All welcome, but hoping for @Rosalyn
Small footfalls upon sandy ground. The wind grew colder with each passing day, curling from the ocean that frothed and foamed at the bottom of the beach. The ocean was mighty and it fascinated the little masked boy. Though he was growing fast into what he would be. Almost 6 months of age, he was nearly to his adult size. He would never be a giant, but he was larger than his sister.
Long gangly limbs, moved as he traced along the grounds. Pretty golden eyes on the horizon. He was in search of his grandmother Rosalyn today. She held such a special place in his heart, and he wanted to spend some time with her. Erzulie did too, but there was something about his granme Roz that, she just seemed to understand him better than others. She didn't fill the air with words. Just quietly existed for her family. Something that Eti endeavored to do.
Black nose dragging through the sand as he searched for shells while he walked, hoping to decorate the cavern entrance for Suzu, so she had something pretty to look upon.
November 11, 2022, 12:50 PM
rolled a 12 for her today <3
He would find Rosalyn napping in the shade of the trees that grew near the shore. While she'd woken feeling fairly sound, she hadn't felt like a walk of the borders today. Instead she stayed within easy reach of the family, as usual, in case she was needed for anything. She always wanted to spend her better days with them.
She hadn't meant to fall asleep but it was a nice day and the area was quiet. Before she knew it she'd drifted off.
Fortunately she never minded being woken up, especially by family. Naps were a side effect of growing older and one of the ones that she found the least frightening, but the most irritating.
November 11, 2022, 01:35 PM
Eti didn't understand the toll age took on your body, much to young to pay attention fully yet. But he did know his granme was tired and she had good and bad days though he'd been lucky enough not to see many of those as of yet.
He slowly approached and spent a second taking her in. Heart overflowing with love for her. He touched her gently finally upon the brow and shoulder. Gentle wake was best he felt.
He slowly approached and spent a second taking her in. Heart overflowing with love for her. He touched her gently finally upon the brow and shoulder. Gentle wake was best he felt.
'ello granme.he murmured as he settled to his stomach near her, paws touching hers.
November 25, 2022, 11:56 AM
She woke up quickly, but took a moment to address him as she ordered her thoughts.
She would wait and find out before moving. He seemed content to join her here anyway.
Etienne,she greeted him softly with a smile. Did he need something?
She would wait and find out before moving. He seemed content to join her here anyway.
November 25, 2022, 03:57 PM
Warm golden eyes took her in. From her scars to her eyes, and the tender look that lit up his face and eyes would let all know that he adored her. His sweet and salty granme. Who loved bigger than anyone. But you had to earn it. Granme Erzi she gave her love freely and with such grace. Granme Roz, she gave hers to those that needed it, those that deserved it and he hoped that she got back as much as she received. Because to him she deserved the moon, the stars and everything in between.
He grasped her paw in his own, gentle brown covering up reddish brown.
He smiled at her and his warm brown eyes danced and lit up with gentle happiness.
I wanted to see your face today granme. I come upon you as I searchin' for seas'ells for Suzu. For 'er to look upon somet'ing pretty in the den mout'.
He grasped her paw in his own, gentle brown covering up reddish brown.
I 'ope I didn't wake you 'ard.
He smiled at her and his warm brown eyes danced and lit up with gentle happiness.
November 28, 2022, 01:11 AM
He was always so polite. In many ways he reminded her of Sobo, but he was open where his uncle was closed. Rosalyn hoped that the world never sharpened those edges. She and Erzulie had tried so many times. Perhaps Chacal would succeed.
Not at all. Have you found any?She would love to see them if he had.
November 28, 2022, 12:10 PM
Etienne was the way he was, because he had seen the sadness on Manman's face, and the granmens when his brother was taken. And she had been calmer, when they were good. So thus he tried to be good as he could be, tried to be as polite and mannerly and kind as he could be. So that he didn't trouble his manman, or his family.
He shook his head a sweet smile on his maw.
Then his brow wrinkled and he spoke quickly.
He shook his head a sweet smile on his maw.
Not yet. I saw you instead. Do you want to look wit' me? Or I can look and bring dem back to you?
Then his brow wrinkled and he spoke quickly.
Oh Granme! Suzu got stung by jellyfish. I told 'er I was sorry I couldn't protect her dis time. Put aloe and kelp on it. Is dere somet'ing else i can do? Cause it still 'urts 'er. I even got de little 'airs out of 'er paw.
pushing this forward a little with the jellyfish :D
December 12, 2022, 05:37 PM
She was sorry to hear that Suzu had been hurt, but there were few teachers better than experience when it came to such lessons.
I'm sure you helped her well. Now she'll remember, maybe even better than you, what there is to avoid in the water.Rosalyn smiled and gave him an encouraging touch. He seemed upset he hadn't managed to prevent it, but it was important to also let others make their own mistakes sometimes.
You'll protect her best you can, but lessons are everywhere.Something told her she wouldn't manage to convince him not to blame himself each time, but still she said it. Perhaps he would grow into more forgiveness for himself.
Your granme Erzulie knows more than I do about that. I was never much use when it came to pain.Anything she'd once known was gone now, lost both to time and lack of practice.
If a shell would help, that I can do. Maybe a gift is what she needs.Rosalyn rose stiffly to her paws and stretched slightly, the tightness in her spine refusing to crack. A bit of walking might do her some good.
