Ouroboros Spine I'm the bad guy, duh!
This is my art, and it is dangerous
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Ooc — Liv
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All Welcome 
Set for three weeks after @Alduin goes missing from Redsand Canyon! Nyra followed no scents from Alduin to Moonglow and is here by IC coincidence in her search for him! Please poke me if I need to edit anything! <3 Also ofc tagging leadership! @Kukutux @Aiolos @Sialuk

She traveled far, leaving no possible stones unturned. 
Rest was short, food breaks shorter as she covered paths the Saints took in the past and even more. Ursus and the war was so far out of her mind at the moment; all she wanted was to bring Alduin home. 

So as Nyra happened upon the border of a pack on a circular ring of mountains, the Overseer of the Saints lifted her head and howled loudly for an audience with the wolves who claimed this land, to see if they had seen Alduin, or could offer any help at all.
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Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
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Gotta be a lil vague for current events since this I think is for the 26th then? Hopefully it works out. XD

There was many young mouths to feed in Moonglow now, six at least of which still yearned for their mother's milk but also leaving two mothers incapable of the hunt themselves. Kiliutak, as a prisoner currently still needed to be given food and Alduin was a quick learner but yet far too young for the hunt. Lucky for Aiolos, they were strong, stronger then he had seen Yuelong in quite some time before its falling... He wonders now of @Mou, of @Maegi and of course, their pups.

But a sudden call over the mountain ring while jolted his attention, was not of the voices he thinks of. He didn't know this wolf and came with curiosity in the anxiousness of it. The red man comes before a very large female and he dips his creamy muzzle to her in greeting. Welcome to Moonglow. I am Aiolos, how might I help you?
moonglow daddy
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Replying now, but anyone else is still welcome to join! <3

A creamy man greets her at the borders, and Nyra is quick to get to the point of her visitonce Aiolos asks. She can't waste time. 
"My name is Nyra, I'm the second Alpha of the Saints of the Dying Light. I'm looking for one of our pups that went missing about three weeks ago. His name is Alduin, he's black and silver, striped, has red eyes. Have you or any of your wolves seen him?" She asked, desperation and worry clutching her voice and lancing through her eyes.
She truly hoped they knew something, anything. She just wanted him home, and safely.
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breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
i hope you don't mind me throwing shikoba in here!

shikoba has found herself resting for a few hours underneath the foliage of the grove. the puppies grow sound with an endless abundance of love from each of the members of this village. originally, she has planned to bring a fish to kukutux for a healthy and fresh meal versus old cached kills. however, before she could go to wade into the water that was beyond the grove, the call of another rings through the heart of moonglow.

she is quick to see who it could be, considering many have been upon their borders lately. after recent events, she hoped that it would be nothing more than a loner looking for a home. as she comes trotting closer to where the song came from, shikoba could see that aiolos has already beaten her to the scene. and in front of him, a war phoenix of phenomenal size. her burning eyes seem to match shikoba's. hoping to not interrupt too much, she offers a chuff to the two of them as she draws closer.

thankfully, she is able to catch some of the end bits of what the other leader asks about. a boy who has been under moonglow's wing. she takes sides with the lion man, lowering her position as she comes to his aide. shikoba looks to aiolos first before looking towards nyra. "sounds like boy that moonwoman brought back."

she remembers him from kukutux's ulaq, how he ran out in search of the husband while the women's circle came to the duck's aide during her early birth. she wonders who this woman may be in relation to the brindled boy, but stays silent with her curiosities.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
His jaw tightens, a twitch of muscle there as he listens to her plea, describing a child gone missing from her ranks. Her ranks, as Alpha of The Saints of the Dying Light. Although he did not quite remember her he remembered Kynareth well enough and the tension which twisted at his scarred neck reminded him more now.

The desperation in her eyes said all he needed, more then that of her alliance and title, for now. As far as Aiolos was aware, Moonglow held no enemies. Fiery eyes glance to the little scarred warrior at his side now, listens to her words and nods. 

He is safe, here, within our village borders. He hopes to find immediate relief within the white woman's gaze. I will call for him. And so he does, lifting his muzzle to howl out for the dark brindle pup named @Alduin.
moonglow daddy
This is my art, and it is dangerous
1,693 Posts
Ooc — Liv
Master Guardian
Master Tactician
Master Warrior
Another joined them at the tail ends of her question, and her ears perked with hope. Aiolos then confirmed Alduin was here, and like a Christmas tree, Nyra's face lit up with happiness and relief. 
Tail wagging slowly, the Overseer blinked as tears swelled around the edges of her eyes. 

"Thank you, thank you so much." She breathed, breath hitching slightly as she waited, none too patiently, for her favorite pup to arrive. Once he did, she'd smother him in relieved licks and nuzzles.
"If possible, I would like to thank your Moonwoman personally for taking care of him." Nyra requested, genuine gratitude in her gaze.
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