Ankyra Sound BWP: TSS Creepy Red Crawlies
610 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
 Crabs! Thousands of crabs!! Enjoy her confusion

Ajei had been given leave to explore and she hadn't realized how far she'd gone until it was too late. It would take her at least half a day and into the night to get back to Moontide. But she was waylaid.

As she had been walking a small movement in the sand beneath her feet and suddenly much like the Cicada bugs tiny things popped out.

She screeched in surprise and quickly backed up. Tiny body puffed up in surprise and confusion. These tiny things waved claws and had beady eyes.
1,621 Posts
Ooc — xynien
They'd reached the place where Reverie and Blossom had once waited for Lestan; the place they'd been chased from by that woman cloaked in red. In some ways this beach represented the last time she'd truly felt that everything might be okay. Reverie might have turned away and left the memories to lie there, had she not heard a shriek from somewhere near the water. The voice sounded young.
She hesitated only for a moment before she pursued, bringing @Blossom along with her because as much as she trusted @Boone, Reverie couldn't justify leaving her daughter alone with a strange man for more than a moment. Suppose he was some kind of secret pervert? No, she wouldn't have it.
So she guided the gilded girl along the beach in search of the child in distress. What they found first was —
Well, a lot of crabs. Reverie giggled softly, kicking one of the little things across the sand when it came too close to Blossom. Careful, they pinch, She warned her daughter softly, eyes scanning the beach. Then she spotted the girl — young, as she'd suspected. Hello? Reverie called out, tail swaying. She flicked another crab away. Are you okay? Do you need help?
Watching me is like

watching a fire take your eyes from you

610 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei was soon hailed by a golden wolf and her child she assumed. She blinked and snorted unsure.

They surprised me. They are um strange.

She bent to look at one, but kept her nose far back and wrinkled it. Pincy. Looks like crayfish, but they long and spindly.

She lifted her head. Oh. I'm Ajei.

Then back to the small little creatures that were popping up all over. There were so many, but they seemed to be heading towards the water. Ignoring Ajei.
1,621 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Reverie smiled gently. I'm Reverie, She introduced, then gestured to Blossom. This is my daughter, Blossom. I don't think I've ever seen so many crabs before... Her gaze followed their movements out to the water, relieved that they were heading away from the trio. The last thing she needed was to spend her day pulling crabs off of two children, one of whom was not even hers!
Are your parents nearby? She asked next, eyes finding Ajei again. The girl was levelheaded for being so young, but Reverie couldn't shake the feeling that she was too small to be out on her own. For the first time she wondered if her own instinct was perhaps overprotective — but the very thought of letting Blossom wander alone at such a young age terrified her, so she pushed it away.
Watching me is like

watching a fire take your eyes from you

610 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei smiled and bent her head to the other pup with a wag of her tail.

Crabs? Oh Sunman told me of crabs. He says they taste good. Do you know how to eat them? I'd like to take some back.

She shook her head. Pop is back that way. I accidentally wondered too far. Didn't realize how long the beach was.

She laid her ears to her head a little shy.
1,621 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Sunman. Reverie listened intently, nodding when Ajei asked if she knew how to eat crabs. Well, these ones are a little small... I think they're just babies, She explained, ears pulling back; it was the way of things, of course, but Reverie had never liked cutting a young life short.
Why don't we find some bigger crabs and I'll help you take them back to your pop, alright? Reverie proposed instead, glancing at Blossom to see how she took the suggestion. She truly hoped that her daughter might make a friend here, but didn't expect it. Blossom was so shy; it worried her sometimes.
Watching me is like

watching a fire take your eyes from you

610 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Ajei frowned. oh i dont want to hurt babies.

She didn't know what to do. She wanted to treat her dad and thr boys, but.

She nodded with a smile. Yes please.

She tried to move around the little crabbies. Brushing them aside and heading towards the mother and daughter.
1,621 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Reverie was relieved when the girl didn't protest. She waited for Ajei to join her where she stood with Blossom before turning to lead her away from the army of baby crabs. Slowly she cleared a path for the two girls, glancing back at them every so often and flicking the little crabs away when they came too close.

It didn't take long for them to find something bigger. Okay, um, stand back a little, She told the children, circling the crab and herding it toward one of the bigger rocks along the shore. Then she darted forward and caught it by the claw, bashing it a few times against the rock. It wasn't the most graceful way to kill a crab — but it worked.
Watching me is like

watching a fire take your eyes from you

610 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei studied the smaller crabs for a beat of a minute longer. Curling her lip ever so slightly she was not pleased with them or the sand, but then she turned and followed behind the she wolf willing to help her. 

Ajei stared with wide eyes as she just bashed it against a rock over and over again. It was so very violent. Wouldn't it have been easier to drop a bigger rock on it, or have two work with you? Maybe not, but goodness.

But the meat that had begun to show certainly smelled good. She'd have to take some back to the boys, though she may find a different way of killing them. That smells good.

A small smile. thank you for showing me.

Though a small part of her was a little bit horrified.
1,621 Posts
Ooc — xynien
I'm not great at hunting, Reverie confessed softly, perhaps sensing some of the girl's discomfort — or perhaps it was a projection of her own discomfort. She could hardly look at the bashed-in crab. But um, you're welcome. Maybe Sunman or your pop can show you a better way. She smiled as she said it, a little nervous and a little weary.
Let's find a couple more and then I'll help you bring them back, She invited, offering to let Ajei carry the crab. Later on Reverie would find a few more for herself and Blossom, but for now the stranger girl was her priority. She knew that if her own daughter wandered off she would be worried sick, and so she wanted to see her safely back to her father as soon as possible, crabs in tow. Hopefully that would soften some of the worry.
Watching me is like

watching a fire take your eyes from you

610 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei smiled. That's okay. Everyone has something different they are good at. Just because you aren't as capable as another doesn't lessen your worth.

Mama is star hunter so she show me more than pop.

Ajei nodded and lifted the crab without complaint. This was a mothercsoxshe was good right? She had to be and she'd like to find more for everyone.
1,621 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Fading here! Thank you for the wonderful thread, I hope Rev and Ajei get to meet again
Reverie hadn't expected such kindness from one so young. She softened to hear the words — and on some level, it made her feel a little better about her lack of proficiency in hunting. Lestan had always hunted for their family. But he was gone now, and so it fell to her to see Blossom fed.
For a time they collected crabs, and when Reverie felt that they'd gathered enough, she took Ajei to meet with her father. She tried not to think about Lestan, about how he had been the one to teach her how to eat crabs. She tried not to miss him.
Watching me is like

watching a fire take your eyes from you