Wapun Meadow Watching as I comb through the pieces on the beach
Party City
1,546 Posts
Ooc — xynien
For @Evander & @Boone <3 powerplay with permission
She woke early with a fire in her veins, rising with the sun to tend to Blossom before leaving her in the care of a trusted family member. Reverie felt revitalized in the valley she'd once called home. She wanted to see it again; she wanted to share it with Boone.
So she found him and urged him past the borders with her, promising to show him one of her favorite places in the valley. She led him through the neighboring forest, flitting ahead and then back with soft touches of her nose to his cheek, his shoulder; showing him all the little creeks and the clearings, the familiar paths cut through the land by other valley dwellers. Then they broke past the treeline and into the meadow.
She went still and let out a breath; she'd never seen it this way, in full bloom, all the colors in the world scattered across a blanket of greenery. Oh, I haven't been here since winter... Reverie said softly. Her eyes filled with tears. She glanced over her shoulder at Boone, and a surge of excitement lit all her veins. Come on. She urged, darting toward the field of flowers without a second thought.
Reverie didn't make it very far; she reached the flowers and, delighted, let herself tumble forward and hit the grass. She rolled a few times, sending flowers flying everywhere. When she finally stopped Reverie found herself on her back, fur strewn with petals and blades of grass. She rolled around a few more times for good measure, giggling breathlessly, and popped her head up to look for Boone. A single flower, slightly crushed, hung from where it had tangled into the fur at her ear.
Yeah, we're secretly out of control and everyone knows
26 Posts
Ooc —

How many seasons had he been away? He couldn't say for sure. Days, weeks, months -- they blurred together into one continuous whole. He'd left his brother along the way. He'd left this place entirely, but not for I'll will. Everett healed by settling down. Evander? Not so much. And Everett had understood.

He wondered how his brother was doing. 

This wonder was, in part, what brought him back here. Though he'd lost track of the seasons since he'd been gone from here, he would never forget the moons thar had passed since they'd finally left the Gilded Sea. Nearly twelve full rotations. A year of their lives -- perhaps the hardest, yet best one yet.

Though he set out to find his brother again, imagine his surprise when the sunlight caught a the strands of flyaway gold bobbing in the meadow he set across. Drawing up pictures of his siblings and the Sea. Knowing full well more of them than Everett lived here now.

Remembering, in fact, that Ophelia had lived in place near here.

Remembering, too, her movements in the dances they shared, and feeling that stir of familiarity here in her frolic, though he was yet too far to see her face.

Ah, well, easily amended! The worst see could do was run from him again.

He lent his voice to the air in an inviting howl, with a little hop to the left and right, asking to join whatever dance this maybe-Ophelia had got going on.
152 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Boone did little more than watch, at first; marvel at the childlike glee of his companion as she lopes in front of him. The blooms seem to buzz with life, this field, and a flickering image of home is brought into his mind. Honeysuckles and the flutter of dragonflies, the shimmer of late summer where the leaves just begin to rust.
And he looks down, looks at Reverie just in time to meet her eyes. She was just a girl, once, and he just a boy; and the smile creeps onto his face, squeezing his cheeks before he lumbers into his own bow beside her.
When was the last time he let himself do this? His laughter harmonizes with hers, a stream of loose movements and clumsy footing, goading and teasing and urging for her to chase him! Not that he was much faster than her, anyway. Friends, lovers, whatever they were; caution to the wind, two wild-footed idiots, and when he catches the dimples that crease her cheeks and the petals that course the fibers of her hair, something inside him swells and sings.
But in the midst of it, something breaks his attention. A voice, and then a figure, still in the shadows; no, it wasn't a Kvarsheim wolf, was it?
Party City
1,546 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Their eyes met, just for a moment, and Reverie realized then that it was too late; that she loved him already, and there was nothing she could do about it. But there was no room for fear now, not when the air between them was so filled with light and laughter. She rolled to her feet to frisk after him — but stilled at the sound of a familiar voice.
Her eyes went wide. Evander? Reverie questioned even as she turned. Evander! She glanced back to Boone, eyes sparkling. That's my brother! And with that she ran to him, trailing bits of grass and flowers, only looking back once more to be certain that Boone was following. She didn't stop until she reached her brother, throwing her arms around him in a reckless hug.