towering yellow oak trees.
skaigona lay upon her spine and tucked forepaws into her pale chest. she was watching a spotted bird high above her, curious as to why it pounded and pecked so at the bark she could never reach.
what was he doing? something suggested he was making a home, and she craned her head against the grass, fully engrossed as a small warm wind shimmered the leaves.
skaigona lay upon her spine and tucked forepaws into her pale chest. she was watching a spotted bird high above her, curious as to why it pounded and pecked so at the bark she could never reach.
what was he doing? something suggested he was making a home, and she craned her head against the grass, fully engrossed as a small warm wind shimmered the leaves.

About a week prior, Druid had come across a rotted log a short distance from the rendezvous site. It offered somewhere cool and damp to rest and soon became her preferred sleeping spot, especially now that she tended to keep different hours from the others. Although it could prove lonesome sleeping by herself, Druid appreciated the room to stretch her legs and lack of overbearing body heat.
She usually slept through the afternoon, though presently something caused her to stir and wake. Blinking, she peeked outside the log and angled her snout downward toward a rustling noise in the soil just underneath it. She had found what she took to be bird droppings there the other day, half a dozen white pellets with yellowed ends. They were gone now, replaced by what appeared to be a cluster of wriggling worms.
Druid stiffened, remembering the lesson the turtle had taught her. Yet she remained riveted, watching as the black worms squirmed free, one by one. As they broke apart into individuals, she noticed the pale rings around their necks, not unlike the one she wore. The pup cocked her head, utterly fascinated, resisting any predatory impulses their movements awoke in her as she forced herself to merely observe.
Soon, all but one of the newly hatched Diadophis punctatus disappeared into the leaf litter. This one slithered along the underside of the log, then to Druid’s surprise, it raised its body like the inchworm of yore and began climbing inside, perhaps drawn to her warmth. The wolf pup went rigid again, staying very still as the tiny creature wiggled its way over her right forepaw and then came to rest, appearing to stare up at her.
Druid returned the stare, then slowly moved her paw to see what the tiny ringneck snake would do. It swiftly coiled around her wrist. She could feel the minute strength of its grip as it fit perfectly around the fine bones there. Gingerly, she raised the foot and the tiny serpent remained, wrapped neatly around her foot like some strange bracelet.
Of course, as soon as Druid realized the snake wasn’t going anywhere, she wanted to show somebody. Moving quite carefully to avoid dislodging her new friend, the young she-wolf exited the log and began hop-stepping toward the rendezvous site. On her way there, she discovered Skaigona sprawled on her back, gazing at the treetops.
She usually slept through the afternoon, though presently something caused her to stir and wake. Blinking, she peeked outside the log and angled her snout downward toward a rustling noise in the soil just underneath it. She had found what she took to be bird droppings there the other day, half a dozen white pellets with yellowed ends. They were gone now, replaced by what appeared to be a cluster of wriggling worms.
Druid stiffened, remembering the lesson the turtle had taught her. Yet she remained riveted, watching as the black worms squirmed free, one by one. As they broke apart into individuals, she noticed the pale rings around their necks, not unlike the one she wore. The pup cocked her head, utterly fascinated, resisting any predatory impulses their movements awoke in her as she forced herself to merely observe.
Soon, all but one of the newly hatched Diadophis punctatus disappeared into the leaf litter. This one slithered along the underside of the log, then to Druid’s surprise, it raised its body like the inchworm of yore and began climbing inside, perhaps drawn to her warmth. The wolf pup went rigid again, staying very still as the tiny creature wiggled its way over her right forepaw and then came to rest, appearing to stare up at her.
Druid returned the stare, then slowly moved her paw to see what the tiny ringneck snake would do. It swiftly coiled around her wrist. She could feel the minute strength of its grip as it fit perfectly around the fine bones there. Gingerly, she raised the foot and the tiny serpent remained, wrapped neatly around her foot like some strange bracelet.
Of course, as soon as Druid realized the snake wasn’t going anywhere, she wanted to show somebody. Moving quite carefully to avoid dislodging her new friend, the young she-wolf exited the log and began hop-stepping toward the rendezvous site. On her way there, she discovered Skaigona sprawled on her back, gazing at the treetops.
Skai!Druid said sotto voce.
Look.She gingerly thrust out a forepaw to show her sister the small snake still contently encircling her ankle.
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August 06, 2021, 05:33 PM
skaigona had not forgotten her first-mother.
even now she pulled what she remembered of praimfaya from memory; sound, voice, scent. these things comforted the war-girl. worripa felt stronger than her, at times; he was able to be alone, while skaigona clung tightly to the presence of druid and witch.
the former approached now, and skaigona rolled to one downy side, watching her sister approach. druid was not alone. the little warrior investigated the snake with great interest and a healthy respect, small tail thumping against the ground. "what is the name?" she asked, voice a curious blend now of three; sequoia's, mahler's, and the vestiges of praimfaya's own commanding tones.
druid was lucky, to command the little creatures so easily. "how did you make it come to you?"
even now she pulled what she remembered of praimfaya from memory; sound, voice, scent. these things comforted the war-girl. worripa felt stronger than her, at times; he was able to be alone, while skaigona clung tightly to the presence of druid and witch.
the former approached now, and skaigona rolled to one downy side, watching her sister approach. druid was not alone. the little warrior investigated the snake with great interest and a healthy respect, small tail thumping against the ground. "what is the name?" she asked, voice a curious blend now of three; sequoia's, mahler's, and the vestiges of praimfaya's own commanding tones.
druid was lucky, to command the little creatures so easily. "how did you make it come to you?"

