Firefly Glen [PHE]So, don't say I'm not ready, 'til I fall on my sword
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
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Ooc — Danni
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Etienne moved about the camps with single minded purpose. He memorized faces, but he did not see Heda here. Nor Ezra. He frowned in thought. Perhaps she was not coming. he had told Anselm he was unsure if she would. And he had probably more than a little to do with that.

A tilt of his head and he nodded. Yes he would do his best. He continued his search. While doing so he stopped to speak with some of the wolves of other packs. Her met with his family. This gathering was large and loud. And he found it reminded him a bit like home when they would have gatherings together. There was always food and laughter.
immortal longings
755 Posts
Ooc — anon
things went well, here—Toula felt the sweet promise of the future whispering at her back with falls cool breath. again a fellahin decorated her in autumnal hues—sap and honey caused leaves to stick upon her furs in a pattern some might consider appealing. others might very well think she took no care to groom herself, were it not for the fact that the rest of her was untouched by dirt or debris. no, the design was intentional—it complemented her fuller figure, the leaves swirling upward to accentuate the curves motherhood had softened her with.
Toula had a plan for this day. she hoped to find the medicine wolves, to deliver them herbs found in the desert for healing. hardier plants, they traveled well. there were also other rarer items that had been traded to Akashingo from places beyond the Wilds—harder to find, but not impossible for traveling traders. 
she saw the handsome Etienne and did not delay. Toula stepped in line with him, moving alongside him rather than block his path. you are searching for something, she observed, could you use an extra set of eyes? the gifts for him could wait, if his priority was his hunt—she was quite curious what it was he sought, too!
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,036 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He was surprised out of his mission by the lightly colored she wolf adorned in autumnal leaves. He studied her decorations so to speak. And realized that was what they were. They accentuated that she had bore her children. And looked nice there in her fur. Reminded him a bit of his feathers and rawhide.

HE had not spoken to her, but he knew she was royalty. Did he have to bow to royalty? He wasn't entirely certain. Because she wasn't exactly his leader, and she wasn't his pharoah, but what was the proper way to greet someone. He had seen her the day before at teh healing, but had been monopolized with his task and he wasn't much for small talk with royalty anyway, at least not when things needed done.

'ello P'aroa. I be searc'in for a wolf named 'eda and 'er son Ezra. Dey boys fadder and brudder want me to pass along a message is all. But I do not tink dey be 'ere.

he stopped moving to take stock of where they were and where they were going. You be enjoyin' yourself your majesty? Be dat dey rite words?
immortal longings
755 Posts
Ooc — anon
closer, now, to him she could see how he too was decorated. her kohl-rimmed gaze slanted in a way that revealed her glee, to see such a thing—few could appreciate the fanciful things her people enjoyed. the colors there brought out his features more—black and blue made the gold of his gaze all the more riveting! more gifts came to mind for him, for his time and for his kindness toward her. they had interacted only in passing during the day of healing, but now she could come to know his heart.
as he spoke, she listened—her gaze turned to the pearl he wore before shifting back to the gold of his own. she frowned. I have not heard of them, but I too shall look and ask—how do they appear? if I should see them, I can let them know that you search for them, and carry a message—if you would like, her tail waves behind her. she did not wish to overstep on business that might be personal. but her people would cover much ground on the return to Akashingo and Muat-Riya, so perhaps he might wish for her aid in this task. she would not be offended, if such was the case.
quite! this is all very lovely. moonwomans reputation precedes her, she says with a broad smile. and it was all true. Toula enjoyed her, and her people, and the time spent here. oh, as for his question! royalty is rather complicated, is it not? all these titles! I confess, though… I do not mind it! I have grown too used to it, I think. ah, but in private company, you may call me Toula. I think I should like to be friends, a small smile. she did not have very many of those, not far from home—but why not change this? why not start here? was that not part of what she set out to do?
she gestured to the ornament he wears, singular unlike the many feathers.  your pearl is lovely. it is like a little moon! are you a man of the sea? by the look of him, she would not have guessed! he seemed a man of the forest with trees that could touch the sky—but she suspected there was much more to the one before her than the way that he seemed!
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,036 Posts
Ooc — Danni
His feathers caught her eye. The pretty black ones from the girl Ava and the blue from hsi sister and best friend. How he wished Suzu could be here. And he briefly wondered if Ava Amara would make an appearance.

