Dragoncrest Cliffs partita
600 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
All Welcome 
Keeping this vague! Open to all though <3 wanted to get this in the timeline.  @Theo can join if he would want to come home, or we can assume Ashlar left him at the Rise as well!  Since that thread hasn't finished yet

Ashlar had needed to tell @Chacal that he'd found one of her sons near the Rise, but it turned out there was another staying at the Rise.  He hadn't realized that @Reki had all but joined Augur's brood, and it left him feeling... a way that was complicated.  He hadn't tried to introduce himself before coming here.

She'd waited long enough for news and Ashlar didn't want to keep her waiting longer.  He lifted his muzzle and called for her, but he wondered if anyone else would answer.  He'd never been to the actual cliffs.

Ashlar waited silently then and shifted uncomfortably under the weight of things.  He wished he could have brought Requiem with but he couldn't be sure her son would follow him.  Augur was a father three times over - and Ashlar, nothing at all.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
863 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Eti heard the call for his manman, and he trotted towards it. After he promised Suzu he'd be back and informed her that she needed to stay in the den. Don't follow him, he'd be right back.

Eti trotted and stopped and stared at the wolf, near their borders. Silver and earth were his colors. Eti narrowed his eyes.

You be at da borders of Sapp'ique. 'Ow can I 'elp you?

He shifted, and was surprised for a moment to see his own eyes staring back at him. He briefly wanted to tuck his tail and run, tell Suzu stay far away. But he couldn't. Manman had told him, he was to take care of Suzu, he had promised. And that meant keeping strangers away too.

He dug his paws into the sand and dirt. Trying to feel the vibrations from this one. And he couldn't yet.
366 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She typically obeyed Étienne- but on the odd occasion she didn’t obey him, she followed him. Quietly, carefully, relying on her nose to lead her in the right direction by following his trail. Typically, he ranged toward the borders or went searching for food. Today, though, their mother had been summoned. And if Mama would be there, then it had to be safe for her and Étienne to go too. 

He had a knack of knowing when she followed too close, so she hung back, but closed the gap when he came to a standstill. She crept forward when she saw her brother facing a dark man, with bright eyes. Étienne seemed mildly tense, so she moved forward, staying directly behind him but peering out at the stranger from behind her brother’s flank.
600 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Chacal didn't come but two others did. Ashlar smiled at them and lowered his head in a friendly manner, ears forward despite his urge to tip them back self-consciously. He thought he knew their names already, since their age was right. Chacal's voice recounted them in his mind. Etienne. Berceuse.

Hi. I... I think I'm here to see your mother. He mainly focused on Etienne who was up front, though his gaze drifted to Suzu a few times. Was he mistaken, or did she look a bit like mama? Her coat was lighter but her eyes and her build made him remember. She would likely grow to be just as beautiful.

I'm from Redtail Rise. We... Requiem and Theo. They both are there. I wanted her to know as soon as possible, but they're safe. That was the most important part. There were other parts that he needed to talk with Chacal herself about, things like his offer to Theo, but if these were their siblings Ashlar knew they'd be glad for the news.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
863 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The male was kind enough. But his eyes unnerved Eti. They were so much like his own. He didn't understand. He only had manman, but what had Njord said...he was someone's father, but what was a father? Was this man a father? Was he their father?.....did they even have a father? He frowned as his thoughts raced.

The male looked at Suzu and Eti would move to block her. He was to protect her and that meant not letting strangers look at her.

Though the next words drew a gasp from his throat and tears sprang to his eyes. He turned and looked at Suzu.

Suzu! Did you 'ear dat! 'e 'as both our frè.

Etienne rushed forward without a word and slammed into the man. Dey are safe? An' 'ealthy? Dey aren't to scared are dey? W'y didn't you bring dem back? Wait!

Eti backed up suddenly. 'ow did dey get to you dere?

So I know Eti has Chacal's eyes, but I am taking liberties with that perhaps Eti would have Ashlar's eye shape rather than his own and his eyes are gold as well, being young he may not fully get it, but I can certainly take that out.
366 Posts
Ooc — Jess
The stranger looked friendly, and there was something about him that seemed familiar. She sniffed tentatively, wanting to get closer so she could investigate him further but she remained where she was behind Étienne. Her brother blocked her from view easily, though as he spoke, Suzu tilted her head just slightly to the side, so she could see a bit of the visitor past Etienne’s hip.

