Cedar Sweep I wonder what it's like to be my friends
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
All Welcome 
Arlette dared to go past the borders of the strath. It was not that she wanted to go away, but she wanted to explore the neighboring territories to see if there were locations interesting for herbs and other plants. She followed the river to Cedar Sweep, though she was unaware that it was called that way.

Arlette curiously studied the trees across the river. She knew it was winter and there might not be a lot of herbs or plants growing at the moment. The pale female decided that she was curious enough to cross the river. It was refreshingly cold as she climbed the bank on the other side, and curiously stepped closer to forest, more focussed on the ground and plant life than someone who might approach.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
an unsuccessful hunt kept the guard moving beyond the borders of kingslend. here the air hung frigid, thick with the sweet scent of cedar. he too forded the river, emerging along the other bank to shake out his silvergrey fur. here he was not outside the core of the ruling family, only a stranger blended with charcoal shadows.

quietbloom gaze shifted, sharpening around the scar-locked features of an oddly pristine figure, almost ghostly in the broken light that shone between the cedar branches. the saber cleared his throat, announcing his presence as he too moved toward the treeline.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
The lite form of Arlette walked gracefully towards one plant to the other. Though it seemed most interesting around here was the moss on the base of the trees. She lifted her head when she heard a sound nearby. Her blood red eyes locked onto the grey male. She froze for a moment but then her tail unlocked and started to move into a gentle wag.

She lifted her head at normal height, after all the Saints told her to be proud of her scars. She also should stand up for herself more. This male scented of a pack, other wolves. But she had no clue with one as she was not familiar with these surroundings. "Good day," she greeted and stepped closer. She was unaware that her friendliness didn't match at all with the scent she carried. But to Arlette the Saints were a friendly bunch of wolves. "Is your pack nearby these lands?," she asked curiously.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
hot red eyes. the pallor of something beyond pure, becoming deathly. germanicus was not afraid of the vision, merely fascinated by it in his unseen way. she bore the scent of others, feral against the politeness of her voice and the clawmarks that scored her flesh.

"hail. kingslend rules the wood that way," the eagle answered, observant for others who might come to join the woman. his focus was upon her, however; he had no appropriate commentary, and so turned the inquiry back upon her with a direct look.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette followed his gaze curiously and then nodded. "I've never heard of Kingslend. But it is a very pretty pack name," she returned. This male seemed nice, so she assumed his pack was friendly as well. Perhaps they had some aspiring healers or even better skilled medics she could learn from. "Do you folks have healers? Or aspiring healers?," she asked curiously. "I wouldn't mind exchanging information," she added.

"I'm Arlette by the way," she introduced and wagged her tail gently behind her. She was unaware that her scent was so unmatched with her behavior.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
she was kind, though germanicus was innately wary of her question. yet he sensed no malice behind it. "what is the name of your home? i am learning the art of healing myself, as it were," he revealed, thinking of his conversation with sacnite. but he would not mention her to a stranger; protectiveness welled in him for she especially as kingslend began to strain beneath the schism between célnes and their worship.

but not célnes and their god. 

"i am germanicus," the guard introduced, putting the lacework of arlette's name into the shelves of his mind. "i have only just begun to learn. i do not yet know many names of things."
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette found that the male was kind. "The Saints!" She thought for a moment. "Of the dying ... Light!," she added. Arlette had to chuckle softly and shook her head. "I just go with the Saints. I recently joined them," she admitted to the grey male. Which would explain why she wasn't so sure about the name. It was a really long name as well.

She looked surprised when he said that he was the one who was learning the art of healing. "Maybe I can help you by telling the things I know?," she offered kindly. "I wouldn't mind teaching or telling you what I now. If it helped more wolves that can only be a good thing, right?"
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
the saints of the dying light. a mouthful, and from the sound of it, a religious group. germanicus studied her. perhaps that was the glow of her face through the scarring: beatified by some inner belief. sanctus. "it seems to have treated you well," the guard mentioned of her choice to join. 

he wished to ask more after these saints. arlette's outward demeanour was one of affability, and so the centurion nodded. "that is very kind of you." a gesture of his muzzle to indicate the pearlescent woman should lead on, and he would follow.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette grinned happily and nodded. "They have been very good to me," she admitted and wagged her tail. She liked to be a good ambassador for the Saints. The female was unaware that it wasn't what the Saints really went for normally. She wagged her tail slowly and nodded when he admitted that he liked to learn.

