Emberwood laudtstark
2,664 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Guardian
Pack Activity 
all tags for reference! no need to join unless u want; this is for visibility and timelines' sake. official pit stop thread on the way in EMBERWOOD

mahler had navigated them down from sagtannet, a path that fed down into flatlands he had recently visited. he would have liked to go through the canyon and taken the path that had once wound to diaspora, but those lands were claimed now, and by no wolf mahler would have liked to meet.
and so the gargoyle chose a more circuitous route, checking to see all were together before he led them northward, around the eastern edge of the sunspire. they crossed through the forest that bordered the smaller mountain, home to sure-footed goats. unbeknownst of the danger that lay in ursus, sagtannet strayed through a field of vivid wildflowers, splashed in a stench that rankled the man.
once beyond, mahler called for a short respite near a glade of foxes. here he was happy to defer to @Wylla and her remembered step of this land, and set himself to help @Star with @Marble and @Calcifer, in carrying or otherwise tending them. the rain had never ceased, and he had grown worried, as much for the youngest among them as now-soaked herbs he had brought from the mountain.
the fierce eisen eventually set off to scout onward; mahler watched her go, and then motioned to @Stag and to @Gracious for their status as warriors, looking about to make sure that @Astraeus was under a watchful eye. he rested with @Nyx a moment, exchanging a word or two, and then sought out @Takiyok with a gentle murmur of encouragement. thereafter, the shadowpriest gently encouraged @Ciri and @Elke back to their mother's side and @Phaedra to his own, to wait out the thickening rain for a few hours.
when his co-leader had presumably returned to inform them of swiftcurrent's situation, mahler went about to rouse sagtannet, and, letting the ability of wylla take forefront once more, set them to the path she chose.
the light dimmed; the water from the sky did not abate, and mahler was at last grateful to see the thin ghostliness of a sprawling aspen forest, butting up against the edge of a jagged peak. seeing little reason to travel at night, with so many pups, and two quite vulnerable, mahler suggested they resume again at light.
the sawtooth by now was quite far behind them; he did not like to think of the wild, fruitful place they had left. instead, the musiker shook as much water from his hackles as he was able, satisified himself that there was no track of cat or bear here, and took up a perch on some moonlit hillock to gaze through the aspens on first watch.
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539 Posts
Ooc — summer
Star followed steadily, appreciating the feeling of being back on her feet again, but always concerned for her children. With her she carried a rabbitskin, fashioned into something like a bag, where she carried those rocks which Marble could not leave behind, whenever her mouth was not on child transportation duty. The little girl could not carry them all, of course. 

She appreciated the help of Mahler with the children when she could not tend to them both at once. In general, many of her packmates were a great help. Star knew her children, though she would not call them such aloud, were the greatest burdens on this journey- small, dependent, and unable to travel very far on their own. Most often they would need to be carried when they grew tired, and she would ask some wolf or another to carry Marble's rocks in the meantime. 

When they passed by Swiftcurrent, Star took a moment to herself to say goodbye to that river. Alone. She did not know whether she would live to see it again- this might be her last farewell to her first real home. 

They moved on, to this forest for the night- where Star thought Ibis had been settled once, but now the scents were long gone. She hoped the young girl was okay. Then planted herself and her children beside some damp root- likely the best they could get, for now- and she would tuck them between her forelimbs or into her chest, isolating them from any rain that might chill them to their bones.
75 Posts
Ooc — Vami
The blonde girl was tired, extremely so. The trek was further then she had ever gone in all her life. She was certain she had made more steps in this trip that she had her whole life thus far together. They crossed a very dark, thick forest. One which she had strumpled a few times in, tangled in outstretched roots and vine. They crossed a meadow of flowers which Elke enjoyed quite a bit, sniffing and frolicking amongst the tall sprouts. Then they settled in a pretty glade before moving off again, crossing a calm portion of river which Elke was reluctant to- she hadn't learned to swim yet, of course.