August 07, 2021, 10:09 AM
In the back of her mind, she wondered if Skaigona would try to knock the small snake to the ground, as she had done with the inchworm when they were smaller. But Druid trusted the girl who had become her sister since then, and was rewarded with awe and inquisitiveness.
She regarded the tiny creature in silence for a few beats, then raised her two-toned eyes to meet Skaigona’s and said,
I’m not sure,Druid admitted, feeling honored even if she didn’t understand why the snake had coiled around her wrist, of all places. Perhaps it mistook her for kindred because of the ring around her neck, a decidedly childish notion.
She regarded the tiny creature in silence for a few beats, then raised her two-toned eyes to meet Skaigona’s and said,
Maybe we should give it a name?
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August 07, 2021, 01:07 PM
skaigona nodded excitedly. "where did you find it? that will help, i think." help them t find a name that would be most comfortable for the little snake. she watched its sleek scales, saw how comfortably it fit around the arm of her sister. "bracelet!" she joked, giggling to herself.
but before skaigona went on, her gaze shot sideways, and she wondered if druid found it worthwhile or amusing. she had come to crave the validity given to her by druid's attentions, acting in a small way toward modelling herself upon the traits the other had shown.
no word for this, or awareness.
but before skaigona went on, her gaze shot sideways, and she wondered if druid found it worthwhile or amusing. she had come to crave the validity given to her by druid's attentions, acting in a small way toward modelling herself upon the traits the other had shown.
no word for this, or awareness.

Perhaps it wasn’t the most imaginative of names, yet it was apt.
Stopping beside the moldy old log, Druid pointed at the abandoned nest.
Bracelet,Druid murmured thoughtfully, smiling down at the baby snake. She gave a little gasp when she noticed its tongue flicker out as if in response, looking quickly to Skaigona. Had she seen it?
I found it by the log where I like to sleep,she said in the next moment, motioning toward it before leading Skaigona that way. She moved carefully still, doing her best not to disturb Bracelet.
Stopping beside the moldy old log, Druid pointed at the abandoned nest.
There were many. Only Bracelet stayed with me.She paused and wondered,
Do you think it’s a boy or a girl?
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August 07, 2021, 07:04 PM
she had meant it as a joke! but druid took to it effortlessly, and skaigona felt herself warm all over with the deep and abiding pleasure of hearing the name spoke aloud, again. bracelet it would be. she wagged her tail, glancing between baby serpent and small wolf. the movements stilled, however; she thought hard upon the question.
she was not so experienced with snakes as to know, and she had come to an age where lying for effect had lost its luster. she wished to be earnest. she wished to be good, like druid was.
"maybe both?" the war-girl suggested hopefully, paws working against the soft loam.
she wished that perhaps, maybe, her sister might allow her to hold bracelet. maybe. at some point.
she was not so experienced with snakes as to know, and she had come to an age where lying for effect had lost its luster. she wished to be earnest. she wished to be good, like druid was.
"maybe both?" the war-girl suggested hopefully, paws working against the soft loam.
she wished that perhaps, maybe, her sister might allow her to hold bracelet. maybe. at some point.