"Alright!," she agreed and then turned back to the river, she had spotted some cattails. She trotted to it and then reached the stem close to the water and tugged on it. She pulled it on the bank and then turned to the male. "The fluffy stuff in these bulbs is good for soaking up blood and helping pack wounds." She pointed out to him, a soft smile tugging on her lips.

She then cleared his throat. "And then there is also the sap inside the stems. They can help against tooth aches. The reeds itself can also be used as a splint when dried. To help with bones when broken, it is more complicated to really set a bone," she admitted and then looked up. "They are easy to identify and easy to find," she hummed.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
the eaglebound was happy to follow, and to look down observantly at the plant she indicated. cold now, but he imagined that the warm material inside would do exactly as she had bid. arlette led his gaze to the the rest of it, and he filed away each part with its corresponding provision inside the ledger of his mind.

"yes," the soldier agreed in response to the saint's reflection upon bones. "i have seen many a good man lost to the infection that comes after a break." he sniffed at the growing thing, then looked back at the moonglow woman. "what would you recommend for the dry cough that seems to affect the very young and the very old in winter."
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
The grey male was a quiet student. But she didn't mind that. As long as she was helpful, then Arlette was happy enough. She quirked up her lips in a soft smile and nodded. "Infections and internal bleeding are often the cause of suffering without most knowing what is wrong," she agreed with him.

Arlette thought for a moment about his question. "Honey. It is a sweet liquid made by bees. Though it is hard to come by. Bees do live throughout the winter because of the honey, so if we take it they can sting you. I never dared to take some," she admitted. She still needed to learn how to obtain it.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
bees. honey. "i had not thought of that. i only tasted it once before, as a boy." and for his efforts he had gotten a great stinging clout to the nose by a host of the winged things rising angrily to defend what was theirs. "it was not a dare earned lightly."

he turned his thoughts to how best they might procure this honey, but supposed it would not be found easily in the wintertime. "i suspect they stay alive through the snow, the bees. though i do not know how." his glance upon arlette now, wondering if she would have any additional information to add on the subject of the fierce little insects.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette nodded with compassion. She had heard about beestings and was not very keen to experience one herself. She also didn't know how to treat it. "How was your sting treated?," she asked curiously, maybe he remembered from when he was a boy. Maybe some poppy seeds to dim the pain?

"I always believed it was because of the honey," she commented. "Like how a squirrel saves the nuts for winter. The honey is the food for them to survive the winter. That seemed the most logical to me," she offered him. "But I don't know if it is correct. That was just my assumption."
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
"i find yours to be an educated guess," germanicus told arlette with his usual understated earnesty. "it is sensible that they would use the fruit of their labor to stay alive." much in the way a pack dug caches, he supposed. or stored herbs, his mind added, shifting to sacnite for a brief moment.

"i must say i do not mind that the insects leave for the winter," he chuffed lightly, a brief humour touching his flower-petal gaze. sickening things, mostly, bringing itch and doubt through every other season.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette dipped her head gracefully. She liked that the male was so well spoken and friendly. "That was what I was thinking," she confirmed. Arlette sounded a soft chuckle when he made a joke. "I agree with that as well," she admitted to him. "Perhaps I need to find something they detest so I can place it around me," she added. That would be something if she would find a solution to that.

