Cedar Sweep the empty bowl
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There were many places she wished she could go, though Meerkat was determined to stick close to home as she entered the latter half of her pregnancy. But while her energy remained, she poured herself into tasks like hunting, patrolling and tidying The Taigh.

She thought about looking in on @Nyssa today. It would be easiest to call out for her, though Meerkat didn’t mind the search. She started in the southern hunting grounds, taking the opportunity to sweep that stretch of the borders while she was there.

Was that @Asivaq’s scent? Was her husband with her? Were they here to visit? Meerkat halted where the copse met the sweep, looking down at her feet as if there was a physical boundary there. Smirking at herself, she decided to call out in this instance.
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writing letters addressed to the fire
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Ooc — Chan
Asivaq was in her ulaq when Meerkat called. She was surprised to hear the other woman's voice, but that mattered very little at the moment, and she quickly poked her head outside and howled in return: I will be right there!

She moved as quickly as her pregnant body would allow her, heading north at a quickened clip to greet the wolf she'd met not too long ago and traveled through parts of the forest that she hadn't explored yet. Although her curiosity tried to get the better of her, she didn't allow it; she would not make the other woman wait longer than she had to.

Meerkat? Asivaq greeted Meerkat's figure when it came into view. It is good to see your face! What brings you to my napatuqvik?
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Ooc — Kat
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Someone called back. It was Asivaq! Meerkat’s lips curled into a smile as she settled in to wait. She wondered if Njord had overheard the exchange and might make his way over to greet his aokatti, assuming he was also within earshot.

Hello, it’s good to see you! Meerkat said when the other woman appeared.

She was about to ask if she and her husband were here to visit the copse when Asivaq said a word she didn’t know. Her lips parted to admit she wasn’t familiar with that term, though it was the “my” preceding it that caused a little furrow to appear in her brow.

I’m sorry, I don’t know that one. What does napatuqvik mean?
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writing letters addressed to the fire
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Ooc — Chan
Oh, she breathed, forgetful in her excitement. I am sorry—it means tree village. Her lips curled into a smile despite the tiny furrowing of the other's brow.

How are you doing? What brings you this way? she asked and then noticed how similar the smells of Meerkat and the forest behind her were. She sniffed again for good measure, and her stomach twisted nervously as she waited for an answer.
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Ooc — Kat
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Her jaw dropped before she could stop it. Meerkat quickly caught herself and closed her mouth, then schooled her expression into a polite smile. She was caught off guard, certainly, but this wasn’t a bad thing, was it?

But then Asivaq asked what had brought her this way and she couldn’t help it. She stared. Had she not clearly given this woman directions to the copse? Had she actually decided to claim the forest just next door without being aware that it was, in fact, right next door?

I live here, Meerkat eventually managed. This is the copse, she added, gesturing at the stretch of trees just behind her.

For a moment, she said nothing else. She tried to collect herself, organize her thoughts and formulate a response. In the meantime, perhaps it would give Asivaq a chance to explain more about how this had come about.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

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writing letters addressed to the fire
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Ooc — Chan
She felt her nervousness build in light of the shocked expression and silence that followed until her suspicions were confirmed. Cedar Sweep neighbored Sun Mote Copse.

Our paws did not bring us this far up north, yet, she sputtered immediately, eyes wide as she rushed to explain the situation. My ulaq is down south—in the shadow of the shadows of the summit, and we've kept our searching close to where I will whelp.

She fell silent then as she took a moment to collect herself, unsure what this all would mean for them, and took a steadying breath.

We are already very fond of the forest, she said, stiffening and channeling the teachings she'd received from the Tartok branch. Though, of course, we do not want to cause any issues. Her heart raced despite her calmer exterior.

I'm sure there is a way we can make this work.
2,013 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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Asivaq must’ve sensed Meerkat’s discomfiture, as she quickly explained. Meerkat was glad she hadn’t said anything else, as the other woman seemed genuinely distressed about the situation and eager to put it to rights. Her demeanor smoothed some of the tension building between them.

It’s probably fine, she found herself saying. I’m sure Njord will be glad to have his aokatti just next door.

The truth of the matter was that Meerkat was still a little bothered. Why hadn’t they scouted the area properly before claiming it? Asivaq had rejected Meerkat’s invitation to join their village, saying she didn’t want to cause them trouble. So they couldn’t join the copse… but they could settle right on top of it?

Some of her thoughts were uncharitable, she knew. Her lips pursed and she gave Asivaq a long look before looking away. When her amber eyes found the other woman’s face again, there was a small but genuine smile there.

