Grouse Thicket Odysseus has arrived at Ithaca
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller

"I don't know, if mom ever told much about our relatives on her brother's side, but I met one not too far from here," Wraen told Maia about her encounter with their cousin Wildfire at Sun Mote Copse. "Being caught red-pawed would be a better description," she added with a chuckle, "because Wildfire - that's her name - came upon me, when I was unearthing one of her caches."

"Anyway - we had a talk and it felt like speaking to friend. She had actually met mom, knew our dad and all in all... I really liked her," she went on, pausing only to check out the loud screech in the vicinity, that had come suddenly and made her jump. "She is founding a pack - we spoke about that too - and, since this past month the winter has not been very favourable," with many cold and empty days between meager meals, since their last documented conversation in January, Wraen had lost weight and her plush winter coat hung loosely on her small, bony frame, "I decided to join her cause."

"I think it's best for me to opt out of my travels before it's too bad, and take time to recover," she said with a tired smile. "If you wish you can join me - it would make me very happy, but if you do not - I will understand. Just so you know... Wildfire also said that she would not consider it traitorous if a person decided to leave. If staying in one pack is not too high on your list... perhaps, you can stay for a while, until conditions are favourable for travelling again."
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
No way! Looks like I have to teach you how to be slick, sis. Maia replied with a laugh, clearly kidding.  There was no way she was sneakier than Wraen with her size (and proclivity towards bad luck also).  Her ears pinned back at the screech too, but she ignored it and continued to listen. It wasn't close.

She liked the sound of Wildfire, and traveling was getting old.  She'd liked some of the wolves she'd met on the coast, but the place Wraen was talking about wasn't that far.  And the offer, that she could leave anytime she wished to and not suffer any repercussions, made it too good to pass up.

Why was she hesitating?

She sounds awesome, and I definitely think you should go. Maia said enthusiastically, then paused.  She'd thinned out too, and despite her cheerfulness, the last month had worn on her a tad.  It would be nice to be in a pack.

I think I just feel bad joining any pack that isn't Terance's, she admitted with a smile.  But he wouldn't care, right? I want to go visit him soon.  Maybe I could do that first thing.  

The last part wasn't a question, but she was a bit unsure.  If we are free to leave we'd be free to travel a lot too, right?  There was the question.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"Well, it is not as if we are settling with total strangers or his worst enemies or with any of his former love interests," Wraen replied, smiling and appreciating the loyalty Maia had for Terance. He needed good friends and loyal allies in the world to counter-weigh all the bad stuff that had happened to him and weighed him down in the last year or two. 

"Just think - half-a-world over he will also have a pocket of friends and family, if he ever needs it," she added, though she highly doubted that her brother would ever travel this far. He was more comfortable with bliss and joys that a stable, permanent home offered. Honestly, at this point Wraen was not too overjoyed by the prospects of setting on her way again, when temptation of food and warm bed was so close at hand.

And for a moment she considered lying and telling - yes, sure, we will travel a lot and see Terance again - when in reality she was worn-out and really did not know, whether she wanted to walk all those miles again just to see him. After all they were estranged siblings, better off without each other than together. "I think that I have done my fair share of travelling at the moment," Wraen said. "Now I feel like Odysseus in Circe's gardens, who took a long break from touring and did not leave for many years," perhaps that spell, which had kept the ancient hero on the spot, was a rather direct metaphor for being worn-out and wishing some peace and quiet. 

"Tell you what - give it time - and I might think differently in spring or summer," she said, thinking that with more light, warmth and food she would change her mind. "And if I do not, then you can be my messenger of well-wishes to Terance. Does that sound fair?" she asked.
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Ok, true.  The more friends Terance had scattered around, the better, and it wasn't a betrayal to do what she wanted.  It just felt a bit like one because she was being ridiculous - she hadn't even been that big of a help while she was there anyway.  It's all good Maia, all good.

You're right.  I guess I feel a little like that too, but I'm glad I won't be stuck. She'd made a couple friends these past few months and it would really be sad to not be able to visit them again.  Hopefully Wildfire was as down with travel as she was with leaving.  Maia had been hoping maybe Wraen would want to go too, but even if she didn't, well... Maia wasn't against the idea of jetting off alone for a few days.  She'd be more than happy to carry messages.

