Northstar Vale home is wherever i'm with you
Swiftcurrent Creek
967 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
for Ibis, but power playing the girls with them, so if they want to cameo or post!. <3
He had coaxed @Ibis out—encouraging the idea that @Lilitu and @Arielle could use a few more adventurous walks. In truth, he wanted to keep as close an eye on them as possible, while stealing his mate away somewhere private. He never wanted any of them from his sight—the snake at the top of their hierarchy was not to be trusted, and while the frosted ebony wolf was not privy to the darker intricacies of the pack’s life currently, he knew when life was awry.

The time had come for action now that the girls were older. His inclination was to believe that Ibis, deep down, could feel it was unsafe here. She rarely let the girls from her sight or anyone near their current den. And now, with @Viinturuth leaving, Akavir knew it was time to reveal to the pale dove just what he knew—and hope that they could take the girls and leave this damned place.
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
Waking up with Akavir's soothing voice was always preferable to the birdsong that often filled the den's glade, and when he mentioned taking the girls out for an early morning walk she was reluctant at first, but caved pretty quickly. Their daughters were growing like weeds at this point. Perhaps Akavir had found a suitable rendezvous point they could migrate to? It was long past due for the little family to have integrated with the pack. Ibis kept a very tight leash.

Akavir led the way while Ibis followed in the rear, watching as the girls observed their world. It was a novelty they were up this early or allowed to explore even a little, and while Ibis kept listening for any intrusions from the empyrean wolves (or waited for a glimpse of Viinturuth among the trees, which unfortunately never happened) she was more often enthralled by the tiny moments: Lilitu finding an acorn and rolling it in the underbrush, Arielle taking care to avoid a mud puddle with tiny fawn-steps.

How simple life felt these days.
Swiftcurrent Creek
967 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
The Vale was peaceful—land-wise, in the very least. The girls were taking in their surroundings, and Akavir, while in the lead, was certain to keep close watch over the trio behind him, his eyes soft as they studied not just his two daughters, but the woman who bore him children as well. Ibis, every day, took his breath away with her beauty. Unbeknownst to him was Viinturuth’s likely reason for leaving not simply for the sake of reconciling with their parents, but also to salvage Akavir’s heart and their camaraderie.

He slowed as the sun peaked further in the horizon, gentle showers giving way for the moment. It rained frequently these days, though the obsidian wolf didn’t mind.

When they came upon the remains of a stag—the skull and antlers—Akavir encouraged the girls to explore the surrounding clearing, taking the moment to steal beside his wife. The Empire might not have wed them officially, but he would accept no less title for her.

“Ibis,” he murmured, brushing against her, revealing in her scent and warmth. He chuffed a gentle sigh, his eyes pulling form her to watch the girls play as he settled down upon his haunches, broad shoulders squaring with a certain weariness. “Can we talk about… Our plans?” He paused, uncertain which topic to broach first. “Do you like it here?”
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
Is it OK to assume she told him about Eleuthera? I can change if not! :)

Before long they came upon the leftovers of someone's hunting efforts. The majority of the carcass had been cleaned up, stashed, or eaten. There was plenty left for them to pick over if they chose - but the sight turned Ibis' stomach; so did the image of the girls prancing closer to investigate, unbothered. She wanted to call them back to her side. They were moving swiftly (at least compared to when they were new) and as Ibis opened her mouth to call to them, she felt her voice catch in her throat.

Ibis, hummed her husband as he came up beside her, borrowing her attention briefly. His presence calmed her immediately, and she placed her cheek against his chest, listening to his heart as it beat, focusing on that while sleepily watching the girls investigate.

Akavir wanted her full attention but it was hard to pull her mind away from their daughters. One distracted moment was all it took to lose everything.

Do you like it here? He asks her. The corners of her mouth twitch but she doesn't quite smile. Eleuthera's warning to the Empire has made her anxiety worse, and so has Ibis' choice to step down from her exalted position - she felt out of the loop now, and even though she wanted to be a full time mother to her girls, she could not help but feel frightened with the lack of control.

She steadies her thoughts as best she can. Lilitu is boldly trying to claim a large rib for herself which is at least twice her length, but she is persistent, and soon both she and Arielle are working together — they are safe, and Ibis takes a moment.

I do, the mother acknowledges with a small nod of her crown, except there is a pause — a but weighing upon the air even if it is unspoken. It does not feel the same now that the girls are here, and growing. Eleuthera's warning— which was something Ibis had briefly shared with Akavir the evening after their encounter as it had left her feeling uneasy, —doesn't help me sleep at night.

Another sigh draws in to her lungs, out through her nose, and becomes a yawn partway through; her ears pop. What did you have in mind?
Swiftcurrent Creek
967 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
phone post! And absolutely good by me.

Ibis seemed so tired. It was more than the yawn that gave away the notion--it was the simple way she held herself. When they had first met, she had been carefree. Now... Something had shifted, and Akavir grit his teeth, wondering if something had happened to her without his knowledge. She would tell him, right?

At her explanation of what Eleuthera had spoke of that drove Ibis' unease more, the swarthy Mayfair gave a slow nod. He had been concerned of the news as well, but not as much as the very threat that seemed to emanate from within the ranks. 

