The journey from the lake, past the Redhawk Caldera and into the cover of the forest had taken a large amount of time. The dark wolf had not realized that he did not find the motivation as easily when Germanicus was not at his side.
Furthermore, Crowfeather missed the older man. The absence of those thoughtful yellow eyes had left a sucking hole in the seer’s chest. He had been unable to fill it with any sense of purpose or thoughts of reunion.
When the scent of Brecheliant had reached him, he was outside of the wood. The fen was a small journey away, but nothing they could not cover in the early morning hours. It would allow them to bed down in another forest for the evening, provided the silver eagle could reach the wood by the time night fell.
Crowfeather called to @Germanicus to provide instruction on where he was and then waited nervously at the edge of the forest.
Furthermore, Crowfeather missed the older man. The absence of those thoughtful yellow eyes had left a sucking hole in the seer’s chest. He had been unable to fill it with any sense of purpose or thoughts of reunion.
When the scent of Brecheliant had reached him, he was outside of the wood. The fen was a small journey away, but nothing they could not cover in the early morning hours. It would allow them to bed down in another forest for the evening, provided the silver eagle could reach the wood by the time night fell.
Crowfeather called to @Germanicus to provide instruction on where he was and then waited nervously at the edge of the forest.
Set tomorrow night.
August 13, 2021, 04:26 PM
crowfeather's voice rose into the night, and germanicus answered from the lip of the caldera, where it touched the wildwood.
the forest was large. he chose to cut through it, angling for the stream that divided the forest into two parts.
it would be some time before he arrived, and he set a smart wolf's-trot between the boles.
germanicus was warmed by the thought of the shadow waiting for him. he stared at the gnarled oak trees and their transition to willows, and here he paused to catch his breath before setting off again.
the forest was large. he chose to cut through it, angling for the stream that divided the forest into two parts.
it would be some time before he arrived, and he set a smart wolf's-trot between the boles.
germanicus was warmed by the thought of the shadow waiting for him. he stared at the gnarled oak trees and their transition to willows, and here he paused to catch his breath before setting off again.
August 13, 2021, 06:43 PM
The older man’s response lingered in the air for a moment. Crowfeather buzzed with delight.
Taking his time to find a place that would give them a nice resting position, the dark wolf mulled over thoughts of what Germanicus might have done while they were apart. It felt a little foolish to be waiting for him to arrive, like a woman who had bid her husband farewell, off to war.
When he had made a nest for them both, Crowfeather felt he could no longer busy his paws or muzzle with tasks. The shadow made himself comfortable and waited for the arrival of his other half.
Taking his time to find a place that would give them a nice resting position, the dark wolf mulled over thoughts of what Germanicus might have done while they were apart. It felt a little foolish to be waiting for him to arrive, like a woman who had bid her husband farewell, off to war.
When he had made a nest for them both, Crowfeather felt he could no longer busy his paws or muzzle with tasks. The shadow made himself comfortable and waited for the arrival of his other half.
August 13, 2021, 07:25 PM
it was dark when germanicus found the bower crowfeather had scouted for them. the shadow was glossy, dark against the silver birch which created the third act of the eerie wood.
"how did you get on?" the eagle inquired, settling himself with a weary sigh. long nights through beautiful country. germanicus set his eyes on the boy once more, waiting to listen.
"how did you get on?" the eagle inquired, settling himself with a weary sigh. long nights through beautiful country. germanicus set his eyes on the boy once more, waiting to listen.
August 13, 2021, 07:36 PM
Through the dark cut a handsome silver coat and familiar canary eyes. Crowfeather rose at once and waved his tail, pleased that Germanicus appeared so healthy.
The young seer had not been entirely sure why he would have worried for the older man. Germanicus had been on his own for much longer than he had been with Crowfeather. It was more likely that the nimble shadow would have lost his way or gotten grievously injured.
The young seer had not been entirely sure why he would have worried for the older man. Germanicus had been on his own for much longer than he had been with Crowfeather. It was more likely that the nimble shadow would have lost his way or gotten grievously injured.
The fen where Brecheliant resides is just over there,Crowfeather stated to him and nodded toward the pack they would visit the next morning.
And I missed you.It was said plainly, he did not meet Germanicus’ gaze.
August 13, 2021, 07:42 PM
germanicus was welcomed warmly, with a report and a soft word. brecheliant was near. and crowfeather —
"your absence was noted as well," the eagle murmured in response, though his own gaze was upon his companion.
in the next moment, germanicus had taken it away. he fell to exploring the place with his gaze, a slow sweep that missed nothing. "what made you choose here?"