I’m sorry, you just caught me off guard. And it’s probably the pregnancy hormones making me feel, well, territorial, she offered. The hinterlands are large… and largely unoccupied. There’s plenty of resources to go around. And it might be nice, actually, to have some neighbors.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

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writing letters addressed to the fire
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Ooc — Chan
Meerkat was being incredibly charitable, and Asivaq realized this. She would talk to @Kigipigak about it when she saw him next, but they would remain in Cedar Sweep for now.

It is understandable that I caught you off guard, she sympathized. You must think I'm some idiot or something for not checking the entire territory. I've been ... doing less than I usually do, she motioned to her swollen abdomen, And honestly, it also feels like my brain isn't working most of the time. She shook her head and pressed a paw to her forehead.

Congratulations, by the way, she added with a wag of her tail.
2,013 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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I don’t think you’re an idiot, Meerkat disagreed with a touch of chagrin. You were thinking of yourself and your children. I get that. I really do, she said, the last of her icy thoughts thawing as she regarded the other woman more warmly now. Thank you, Asivaq, and I apologize for being… She gestured with a self-deprecating laugh.

There was a slightly awkward—pregnant, you might call it—pause before Meerkat shuffled her feet and decided to take a seat. She motioned for Asivaq to do the same, in the hopes the other woman wouldn’t mind spending a few more minutes conversing here. They were neighbors now, after all!

Is this your first pregnancy? she wondered after a moment.

The knee-jerk resentment had gone, though Meerkat still quietly mourned the fact that Asivaq and her mate had felt they couldn’t join the copse. They would’ve been the perfect fit, exactly what she and Njord had been looking for to finally complete their village. But, alas, she liked to think everything happened for a reason.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

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writing letters addressed to the fire
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Ooc — Chan
She shook her head and lifted a paw, hoping to stop Meerkat's apology. You have nothing to be sorry for, she assured her.

The lapse in conversation was slightly uncomfortable, and Asivaq found herself thinking of her next move: whether she should stay or leave the sweep. These thoughts were interrupted by the invitation to sit, which she did by heavily plopping herself onto the ground. Although she was still in the earlier phases of her pregnancy, her body was beginning to ache, and sitting felt nice. Meerkat then asked about her pregnancy, and she nodded. Yes—this was my first fire time, she answered.

Is it yours? she asked in returned.
2,013 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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No, it’s actually my third, Meerkat said, musing in the next breath, My eldest are probably around your age. My son, Ray, just returned the other day. The others are off doing their own things, which they are wont to do once they grow up. And I know it’s a cliche but they really do grow up so fast. I know it’s easier said than done but make sure to slow down and enjoy every moment, especially your first time around.

Her sandy tale pattered gently on the frosty ground. There were many firsts coming up for Asivaq, which was always exciting. Meerkat found herself wishing again that the young woman and her mate would join them in the copse. An image of the four of them raising their litters in The Taigh drifted through her head.

If you need any advice or support in general, I won’t be far, she noted.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

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writing letters addressed to the fire
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Ooc — Chan
Meerkat's advice fulfilled a longing that Asivaq didn't even know she wanted. Without Kukutux's advice, she'd been on her own, and it was nice to have somebody to care enough to say what she needed to know. She could feel tears in her eyes, and she wiped them away as her tail swept against the snow-covered ground.

I really appreciate it, she said, trying her best to keep her emotions contained—but it was hard! Without anaa, I am alone and do not know what to expect or what I am doing, she admitted, feeling it all; the hurt, the longing, and the absence of her mother.

I must admit—I am scared to deliver. My sistraa died while giving birth, and it is something that weighs heavy on my mind. Out of habit, when she felt most insecure, she curled her tail around her forepaws and tried to make herself smaller.
2,013 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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Asivaq’s tears tripped a wire in Meerkat’s heart. She wanted to sweep the younger woman into a hug. She stayed herself, though she did scoot a little closer. She didn’t interrupt Asivaq as she tremulously explained about her anaa and sistraa. The terms made her think of Sialuk. She thought about Arrluk and his journey too. It served to remind her how they were part of the same tightly-knit community, pardoning Asivaq’s disenfranchisement.

Those are totally normal fears. I’m sorry for your loss, though your sister dying in childbirth doesn’t mean anything like that will happen to you. You’re more likely than not going to have a textbook birth. I would try not to dwell on the things that could go wrong, although I know that’s easier said than done. To put your mind at ease—and elsewhere—try to focus on the things within your control, like making sure you get plenty to eat, plenty of rest, that sort of thing.