”Maman?” Suzu murmured, casting a look down the beach. Chacal had been summoned and she thought she could see the dark figure approaching in the distance. But the man with the gentle voice went on, and she knew Maman would be with them shortly. 

Like Étienne, Suzu too reacted with shock when both her brothers’ names were spoken. She gasped, and nodded at her brother with her mouth still hanging open before she let out a high-pitched, excited squeal that turned into a joyous howl. 

Étienne charged the man with questions but Suzu dashed off toward the dark figure who was still far off, but could be distinguished by the girl who knew her mother’s silhouette in an instant. ”Maman!!! Maman!! Vite!!!! Vite!!!” She pleaded as she bounded toward her mother.
753 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
Love it 100% :)

She did not harbour a great deal of hope when she heard Ashlar’s call. He was most likely just coming to touch base…Still, she didn’t waste time, and changed her course so she could hear in his direction. 

When she spotted him in the distance opposite her two home bound children she stiffened softly. They were a bit too close to the borders- not for their age, but simply considering the fact that they were the only two little birds she had left and she was keen to keep them from flying the nest too.

It did not bother her that they were with Ashlar. She caught a glance from Suzu, but her daughter did not look worried. Her brother, as usual, was her guardian and was doing all the talking.

Calamity erupted, though; Ashlar said something that wound the kids right up. They celebrated. Suzu squealed, and dashed toward her, and Étienne bounded toward Ashlar with an eagerness that made her heart simultaneously flutter and sink. 

Had he told them he was their father?

Suzu beat a path toward her, and Chacal laughed softly, hastening her pace and bumping her nose against Suzu’s grey flank as she was led back by her daughter, who by this point was panting too heavily to speak, to where Étienne was interrogating Ashlar. She overheard a bit of what he’d said. She pulled Suzu against her side so she could lean against her and catch her breath, but she looked at Ashlar with wolf eyes.

”Ashlar, did you find…?” She asked. The tightness of hope clenched her heart again.
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.
600 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
They spoke like her. It made Ashlar smile to hear it, though he also noticed the way Etienne brought himself between his sister and the border. He was a stranger to them, but understanding didn't entirely prevent the complicated feeling this was met with.

The complete 180 shocked him. He knew they'd be happy but he hadn't expected a hug. It caught him with so much surprise that he laughed, but his eyes were a bit overly bright. He was so glad to have been able to bring something worth that.

Ashlar blinked and nodded, preparing to answer, when Chacal arrived and interrupted to confirm. He could answer for both of them now.

I did. He smiled at her, eyes grateful, clearly overjoyed to be bringing good news for once. Then Etienne's question. Requiem is in the Rise. He doesn't know me, so I wasn't sure he would follow. He faded a tidge towards seriousness with that, but didn't elaborate beyond the basics. He hadn't had the chance to find out where or how Augur found him.

And I met Theo near it, in the wetlands on the far side. He said he wanted a mentor, so I said I would ask if he could have one from my pack. Maybe me, maybe another if he wants it. He glanced down as he said this, unsure how she would feel about his offer. He didn't mention the other words, knowing they'd only hurt her to hear. Ashlar did not think her son would want her to know, and if he did, felt he should be the one to share those feelings. The bard only hoped to help him find his goal a little closer to home - and in a place that was safe.

He raised his gaze again, slightly apologetic, but waiting for her response.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
863 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Eti didn't know this wolf. And he didn't know what designs he had. He could be the nicest wolf in the world, but that still didn't mean Eti would allow him near his sister. She was his to protect.

This wolf had a lyrical laugh, like his mother. If filled him with a soft feeling. He eyed him. You 'as good vibrations.

Eti sighed. Is my fault. I didn't spend enuff time wit' 'im. He stared at the ground sadly. But gave a soft nod, and returned to his sister's side. Laying his head alongside her shoulders with a gentle chuff.

So 'appy Suzu. I told you dat tings get lost, but dey return. Granme was right.

