Lion Head Mesa A fake brother, who steals your jeans.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
All Welcome 
She'd given @Roswell a brief nudge of farewell—but not necessarily 'see you later'—before heading out, making the quick jaunt from caldera to mesa. She pulled up to Akashingo's territory around sunset, the colors hitting her pelt in various golden hues, and howled.

Lilitu firmed her jaw, adjusting her stance. She was gracious, but not shy.

She knew for which she came.

And she would control her own destiny. Not driven by children or mates, like her mother. Nor pack, like her fellow Brecheliant comrades.

Something greater. That of blood.
279 Posts
Ooc —
They had come from the palace in search of something precious - food or a gift - to present to queen or pharaoh; something to lighten the mood when jawahir made their presentation. Their condition was known to Tavina only, and soon Jawahir would be required to correct this.

The sight of a gilded woman upon the hill was surprising. Jawahir had not expected anyone to arrive by way of the western steppe; this was someone of Brecheliant. This was - Lilitu, of the fen people, Jawahir observed her with a smile. The mountain people now. You have thought about the offer then I take it?

The coyote had been busy, and had forgotten about Crowfeather. It was not too late for the prince after all.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Jawahir, again. She hadn't called for the lithe woman specifically, and was a little nervous to see her again—particularly as she brought up the issue last at hand. Lilitu sucked in a breath, steadied herself, and smiled, albeit a little weakly.

I have, she said. And I'm so honored that you thought of me. . .but I—can't.

She left it there, because that wasn't why she was here (though she expected a counterpoint). To counter said counterpoint, she barreled ahead, eyes intent. But I'm. . . I'm here to ask about my sister. Arielle. I last met her just a territory away. She was with a pack named Ursus.

Akashingo owed her nothing, especially now that she was turning them down.

But she had to try, right?

Do you know where they are? Lilitu asked, her voice soft and vulnerable.
279 Posts
Ooc —
When the girl spoke it was not the answer Jawahir had expected, nor did they like it. This darkened the courtesan's expression minutely; but Jawahir could hide such things and did so. They opened their mouth to speak but the girl spoke first, a tumult of things.

A request. How bold, this wretched girl! To come here and spoil things further for Jawahir yet hold a need of their own. A sister.

Ursus, yes, we are friends. That was all the answer Jawahir was prepared to lend at this point, holding their tongue on anything that might be useful to Lilitu. If she wanted more she would have to barter.

I cannot present your refusal myself. You are here now - it is proper to address the pharaoh yourself and let it be known. Drawing at first closer to Lilitu, then motioning as if to journey with her, Jawahir wordlessly herded her towards the palace. Lilitu might make a fine gift for the pharaoh even if it was to refuse the arrangement.

I will introduce you to him. He is in very good spirits these days, so your visit will be short and sweet - and you may even ask him about your sister. It was left up to Lilitu if she would follow, though.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Lilitu didn't need to see it on her face to know Jawahir was disappointed. She felt bad, but she felt even worse about disappointing the folks back in Brecheliant. She owed too much to that pack to throw it all away over a fantasy.

But then the woman began to herd her into the territory, saying she needed to talk to the Pharaoh.

Uh oh.

Uh, okay, she replied. She couldn't very well refuse, and besides, she needed to get a clearer answer on Ursus than the one she'd received. Still, her stomach was practically in her butt as she walked, and she wondered, if she called for Teya at any sign of trouble, how long it would take for her friend to get here.

Crap. Crap crap crap.
279 Posts
Ooc —
I'll tag Ramesses but leave it open for anyone else in Akashingo to visit for a round, if you want? Trying to have Jawahir in two places - going off to confront Ramesses at the catacombs, but then come back.

The girl is agreeable - or overwhelmed; Jawahir does not care which is the truth and only wants them to move along, towards the palace.

In no time at all they would find themselves sweeping beneath the redstone arches, then it would be Jawahir's ushering of Lilitu deeper, in to the tunnel that fed the heart, and on, towards the waiting place of @Ramesses; except that his scent trails away in to the dark.

Please, come this way, they offer to the girl and motion to the waiting area nearby; this section of the palace is well cared for by fellahin, yet in this moment there aren't any prying eyes or lurking figures. My lord must be... entertaining himself, elsewhere. I will seek him out and let him know of your arrival.

