Lion Head Mesa Upon this back of mine
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,635 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
He has 2 octopi, 1 minx fur and he can go gather more if he needs too. Set for the 18th of June

Rodyn found his way to the mesa and stared up in silent awe and also discouragement at the large rocks and sandy dunes. This was a palace indeed and it looked cold. He preferred the open airs.

He had only brought with him two of the Octopi and one minx fur, but he could easily go gather more if it was requested. But he had a lot of packs to meet and he needed to be sure that he had enough trade items for all.

He stayed far far away from the borders. He could see the guards. He lifted his nose to the sky and called out for @Senmut or any of the others he had met, for they would know him. @Toula
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
immortal longings
727 Posts
Ooc — anon
so sorry idk how I missed this!!

it had been Toula nearby, returning from prayer—attended by her fellahin and escorted by the Jodai she was given pause from up on high upon hearing the call for the made-prince. her route adjusted, and she made her way toward him with her retinue. a fellahin stepped forward to announce her with her many titles, and she peered at the man with interest.
even from here, she could smell salt! and she remembered one of the descriptors used when describing the place, but she didn’t know enough of the sea to know that this was where he might have come from. 
welcome to Akashingo, she starts with, allowing him room now to introduce himself!
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,635 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It's alright. I figured you would get to it eventually <3

Rodyn was met by a younger female. Graceful and with a kind face. He quickly averted his eyes and bowed his head a little when she was introduced.

Unsure how to title her. He spoke quietly. I apologize. Royalty is not in my knowledge skill set. What is it that I call you? Your majesty? Or something different. I'm sorry.

he cringed hating that he didn't know what to say, but how was he to know. He was essentially a poor farm boy from a quiet village in a manner of speaking and was not as world built as many others.

I am Rodyn Ardeth Alpha of Moontide. I briefly met Priest Senmut. I bring items for trade and an invitation.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
immortal longings
727 Posts
Ooc — anon
Pharaoh Toula, she answers warmly, given this was a diplomatic event—and he had asked! but she would not begrudge him if he simply called her by her name, as their customs were different. she did not expect for him to immediately adopt them—but his manners caused her to look upon him with warmer eyes than even the start! she liked him, this Rodyn. please, there is no need to apologize! your wish to learn is something I am grateful for. I do not expect any who were not raised within Akashingo’s halls to know, and her own voice was gentle. she would never dream to condescend him for such. 
his name was not unfamiliar. her eyes twinkled with her excitement. by now, she knew the moonvillages were a good people—one her made-daughter might marry into, perhaps. ah! I have heard of you, she said with a smile. our Erpa Ha spoke well of you. please, share with me what you have brought to trade! and tell me of your invitation. now Toula turns to a fellahin and requests they bring precious items for Rodyn to look upon in this trade with a whisper, before withdrawing from their ear and listening to them depart as she says I am grateful you have come all this way. a room is being prepared for you to stay overnight, should you wish, and now another fellahin arrives, bringing upon a sturdy piece of drywood shed from a tree a variety of sweet meats. alongside them, berries to enjoy. she gestures to them, her first offering. you were a most gracious to my people. you have my gratitude. if you hunger, I invite you to partake in this first small course, she says in earnest!

I’ll prioritize this guy now! So sorry!
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,635 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Very well. Well met, Pharoah Toula. these royals and their titles were a bit beyond him. But it was not so bad. He just had some learning to do.

Rodyn didn't know how his name had gotten far. And he didn't know if it held weight. But it was his, freely given.

I have brought dried octopi mest. It is a sea creature near our land. And a minx fur. I have more tradeable items in a nearby place if these don't please you.

A small smile then. I also bring an invitation to hunt with moon villages in the fall for Elk. There will be general fellowship, hunting, women's circles, and we also have a matchmaker if her services are requested to strengthen allies with bonds of matrimony.

I will stay one night and depart before the sun rise. Thank you.

He looked at the meal and motioned. Would you join me or is that not a normal pastime?

oh gosh! No need to apologize. I'm just trying to clean these ones up since the group hunt is coming up soon
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
immortal longings
727 Posts
Ooc — anon
oh! these please me greatly! she exclaimed in earnest, eyes taking in these treasures. it had been the prince-priest @Senmut that had first brought the ocean to her, but Rodyn was the continuous rolling tide of it that brought much and more this day. her eyes were bright as he spoke of his invitation. ah! if not myself, a paw moves then to trace her own underbelly, a coy smile sharing yes! I am with child!, Akashingo shall certainly send an esteemed representative to attend. but know that if it is possible for me to be there, I shall, she speaks warmly, and means each word. a woman’s circle! a matchmaker! oh! and she knew her husband would love the hunt!
Toula nods in understanding. he would need to return to his village, of course—she would not keep him longer than this unless he wished to rest a little while longer. as for his other question, she smiled. a larger meal is also being prepared, that one for the both of us. I should like to know you better, out of the elements! but this, this is for you—something light, but at the very least something to fill your stomach after your long days and nights of travel if you feel any hunger now. I will be unoffended if you wish to save your appetite for dinner, a light laugh then as she regarded him, quiet for only a brief moment. ah! would you like to look upon our items while you dine, or would you prefer to review them now? she inquired, thinking again on all that he had brought! she found herself desiring both of his items—one for its difficulty to obtain in the desert, the other for her cubs.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,635 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Senmut had been a strange one that had come to the shores of his home. But it had not been an unwelcome visit. And Moonwoman had seemed to like that he had made allies of them. Even if he didn't understand all their customs he was trying.

He didn't miss the movement. And mentally ticked off the items he had back in his pack. And he nodded. ON a return trip through I will drop off an elk hide for any little ones that may come this year.

That was the only comment he made after that.

A small smile and a nod. I will take a small morsel since you and your people made me something. And save the rest of my appetite for our meal. I would prefer business now and then at the meal we can perhaps relax and I can answer any questions you may have about the pack or the hunt?
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.