I'll give it a bit.  But I don't mind telling him you said hi. She said, remembering that they hadn't gotten along quite as well as she and her big brother had.  The perks of being a younger sibling - there was little you could do to really be on the outs with an older one.  You are older after all.  Gotta watch out. She added this last part a little cheekily, and gave her sister a nip for good measure before hopping back, away from hopefully any retaliation.  Really she hadn't considered too much splitting off from her.  Wraen was definitely her go to for best friend, and her not being around was a pretty big dealbreaker for any sort of living situation.  It was unclear if that would change in the future, but it didn't seem like it anytime soon.

So did you meet anyone besides Wildfire? She asked, now that it was more or less set.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"Oh, definitely - with all my white hairs and stiff joints," Wraen joked back. "Not at that moment, but we are not far from the place, we can go and meet up with Wildfire and maybe other people from her family. They sounded like decent folk to me. And as long as they are not overprotective territorial bastards with a twisted sense of right and wrong, I don't mind, what they are." If living in three packs had taught her one thing then it was her inability to live with domineering personalities, who supposed they knew better about her value and, what she should do with her life, than her. Such had been Sarah at home, such had been Hydra and Charon in Moonspear and such had been Treason at Sunspire. 

Continuing with a friendly banter, Wraen led her sister to the place, where she had met her cousin, and recognized it by the same cache that had brought her to the Sun mote copse in the first place. Now that she knew that this territory was claimed, she caught the differing smells of not one but at least two or three other wolves. After telling her sister to stop and wait, Wraen tipped her head back and howled for @Wildfire .
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
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Master Ranger
As it happened, Wildfire was exploring the thicket when the two wolves passed by, unseen and unheard, about half a mile away. There were rotten apples scattered all over the forest floor and the underbrush was much too dense here for her liking. It made her all the more grateful for the open, airy feel of the copse. Although she'd enjoyed the brief foray, she happily pivoted to return to it.

She drew close as Wraen's howl rose skyward, the sound hastening her step a little. She found herself coming up behind Wraen and a wolf that must be her sister, Maia. "Hey there!" she called out to avoid sneaking up on them. "I was just out and about." Wildfire drew up beside them, then moved in front of them, the copse at her back. "Good to see you again, Wraen. You must be Maia."
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh, so like now.  Maia nodded, though she suddenly felt nervous butterflies for some strange reason.  She loved meeting new faces, but the idea that her sister had decided to stay and she could still make a bad impression was definitely there.  She knew Wraen wouldn't just let them split that easily, but that didn't mean she couldn't still be a little wigged about it.

Okay! She had been going to make a crack about cute boys that might be there, but forgot it and instead left it at that.  She followed as Wraen led her to where they'd meet.

Wildfire was quick to respond, way quicker than Maia expected.  She also knew Maia's name, and wow was she glad she and Wraen had just talked, otherwise she embarrassingly wouldn't have been able to say the same.  Yes! Hi! Good start, good start.  Nice to meet you! Aaaand we're good.  Whew.  She looked at Wraen, figuring because they'd talked before she'd be the one to do the honors.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"Hello, Wildfire!" Wraen returned the greeting and seeing that Maia felt somewhat nervous about the encounter, bumped against her shoulder lightly to tell that they were going to be fine.

"You are correct - this is my little sister, though you wouldn't tell it from looks alone," she began with a joke, because the two siblings belonged to different weight categories.

"We discussed and decided that we would like to join Firebirds. I lean towards a more permanent settlement myself, but Maia is a bit of a wanderer at heart and, when weather conditions are permissive of it, she would like to do some travelling again," she explained, hoping that with this introduction Maia could easily take on herself and add anything else, if she felt like it.

"Is your offer still standing?" she asked, in case something had changed during her brief absence.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
Maia returned her greeting, her voice pitched in a way that made Wildfire wonder if she was nervous. She offered her a warm smile to hopefully put her at ease before her attention drifted to Wraen. She explained the terms of their pledge to Firebirds. The Sovereign—her pack and status therein felt more formal and solid every passing day—nodded throughout, though she waited for the other woman to finish before speaking.

"Yeah, of course. That sounds fine." Her chestnut eyes sought Maia's face again. "I don't intend to handcuff my pack mates to the copse. Just pitch in while you're here and let us know if and when you're wandering away for good." Her black tail waved. "I'm assuming Wraen told you about the pack otherwise, so I won't bore you with it. But I wouldn't be a good recruiter if I didn't ask you to tell me a little about yourself first. What are your strengths and how do you intend to apply them here?"
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Not for good! Just, yknow, around.   A little. she explained hastily, but with a smile.  It was really good to know that it wasn't going to be a problem, and who knew? With a pack this relaxed, maybe she could find someone to go with even.  