August 07, 2021, 08:18 PM
Her lips parted in surprise at Skaigona’s answer. Was that possible? She peered down at Bracelet, as ever twined about her ankle bone. It was so small, its body so different from her own. Did it even possess genitalia?
Suddenly, Bracelet shifted her tiny body, her head raising clear of the pup’s wrist. Druid went very still, instinctively lowering her foot nearer to the ground so Bracelet wouldn’t fall. Riveted, she watched as the hatchling unwound from her ankle and slithered to the ground. She felt a small pang at the loss, though it was replaced by intrigue as the snake made her way toward Skaigona’s paw.
Maybe…she mused, a little doubtfully. Druid didn’t understand the fineries of language, she just knew she wanted to call it “he” or “she” rather than “it.”
I think it’s a girl,she opined in the next breath, having no explanation for this belief. It wasn’t even so much intuition as preference. She wanted Bracelet to be a girl, like herself and Skaigona.
Are you a girl?the pup questioned the diminutive reptile, earning a flicker of Bracelet’s tongue. Druid laughed breathlessly, smiling at this perceived confirmation. To her, it wasn’t mere coincidence; the wee serpent understood her somehow.
Suddenly, Bracelet shifted her tiny body, her head raising clear of the pup’s wrist. Druid went very still, instinctively lowering her foot nearer to the ground so Bracelet wouldn’t fall. Riveted, she watched as the hatchling unwound from her ankle and slithered to the ground. She felt a small pang at the loss, though it was replaced by intrigue as the snake made her way toward Skaigona’s paw.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
August 08, 2021, 04:08 PM
bracelet did not seem to mind. "she's gonna be another sister!" the girl crowed, before her auds swept forward to hear the rest of what druid was saying.
but they had both fallen silent, and skaigona watched in complete awe and wonder as bracelet began to approach. "hello," the war-girl breathed reverently. the little serpent soon wound around her own arm, and she brought it slowly up until she and bracelet were level with one another.
had the snake heard? had druid heard?[/i] the secret wish she had made, suddenly fulfilled.
she thought of what the pool-fairy had said!
"i think you are a good secret," she whispered inaudibly.
bracelet's tongue slithered. she blinked.
as gently as she had come, the little snakeling had returned to druid, and skaigona thrummed with delight. "magick."
but they had both fallen silent, and skaigona watched in complete awe and wonder as bracelet began to approach. "hello," the war-girl breathed reverently. the little serpent soon wound around her own arm, and she brought it slowly up until she and bracelet were level with one another.
had the snake heard? had druid heard?[/i] the secret wish she had made, suddenly fulfilled.
she thought of what the pool-fairy had said!
"i think you are a good secret," she whispered inaudibly.
bracelet's tongue slithered. she blinked.
as gently as she had come, the little snakeling had returned to druid, and skaigona thrummed with delight. "magick."

August 08, 2021, 08:30 PM
Although she already missed the featherweight around her ankle, Druid’s tail stirred as Skaigona and Bracelet properly acquainted. They admired one another for only a moment before the snake wormed her way back toward the gray pup. It made her heart frolic and leap in her chest when the hatchling wriggled between her toes.
That tickles!she exclaimed breathily, right around the time Skaigona said something.
What?Druid asked, eyes lifting to her pale face as the word registered.
Magic?Her head cocked to the side, mismatched gaze resting curiously on her sister’s beloved features.
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August 09, 2021, 04:11 PM
"i met a girl here. she smells like mahler," skaigona whispered conspiratorially. "she told me there were secrets, in rivenwood." well, in a single shallow pool, but the child saw no reason not to extrapolate more interesting facts from this happening.
"maybe bracelet is one of those things."
she fell silent, trying to think of how best to explain magick, but settled for an unsure shrug in druid's direction, the changing color of her eyes fixed once more to bracelet.
"maybe bracelet is one of those things."
she fell silent, trying to think of how best to explain magick, but settled for an unsure shrug in druid's direction, the changing color of her eyes fixed once more to bracelet.