Jawahir moves to adjust some of the furs left out for visitors, and passes the girl a smile. They wait for a moment to be sure Lilitu understands, that she is content there, and moves to seek the pharaoh down the hall. It isn't until Jawahir is many strides away, around a corner, that the new mother recognizes where the man has gone - so their pace quickens.
910 Posts
Ooc — ebony

belen had studiously stayed away from the prince's rooms since her ill-fated and failed seduction of his counterpart. akhtar was busy with welcoming the sun each morning; his voice rang out twice a day, and soon it would be time to rest during the hottest portion of the afternoon. but not yet and not now. she was in the pharaoh's chambers, changing out the bedfurs and piling the current to be washed. but the sound of jawahir's voice drew belen at once, and she drifted out from the bedroom — and stopped short. the hebsut was not alone; they had left a striking young woman alone there. belen approached and bowed low. "welcome to akashingo, my lady." was this the promised wife? she was dazzlingly lovely, and the servant girl was suddenly jealous.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
She was left alone, and watched Jawahir disappear into the tunnels. Lilitu sat down, more than a little confused, bright yellow-green eyes scanning the chamber in which she'd been left.

And then another, looking much like the woman that had just left her, arrived.

My lady. Thank you, Lilitu replied, smiling briefly. She was uncomfortable with the title; how many were under the assumption that she was the promised princess? And how would they react when they learned she had denied them?

She sighed, shifting her paws. I'm Lilitu, she introduced herself, at a loss for anything else to say. You?
910 Posts
Ooc — ebony

"i am belen." she tried to keep her eagerness from showing; she looked down at her own paws, noting how she needed to buff the claws once more. the pharaoh would order a meal when he entered the chambers, of this she was sure. and belen was not certain she should serve lilitu before the royal man. "you are from ...?" belen prompted, having overheard the names of several allies but unsure from where this girl hailed. she wanted to ask a hundred questions. she wondered if lilitu was accustomed to having servants. belen's glassblue eyes were filled with an interest she could not hide.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Belen, she replied, smiling. She liked the girl, soft-spoken and very pretty. Her eyes were striking. Of course, it was still unsettling that she was treating Lilitu with such reverence, but— Uh, Brecheliant, she added. It's. . .

She made a vague gesture in the direction she thought was west. That way.

They sat in silence for a few heartbeats, Lilitu shifting her forepaws somewhat awkwardly. Um, so, this Pharaoh. . .what's he like? she asked.

AKA: is he nice? Does he have a temper? Am I about to get completely and utterly reamed out?
279 Posts
Ooc —
Let me introduce you, drawled the hebsut as they approached, appearing from around the corner they had previously disappeared to. The girl's question had rung out and it brought a smirk to Jawahir's features.

They motioned to the royal chambers and then noticed Belen nearby, and indicated with another motion that she could join them also - but to hurry along either way.

Once everyone was situated inside the chamber properly, Jawahir paused briefly at the door as Ramesses made his own approach; he had been hot on the jewel's heels.

Our lord, our sun; elect of Ra -- as these words flowed from Jawahir they stepped aside to welcome him across the threshold and themselves began to move towards the throne, but only to kneel.

1,354 Posts
Ooc — ebony
with the dazzlingly proud air of one who carried proverbial crook and flail, ramesses entered his own chambers. he swept beyond the brecheliant girl, beyond jawahir — though his eyes lingered upon his returned jewel with a flicker of want — and settled himself upon the throne of redstone.
only then did his lazuli stare move fluidly toward the presumed bride sent to him from the familial little hamlet of brecheliant. she was as beautiful as he had claimed she would be, perhaps moreso.
greatly pleased, pharaoh looked down upon her with marble face eventually softening into the honeyed smile that jawahir would know as dangerous.
"we welcome you to akashingo. what is your name?" he inquired pleasantly, tracing the fine bow of her mouth with his gaze as he waited for her to speak.
910 Posts
Ooc — ebony

belen is skippable and standing with jawahir!

belen would have answered then, had not she heard jawahir's joyed voice. she glanced excitedly toward lilitu, bowing as ramesses arrived. while his back was still turned, on a whim the little fellahin reached out to press that of the fengirl. her gesture and expression held encouragement. she moved then, and swiftly, to join the jewel with downturned head as the pharaoh began to speak.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Before she could further continue the conversation with Belen, Jawahir returned, a magnificent man in tow. He carried himself like a king, his white-gold pelt gleaming and lush, his sapphire eyes trained upon her.

