Hushed Willows she smoked me whole and blows out Os
104 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9

Abel stuck to the side of the mountains as winter's snow did. Frosted to its sharp edges as the days came and gone. And when the sun peeped from behind the clouds, he'd mindlessly melt out into the open as the ice did, only to take root as night came to chill the earth.

It's a cycle he'd grown accustomed to, rarely broken for the occasional sip of water or a quick bite of some creature far gone. This mountain did not provide much of the latter, and Abel found himself empty-bellied most days. Yet he'd do little to alleviate the hunger pangs than a halfhearted search for scraps and a 'you tried' after inevitable failure. 

Maybe this was to blame.

Abel stared into paradise from just beyond its gate. Where pointed evergreens gave way to trees that kissed the earth. And the putrid smell of the sea was only a light perfume. His place here felt intruding, but he could not find the will to remove himself just yet.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Day by day she regained her strength, and with it a sense of restlessness. Reverie was unused to complacency. It felt oddly like rotting. But she tried to be good; she tried to stay by her husband and rest as she knew she needed to.

Today, though, she'd talked @Boone into taking a walk with her. Just a quick loop through the marsh and the pine forest, she'd promised him. They were still recovering, both of them, and some fresh air would do them good. Spring can't come fast enough, Reverie complained as they approached the northern border, tucking herself against Boone's flank to shelter from the wind. I'm not a cold weather wolf!

She might have said more, but a strange scent carried in on the breeze just then. Reverie stiffened, steps slowing to a halt, and shot a glance at her husband. She knew she was in no state to be taking border calls — but neither was he. So she let out a breath and pressed ahead, deciding that they would do this together, as with so many other things.

Hello? She called out softly when she laid eyes on the wolf at the borders. He was a small, skinny thing; not much of a threat, but Reverie was wary nonetheless. She kept close to Boone. Though, the stranger did have pretty eyes...
104 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
This tranquil wood was not without its residents, as he suspected. Abel had stood only for so long before his presence drew in an audience. A man and a woman joined together. Larger than him, better off too it seemed. 

Hi, sorry, am I disturbing anything? I, uh, didn't mean to intrude. Abel's apology clumsily spilled from his tongue, and he awkwardly shuffled in place. I was just walking along and stumbled across this place n' got a little curious.

And for a moment he takes the surroundings in again. Never seen a place like this before.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
She smiled gently as the man spoke, hoping to soothe the nervous energy she could feel radiating from him. That's alright. This is Hearthwood. It's beautiful, isn't it? Reverie cast a quick glance around as she said it, but her eyes found the man again quickly. There were no scents of others on him.

If you'd like, I can show you around, She offered next. The Hushed Willows was a beautiful place; it would be unfair to keep it all to herself, she thought.
104 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
Hearthwood. A name as gentle as the wolves that inhabit it: or at least the two he'd met so far. Yeah, he breathed wistfully, and made one of a dozen onceovers since he'd came.

An invitation was extended, and who was he to deny? There wasn't much else life had to offer. And maybe, Abel though with a quick swipe of the tongue, they'd have something to soothe the everlasting twist in his gut.

So briefly he nodded, ready to follow the woman wherever she may lead.