Dawnlark Plains hop-frog
899 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Pack Formation 
she steps onto the plains and howls for @Tulimaq, @Ashlar, @Prophet, @Darkclaw, and @Mori.

a pack hunt will commence.

she's found a band of mule deer, come down from the mountains, grazing among the sparse greenery tucked away in the low portion of the plains. and there's an ailing doe; she's old, and weak.

perfect fodder.

they start a bit at her howl, but she's far enough away that they merely scatter and then cease, glancing around, alarmed.

she sinks into the tall, frosted grass, waiting.

they settle.

it's time.
but see, amid the mimic rout,
a crawling shape intrude —
a blood-red thing that writhes from out
the scenic solitude
330 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The hunter emerges when he is called and sees the deer, not the hidden streak of red fur pressed in to the grass.

He does not immediately trail after the herd, but sniffs the wind, surveys the land and each shadow, then readies himself, prowling closer. It is then Tulimaq finds the girl; amused by the intensity of her stare, he draws himself away to round upon them alone.
Redtail Rise
708 Posts
Ooc — ebony
darkclaw had come to know that this was a place of many trials he did not understand.

the others here shared that awareness. he heard their word-sounds but they meant nothing.

the red woman had showed him her tongue. 

darkclaw knew she did not always need to speak. 

today he slunk respectfully to her side, passing his own tongue along the side of her mouth if she allowed it. he was third ranking male now, fourth to her.

the wolf looked toward her at their quarry and his ears rose with interest.
600 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
When Ashlar arrived, he spotted two wolves he did not know as well, the one who hadn't seemed too fond of him and another new member. He smiled, glad that Avicus was succeeding in her goal of growing a pack, but he searched hopefully for Prophet. The other man hadn't arrived yet.

Ashlar had hunted enough with Ursus to know where his strengths lay. When it came to larger game, he would help to harry it and drive it to where it needed to go, but he did not have the strength necessary to bring it down. His task would be to herd and to maim. He dropped to a slinking stride and came behind the others, staying back a bit, but close enough that he could see them and, eventually, Avicus well enough. He would spot any signal they gave and fall in line.
11 Posts
Ooc — box
The skulking shadow comes forth in silence at the call, sliding through ice encrusted grass and snow, gaze sliding over those assembled, before falling to Avi, then swinging out wide.

Deer. Food. Food fed the army, which fed Mori the structure and purpose she’d lacked. She nodded sharply to all gathered, before slinking down into the grasses.

Mori is selectively mute, and their silences will be indicated with a silent protagonist style “…”
298 Posts
Ooc — siv
He may have been last, but he did not mind.

It meant he could easier fall into place where he would be needed. Noted those who were here. A face he did not recognize, a note to seek her out.

He did not wish to chase with the majority, he would prefer to be a hard blow into whichever one they picked off.

So he lingered to the side, eyes fixed upon Avi for a moment before they shifted back to the herd.
899 Posts
Ooc — mercury
her pack arrives.

she slinks upon the tall grasses, nudging @Mori, @Ashlar—they will chase. she harries them toward the old doe, cajoling them into action.

a switch hitter—

she glides toward her Ulfhedinn; wait, she tells @Tulimaq; he will be the killing blow. so too will @Prophet, she designates, and @Augur, too;

she falls in step between Ashlar and Mori;

the three of them in line;



at the doe's heels

round started! i'll close this round a week from now, 1/28 - no post order!
but see, amid the mimic rout,
a crawling shape intrude —
a blood-red thing that writhes from out
the scenic solitude
Redtail Rise
708 Posts
Ooc — ebony
when the red woman bid them wait, augur looked to tall man.

he would take his signal to move when the man did so.

for now the grey wolf only watched the trio move through the drifts toward their target. red woman with blacktail and the other he did not know. a shadow.
600 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She gave him a look that clearly read 'follow' and he fell in step slightly behind, alongside a wolf he did not know.  Ashlar gave the other wolf a slight smile, but there wasn't time for introductions.  He needed to focus on the chase.