Lilitu, she answered, seduously avoiding Jawahir's gaze. She bowed her head briefly, then looked up again, a plea in her face.

Pharaoh. . .um, Ramesses? Pharaoh Ramesses, Lilitu decided, then barreled on, before he had a chance to question her further: I've come to ask about a pack called Ursus. My sister is with them, and I last ran into her not far from here.

She gently tilted her head, turning on the charm at full thrusters. Do you know where they might be?

As for the marriage alliance thing, she'd cross that bridge. Eventually. And maybe she wouldn't have to. 

Keep stalling. . .
1,354 Posts
Ooc — ebony
oh, she was indeed mesmerizing. ramesses did not think he had ever seen eyes such as the ones worn by this lilitu. when she put her crown to one side he was reminded of jawahir's words outside this very room.
for a long and brazen moment he locked stare with the brecheliant woman sent to be akashingo's first princess. he thoroughly considered her as a consort.
but it would not bode well if eljay and teya had given their blessing for her to come and be royalty, only to find that she was in the embrace of ramesses.
"the last i saw ursus, they were in violent pursuit of some abominable wolf called nyra. i have not seen them since. but akashingo's reach is great." germanicus would know where the bear heathens lurked.
he sat back in his throne. pharaoh was easily beguiled but his true adoration lay with the political dance. "you have spoken with jawahir." an observation. he said no more, only bid her speak with a lazuli flash of his gaze.
279 Posts
Ooc —
Jawahir can be skipped from here on out.

the girl did not speak of the arrangement, or her refusal to see it through.
jawahir was pleased by this; it meant she might change her mind, or that she found ramesses frightening, or maybe that her sense of decorum was stronger than the other bilge-rats of the backwater home she hailed from.
the hebsut eyed belen briefly as the pharaoh spoke, and kept their head downturned.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
There was no deflecting.

Pharaoh would not be denied. She swallowed, taking a deep, steadying breath. Glanced at Jawahir, with whom she'd admitted her refusal.

But what if he withheld Arielle's whereabouts?

I. . . She licked dry lips. Pharaoh. My pack needs me, and I need them. Since my dad left and my mom died, they've been my family. 

A denial. How would he take it? She waffled. Can I meet this prince? Before making a decision? Pharaoh, I don't want to mess things up. . .and I want, so much, to find my sister.

She was straddling a deep gorge, and she knew it. She felt it in her belly, that yawning pit, that sensation of imminent descent.
1,354 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"of course you shall meet him. he has suggested the same of you." two reluctant players meant to be on a royal stage! ramesses did not understand the absence of excitement in either of them, though he supposed this unrefined gemstone had a reason for it.
he did not like that her decision was unmade. he had expected it to be clear before her arrival. 
the lazuli eyes were cool. his voice was honeywine and myrrh.
"your sister can be found. akashingo will go to great lengths for a princesss."
yes — he meant to press the brilliant-eyed beauty, and presently his eyes fell for a moment upon reverent jawahir.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Lilitu was full of guile, but Ramesses was far her superior, and she knew it. She'd known it going in, really, but now she really was aware. Backed in a corner, she nodded, slowly, looking at the Pharaoh but not quite meeting his intense stare.

I will stay, and meet him, she agreed. If that's what it takes. But she didn't need to say it aloud.

She glanced briefly, quickly at Jawahir. She'd said something completely different to the woman, and Lilitu assumed that the other wolf would probably take it amiss. Desperate times. . .

Ah, damn it. What had she done?
1,354 Posts
Ooc — ebony
cool to fade if everyone else is! powerplaying belen out <3

he would have his way. "good," he murmured to the promised princess. she had not thought to command of akashingo what she had not earned, or so he hoped.
"you will meet him in the days to come. belen will take you to the mazoi's quarters until suitable rooms can be found for you, noble one."
his voice was light. she was dismissed. ramesses shifted his attention to jawahir, to the promise of their wiry body and the distractions he so wished.