She paused, contemplating her strongly maternal feelings. Meerkat caught herself wondering again about the circumstances of Asivaq’s isolation from her family. What was it she’d said when they’d first met? “My family did not like my choice in Kigipigak as a mate…” She decided she was going to ask more about it, though there was something else that came to mind first.

Asivaq, Meerkat said slowly, did you know I’m actually a Tartok?
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writing letters addressed to the fire
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Ooc — Chan
Asivaq listened, taking in every morsel of information and digesting it. Although it scared her to know that she was more than likely not going to have a textbook birth, some things were in her control: getting plenty to eat and plenty of rest. She knew she could handle that.

Then, unexpectedly, Meerkat shared a tidbit about herself, and Asivaq's jaw dropped. Really? she said, wondering if @Kigigpigak knew this. Were you raised as a Tartok? Is this your branch? The questions were asked rapidly, her excitement evident by her tone and expression.
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Ooc — Kat
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Yes, Meerkat answered, but no and no. My biological father was from Tartok but I only met him briefly as an adult before he passed away. I actually know very little about the culture, though I’d love to learn more. It’s part of my bloodline, after all.

It was even possible she was related to Kigipigak. Speaking of him, it was time to address the elephant in the room. She wondered if Asivaq would open up to her about this or whether she might keep the information close to the vest.

Asivaq, why does your family disapprove of your husband, if you don’t mind my asking?
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writing letters addressed to the fire
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Ooc — Chan
This seemed too good to be true. I will teach you what I know, Asivaq promised, But I must warn you—it is much different than the ways of the sunshine people. Which she hadn't thought was bad, but she could see how Tartok's ways could be off-putting to others. I was in training when we went north, and the branch that took us in taught me a lot.

When asked about her husband, Asivaq did not deny Meerkat the information; there was no reason for her to skirt around the subject. He left his children and former wife for a time two seasons ago. One of those children, Kivaluk, was taken in by my mother, and he was raised as her own. I never really got to know him like a brother or saw him as one, as I went out on my own and explored beyond the wilds. I think it is a mix of that and that he is much older than I am. She shrugged. I think that they were mostly worried for me, but I feel deep in my heart that he has changed for the better.

That is why I left my people behind—village Moonsong, my family, everything. They could not see why I had picked him, and I was constantly being judged for a decision that made me very happy.
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Ooc — Kat
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Meerkat couldn’t help but think of the time Njord had left her to visit his family and announce the birth of their eldest children. Had Kigipigak left for something similar? Why hadn’t he gone back to them? Asivaq didn’t say. She focused more on her own role—or lack thereof—in Kivaluk’s life afterward. She circled back to the subject of her husband to say she thought he’d changed for the better.

Why did he leave them? Meerkat asked.

Asivaq loved Kigipigak and it sounded like she would choose him over anyone. Meerkat could appreciate that sort of loyalty, though she couldn’t deny the flag waving in her face. Was it yellow or red? She had no intention of judging Asivaq or trying to change her mind about her husband, though Meerkat wanted to know the kind of man who would be their neighbor.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

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writing letters addressed to the fire
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Ooc — Chan
So many questions! I do not know, Asivaq admitted, shrugging, That is for him to share with me if he ever feels the need, but it is not something that I've asked of him. She didn't see a need to rehash the past, especially when they both were so happy in the present.
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Ooc — Kat
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Meerkat’s brow furrowed at Asimaq’s dismissive response. It was naive at best, downright ignorant at worst. What if he did the same thing to her and the children rounding her sides even now?

I hope your family’s wrong about him, was all she could think to say in response. It speaks well of him that he’s Njord’s aokatti, she added, partly to remind herself.

Did Njord know the man had abandoned his wife and children? She didn’t see how he’d stand for a friend like that, though maybe he knew the details his own wife didn’t. Meerkat would certainly have to ask him about it later.

Speaking of him, I should get back to The Taigh before he worries. Meerkat paused, contemplative, then said, If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to call for me, alright? Take care of yourself, Asivaq.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.

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writing letters addressed to the fire
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Ooc — Chan
Meerkat's sentiment was the first time she'd felt supported in her decision. Thank you, Meerkat, was all she could muster, feeling a wave of emotion overcome her.

Her vision had yet to clear by the time that Meerkat moved to make her leave, and Asivaq nodded. I will, thank you again, she said as she watched the other woman leave. And take care of yourself, too!

When the other woman was out of sight, Asivaq turned away and returned to the ulaq on the other side of the territory, where she would follow the advice she'd been given: eat and rest.