Neverwinter Forest john paul ii
fight with folded hands
110 Posts
Ooc — Twin
All Welcome 
here, he assumed himself to be safe.
the trees give him coverage; the bushes blend with the inkblack of his pelt. he must find water. he must remove the traces of sin from his body.



he reminds himself as the hours pass that she did not have a name to give anyone who may be following. but he is alone. older. duller. vulnerable. he is no longer within the land marked with his own teeth and blood. no longer the king, no longer padrone
but god has a reason for everything.
WARNING: this character's threads will contain mature content. his views do not reflect my own. experimental.
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
chak is x hours behind <3 tags for ref!

@Alaric had come down from moonspear. @Kilgitsuk stayed at his side. they paced themselves and kept on the oily trail. chak had no desire to rest or to hunt. adrenaline kept his muscles singing with strength and he felt the power of oil father with he and his hunting party.
in a relay, they spread their searching between the weald and now a deep forest. the man's scent was here, cooling.
chak did not hesitate on his pursuit.

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,318 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
Hes also x hours behind, with Chakliux!

Kilgitsuk felt more alive during this hunt than he had in many, many days! He ran beside his hunt-brother, while a wolf of the Spear charged through the wood elsewhere.

The scent of the offending man was heavy at first and then thinned as he hunted, so he turned to reconvene with Chakliux, and discovered the trail was stronger there.

He wanted to find this man, for the sake of Chakliux, and the village. He wanted to wound this man and prove himself still capable, and deeper still, to promote his connection to his roots; he was Tartok, and this man was prey.
morning star
128 Posts
Ooc — roni
lmk if this isn't ok

Warning howls of yesterday detailed the description of an obsidian man with bonesplinter teeth and for the wolves of the Moon villages to watch vigilantly for any sign of him. For Ariadne, for the budding Moonsong, the snowcloud had upped the frequency of patrols to the forest and it was during one such trip that such a shadow was sighted.

The man would come to find he was not safe, but had instead walked into a mousetrap.

Tulugak would let loose a scream as ivory paws drummed on frost-hardened leaf litter. This was surely the man! She knew not the specifics of his crimes, nor was she much of a warrior herself, but by Sedna she would not allow such filth to pass the glacier unharmed.
"Common" // "Inuktitut"
High Sage*
653 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A blood curdling scream put Alaric on edge. He was a rear guard so to speak sweeping where the other two hadn't gone. This was a new voice and he headed towards it, ears thrust forward. Wary he would defend hold onto, but it was Chakliux who would be fighting for it was his wife and his honor. Alaric wouldn't take that away.

i have him in the rear so he probably won't get there before Chax and Kil
fight with folded hands
110 Posts
Ooc — Twin
god brightens his path with sun-dapples. if he squints, he can see it, just through the treeline — flat earth carved by glory, shimmering quartz and calcite. the prophet recognizes these minerals. his chest pounds with the memory of taking his own family to the warmlake four miles south from their winter home.
before things had come to this.
he is as calm and as quiet as he can be while he dashes for his saving grace. among tens of pools, how will the heathens locate the one that drowns his scent?
thank you, heavenly father.

this will be my last post here! feel free to have ur toons decide to do whatever if they find his trail near the hot springs <3
WARNING: this character's threads will contain mature content. his views do not reflect my own. experimental.
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
too many pools.
the monster's step was here and then it was not; the sweat of his running ended here in abrupt dissolvement.
he had heard the unknown woman join them, and cast around in each pool for any trailtrace.
when alaric and the unknown woman had joined he and kilgitsuk, chakliux settled into a crouch and rested his tired body. "we will go four directions. three days, then go home to your villages. i will call to you here. he is not far from us, i know it. but by night he will be gone."
and chakliux did not want to return to marina with nothing. he wished to have blood. and so he would travel for five.

“We are all eaters of souls.”

Dan Simmons, 'The Terror'

1,318 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ranger
Kilgitsuk could not find strong traces of the man as he went. As he rejoined with Chakliux, he heard the other hunter speak a plan in to motion and without comment - merely a determined nod - Kilgitsuk chose a direction and went.

Although he did not know it in the moment, his path would not lead to anything of value, and he would return to the village frustrated and ready for more work. For now he was imbued with the fervor of the hunt, and charged along until he was out of view once more.
morning star
128 Posts
Ooc — roni
No sooner had the shadow arrived had he vanished into the wind. 

Tulugak spent time searching, pacing the pools feverishly until the arrival of others marks the end of her hunt. Frustrated and shaken, she nodded as the pale man reeled instructions, unbeknownst that this was the Chakliux the red woman spoke highly off.

She would follow the edge of the forest until the glacier came back into view, alert to return at a moments notice lest any of them find a trace of the illusive criminal.
"Common" // "Inuktitut"
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
last for me! <3

kilgitsuk went off. tulugak went away. chakliux hovered to gather all the last scents of this monster and sped off in his own direction, a fierce shout shattering the air.
blood was coming.