'eda is dark, and Ezra is w'ite wit' red back and 'ead. Young man and 'is mama. Just tell dem I know w'ere Anselm and Gideon are. Dey will find me den.

Etienne laughed. Dat it does. And 'er is kind. Very kind. Very well. Toula you can be callin' me Eti.

He nodded. My family is of Sapp'ique. My manman is dey leader alongside my auntie. All adolescents get a pearl w'en we turn old enough. We 'ave to swim for it and den based on it's color and it's size it tells you about yourself. Mine means i care for udders which I do.
immortal longings
755 Posts
Ooc — anon
she nodded—she would do so. she took the description into her mind, and would not forget it. and as they continued on their conversation, she now had her moniker for him: Eti! 
Sapphique. she wished to meet more of these wolves, if they were anything like him. if his mother led, she must be a wonderful woman indeed to produce someone like him. she thought of her own daughters, and pondered perhaps sending them to Sapphique for a time to learn of another culture and place. she herself was intrigued by their ways.
that is a beautiful tradition, Eti! and perhaps it is too soon for me to know for certain, but I believe it to be true—your care for others. I hear it in the way you seek to help, his search alone indicated as much. his willingness to engage with her, another! rapt, and enjoying the lore of Sapphique, she wondered, what other colors might one receive? what is their meaning? 
how she wished she might engage in such a thing, to receive one of her own! perhaps she could—if a proper relationship was built between the Redsands and the Seawolves of Sapphique. or perhaps she was only meant to admire it—which she could certainly do, in that she already did!
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,036 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne did not wish to dwell so much on Heda. Ezra of course, but Heda. He had once loved her, thought her wonderful, beautiful and kind. He could even forgive the love between her and Anselm, it was not his place to argue that. But what he could not forgive, was how selfish she was at times. How she tried to so hard to hold so tightly to everyone and then when things got hard she ran. She did not try and fix them. She merely ran. And now four lost young souls were wandering without their auntie and their mother and it was a shame.

Etienne chuckled softly. I 'ave been takin' care of udders since I was very small. And he had. When had he ever not taken care of someone he honestly could not say.

Dere be many colors. mmm let me tink. Stingray 'is was silver it meant 'e was poised, dignified and 'ad good self control. Suzu's was peachy it meant 'er was playful, spirited and brite. And i do not know about Stingray anymore, but Suzu is all dose tings 'er be my best friend and Sister. Val's was gold, meant courageous and free and exploerer. 'e be all dese tings, 'e 'as stories for days of 'is travels uncle val. R'aegals was brown. It meant 'e was grounded and confident, but I 'ave not seen 'im in long time. T'eo was silver also poised and dignified, loyal. "e be my brudder not seen 'im in long time neit'er. Dere be many otters.
immortal longings
755 Posts
Ooc — anon
she was charmed by Eti, and his kindness—and just as charmed by his words of Sapphique. colors to represent oneself, how lovely! each descriptor intrigued her further… ah, and there was more! do your mother and aunt share the same colored pearl as you, Eti? she asks, curious as to where his own kindness comes from. it is a rarity, it is a marvel—and she wished to share with him her own kindness!
so next she asked of him, you enjoy healing, yes…? I have something for you—a gift, that you might use if you wish. I need nothing in return—your kindness is enough. I thank you, for making me feel so welcome in your presence, but she paused, in the event she was incorrect. after all, just because he had been present at the healers den did not mean he enjoyed it! ah, but I have assumed! please, correct me if you do not wish for a gift related to a healers magick, an out offered, and she smiled I can think of something else that you might enjoy if not! she would not have him go without. he gave and gave, she sensed—what could she give to him in turn?
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,036 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne shook his head. No my manman 'ad a wite pearl. It means innocence, purity and Elegance. All of w'ich my manman is 'er is de prettiest wolf in dese wilds if you ask me. But I am a bit bias. 'er as dark fur and golden fur like wings on 'er back. 'er name is C'acal and 'er is perfect mama for me. A small smile shy and abashed. He loved his mother.

