Redsand Canyon sophismata
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
All Welcome 
when germanicus returned to mereo, he did not return to his den. 

he sent the other mereoans on and departed immediately for the longest trail-route that bordered the canyon. his patrol then was not ended for several hours.

mereo was darkened by another night before he came back. he ensconced himself at once in the forum.

the moon was great. it gilded him all to silver as he lifted a roughened forepaw and stared down at the dirt from the great bear wilderness.
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The departure had left nothing changed, according to Glaukos. Then again, the young man was diligent with his work and had nothing else within his life. The fact that his guardianship continued over the canyon, unbroken and unending, meant that for those few nights of Germanicus' absence the realm was safe and quiet.

For a time he was joined by the general; but their paths rarely crossed that night. It was only his scent and his general presence that Glaukos became aware of - he did not see the point in speaking of the departure, and doubled-down on his focus upon the borders and the high reaches.

It wasn't until much later, when he himself came down the canyon wall for a break of his own, that he noticed the stillness of the air and the silence, which seemed all the more palpable with the recent absence of young blood.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
she was gone. germanicus replayed over and over what she had said to so lovingly dissolve the end of their marriage.

and still he thought of her as wife.

my wife is visiting another pack, he could say. the thought was mad. the thought was comforting.

the eagle's senses alerted him to glaukos. he set his paw down. "tribunus."

it was not quite an invitation but it was a greeting.
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Germanicus was always a hard read. Now it seemed obvious what was brewing there between his ears, but Glaukos would not speak of it, he knew better than to make light of his master's feelings. There was no place for those here in the garrison. In fact, if Glaukos were to be asked his own opinion on this shift in the population, he'd have lauded it a fine move. Less civilians in a place for warriors made ample sense ot him.

Alas, he was as guarded as his mentor.

Imperator. He dipped his chin as he spoke the title, then was at-attention until a look from the man dismissed the posturing. The walls are quiet tonight.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
"it is good to know all is well." once glaukos was at ease germanicus joined him in the easy pose.

"it has been a long while since i was out of the canyon. i would like to lead another expedition before the winter arrives. would you recommend the coastline?"

he buried the bruise in his chest with words that spoke of mereo's future. not his own.
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
He knew enough of the world outside of Mereo by now, after his foray there, to suggest something. Germanicus was much like Glaukos then, taking to work rather than idle thought or pining over things that could not be changed.

The coast would be the easiest to access. Not many make it home as far as I know - there is Sapphique due north along the edge, but if we were to venture west we would find little resistance. Unless resistance was what Germanicus sought, that would be the end of Glaukos' reasoning about the coast.

At most there would be rogues, but they would be easily dispatched.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
"it has been a long while since i was to sea."

they had been almost in sight of it at the place he had left ruenna.

the pain rose and stabbed at the back of his throat. 

"perhaps we will go not to explore but to see what resources we might bring back."

he looked at the other wolf, wondering if the implication would be received.
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
There was a nearly imperceptible shift to Germanicus' voice that Glaukos chose not to register. It was there, though. A momentary pain. Maybe he had imagined it; that's what he'd choose as the explanation. Too long on the wall.

I would not know what to seek, but I agree. I could discuss the matter with Aquene? She would know what provisions might be gathered. He thought a moment longer about it and added, I would also speak with Towhee and arrange scouts for the area.

These were only ideas. Having a corridor of control between Mereo and the coast would prove useful, if they meant to scavenge things from it. It would give the second cohort a great deal more training together.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
he nodded. "yes. the matrona must be consulted before any matters are confirmed."

she herself might wish to join.

at once his heart was not in it. it wanted to return to the wilderness and to follow.

"i am certain towhee will wish to come when she has healed." it would come down to aquene's words on two fronts then. "have you considered a second excursion of your own?"

"perhaps espionage."
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Espionage? He knew what it was. Himself being such a giant, he could not count himself as skilled in that arena.

I am made to be a hammer, Germanicus. I doubt I could act the thief, even for information. But he did not say yes or no to the idea, as it was not up to him ultimately. If Germanicus had a mission in mind for him he would listen and obey, as he was trained.

If I were to go again, where would you have me do it? There wasn't much on the coast, as he'd said. Glaukos knew the eastern valley in some sense as it contained Bearclaw, and the western for its mountains where the village of Moonglow sat; beyond those, he had little knowledge.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
perhaps he had misspoken.

"a hammer still guides. i mean for you to be an officer. to choose who might spy and act as their foil."

he thought of the directions. "east. until the edge of the land stops and you can pass no further."

the eagle decided that he might as well surrender this last thought as well.
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
In his time as Tribunus, Glaukos had not taken to his role as officer as strongly as one might expect. He did his duties, rarely giving them away to others. He left much of that to Towhee; but she was injured now, and with the other changes among the ranks, he knew he'd have to step up.

But it was this that kept him from thinking of himself as anything more than a tool, or a creature to be sent on errands. He was to do the sending, the organizing. He had some power now, as Tribunus, and had to adapt to that sooner rather than later. Germanicus gave such a chance.

I misunderstood, he spoke, glossing over the fact with that simple statement. I will of course find a suitable scout for such a purpose. None came to mind immediately - except Tierra, for some reason, but she seemed less suited for espionage than even Glaukos.

There was not much else to speak about. Glaukos let a healthy pause end that topic, then waiting for dismissal; but before such could come, he offered one last thing: Is there anything that can be done for you now, Imperator? What with... Everything happening at once. The singular mention of the changes, and an olive branch for the general should he need anything beyond the warrior's usual work.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
the imperator nodded. "it does not need to be immediately. take the time that you need. there are several soldiers ready to travel outside the territory on such a mission."

the younger man finally alluded to the quietude of mereo. the eagle's shoulders squared. 

"our work is ongoing. simply keep me informed and i will tell you and the others when i am leaving for a while on this search."

there was nothing to be done.

my wife and our children are gone.

that thought felt far too dire. it tugged at him sickeningly.
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Glaukos had overstepped. He knew it as soon as the words were uttered. Germanicus all but boxed his ears by verbally side-stepping the question, and the young man's spine straightened.

The curt manner of the general's speech was sign enough to stop questioning things. Glaukos knew better. He would not speak of it again; and with a stern nod took the final words of Germanicus as a dismissal.

Yes, sir. Spoke the tribunus, as he turned and stepped off. He would leave Germanicus to his own duties and desires, and put aside his own thoughts on the matter - it was over and done with, and of no concern to Glaukos. He had his orders.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
there was nothing more and so he dismissed the young soldier.

germanicus remained alone for a long while.