Then came her least favorite part.  Not because she didn't think she had strengths; Maia knew she was awesome and wasn't particularly shy about telling it.  Just she had a hard time deciding what exactly she should claim and if those skills were really useful to whoever she was talking to.  Did this woman care that she could play a mean game of witch in the swamp? Probably not.

I'm pretty good in a hunt, and I can help look out for things. she started, figuring simple was best.  And I love meeting new wolves! And babysitting.  And telling stories. Those three came rapid fire, each one an afterthought of the one before it.  She missed on the second part of the question, but her enthusiasm was mostly to blame for that.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"I may not be the most objective person to give opinion, but we have worked in tandem, while hunting sea-lions on the shores and taking down a prey that's tad bit bigger for one wolf to hold down," Wraen added, smiling fondly at her sister. They had not got an opportunity to use their skills together very often, but the times they had, they had worked really well. 

"And she did a good job of looking after our former leaders' children - a more patient and creative nanny you won't find anywhere," well, if they were in need of such services. Wraen had not asked, if Wildfire planned to have any kids this year or if anyone in her pack did. She had not mentioned a mate either, just children.

"She has been a very loyal and devoted companion to me during these past few months, and I don't doubt that she is a valuable asset to any group," she finished, letting Wildfire to have the final word.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
Maia offered up a nice variety of skills which could certainly be useful for the pack, hunting chief among them. Wraen vouched for her sister's experiences with that and sitting, respectively. She wasn't sure the latter would matter particularly this year—she wouldn't be having any more children, naturally—but the girls were still young enough that they could benefit from some extra teaching and training. Maybe Maia could even help Wildfire groom them for leadership.

"Sounds good to me," the Sovereign said simply, teeth flashing in a welcoming smile. "Welcome to Firebirds, Wraen and Maia." She took a step sideways so she was no longer between them and the copse, then motioned for them to move forward to explore their new home. Wildfire would fall into step behind them.

"Maia, did Wraen tell you that we're cousins?" she asked conversationally as they walked.
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia felt herself inflate giddily as Wraen talked up her skills as well, a few casual statements meaning the world to her.  It didn't matter how old she got or how accomplished - Wraen's praise would never be something taken for granted.

And just like that, they were in! Maia was growing to like Wildfire, if only because she was so much nicer than most others she'd run into.  Warmer.  She reminded her a little of Hyacinth, who had been the first she remembered to offer her kindness on her travels.  How was she doing back with Terance?

She did!  On our mom's side, right?  Probably.  Mom had been the only one to really talk about her family.  Dad never did, she recalled suddenly.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
"Yeah. Uncle Peregrine - the most notable and remarkable of Osprey's vast family. Never spoke enough of him," Wraen said and laughed, exaggerating a bit, but it was true - from what her mother had told them - she and Peregrine had once shared a very strong bond and had gone through a lot. Favourite sibling, no doubt about it.

"Wildfire - do tell us more about your family member that reside here as well," she asked, looking forward to getting to know the other members of Firebirds. So far the russet she-wolf had kept them a secret.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
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Master Ranger
Wraen answered her sister's question and when she finished, Wildfire added, "My dad's been gone a while now and I'd left the pack long before his death, though I still remember his stories about his sister, Osprey, 'the silver bullet.'" She smiled fondly at the recollection. "They had brothers too. I can't remember the younger one's name but my middle name, Attica, comes from the older one's: Atticus."

Wraen wanted to know about the relatives currently alive and thriving here. "My daughters, Kiwi and Sequoia, are here. Seq is adopted, though I consider her my charge now." They threaded across one of the copse's many clearings as she said this, the sun dappling the snow, and she paused to see what the sisters made of it even as she continued, "There's much more family on the plateau. Some may move here but, in any case, you should go visit sometime. They're only about an hour away. There's my litter mate, Raven, and her kids; my younger siblings, Phox and Towhee; and my other daughter, Bat."

Those were the Redhawks, of course. "And then a whole bunch of Blackthorns, who've been tied into the Redhawks for as long as I can remember. Do you know of them?"
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia listened as Wildfire told about the family, though her attention wandered a bit.  Attica was pretty.  As far as she knew, her parents hadn't done middle names.  Was that weird? If she had a middle name, she'd definitely want it to be a neat one, but maybe their last name was enough of a mouthful.  No use adding a middle one in there.  Imagine introducing herself? Maia blah blah Redleaf-DiSarinno. No thanks.