He licked his mother's shoulder as it was the only place he could reach at the moment.
366 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Suzu returned with their mother, and looked from the kind stranger to her mother, and back and forth a few times to catch the full reaction. Etienne was at her shoulder and she chuckled gleefully and licked his chin. 

"When can we go see dem? Maman, can we go wid you to bring dem home, pleeeeeeease?" She begged, elbowing Etienne so he would pick up on his cue to join her pleading.
753 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
He was good with kids- and Etienne was probably the most forward of the lot of them, but he took the child's enthusiasm in stride. Her heart skipped a beat to see him there, with her children, knowing he could have been here all along, if only things had gone different. 

He doesn't know me She wasn't sure if she was meant to feel ashamed that the boy didn't recognize his father, or simply relieved that Requiem had enough common sense not to follow a stranger. She touched her chin gently to Etienne's forehead to soothe him; he felt guilty, but she knew she was the one to bear that guilt.  

He mentioned Theo as well, and Chacal's face lit up. Having both of her lost boys found made her profoundly happy. "Oh Ashlar," She said happily, and moved forward to gratefully nuzzle her temple against his shoulder. "I cannot t'ank you enough for finding dem, an' for finding dem both." She pulled back, eyes shining. 

And then her youngest began to plead, and she was left there, put on the spot, with a couple of over-enthusiastic children. "Ahhhhh Suzu," She chided softly as her daughter's voice took on the tone of a bee's buzzing. "Dis be my two- de eldest be Etienne, an' dis wee one be Suzu. If, Monsieu Ashlar would not min, an' if you promise me dat you be'ave fine, I t'ink I could let you come along too." She said, casting a glance to Ashlar.
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.
753 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
He was good with kids- and Etienne was probably the most forward of the lot of them, but he took the child's enthusiasm in stride. Her heart skipped a beat to see him there, with her children, knowing he could have been here all along, if only things had gone different. 

He doesn't know me She wasn't sure if she was meant to feel ashamed that the boy didn't recognize his father, or simply relieved that Requiem had enough common sense not to follow a stranger. She touched her chin gently to Etienne's forehead to soothe him; he felt guilty, but she knew she was the one to bear that guilt.  

He mentioned Theo as well, and Chacal's face lit up. Having both of her lost boys found made her profoundly happy. "Oh Ashlar," She said happily, and moved forward to gratefully nuzzle her temple against his shoulder. "I cannot t'ank you enough for finding dem, an' for finding dem both." She pulled back, eyes shining. 

And then her youngest began to plead, and she was left there, put on the spot, with a couple of over-enthusiastic children. "Ahhhhh Suzu," She chided softly as her daughter's voice took on the tone of a bee's buzzing. "Dis be my two- de eldest be Etienne, an' dis wee one be Suzu. If, Monsieu Ashlar would not min, an' if you promise me dat you be'ave fine, I t'ink I could let you come along too." She said, casting a glance to Ashlar.
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.
600 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Ashlar's guilt was primarily aimed inward, and if he'd known it threatened to add to hers by proxy, it would have only compounded. By now he had decided that, simply by giving them away, he had no right to them. She chose not to blame him but she wouldn't be wrong if she did. Would Theo be unhappy if he was there to help? Would the bird have come if she was not looking after four on her own?

While he helped Avicus to raise hers. She should blame him entirely.

But instead she thanked him for finding them. He gave a small, glad wave of his tail, but the wave of guilt he felt for it all couldn't be surmounted by only this. He didn't want to ruin their moment with it, not after everything. She hadn't commented on his offer to Theo, but instead spoke of coming. He nodded, then swallowed in preparation.

I'd like you to come, all of you. But I think, if it's okay... Theo would want to stay for a while. He wants to learn things that we can teach there, and I'd.... I could help. He'd be safe, and he would still be yours. Just.... for a while. He could be a student. Ashlar waited to see what she might think, because he had told Theo he would ask and he owed it to the boy to try. He would hate to have her arrive and expect him to explain instead.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
863 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Eti eyed the chocolate wolf in front of him. You want to keep our T'eo?

he frowned little muzzle turned down, he tried to work through what the other was saying.

Eti stalked up to the wolf and eyed him over. You take care of our T'eo. No, 'arm to 'im now. None.

He chided him in the voice that Manman used when they were getting to loud or mean with each other.

