversation moved to Hua. Aiolos frowned. Much of Hua's family have come and gone, even two of her children. She had so many and now so little. But they are not far, plenty in a pack away from here her sister now leads. And Aiolos son was there, his mother and many friends come and gone. I think she spent plenty of time thinking of it. And then our allies in the mountains were destroyed. A falling star hit it. Many dead, many missing. And then Neverwinter disband after... Many friends lost of Hua, though none which Aiolos had been personally close to. His true friends were few, always had. She took this all very hard. Stepped down to recoup. But I fear being here is hard for her to move forward.

I'm not sure what will become of Yuelong. He sadly admit. I'm so used to having a woman at the helm. A sheepish smile and he chuckles to himself, shaking his creamy muzzle.
moonglow daddy
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
At least there was the pack far away. At least Hua had that. Otherwise, the woman's story rang so true in Maegi's mind, she could not help but avert her eyes, blink away the tears that pricked at the corners. She took in Aiolos's information, some of it she knew, some not.

At his quip, she lifted her gaze to him once more and smiled. You're doing fine, she assured him. But I understand.

She shifted slightly, easing the stress her belly put on her lower spine. I grew up wanting to lead. I yearned for it. But when leadership was finally handed to me, I was incapable of keeping my pack together. A sigh, and a shrug of her fine-boned shoulders. You just never know.

Thank you, Maegi added. For trusting me with all of this. I will help more when they're grown.

Just a few—okay, more than that—moons to go. . .
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
It was not an easy adjustment, Aiolos knew it to be so, but the small smile which Maegi offered and her words, brought out another small smile of his own and soft nod.

She spoke of her own prior desire to lead then, that she had been gunning for it only to fail at the job when alas she had the chance at it.

I'd like that. He spoke up when the scarred woman mentioned doing more for the pack once the pups were older. He takes a deep breath. I do trust you... He adds, going back to her thanks at him trusting her with the delicate information of their pack. Maybe with us both, we can try to keep this place together at least, His eyes sweep over the pups, At least for their sake.
moonglow daddy
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Maegi gave the sleeping pups a soft, contemplative look. Not much choice in the matter, she said wryly, though her voice remained kind and genuine. Without this pack to provide for them. . . She trailed off, shaking her head. 

She knew what would happen. She'd seen it. And even with a pack—


The remembered cry rattled her, and she shivered, though the day was warm. I think I'll join them. They look very comfortable, she said, eyelids drooping slightly. The meal had settled in her stomach, lulling her into a stupor that was much more inviting than thinking of things that were and that might be. Thank you for the fish, Aiolos. And for the information. Keep me. . .

This time, she tried and failed to stifle a yawn, and blinked at him in apology. They really wear you out. Keep me posted.

She'd be probably be asleep as soon as he disappeared into the trees.
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
A frown, deep. Having all pups make it to their first year was a miracle of the Gods all their own. They could get sick, injured, killed, even with a pack. More often then not, they get lost, leaving their pack to only guess what had become of them. He thought of his own son, how he had traveled alone at such a young age allowed by his mother only to leave again to return to her- he hoped. Without a pack? Well, it only made the losses more likely...

They do... He said then, pulling a smile together as he looked to the pile of pups within the den resting together. He would have liked to curl up with them himself, had he the right, had they been his own. He thought, then- hoped, that he would have his own this year.

He dips his head to her thanks and with a Sleep well He takes his leave. Already, he was quite sure he heard Maegi's snore.
moonglow daddy