Swiftcurrent Creek Detours lead to barricades
1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Forward dated just a little in Rev's own timeline because she's not as up and about as she normally is <3
The days wore on quite slowly for Reverie. There were visitors, those she had come to bond with outside of Swiftcurrent Creek, and she seemingly had the support of the pack. Lestan, Moss, Arric, even Akavir seemed to want to help. Yet she felt more alone than ever. Alone because she felt she could not express her feelings, not without hurting Lestan. He had been afraid that she would feel trapped.
And she did, but not in the way he thought. She knew he would never understand. It was not pregnancy she had chosen, but children. Like a light at the end of a long tunnel, that promise still kept away feelings like regret.
But in the mean time, Reverie wanted nothing more than for someone to understand this feeling. The feeling of being trapped in her own body, of not recognizing herself anymore in all the changes that had taken place. So she sought @Jakoul, stepping tentatively into the den with a glance first over her children. Their eyes were open.
Hi, She said, and then only sat down because she didn't know what else to say.
330 Posts
Ooc — siv
Her tail thumped for a moment, soft and careful to not bat at the children.

Reverie would always be a welcomed sight. Especially as the children seemingly grew more restless. Another body gave Jakoul a break from wandering gumming or flailing stubby limbs in her side.

Come, She patted the girl closer.

From here she could notice the soft shifted changes. How much more obvious they felt now, for a woman who had just gone through the horror of it all!

She blinked softly and something ugly coiled up inside her. For herself. For Reverie.

1,550 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Reverie settled at Jakoul's side without much hesitation. She took in a deep breath before she answered her question. Lestan, She said, and trembled slightly. He's upset about it, I think. And I just keep getting sicker, and -
She started to cry. Jakoul, I'm scared. I want children, I really do - but this hurts, Reverie had not imagined pregnancy as such a horror, not until she saw Jakoul for the first time and witnessed her labor. Even then, she hadn't really known. No one understands. I'm afraid I'll end up - suffering alone. Alone, as Jakoul had almost been. Only Reverie had been there to weather the storm with her, and they barely knew one another; connected by nothing but their womanhood, their shared ability to create new life and their shared burden to always always always always always
bend to the wants of men.