"your absence was noted as well," the eagle murmured in response, though his own gaze was upon his companion.
in the next moment, germanicus had taken it away. he fell to exploring the place with his gaze, a slow sweep that missed nothing. "what made you choose here?"
August 13, 2021, 07:48 PM
The wings attempted flight again and thrashed at the dark young wolf’s insides for several seconds. Germanicus had said it in his own way, which had been more than enough for Crowfeather. Peace settled into his frame as he listened to the question that followed.
I still like the safety of the trees. This forest is large. If it had a mountain to its back, I would think it might be perfect,Crowfeather answered him, looking fondly at the trees that surrounded the duo.
How was your time alone, Germanicus? Did you meet with Ruenna again?
August 13, 2021, 07:53 PM
germanicus nodded. the dark hunter had always showed a good deal of sensibility, and it had deepened over their time together.
their time together.
it sent a glissade of surprise and want and euphoria through his stomach.
the eagle kept himself beneath steeled control. "i did. the caldera is beautiful in all light."
their time together.
it sent a glissade of surprise and want and euphoria through his stomach.
the eagle kept himself beneath steeled control. "i did. the caldera is beautiful in all light."
August 13, 2021, 08:17 PM
Germanicus commented on the beauty of the Redhawk Caldera. Crowfeather smiled warmly at this. It was nice to hear him speak that way, the way he had said a poet spoke. The silver guard did not give himself enough credit. His words were often well-thought, carefully put, with just enough to leave listeners wanting more.
The wooded areas around the packs were comforting and filled with prey. Crowfeather hoped that their destination in the east would be just as bountiful.
I am glad. Perhaps one day we can return, after we have gone where it is we must go.
The wooded areas around the packs were comforting and filled with prey. Crowfeather hoped that their destination in the east would be just as bountiful.
The mountains to the east. Satsu says that if we pass them, we have gone too far. That Akashingo is nestled inside of it. Maybe a canyon or a deep valley?The dark wolf wished to demonstrate that he was still thinking about their path and their goals.
August 13, 2021, 08:25 PM
when crowfeather spoke next, it was of their future. theirs, truly, for he meant to see germanicus through to the other end of the teekons.
the idea of spending such a great time more with the shadow relieved and harried the eagle with a thousand sensations.
one of them was not so recognizable. crowfeather spoke of satsu again, and akashingo. germanicus saw that the boy attempted to discern where this place might be located.
and yet the ranger saw the name of it now: the green shade of jealousy. "did your friend tell you what the word meant, in her tongue?"
the idea of spending such a great time more with the shadow relieved and harried the eagle with a thousand sensations.
one of them was not so recognizable. crowfeather spoke of satsu again, and akashingo. germanicus saw that the boy attempted to discern where this place might be located.
and yet the ranger saw the name of it now: the green shade of jealousy. "did your friend tell you what the word meant, in her tongue?"
August 13, 2021, 08:40 PM
No,the dark wolf answered with a thoughtful glance to his paws.
She did give me a name in her tongue, though! Karasu-no. She said that meant crow’s feather,the seer added with a smile to Germanicus. Satsu had been kind to him. Crowfeather could not help but worry that his growing trust in their friendship could be ruined if she allied herself with the Saints.
Thoughtfully, the dark wolf looked to the silver face of Germanicus and asked of him,
what does your name mean? It sounds strong, but your language is one I cannot understand.
August 13, 2021, 08:52 PM
satu, waving some pagan's web around crowfeather. he inwardly scolded himself for being so uncharitable, when he had not even met this supposed saint.
and yet the open way that the shadow used to speak of her gnawed at the back of his mind. she had even given him a name!
the question caught him off-guard. "my grandfather won many battles in a land called germania. the title has been passed down through his line."
germanicus lay back upon the feathered grass of the birch-copse. "and my language is latin. common there. dead here." it was a statement of fact rather than melancholy.
and yet the open way that the shadow used to speak of her gnawed at the back of his mind. she had even given him a name!
the question caught him off-guard. "my grandfather won many battles in a land called germania. the title has been passed down through his line."
germanicus lay back upon the feathered grass of the birch-copse. "and my language is latin. common there. dead here." it was a statement of fact rather than melancholy.
August 13, 2021, 09:17 PM
The guard responded by saying that his grandfather had been an explored warrior who had won many battles in a land bearing a strong resemblance to his name. The dark wolf listened with ears cupped forward and his eyes trained on the features of Germanicus’ face. When he spoke of himself, Crowfeather could hardly breathe.
