Blackfeather Woods damn the torpedoes!
Wild Fauna
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Blackfeather's well-stocked caches were not only a boon to the wolves, but to any opportunists that wandered through as well. And who in nature was a bigger opportunist than a nursing raccoon with babies to feed? Multiply her by five, so make that nearly two dozen babies, and you had a real calamity on your paws if you were in charge of this joint.

They came in the night, raiding the caches with the clinical efficiency of a special ops team and the appetites of a gang of teenaged boys. One by one, the caches were whittled down as the raccoons feasted; they even did not shy away from the herbs and plants stashed away by erstwhile medics and botanists, devouring those as well. All was chaos and carnage, and their bellies began to swell.

feel free to liberally pp the trash pandas. dice rolls encouraged. please let everyone post at least once by the end of saturday before posting again.

Written by @Maegi
326 Posts
Ooc — siv
The scent of one had been bothersome, the scent of two became troublesome and when the scent of even more flooded her system it was time action had to be taken. Caches had been ripped apart as the ravenous grubby-handed creatures ate to their content before they moved on to another one. By the time the Morta managed to track them down to their latest raid, Blackfeather's caches were rather nonexistence. Such would be obvious by the way the creatures lounged with heavy bellies of food that they had stole from the mouth of the wolves.

She was a spiky shadow in the dark of the woods, fur prickled with aggression as her tail curled in a rare show of aggression. Jakoul was desperate to take care of this problem as swiftly as possible but she was one set of teeth against a small hoard of angry hands accompanied by teeth.

Her head was thrown back as she released a short call with a clear message. Any bodies able to defend were needed. Now.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Maegi was no fighter, but the call Jakoul sent up would not go ignored. It was much too urgent for that. She rose to her paws next to her place by the children, shuffling them closer to a (probably) snoozing Parvati before careening away, moving at a rather breakneck pace for her hobbling gait. She shuffled to a stop next to the new Morta, eyes wide at what she saw.

She hadn't had many run-ins with raccoons but she knew they were destructive. They ate anything they could get their paws on, and this was clearly illustrated by the carnage here. Her lips curled angrily while her stomach clenched in trepidation. How dare they?! The wolves had mouths to feed, too.

Maegi looked to Jakoul, waiting for her orders. She was tempted to dash headlong into the fray but knew that they would be more successful with some kind of plan.
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
Rowan, being the troublesome child he was, had decided to sneak away in the night.
Whether noticed or not, it didn't bother to the renegade. He couldn't be caught now.
His ears perked at a call, wondering what it was for. When Mother used that tone, they had to go to her. So surely, he should track down the source.

So he did.
New scented passed over his nose. The scents of perpetrators -- which he'd soon find out. 
He slowed, seeing two wolves. One looked like Mother, the other the opposite. His tail waved in greeting: "I helps!" He grinned, ready for something to do. He totally could do anything.
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
326 Posts
Ooc — siv
this isn't mandatory but i do encourage anyone who can join, please do <3 @Tundra @Moonshadow @Cassiopeia

There was unease in her gut as only Nona arrived. She had a deep trust of the woman and believed her to be capable but...there were plenty of handsy creatures that seemed to grow anxious by the small but growing presence of the canines of Blackfeather.

Then there was a child. Stomach sank low as she aimed to block his path to the raccoons. His simple words were translated well for Jakoul and for a split second she wondered if all children were so easy to understand, if she feared them for nothing more than their vulnerability. Bigger matters required her attention though as she lowered her head to the boy. Watch. My second eyes? It was an offer for the young male. She would not usher him away (not unless Maegi did so) but she did not want him in the fray of things.

Her head turned to face the Blackfeather's fellow leader. Biggest one. First. The Morta wanted to send a message. She did not wait to lunge, teeth prepared to assault the fat sluggish creature that had overstayed its welcome.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
Rowan waltzed onto the scene, earning a sharp, surprised stare from Maegi. She hadn't really expected the boy to come, at least not without his mother. Moonshadow's pups were growing faster than she could keep track. Her mouth twitched in the barest of smiles at Jakoul's direction toward Rowan, and she nodded in agreement. Stay back, she said to the child. Try to keep them away from other stores of food, if you can.

One blink toward Jakoul, and then she, too, was flying toward the largest of the raccoons, a growl rumbling in her throat. The pale, slender woman barrelled into its bulk in an attempt to bowl it over, aiming her teeth for its soft underside.

In response to the attack upon (presumably) their leader, the rest of the raccoons froze, and then began to scatter in a disorganized panic, running every which way.
always in this twilight
315 Posts
Ooc — Jem
the call to rise up through the woods is faint with distance but the urgency to it is not lost on tundra and despite being painfully far away she's still quick to turn with speed and take off through the woods at a practiced run. eyes narrow against the gloom as she winds lightly around trees and over smaller clumps of vegetation in a rush to reach her packmate, mind racing with her with what could be the problem. of course her first fear is that the melonii have decided to have another go at the territory but as she grows nearer the scent is most definitely not the rotten wolves. no this is something different and her nose soon wrinkles with recognition- damn raccoons.

she arrives to the scene panting but buzzing with energy brought on by nothing more than a mixture of anger and exhilaration at the sight of the thieving fuckers having a go at their caches. no apology is offered for her late arrival because well, it's not like it could've been helped and there's no time for such pleasantries anyway. a brow is arched at the pup but maegi and jakoul seem to deal with it quickly. she remains silent in time to hear the morta offer her idea to attack the biggest one which seems to be some sort of leader. the two go for it and assuming they're enough, tundra silently whisks around the ragtag group as they begin to panic at the sight of their largest being attacked. still, they're sly creatures and some use the panic to dive back in for more and tundra focuses her energy on snapping at any of the shitheads that aren't smart enough to take their leader's assault as a sign to get the fuck out.
[Image: ezgif-com-gif-maker.gif]
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
Watch. That was ok. He could learn. She wanted him to help her in the discord. The pale, marred woman told him to stay and guard. He'd deciphered their words moments after they'd launched into an attack. 
Rowan, now with his very important orders, moved into action. 