Avicus led them forwards and towards a doe that clearly would be the easiest target.

When Avicus rejoined and they'd gotten a bit nearer, he began to jog and split of from the other two, keeping a careful eye on their movements as well.  He would take position to the left and behind.... hoping that Mori would note and do the same to the right.  Avicus could choose either as well, and together they would drive the doe towards those waiting, keeping her penned in and panicked.

She was already getting restless, as was the rest of the herd.  Ashlar's scent was on the breeze now - they needed to go.  He sprang into a driving sprint and ran directly at the doe's left flank, snarling, appearing from behind.  The rest of the herd panicked as well, but Ashlar ignored them.  Working together, the three of them could steal her away and isolate her entirely.

edited bc I can't read <3 XD
330 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
He was pulled back by Avicus' command.

The rest of them moved together in their roles, but it was the large white wolf that remained behind with him.

Tulimaq watched the man a moment and then the target of their hunt, and the red shape of Avicus weaving among them all; he waited for his chance, and chuffed when it came, to dismiss Augur from his company.

They were two bulky individuals who could be used when the time came, to end the life of the deer. Tulimaq watched the others move as he drew closer and studied how they worked with one-another with the watchful, knowing eye of a teacher.

A proven man among anneriwok.
298 Posts
Ooc — siv
He would kill, such had been delegated to him from Avi time and time again.

He had no problem with this.

So he would lie in wait with spring loaded muscles, ready to puncture the flesh of the prey. Hungry and eager.

Eyes briefly flicked to the men who would take it down with him, before they fixed back onto their task.
11 Posts
Ooc — box
Mori knew her job.

She would do it well.

She followed on lean limbs, a truck of black in pursuit of the doe, her ears held back, head held low. 

This would be a very good meal. It was always best when they were fresh.

Mori is selectively mute, and their silences will be indicated with a silent protagonist style “…”
899 Posts
Ooc — mercury
eek sorry to hold this up! I was going to roll for whether or not the doe got away, but since it's been so long, let's take 'er down, kids!

the lick of flame, flanked by two lanky shadows;

they soon overwhelm the doe and she is panicked, the whites of her eyes showing, kicking up snow as she runs. Avicus surges forward, her obedient hunters not far behind. 

as she chases, her eyes flicker across the horizon, seeking—the bulky forms of Ulfhedinn and Berserkr, of valiant Augur;

she finds the first of these and knows he will not disappoint.

barking a wordless command to the pair beside her, she starts to herd the doe closer to Tulimaq, hoping that the others in wait will take the signal and join him there. they come closer, closer still; the deer's hooves so near the wind in their wake whistles in her ears. . .

she dares not strike too soon, only lunging for a flank when they are nearly upon the other wolves.
but see, amid the mimic rout,
a crawling shape intrude —
a blood-red thing that writhes from out
the scenic solitude
Redtail Rise
708 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he followed beside tall man.

he ran with blood eyes.

augur was caught in the exhilaration of the moment. red woman called to them. 

augur knew where to place his feet.

he was compelled with the knowing step of a hunter, teeth flashing for blood and for the end.
600 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
whoop! I'm the holdup here, I didn't realize <3

Ashlar didn't move to strike. He stayed in place, worrying the deer onward, driving it and ensuring that it did not break away. At times he would snap, but his teeth never met.

The others, larger than he, would do the rest. He circled as they closed in, menacing with a growl, but holding his place. If it attempted to run he would be there to intercept, golden eyes locked on the movements for any sign it may try.
298 Posts
Ooc — siv
The time came upon the men with swiftness.

Augur pushed and Prophet did so as well. Teeth hungrily seeking a hip, to tear and damage. Then a shoulder, creeping towards a neck for hotter blood.

Although truthfully, it did not matter who landed a final blow.

This would be a win for them all.
899 Posts
Ooc — mercury
the beast is dead, and they feast.

and feast heartily, for who knows when they will find such success again?

winter is fickle.

they gorge.
but see, amid the mimic rout,
a crawling shape intrude —
a blood-red thing that writhes from out
the scenic solitude