Qeya River Invites, Trades and Caribou
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,682 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
@Wren @Silvertongue

Rodyn had a caribou hide upon his back. Yellow eyes glittered with interest as he moved through the thickening woods. THe smell of river on his tongue. It was glorious. He had scented a new pack among the tree line. And he stopped a decent ways away. About 20 feet adn lifted his nose in greeting and question.

The pelt as his paws, He held it firmly with his two front paws. He curled his tail around them and he waited. Patiently. Calmly. Happily. He had learned swiftly not to let your trades sit around.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
923 Posts
Ooc — ebony
tags for ref or joining!

silvertongue had become familiar with caribou during their time in the taiga, with their snorting and stamping, the way a large herd would strip many, many trees of bark. the wolves of the qeya shared their home with such ruminants. but to see the beautiful hide the man held brought some surprise to silvertongue, who stepped forward on three light paws. @Bryony and @Sparrow surely were not far off, and she expected @Wren and @Phoebe Aquilanera to be close to one another. that left rowyn, which silvertongue thought might be following at his own pace. "hola," she purled to the traveller. "this is the qeya river where my wife wren and i lead. what is your name?"
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,682 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn had not known the Caribou until he came to the Teekon, but he was glad to know of them now. They tickled his fancy for hunting more than most other beasts. They pushed you to your limits and if you won they fed your family for months.

I'm Rodyn Ardeth of Moontide. I bring trade and an invitation for a group hunt in the fall if it should interest you and your wife.

A small smile. Though a pang went through him when he thought again of Samani. But she was never far from his thoughts. Though now he was often thinking more of the good than the way he lost her. So thank goodness for small favors he supposed.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
always an angel, never a god
418 Posts
Ooc — Twin
a man. at qeya's border. again.
perhaps it was the seclusion of the qeya which made wren grow accustomed to she and her family's little sanctuary, or perhaps it was the fact that diplomacy was much easier when one did not have young children to protect, but wren's approach is rather abrasive; her fur bristles and she dons a hard scowl of suspicion.
silvertongue was naturally better at this sort of thing, between the two of them.
i'm the wife, came wren's rather monotonous greeting statement, followed by an inquisitive glance down at the pelt which rested at the stranger's feet. a group hunt? her gaze cuts over to her wife in an effort to gauge how she felt about this, if she trusted this mystery offer.
10 Posts
Ooc — Van

Lured by the call, Bryony peered shyly from behind a nearby tree as her mothers greeted the stranger in turn. Silvertongue played a more diplomatic role, whereas Wren acted as a talking brick wall which moved to bulwark against any potential threat.

Bryony's eyes glittered with admiration for the pair. Oh, how she so much wanted to be as gracious as Mami! With a protector like Ma always at her side. Swooning, she hardly focused on the stranger at all, though she did spare a glance for the interesting gift he'd brought with him.
923 Posts
Ooc — ebony

a man, offering trade and the promise of a hunt. the hunting did not intrigue silvertongue so much as being in the company of others. it had been quite a long time, as the qeya did not invite so many visitors as riverclan once had. to wren's eye, she would glimmer with interest and desire. "i think we are charmed by the offer," the vice decided, motioning them all into an elegant sit. "what sorts of things do you have to trade? where will this hunt be held?" moontide! back to the sea, and her energies thrummed with anticipation.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,682 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A glance to the wife who was clearly not pleased to see him. So he took a step back from them both. HE would not have them feel so bothered by his presence if this was an issue. He frowned, before turning back to the other. He didn't like the unmannerly.

He settled to his haunches and tilted his head. Today I have caribou pelt. But i have other furs, precious plants and fish from my home if it is wanted. It is not far the stock that I have. There will be healers circles, and women's circles during the hunt.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.
923 Posts
Ooc — ebony

silvertongue was quite pleased, and glanced to her wife who was silent. "one of us will come," she assured, trying to be warmer for the visiting man. "will you take a collection of purple butterfly wings for your pelt? they are tiny. delicate. i found them upon the salt flats. none died for beauty." would she?
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,682 Posts
Ooc — Danni
One wife cold, one wife warm. But they seemed familiar and comfortable in their presence of each other. So he did not worry after it.

He nodded. I will.

Rodyn knew it was not a usual trade, but that was of no consequence. They maybe useful or to de orate a fur pelt with. After all he had often decorated things. He was already imaging the one fawn pelt he had with an addition of tiny butterfly wings. It would be lovely for a wolfess if he ever courted again.
Interested in Moontide? Rodyn is always available for threads.