"Viinturuth is leaving to find our parents pack," he offered, murmuring against the velvet of her pale nape, one keen eye still upon the girls. "Says he wants to make amends with them and wouldn't commit to when or if he would be back." It sucked, but Akavir wouldn't fault his brother for it. 

But next was the hard part... "Ibis, remember when the girls were first born and a pack meeting had been called?"[/ooc]
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
Ibis pressed and leaned against the man, dwarfed by him, and any errant passerby might mistakenly think she was shrouded in shadow. It wasn't far from the truth; Ibis felt things so strongly that the stresses of motherhood and politics had begun to darken her. It was similar to when she tried to keep everyone together, fed, and happy within the Emberwood; except this felt heavier.

When there was word of Viinturuth, Ibis was surprised at how sharp his proposed departure felt. He wants to make amends with them and wouldn't commit to when or if he would be back. Akavir explained, inadvertently stabbing her with each uncertain possibility as it passed his lips.

She was silent, watching, being present with Akavir on a physical level while the rest of her felt torn in different directions, as if she could summon the pale brother back to their little family with enough willpower; wishing in to the wind.

Akavir broke the briefly unsettling quiet with another topic: something about a pack meeting she had missed? There were probably many things she had let slide when the girls were born; a twinge of guilt burrowed in her belly. Vaguely. I had more important things to worry about — but her brow furrowed in a vee, and she nosed against Akavir's chest softly (to comfort herself more than anything) as she comments, ...why do you ask?
Swiftcurrent Creek
967 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
His thoughts felt darkened at the realization his brother was departing perhaps at a time they needed him most—but Akavir would never guilt him into staying. Not when he knew it would mean the world to both Constantine and Durnehviir. He couldn’t deny them that.

He rumbled softly—a gentle sigh as he leaned closer to Ibis’s touch. Most of their relationship was physical—and he longed to steal some alone time with her. When the girls were older, perhaps… even better, if they could find a place they felt safe with their family.

“I didn’t see anything. I was just about to enter the clearing when I overhead some disturbing things… Takeshi’s reign wasn’t taken well. There was a fight from what I could tell, and members were kicked out of the pack. Reiko…didn’t try to do anything.”

He chuffed softly, his gaze lingering from the girls to the sky, hoping Ibis wasn’t disappointed he withheld this from her. “I didn’t tell you because you were already so tired and worried about the girls… I didn’t want to give you any more anxiety. That’s why Viinturuth and I haven’t been far from you or the girls.”

He paused. Looking to her now, one ear flickering to the sound of crunching bone as the girls continued to explore the fallen deer. “I’m sorry. I just… I think we should leave. Take the girls where we can be sure they’re safe. Where you’re safe. Away from the Emperor. Away from Reiko's sister.”
1,058 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Master Ambassador
Ibis had not been curious as to why the brothers lingered near — only grateful. She knew to be cautious of Takeshi because she knew what he was capable of; or rather, she trusted Reiko, who had shared plenty of things to warrant such apprehension. To hear that the meeting had gone poorly was of little consequence now. If there had been lasting upset, Ibis had been too preoccupied to notice any changes.

That doesn't surprise me. Reiko has told me a few things about that man that make me very uncomfortable. For him to hold all the power now... I worry for everyone, but especially for her. And for our girls. She averts her gaze from them as they play, watching the dirt.

Akavir's continued commentary is met with silence. The woman is listening, and her face is pinched with concern - then a deep fondness, and then shock, as her husband expressed his true desire. Leaving was always an option — but Ibis was so focused on keeping everyone together, and not losing anyone else in her life (especially Reiko) that she had not yet entertained the idea aside from the occasional fantasy.

As important as Reiko was to her, the Empress was the only thing truly tying Ibis to this place. It was supposed to be a safe place for their family though, and at this point Ibis' anxieties were exacerbated by the changing dynamic of the little family. She could not ignore Akavir's plea, but was it right to break her promise to her best friend and Empress? And where could they go?

Don't be sorry. She sighs against him, tugging at his coat, breathing him in.

I've spent so long trying to piece together a family, and for a while that worked. I had friends, I built relationships with strangers, kept them safe through the winter — and inevitably that failed, but it was alright because I still had Reiko. Together we could rebuild. The concern on Ibis' face melted away as she spoke, replaced with a thin smile, a shine to her eye as she remembered the hike to Kaistleoki and visiting the edge of the vale with Vespera.

Then I met you. We made them She motions with a nod towards the two girls playing rambunctiously nearby, utterly lost in their own little world. And everything changed again. I finally have my family. I know that Reiko is struggling here, and I feel bad for not being much help to her, but she has an entire empire built of friends. Maybe its time for us to focus on our next life — and build it together.

As frazzled as her husband seemed upon making the proposal, Ibis took it in stride; it was an inevitability with the maturation of their daughters and the increasingly tense atmosphere around them. To keep the girls safe and ensure a lasting legacy, they had to do something. As Ibis draws in a measured breath she leans against Akavir, murmuring to him: Got anywhere in mind?