He stood between the nearest cache and the scene unfolding before him. He watched how the Nona and Morta moved to battle the intruders, using no mercy against the seemingly lesser creatures. 
He barked at one of the black and white offenders as they moved in to take what they could from his cache. He used all the cues to say back off before snarling at it. 
It seemed to work for all of three seconds until it got confident and moved closer. 
He couldn't let this happen.
The boy charged into the creature, opening his mouth to bite with his needle-sharp teeth. However, the raccoon had the same idea and bit down on his nape; harsher than his Mother ever had which brought forth a cry of panic as he thrashed in its grasp.
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Her pup was gone and there was a commotion within the pack. She got up instantly and told her remaining pups to stay put. Then her pups cry sent her into a panic as she saw the creature grab hold of her pup. She snapped at the thing and grabbed it in her teeth resulting in it letting him go.
326 Posts
Ooc — siv
Everything seemed to...

The once sleepy woods of Blackfeather seemed to become alive. Raccoons in a panic and birds above letting their own discomfort with the scene be known. There were the more canid sounds too. Snaps with growls or barks.

Sensory overload was all she could think of. Small but strong claws dug into the delicate skin of her muzzle. Cuts and tears that would easily heal with no reminders. Although she did not imagine the small claw attack to last long with Maegi quite literally at the belly of the beast.

When — if — she broke free from the raccoon due to her ghostly companion’s attack, she’d aim to help Tundra in snapping and herding the other creatures away from the woods.

They needed to leave after what they had done.
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
She seized flesh in her teeth and tasted, suddenly, blood; claws raked at her but to no avail. She had a stronger grip, and before long, the large raccoon was scrabbling in an attempt to retreat from the assault. Rowan's cry had Maegi's head turning, swiftly, only to see that Moonshadow had arrived and was wrenching the raccoon from her son. Good.

Once the biggest of the band was in flight, Maegi moved on to the next closest animal, who seemed to be mostly ignorant of the tumult and still was rifling about in a cache. With a snarl, she bore down on it, pinning it against the tree trunk and finding its nape between her teeth.

Something overcame her—the same kind of fury she'd felt before, when things had gone south. All reason vanished, replaced by a primal urge to survive, to thrive, to feast. Like a vice, her jaws grew tighter, tighter, tighter, tighter. . .

snap — and the raccoon went suddenly limp in her grasp.

Without another thought, Maegi flung it to the ground and returned to the fray, beginning to nip at the heels of the retreating pests. The wolves would claim victory this day.
always in this twilight
315 Posts
Ooc — Jem

the oh so familiar tang fills her nostrils as it flows freely into her mouth, not just theirs is present though- small but deadly claws have left little scratches across her own body and the purity of her ghostly pelt is ruined by the vibrant substance as it leaks free. dark eyes, however, have an intensity to them that's rarely seen in the composed decima as she eagerly lets the adrenaline take over the control panel of her mind. the only thing to break her out of her reverie is the startled cry of the pup present but as her gaze shifts she spots moonshadow coming to his rescue. 

she has a moment of clarity then when she can glance over to her other packmates, the other leading women have chased off the largest one successfully and jakoul has joined in helping her snap at the braver or stupider, however you want to look at it, of the scavengers. she does catch maegi's kill and the hints of an amused smile passes fleetingly over pale jaws before one of the fuckers has the audacity to claw her nose, the sting only adds more energy to her retaliation as she takes him out with practised ease and lets herself slip back into making these idiots pay for their stupitidy.
[Image: ezgif-com-gif-maker.gif]
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
His Mother had come swiftly, removing his assailant from his body.
The boy, shaken, darted backward out of its reach, snarling softly like a hurt lion. He crouched low, close to the cache, watching the fight unfold. The raccoons were being scared away, others killed. He watched them work fluidly, scratch returned with a snapped neck. Blood hit his nose, the thick coppery tang one he'd not forget in his life.
Perhaps he'd always think to this moment when he did.

He observed now the threat was declining, watched how one could take the life of another. A hard bite, wrench of the head, and the interloper would be killed. He also noted they aimed for the necks of them. A weak point in all mammals.
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
1,738 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Toxicologist
The Blackfeather wolves were bleeding, but the raccoons even more so—and their numbers were reduced from what they'd been before. Maegi released her hold on a yelping creature and watched it flee with the others, her ivory pelt stained crimson. Panting slightly, she turned, glancing at her comrades with a glimmer of pride in exhausted eyes.

Well done, she said, smiling. She gave Rowan an affectionate nudge to the shoulder and her fellow adults pleased looks before hobbling off, heading to the creek to rinse herself off.

Take that, trash bandits!

fading and archiving here!