A fond smile crossed his face. When Germanicus had shared the few words in the language of his home, they seemed as though they belonged on his lips. Crowfeather could not see another speaking them the way that he did.
Your name is… very important,the seer breathed with reverence.
Latin is a strong language. The words you speak suit your tongue.
A fond smile crossed his face. When Germanicus had shared the few words in the language of his home, they seemed as though they belonged on his lips. Crowfeather could not see another speaking them the way that he did.
August 13, 2021, 09:27 PM
crowfeather seemed rather reverent. germanicus was unsure he liked being regarded in such a way. the attentive torchlight of the boy's eyes made him feel transparent, wan.
he was not deserving of such an honor.
crowfeather spoke of strength and tongues — the eagle found himself hellbound with those thoughts once more.
"if you travel with me long enough, you will learn it."
he was not deserving of such an honor.
crowfeather spoke of strength and tongues — the eagle found himself hellbound with those thoughts once more.
"if you travel with me long enough, you will learn it."
August 13, 2021, 09:42 PM
(This post was last modified: August 13, 2021, 09:45 PM by Crowfeather.)
Yes, Germanicus…
It was not a matter of if, for Crowfeather had already decided that he would not part from the older man. The dark wolf had taken his words to mean something different. Each if became when, each uncertainty was made strong.
I’ve been thinking of what they would call you in the Starsea,Crowfeather remarked carefully. It was something that had crept into his mind each time he had been sent off on his own.
Usually they name wolves from their appearance and their demeanor.
The searching of his eyes found their mark.
The strongest are not given a simplified name. To speak anything other than their true name is considered a great disrespect.
I believe they would call you Peak Where Eagles Soar.
Crowfeather’s breath felt thin and he rested his head on his paws, looking to the stars.
August 13, 2021, 10:00 PM
germanicus listened. the part of him that grew tight with discomfort was mellowed by curiosity. crowfeather was speaking carefully of his home, of their naming processes.
of him.
peak where eagles soar. a full title, and one that would not be shortened. a title for the strong.
it held a heathen ferocity, and germanicus felt it settle around his neck lightly, the touch of a bone necklace.
"i would call you apollo, he who brings sunlight, truth, and poetry to darkened paths. and weary travellers."
germanicus recognized the great honor he had been given.
of him.
peak where eagles soar. a full title, and one that would not be shortened. a title for the strong.
it held a heathen ferocity, and germanicus felt it settle around his neck lightly, the touch of a bone necklace.
"i would call you apollo, he who brings sunlight, truth, and poetry to darkened paths. and weary travellers."
germanicus recognized the great honor he had been given.
August 13, 2021, 10:09 PM
And just when Crowfeather believed that he had offered something great to the silver guard, Germanicus opened his mouth and transcended him. The dark wolf did not feel badly about this, only honored.
Perhaps the stars have guided me, he wondered.
Crowfeather did with the name what he had done with everything else Germanicus had given him. He carefully tucked it away in a place in his heart where only the most precious of memories was stored.
Perhaps the stars have guided me, he wondered.
Crowfeather did with the name what he had done with everything else Germanicus had given him. He carefully tucked it away in a place in his heart where only the most precious of memories was stored.
August 13, 2021, 10:21 PM
peak where eagles soar.
"eagles are the standard of editum. my home." the ranger's voice was hushed as he shared this. germanicus fell quiet for the long moments that followed.
he was touched by the gift that crowfeather had given him. it shown in the gratitude of his gaze, tinged with surprise.
what sort of shadow rested by him now?
"eagles are the standard of editum. my home." the ranger's voice was hushed as he shared this. germanicus fell quiet for the long moments that followed.
he was touched by the gift that crowfeather had given him. it shown in the gratitude of his gaze, tinged with surprise.
what sort of shadow rested by him now?
August 13, 2021, 10:47 PM
(This post was last modified: August 13, 2021, 10:48 PM by Crowfeather.)
At the mention of eagles, of their tie to his home, of their significance to the man across from him, Crowfeather’s smile flickered momentarily.
The dream images of the silver eagle flooded through his mind. The bird fighting the snake, being chased by a shadow with fangs, swimming over the ocean while Crowfeather turned to foam. The dreams had not increased in severity, but the dark wolf felt as though there were signs there.
Was he not a fool to ignore them? What if something happened to Germanicus?
