Sleepy Fox Hollow Guess it must have been a big deal
370 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She was definitely dead this time. Like, no doubt, this was what death had to feel like. If it wasn’t she did not want to know because there was no freaking way anything could feel worse than this.

Tierra woke up confused and unsure of where she was, or what happened, but the first and only thing she really noticed was the headache. Her head was splitting. It felt like a couple of woodpeckers might be getting it on in there, but like… not in a fun way. For her at least.

Oh, no, not… no….. It was too late. Her stomach turned over completely and before she could even sort out how to begin getting up she was throwing up. Fortunately for her, she (a) had little to nothing in her stomach and (b) had apparently turned on her side at some point. Rad. Now she’d just have puke on her cheek.

So gross, she groaned, closing her eyes. So like, first plan was to find water. As soon as she could get up. Which, like, she probably could… but… not yet. She needed a minute, okay.

open to anyone! Feel free to assume they’ve been there. (I imagine @Mahler might make sense if you like)
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-
2,664 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
eventually, the girl came to. mahler was nearby, sorting livening herbs into small piles. "velcome back." his voice was dry but warm, and at length he turned his fatherly amethyst eyes upon her with a vague sternness.
"vere you not ever told to leave poppies alone?" he teased lightly, though soon he rose to cross to her side. "i am taking your vitals. eyes, breath, and breathing, ja?" mahler said, not wanting to startle her before he started his examination.
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370 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She hadn’t realized that she wasn’t alone, which was totally embarrassing. Especially because she didn’t know how she got here or where here was.

Puppies? No, no way. She felt like shit because… well. Not because of that. What had she been doing though?! She didn’t remember.

You aren’t Germanicus. Tierra squinted at him, but she wasn’t about to try getting up yet. That route led to more getting sick and she was not puking in front of him again if she could help it. Gross. Her confusion came from the fact that he was old, but not the someone she knew who that applied to. Her brain was having a hard time sorting that little conundrum right now.
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-
2,664 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
he chuckled a little at that. "nein indeed. i am mahler and this is paleo. i have not seen germanicus in some time, but now i assume you vere a soldier vhen mereo stood?"
satisfied that she seemed well, the man resumed his place nearby. "are you thirsty? there is a bundle of soaked moss beside you there, on the left."
"poppies is vhat i said. do you recall finding a field of them nearby?"
370 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Woah, woahhh… old guy had like a billion questions. Tierra got the first one at least. Yeah, I guess. It didn’t really matter now but she had been.

Now she just wanted water. Didn’t he say something about that? She opened her eyes and cast around, spotting the moss and immediately going for it.

She got what she could out of it, but she was totally gonna drink like, half a spring later. I don’t know how I got here she complained, undirected, then stopped short when she realized. Actually, where even is here?

Paleo… it sounded familiar. She knew it from Mereo but she didn’t remember why. She’d only come this way once and hadn’t committed the pack name, or it’s leaders, to memory.
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-
2,664 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
"this is paleo," mahler said with a father's warm patience. she was still recovering, he reminded himself. "it is directly south of the canyon." did she know others had taken up residency there?
they had once been allies. he supposed it was in the past and did not mention it. "vhat is your name?" perhaps they should make proper introductions first.
370 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She opened her mouth to respond with a (fairly rude) duh when he just repeated the name to her, but before she could he clarified and she remembered. She’d definitely come here once, looking for some kid. Right, yeah. You’re the other one. She knew Epoch better for fairly obvious reasons.

She wanted to sit up, but her head still ached like no other and she didn’t think that would be smart if she wanted to keep talking. What was this guy’s name again? Mauler? It was a kick-ass name for a grandpa, she wondered if he was some kind of jacked warrior before he got old and soft. Not that she was complaining - she preferred the nice right now.

I’m Tierra. I was here before, I think, looking for someone? Totally doesn’t matter now though. Mereo’s, like, done-zo. Total drama, but not like… my fault. Obviously. She shrugged, figuring he had probably already heard. Someone had to have come this way when everything broke up.

I’m actually a really great ambassador. If you’re looking for those. She didn’t have to stay here, but traveling right now sounded like the pits and she wanted to chill for a while. This guy seemed nice enough and it was close enough she could go visit her mom when she felt better. Win-win, right?

edited this so we could close it out a little quicker if you like <3
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-
2,664 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
appreciate u! fading <3

"an emissary, then," mahler decided. "i vas told of mereo's departure. a new pack has taken up residence there. somevone who knows the terrain vill be valuable upon a trading trip."
a bit of reconnaissance, though he was interested to know how the prickly girl dealt with others. "for now, rest again. then i vill bring you to the den beside the pharmacy." another day or perhaps two, and all would be well with tierra once more.
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