August 09, 2021, 09:37 PM
Rapt, Druid listened as her sister spoke of a girl who whispered about secrets. Her eyes fell to the ground momentarily as Bracelet slithered around her ankle again, this time draping loosely. Then they flitted back up to Skaigona, brimming with curiosity, wondering about the stranger but much more captivated by the notion of an enchanted serpent.
Despite her excitement over her newfound friend, a yawn suddenly peeled her jaws apart, followed by a subtle shudder from head to toe. The hatching had interrupted her nap; she would usually be sound asleep during this time of day.
Before she turned to go, her brow furrowed in hesitation. What should she do with Bracelet while she slept? Should she leave her in her sister’s care? Even though she trusted Skaigona and knew she would look after the small snake, she recoiled from the thought. Bracelet didn’t belong to her, but she belonged with her. Druid felt it in her bones.
Are you magic, Bracelet?the young naturalist questioned. The snake’s forked tongue gave her her answer. Druid smiled.
Despite her excitement over her newfound friend, a yawn suddenly peeled her jaws apart, followed by a subtle shudder from head to toe. The hatching had interrupted her nap; she would usually be sound asleep during this time of day.
I think I’m going to finish my nap,Druid murmured, to the snake as much as Skaigona.
Before she turned to go, her brow furrowed in hesitation. What should she do with Bracelet while she slept? Should she leave her in her sister’s care? Even though she trusted Skaigona and knew she would look after the small snake, she recoiled from the thought. Bracelet didn’t belong to her, but she belonged with her. Druid felt it in her bones.
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August 10, 2021, 06:23 PM
the war-girl nodded. druid belonged to bracelet, and bracelet to druid. it was like the bond of sisters, true sisters. skaigona had come to understand it, and saw how it differed from her bond with sequoia's pair.
the child sat absent-minded, quietly where she was. partly inspired by her sister, and partly driven by some thundering inner force which brought the blurred lines of her mother's face to mind, skaigona blinked.
and mind formed a silent, impulsive plan.
"i think i will go and find my own bracelet."
the child sat absent-minded, quietly where she was. partly inspired by her sister, and partly driven by some thundering inner force which brought the blurred lines of her mother's face to mind, skaigona blinked.
and mind formed a silent, impulsive plan.
"i think i will go and find my own bracelet."

August 10, 2021, 06:53 PM
Skaigona’s declaration startled Druid out of her consternation. She blinked, then smiled. If only one of the other baby snakes had stayed behind with Bracelet! Alas, that hadn’t happened, though maybe her sister could find one of them in the leaf litter, or perhaps discover another sort of companion altogether.
Stepping backward, she glanced down at her precious cargo and then turned carefully to plod back toward the log. Once there, she climbed inside just as gingerly, coming to rest with her forelegs outstretched to dangle over the lip of wood. She sighed happily, letting her chin fall to prop on one of her legs, eyes crossing ever so slightly as she stared at Bracelet.
Bracelet stared back, tongue occasionally flicking outward to taste the air. Druid’s eyes drifted closed. She didn’t rouse when the small serpent unwound and retreated into the soil to hunt her first meal, nor when she returned with a full belly to sleepily coil beside the young wolf.
Okay,the gray pup murmured, stepping forward to nudge one of the younger girl’s pale cheeks.
Good luck,she added, which seemed like the right sentiment.
Stepping backward, she glanced down at her precious cargo and then turned carefully to plod back toward the log. Once there, she climbed inside just as gingerly, coming to rest with her forelegs outstretched to dangle over the lip of wood. She sighed happily, letting her chin fall to prop on one of her legs, eyes crossing ever so slightly as she stared at Bracelet.
Bracelet stared back, tongue occasionally flicking outward to taste the air. Druid’s eyes drifted closed. She didn’t rouse when the small serpent unwound and retreated into the soil to hunt her first meal, nor when she returned with a full belly to sleepily coil beside the young wolf.
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
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