The dream images of the silver eagle flooded through his mind. The bird fighting the snake, being chased by a shadow with fangs, swimming over the ocean while Crowfeather turned to foam. The dreams had not increased in severity, but the dark wolf felt as though there were signs there.
Was he not a fool to ignore them? What if something happened to Germanicus?
Is there anywhere you have traveled that you find yourself missing?he wished to know, hushed in volume.
August 14, 2021, 09:10 AM
germanicus was silent for a short while, as was his way. "the sea at the edge of this world. i once traveled there, and would like to see it again."
how has crowfeather known about the eagles?
the intensity of their discourse made him long for an easier time, when his words did nor arrive so easily, or his features betray him so swiftly.
the man paused. a party of quail scurried across their path, the tiny birds peeping fearfully.
how has crowfeather known about the eagles?
the intensity of their discourse made him long for an easier time, when his words did nor arrive so easily, or his features betray him so swiftly.
the man paused. a party of quail scurried across their path, the tiny birds peeping fearfully.
August 14, 2021, 09:47 AM
The sea at the end of the world. The dark wolf considered it silently for a minute.
The quail that scurried past them, peeping the way that they did, drew the eye of the seer. Crowfeather realized he had not hunted for them but did not allow it to worry him. They could hunt in the morning when the sun had not yet fully risen over the mountain.
Crowfeather smiled again, warm in his gaze toward the older man.
The quail that scurried past them, peeping the way that they did, drew the eye of the seer. Crowfeather realized he had not hunted for them but did not allow it to worry him. They could hunt in the morning when the sun had not yet fully risen over the mountain.
There are many birds in this forest. Hunting will be good in the morning.
Crowfeather smiled again, warm in his gaze toward the older man.
August 14, 2021, 10:14 AM
"yes. and i look forward to knowing what sort of wolves live in brecheliant."
crowfeather's eyes were welcoming once more, and germanicus turned back to their softness. "have you sparred before?" the eagle asked quietly.
was it for education or for himself that he felt compelled to put the shadow through these paces?
germanicus did not know, and so did not dwell upon it.
crowfeather's eyes were welcoming once more, and germanicus turned back to their softness. "have you sparred before?" the eagle asked quietly.
was it for education or for himself that he felt compelled to put the shadow through these paces?
germanicus did not know, and so did not dwell upon it.
August 14, 2021, 10:25 AM
Me too.
Germanicus’ next question came as something of a surprise. Crowfeather looked sharply to the older man. The dark wolf’s ears dropped to his head.
Crowfeather had wondered when Germanicus would seek to bring that up. All their talks of soldiers and wanderers, the stoic guard had not really discussed battle. It had been something the dark wolf was grateful for, but he knew it was unwise to think that would have lasted.
No. I was tested when I was younger to see if they could make me into a warrior, but I failed and my fate was changed,Crowfeather answered.
August 14, 2021, 10:36 AM
a misstep. germanicus observed crowfeather's reaction, how the tenor of their conversation had been altered by his question.
it seemed they both had an old hurt within themselves. but while the eagle avoided it entire, the shadow spoke directly and with poignant honesty.
"everyone who did not fail the test is now miserable in their lives as fighters."
his gaze was unwavering, seeking to draw crowfeather back to him. "whatever fate has made you what you are now was the correct one."
it seemed they both had an old hurt within themselves. but while the eagle avoided it entire, the shadow spoke directly and with poignant honesty.
"everyone who did not fail the test is now miserable in their lives as fighters."
his gaze was unwavering, seeking to draw crowfeather back to him. "whatever fate has made you what you are now was the correct one."
August 14, 2021, 04:49 PM
(This post was last modified: August 14, 2021, 04:49 PM by Crowfeather.)
The words Germanicus offered were not at all what Crowfeather had anticipated. The silver guard was firm, stating that those who had gone on to be warriors were not happy.
It was positioned in a way that suggested Crowfeather had been saved by his destiny.
Germanicus did not know what fate had done to the dark wolf, however. The great silver soldier had not faced the dreams of prophecy, been left to unravel them like a complex puzzle with several missing pieces.
Crowfeather's cheeks burned hot, as though he had asked Germanicus for a kiss.
It was positioned in a way that suggested Crowfeather had been saved by his destiny.
Perhaps you are right.
Germanicus did not know what fate had done to the dark wolf, however. The great silver soldier had not faced the dreams of prophecy, been left to unravel them like a complex puzzle with several missing pieces.
I always watched them train and envied all that they did. Could you at least show me… how to defend myself?
Crowfeather's cheeks burned hot, as though he had asked Germanicus for a kiss.
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