December 12, 2022, 06:08 PM
Eti had not handled his sister's pain well. He had tried his hardest to make sure she was okay. To protect her when he could, and there was a part of him that knew. He needed to let her do her own choices, make her own mistakes, and yet. He couldn't quite bring himself not to worry, and fuss and try. Were he older he may have realized this was a dangerous road and if he tried to protect her from everything, she may resent him, or he may die.
The middle of his eyes wrinkled and he frowned.
Though he couldn't finish the sentence, couldn't tell her, that it was the reason he was always trying to make everyone smile, that he would take all the licks and the pains and swallow it, and give back only happiness. Why he would never allow them to see how sad he could be. It was why he always found a private place when his heart hurt, or the vibrations were too loud, or the feelings to loud. But it felt as if this maybe wrong, and that he was not in the right. And the thoughts were to heavy for his immature brain to fully comprehend.
Eti chuckled.
Eti bounded next to her, a gentle nudge and a kiss to her face whenever he could get one in. Showing her his boundless love for her.
::What kind of s'ell, Granme!?
The middle of his eyes wrinkled and he frowned.
You sayin' dat I can't always stop t'ings. Dat sometimes, she gonna get 'urt no matter w'at I do? I don't like dat very much, granme. It makes everyone sad w'en ot'ders get 'urt. I don't like it w'en dey sadness comes, it is w'y.
Though he couldn't finish the sentence, couldn't tell her, that it was the reason he was always trying to make everyone smile, that he would take all the licks and the pains and swallow it, and give back only happiness. Why he would never allow them to see how sad he could be. It was why he always found a private place when his heart hurt, or the vibrations were too loud, or the feelings to loud. But it felt as if this maybe wrong, and that he was not in the right. And the thoughts were to heavy for his immature brain to fully comprehend.
Eti chuckled.
I'm not good at it eit'er. I prefer to just 'ope it doesn't 'appen or take it on myself. Dat way, den i am 'urt and she or otters are not. I just 'appened to notice the aloe by accident one day, when i touched it wit' a sore paw.
Eti bounded next to her, a gentle nudge and a kiss to her face whenever he could get one in. Showing her his boundless love for her.
::What kind of s'ell, Granme!?
I love her so much *wails*
December 23, 2022, 05:04 PM
She smiled, patient today. For Etienne she always had more, but sometimes her thoughts would become muddled, especially when asked about the past. This conversation was easier because, somehow, motherhood had written itself into her core.
She did not want him to become overbearing, and more, she did not want him to bury himself in guilt for his sister’s actions.
She left the question about the shell unanswered for a moment, allowing him to digest the words and acknowledge them if he wished. She would continue after a moment’s pause.
Your mama could keep you all inside, safe with her, but that would make you all sad. Yes? Instead she lets you explore. We’ll give the lessons we can, but some you will learn for yourselves. And pain like a sting is pain that will go away and be easily forgotten.Rosalyn looked at him more directly.
It wouldn’t be fair, to keep her from exploring, just to keep her safe. You should help her learn, but her lessons are never your fault.She wanted to be sure he knew this.
She did not want him to become overbearing, and more, she did not want him to bury himself in guilt for his sister’s actions.
She left the question about the shell unanswered for a moment, allowing him to digest the words and acknowledge them if he wished. She would continue after a moment’s pause.
December 24, 2022, 10:31 AM
There was an unspoken bond between he and his granme, at least he felt. She always tried to give him more than she had. He knew that sometimes her brain made her forget things. And she didn't always remember faces, but she loved them. That much he knew to his core.
Etienne listened and frowned. Though he worked hard through her words. Then with a sigh he gave a nod.
He shuddered from his tail tip to his nose tip and blinked those golden eyes.
His own hunt for the shell momentary forgotten. Though he would continue the search after their chat, this he knew. But this felt to important to listen to and not search for the shell.
Etienne listened and frowned. Though he worked hard through her words. Then with a sigh he gave a nod.
So let 'er do as Suzu pleases and try and 'elp wit' de lesson, unless i can't. Den I 'ave to know it's not my fault.
He shuddered from his tail tip to his nose tip and blinked those golden eyes.
Dat goin be 'ard granme, but i'll my best. Dough 'ow do you stop the guilt, cause dat I cannot do. I 'ave tried. I just want everybody 'appy.
His own hunt for the shell momentary forgotten. Though he would continue the search after their chat, this he knew. But this felt to important to listen to and not search for the shell.
February 15, 2023, 11:31 AM
sorry this took forever!! We can def wrap it if you want <3
Rosalyn could not relate entirely to her grandson in this. For her it was never hard to recognize that someone else’s choices, and mistakes, were their own. She judged them too harshly, and herself separately, to ever combine the two. It seemed Etienne was more sensitive to the mix.
If you take their mistakes, you deny them the chance to grow. And if you feel guilty for those mistakes, and punish yourself, you make it worse for them. Because now they need to feel guilty for your feelings too.It was a cycle.
Then she smiled slightly and stood, sand dusting down from her coat. That was enough lecturing from her.
Perhaps the most colorful shell we can find?
It was a good instinct, wanting to bring others happiness, and rare enough on their shores. She hoped that he held onto it.
February 15, 2023, 12:07 PM
We can fade, but oh my goodness Eti is going to miss her ;(
Etienne felt other's emotions, whether it was because he was so sensitive to the smallest vibrations or if it was some sort of miniscule noticing of facial expressions he wasn't sure. This was why it was so hard for him to stand by while others were upset.
He smiled up at her, his tail wagging.
Okay Granme. The prettiest one.Then he pressed against her and nosed towards the dirt and sand. Looking for something beautiful to bring back to his sister.
He could and would waste the day like this with his favorite wolf.
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