I wasn't good brot'er and 'e ran, ran away. You teac' 'im good t'ings?
366 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Suzu was mildly confused about this man who had come with news of her brother. It seemed odd to her that her mother clearly knew him- but she’d forgotten the fact that her mother had duties other than being a mother. In a child’s eyes, Chacal having any other kind of life other than motherhood was still somewhat of a mystery. 

She was discouraged to hear Theo wanted to stay with Ashlar and the wolves of the Rise, and pouted softly. Étienne made his concerns know, and she comforted him with a nudge when he insisted yet again that he had been a bad brother. ”No you’re not,” She hissed into his ear. 

Then, invited along, she prepared herself for travel.
753 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
”Eti! Chérie!” she scolded softly, but her chuffing voice turned to a light laugh and an apologetic shake of her head. ”Forgive Étienne, ‘e is so protective of Theo, Suzu an’ Requiem.” She said to Ashlar. It wasn’t a bad quality, but he was jumping to conclusions. 

To her son, quietly, she spoke. ”Etienne. Ashlar is a friend. ‘Is pack, Redtail Rise, dey ‘ave Theo an’ Requiem, to whom dey tend. We do not make demands of someone who does us a favour- please, go apologize an’ make amends.” 

He likely did not realize that every time he blamed himself for Theo’s departure, it cut Chacal like a wound. Her children were too young to take on such guilt. Their job was to play, grow and learn. And it was her job to keep them fed, safe and happy. Whenever he admitted to being a bad brother, she felt like she’d failed both her sons. All three of them, in fact. 

”I t’ink…Theo should make dat choice. 
‘E is old enough now to ‘ave a voice. 
We ask ‘Im…An’ I t’ank you for your offer.”
She said.
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.
600 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Ashlar was subdued again. He looked at Etienne, then at Chacal, addressing her first. He asked me. But you can check. He wouldn't mislead them about something like that. About anything like this. It felt so strange to feel as though he were standing trial for help he had tried to give, but he knew this was something he had brought upon himself. None of them had any reason to trust him. He'd proven himself to others first. Etienne didn't owe him an apology, but he wouldn't override Chacal to say as much.

I wouldn't keep him. Just while he learns. Then he was quiet for a moment. It was hard to know what to say when he accused himself of being a bad brother. Ashlar knew it wasn't true, because it was obvious he cared deeply, but he had never had siblings of his own. Ashlar did know what it felt like to not be enough, though. This was something he knew intimately, constantly, and it was a struggle he would likely never overcome.

Just because he wants to see a new place and learn.... learn new things doesn't mean.... it doesn't mean the old ones are bad. Or the new ones are better. He finally added, a little softer, for the benefit of Etienne. He didn't know if it was the right thing to say but it was the only thing he could.
Gentle doesn't mean weak
863 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ears hit his head and tail tucked behind his legs. The small little masked boy, scuffed a toe in the dirt. He nodded at his manman, and raised tiny head to look at the wolf in front of him. There was a small wobble to his chin, but also a prideful look in his eye.

I'm sorry for saying dose mean t'ings Mr. As'lar. It was not kind, and you 'ave been kind to us. And T'ank you for finding our T'eo and our Req. And t'ank you for your kind words.

Eti would ghost forward on little paws to lick the other beneath the chin, in a silent thankyou and apology, brushing a small paw across eyes to hide the tears from the reprimand, hoping no one saw it. Then he would return to Suzu's side and sit silent, now.
753 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
Fading this here as we have the new one :)

Theo had spoken up, then, and had requested from Ashlar to stay at the Rise. While she saw this request as being polite, it did chafe her to know he had not also sought her opinion, or bid his siblings an adieu, at least. Fortunately, Ashlar had realized this, and hadn't kept Theo a secret. He was trustworthy enough that she knew the boy would be safe...She just wished her son had seen fit to tell her, too. 

"Well den, let us go-
we'll go visit Theo an' Requiem, who we 'ave missed so!"
She said. 

She summed as much positivity as she could for the journey. She was overjoyed that Requiem was alive, but also disappointed that Theo had chosen to train somewhere else...But for the sake of her children, she would be positive, and try to look at this all as a blessing- and would wrestle with her true feelings later, when she was alone.
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.