"I actually do like the winter. Everything is very serene and comes to a halt. Spring is always so hectic and busy when everything comes alive again. I have to keep up with so many plants and herbs to collect. Winter is usually a break for me," Arlette revealed.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
germanicus agreed with a single gesture. "there is something comforting about such silence." out alone in it, a man could reclaim those parts of himself lost to noise. "i can see how such a time would be a respite for a healer," he smiled. "i decided to take it up, and already my mind swims with names."

it was a skill to be praised, he decided. arlette, he hoped, would receive the same accolades from these saints. "do you practice healing in worship of a god?" he inquired politely, hoping to know more about the title the pale woman carried.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette smiled at the male. It was refreshing to talk about healing in such way. She had to chuckle at his last comment. "I can imagine. Try to work on practical skills as well, like how to tend to a wound instead of learning botanics. That was what worked for me anyhow," she offered him. "I can teach you if you like," she spoke kindly.

"A god?," she commented, repeating him. She thought about it. The saints didn't really have a god. She then shook her head. "No I can't say I do," she admitted. "I have not grown up with religions or beliefs like other wolves might have." Her mother had created her own religion and beliefs it seemed.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
no? germanicus nodded. "i had asked only because you call yourself a saint, and the only saints i know are the ones who have picked one god or another to serve." it was a monotheistic belief, something the eaglebound found as unpalatable as the wild heathenry in the unconquered green forests.

unconquered for now, he noted to himself.

"i will take your advice to heart, arlette," he said softly. the softness of it reminded him of the titles he had collected so far, going back unto ico. he recalled the vestal with a gentle want and then passed it over. "what sort of plants are good for fever?"
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Arlette thought about that. "Huh...," she let out in realization. "I should ask my pack leader if we have a religion. I haven't heard them about it. It is mostly 'be loyal to us' stuff like that," she admitted. 'Then again, I have not been with them for long so I might still learn if they worship anything."

She smiled softly and dipped her head. "I really like this, chatting about botanics and medical help." She felt great to share it with a wolf. Though, then the male asked something she didn't know yet herself. "I don't know," she admitted. "I know there is a plant that is called Feverfew. The name would indicate that it would help but I never tested it, nor do I know what it looks like," she admitted. "So that I might need to learn from another healer."
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
loyal to us. germanicus filed away that tidbit with a long bit of interest spiraling into his soldierly mind. it sounded perhaps violent, though the snowdriven wolfess before him did not invoke that sense. if anything, arlette was juxtaposed against such forceful images, and again he wondered how she had come, and why she had stayed.

"i do as well. it has been diverting," the saber agreed, and though he did not arrange his features to smile, there was a warmth in his hushflower eyes that had not been there before. feverfew sounded rather explanatory he concurred, but could only roll his shoulders somewhat, for he knew not where to find such. "i imagine when spring arrives, it will be easier to find oneself a pupil."

glancing back toward kingslend now, then to arlette. "meeting you was pleasant. perhaps i might seek your company again?" the eaglebound inquired gently.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,168 Posts
Ooc — MAR
Master Medic
Love the thread we had <3 Sad he is leaving the game! All the well wishes! :)

Arlette smiled and nodded in agreement. It had been. She really liked this wolf and was definitely planning on visiting his pack. They sounded like an interesting bunch. "It honestly has been," she nodded. She never considered taking a pupil but she might. She really enjoyed it, spreading the message about healing. Maybe one of her children, if she would have them this year, would be interested in learning the skill.

Arlette nodded right away. "Definitely. I would love to share more of what I've learned with you. Perhaps you can also gather some knowledge and we can be wiser together," she smiled. Her tail wagged. It was nice meeting strangers that were this polite. "Alright, well then. Get home safe, Germanicus," she wished kindly.
an hour of wolves and shattered shields
2,516 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Tactician
thank you, and the same wishes back! <3

"i will do that." finally, a smile chased the ghost of its tail across germanicus' stoic face. "be well, arlette, saint of the dying light." something to fill the mouth, but a honeyed bite. 

he was turning then, greystone headed away from alabaster, into the long white hills that separated kingslend from the rest of the world, tucked back and back. upon his journey, the centurion found it pleasant to think upon how kindly arlette had treated him, as if he were flesh and blood, not merely a guard or a man who did not wear rich brown robes.

to the king's side he went, but the memory of that day would belong to germanicus forever.