An my auntie, 'er pearl was brown. Confident and secure. An dmy auntie is all dese tings, 'er is also very fierce. You do not mess wit' 'er family.

He nodded his head. I am a 'ealer yes. A 'ealers magic? Do you be meanin' 'erbs? Medicinse for 'ealt?

he would take these things if she offered them. If he could help someone with her healers magic. He was pleased to do so.
immortal longings
755 Posts
Ooc — anon
she could hear the love and adoration in his voice. how lucky this Chacal was—did she know how rich she was? perhaps the richest of any woman. she prayed to her Gods that her own children might love her the same, and knew it would mean being as good of a woman as this Chacal was. Toula was undeterred. was she disappointed, to not be seen as the most beautiful woman in these wilds by him? perhaps—but, then, if it was his mother… ah, it could be allowed! 
she laughed as he described his aunt. I shall not mess with your family, lest he forget himself in the equation! you must be as important to them as they are to you. your love for them, it warms my heart, he was wealthy too! 
and wise. yes, she answers with a nod, and now the fellahin lays out for him a variety of medicinal herbs from the desert. have you a need for any of these, Eti? she asks, leaving him room now to look!
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,036 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne didn't think many women were beautiful. No, that wasn't right. He did not find them attractive as a man should. He found them beautiful for themselves. And as women, not for his own sexual likes in a manner of speaking.

He nodded. We are big on family in our little village. It is us against dey world sometimes. But dat is okay. Some of us 'ave dispersed, but we still love dem and visit often or dey visit us. My mama is here actually. I 'ope you can meet her. She also sings beautifully.

Etienne was stopped and an array of plants were brought out for him to look through. His eyes were immediately drawn to the plant Creosote, a versatile plant, and Prickly pear and he made a small noise of delight at teh sight of the Aloe Vera.

Dese are precious. Are you sure you mean to give dem to me and not trade dem?

He gently touched the face of the Aloe. His thoughts turning towards Anselm. He could have used this a time or two on that man when he had been wounded.
immortal longings
755 Posts
Ooc — anon
them against the world—an interesting thing he brought up, and one that made her wonder. Toula had not heard much of the evils of the world beyond her home. there are those in the world that wish ill upon your family? she asked—though then she wondered if it was only a figure of speech! ah, she could take things literally sometimes. oh! I will look for her! I too love to sing, she confided with a warm smile. not much of a secret, but perhaps he might appreciate the knowing of such being true for her, too! 
she saw him touch the aloe, and gently moved it closer to him. your kindness was your trade this day, Eti. you have made it easy to see why you wear the Pearl that you do. you are a credit to your family, and to yourself, she means each word, and hopes he can recognize how wonderful a man he truly is. it was hard, to feel so at ease in another’s company as quickly as this—but here she was!
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
1,036 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne nodded, but he did offer a small sardonic smile. I won't be sayin' some of it isn't deserved. We come from a long line of fierce and wild women. So it makes sense dat dere be grudges, but not'in in recent memory. We are secluded on de cliffs sometimes. And very private group. Dat is wut i mean w'en i say dis.

Etienne gave a soft smile. It may take my manman sometime to warm up, but she is good 'earted. Just guarded. 'er 'as 'ad a difficult life at times.

Etienne smiled and dipped his head. T'ank you very kindly, Pharoah Toula. He added her moniker to her name as the Fellahin were in attendance now.