Finally here they were in another forest. Emberwood. Though she wanted to explore it, her weary legs forced her not to. Once she laid down for a break, she found herself yawning and seconds later sleeping deep at her mother's side.
i n n e r p e a c e
229 Posts
Ooc — H2O
adults were dropping like flies, and for a quick moment, gracious had done internal reflection on now what she wanted to do, but instead what she was required to do, what she was needed to do. being stuck in her foggy daydream with misty eyes would have to be put on hold for now. there were simply too many small children accompanying the trip; gracious needed to be on guard and ready for anything.

gracious heeded every call the eisens made for her, though could feel the rain send shivers down her spine in an electrifying manner. it didn't lighten up one bit throughout their trip, though the break of the forest was enough to bring hope. talk of rest soon engulfed her ears as children and tired mothers lay themselves to rest.

gracious found herself on the outer edge of the group, soaked and tired. she found a strain of thankfulness to see mahler taking the first shift. she'd volunteer herself for the second once she allowed her body to rest. until then, her diamond eyes close and she attempts to breathe without drowning in the rain.
[Image: source.gif]
Gracious is currently traveling with Oceane; she is allowed to join all threads Gracious is in unless they are marked private 
55 Posts
Ooc — mutton
Star's silent daughter had been one of the more privileged Sagtannet wolves alongside her brother.

While everyone walked from the mountains to the woods, the siblings had been carried most of the way. She wasn't happy about it, but she would've  been even more upset if she'd ended up with aching paws. This mode of transportation was the best option, even if it was frustrating and boring.

She wasn't forced to leave her collection behind either. Mother had constructed a small bag for her precious trinkets. Marble would intently stare at anyone who held it and pouted quietly when it was out of view. 

It was a long trek, but the group had finally come to rest in a forest full of odd looking trees. None of them were like the ones in the spire. Marble wanted to study them up close, but Mother placed the girl by her chest. It was time to sleep. Her studies would have to wait until morning.
340 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
Their departure from Sawtooth came quicker than Nyx expected, though she supposed it was for the best.

With several young cubs to support, all without any real experience of the wilds beyond their birthplace, the lioness was especially fearful for her own brood. They'd only recently relocated to the rendezvous and she suspected neither of her daughters had been particularly thrilled about it. This move would be to an entirely new territory, so she kept a close eye on them as the journey commenced.

Luck seemed to be on the lioness' side, for no need to reprimand arose - not even when the excitement of exploring new land and meeting new faces wore off. Ciri and Elke seemed more tired than frustrated, the latter in particular who was swift to find sleep. Nyx watched over her girls for a time, protective as always and feeling some mistrust for Wylla, before she willed herself to rest for the final stretch of their trip.

192 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
When her mother first instructed that their family would uproot once more, the blackbird was unphased. She and Elke had done so once before, quite recently, and another trip across the spire would be just as easy as the first.

That first stretch was exciting. She was content to bound ahead, explore unfamiliar terrain with Elke at her side, poke her nose curiously toward pups much smaller than herself. Literally everything was interesting, some things more amazing than others, but she felt the strain of the day's travel in her aching bones by the time Sagtannet's wolves settled in an unknown forest to rest for a time.

As her flaxen littermate curled close to their dam to snooze, Cirilla fit herself snugly to Elke's flank for warmth. She was tired, of course, but the darkest of Nyx' brood was unwilling to let sleep sweep her away just yet. Instead, Ciri buried her muzzle among her sister's furs and closed her eyes to pretend, peeking with a single eye only when sure that her mother had drifted off.
"And then the world started to exist again,
but it existed very differently."
51 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Perhaps this was an event that should have been considered "serious." But all Calcifer could think of was just how many wolves there were that he still hadn't had a chance to meet yet. There had been a "meeting" of two but his mother made sure to keep him close and that meant there wasn't any chance for playing. 

Now that everyone was on the move Calcifer thought things would be different. NOPE. Still, Star kept him close to her side and at the beginning of the trip, he kept gazing off at the other member of the pack wondering how fun it would be to play with each one of them.

But the journey just didn't seem to end. His legs grew tired, but luckily there was always someone to carry him and Marble when they were too weak to do so. When they finally stopped his scruff was a bit sore given his weight and he was happy to curl up next to his sister and mother.

Due to a growth hormone disorder, Calcifer is very large.
He is the wolf equivalent of an 8ft tall man for reference
and has been mistaken for a grizzly bear in the past
but is closer to the size of a giant panda bear. XD