She turned back in at the tail end of the Redhawks description, luckily in time to respond to the Blackthorn question.  I don't think so! She definitely had - she just didn't know it.  Redhawks rang a bell though.  I stopped by there a while ago, though, trying to find you guys. She looked at Wraen.  They were.... okay.  She had been about to say rude, but checked herself because Wildfire seemed to be on good terms.  Really just the one guy was rude, so she probably shouldn't insult them if they were neighbors.  Oops.
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Wraen's face lit up, when Sequoia's name was mentioned - world was such a small place after all. Imagine meeting the Drageda girl here and them residing in the same pack. Especially, since at the time of their first meeting she had not seemed to be very keen on ever leaving her home. It was curious though, what had prompted her to go. Had Wraen's stories inspired her? Had something happened to change her mind?

The moment Maia faltered at retelling her experience with the Redhawks Wraen caught her gaze and smiled in understanding. None of them three (Terance included) hadn't had good first impressions with the wolves, who had been supposed to be their family. The second place to Moonspear to seek home, in case they ever needed it. Wraen had never figured out, who had been the rock-eating, growling jerk that Terance had encountered, when he had set foot in the valley, but the one she had met - a friend of Hydra - had been very difficult to like. 

And then there was Titmouse, who, frankly speaking, was a little ass. And... Gannet, was it? He had been decent. Therefore she decided not to give her true account on her own history with the cousins and went for a different thread that Wildfire had offered: "Yeah, we haven't had much to do with them. But there will be time to remedy that. But I have met Elwood Blackthorn - he had come to visit his daughter Liffey and he told me much about my uncle - your dad - and gave an insight in Redhawk caldera history. A lovely gentleman."
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
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Wildfire smiled knowingly. More likely than not, they'd run into Towhee. Her younger sister was quite the stereotypical guardian, very much taking after their father with a little bit of their mother sprinkled in there for extra flavor. She definitely wasn't the most palatable of the Redhawks, though Wildfire couldn't fault her for that, not with her heritage and not with their family's history. Even as she stepped, she lifted her free foreleg to her throat to touch at the scars hidden by soft red fur.

Wraen mentioned a name that immediately had the Sovereign smiling, eyes crinkled. "He's my godfather... and one of the very best wolves I know." Her tail waved so enthusiastically that it thumped a tree trunk as they passed, shaking loose a sparkling dusting of snow that fell across the three wolves' backs. "There's a chance he and his mate, my Aunt Flea, might join us here," she shared, though she didn't say much more on that.

They were near the copse's center now. Wildfire slowed, then made a motion indicating the sisters should keep going. "I ought to get back to the borders and do some marking. Help yourselves to the stockpiles and feel free to find a den too, if you like. I'm hoping I can find a location where the whole pack will fit—maybe near the foothills, by the river—but I haven't found it yet."
1,537 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Eventually Maia might connect the wolf they were talking about with the man she'd met briefly on the Sunspire borders, but it had been so quick she had barely (if even? I don't remember) gotten names.  It wasn't super important anyway.  She'd either meet them eventually or wouldn't!

At least Wraen seemed to understand her lack of comment, from the smile, and Wildfire didn't comment on it.  She wasn't willing to write off the whole pack because one guy had told her to get lost instead of helping (again, don't remember if that's true) but it was good she didn't have to immediately be all friends with them. She'd end up there eventually probably! Better to have friends than enemies for sure.

I can help look for that, if you want? Maia offered, figuring she was going to be exploring anyway now that they were in! I mean, if Wildfire hadn't seen anything yet she probably wouldn't do much better being so new.  But it would give her something to keep an eye out for!
3,526 Posts
Ooc — Me
Master Storyteller
Elwood was one of the few people, who had appeared as good on the outside as he had beeen good on the inside. Wraen was glad to hear someone second her opinion of the pleasant Redhawk man and, when mentioned that he and his mate would join them here, she was already looking forward to meeting him again. If Finley was in any way similar to her daughter, she would find her easy to like as well.

Maia volunteered to help looking for the communal den and Wraen readily agreed to go with her. "Thank you, Wildfire, for showing us around and having us here," she said sincerely. "Let's go and see about that sleeping place," she told her sister and they spent the next few merry hours, searching for a new and permanent place to settle.