Noctisardor Bypass But a painted face still cries
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
996 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
@Heda @Ava Amara @Druid @Glaukos

It had taken him some time to find their trail. And his paws still hurt. They were doing much better, but he had walked further than before. It hurt.

Wrapped in rabbit skin. He had brought Camomile, raspberry leaves, rose hips, poppy and 2 rabbit livers. They were separated so as to not ruin the herbs, but still.

He lay his bundles upon the ground and lifted his nose in a lyrical howl. As promised he was here.
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
A sonorous howl rose into the air. Druid’s head jerked in its direction, followed by the swift pivot of her lissome body as she loped to meet the caller. It was gratifying, receiving a visitor at their borders; it lent formality to their claim.

She had already supposed it might be Etienne, though as soon as Druid’s two-toned eyes clapped upon the figure, she saw that he fit her sister’s description. Head held high and tail similarly raised, she approached him with the bearing of a leader, albeit an amiable one.

Hello. You must be Etienne. I’m Druid. And this is Rivenwood.

She studied his face for a moment, then dropped her eyes, curious about the bundle at his feet. She couldn’t help but stare at the state of his paws, though she shifted her gaze to the parcel before raising it back to his face.

You remind me of someone, she realized rather suddenly.
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Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
996 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A misty wolf with feet of shadows approached him. She had Heda in her face so he dipped his muzzle down low.

He nodded. I be Etienne. I bring you. C'amomile for rest, raspberry for later in any pregnancies to 'elp delivery smoother. Poppy for Ava only if 'er 'as severe pain. Dey can be addictin', rose 'ips for joints. And two rabbit livers if dere be any expectin' mot'ers.

He blinked surprised amd then furrowed his brow. Though a smile soon split his mouth. You 'eda's sister. Den you probably be knowing my auntie. Mireille or my mama C'acal
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
The instant he spoke, she knew he must from Sapphique stock. He hadn’t come from there just now, from what she understood, so perhaps he no longer lived among the women of the seaside cliffs. In any case, the resemblance to Erzulie was uncanny.

I do know Mireille. But you look like Erzulie, Druid said in happy wonder.
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Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
996 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne had left his family behind. Though he loved and visited them. His current character was not one that fit well with the strong women of the sea. Even if the sea thrummed in his veins.

Like a cold shower the shock to his system. His stomach tightened and a low throb of pain hit his feet. Oh he knew he did.

Ears to his skull. I know I do. Almost exactly. It is w'y i left dem. Granme Erzulie passed and everytime dey look at me dey see 'er. 'ow cruel of me to make dem relive der 'eartbreak daily.
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Druid met his sorrowful story with a frown. Erzulie was dead? And he’d fled his home just to save his family some heartache? Surely he hadn’t needed to do that, although it was none of her business. Her heart went out to him, which probably came across in the softened look in her eyes.

I’m sorry to hear about Erzulie, she said gently. Where do you live now, Etienne? I got the impression from Heda that you are part of a pack in the Sunspires.
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Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
996 Posts
Ooc — Danni
There was ao much more to it than that. And it was such a rendering tale. He didn't know what to say. He frowned in thought. He had fled because they had lost 5 or more in the span of days some to death, some to the wilds. It had been unfair.

He have a nod. Used to be pack dere. Uh Ma'ler and Wylla. Dey left. Der son Anselm stayed. And I was dere so I stayed. So 'e wouldn't be alone. But no pack yet. We 'ave one more, Fiona.
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
They only numbered three, which was the same number of names Druid recognized from Etienne’s list. Her lips parted at the mention of Mahler, Wylla and a son they must’ve had after abandoning Rivenwood. She knew Fiona’s name as well, which made her think of the scant details she’d gathered from the woman.

Druid hadn’t asked and Heda hadn’t told her why she had not invited Etienne et al to join them in Rivenwood. If Anselm was anything like his parents, he was probably a piece of work. “Our leader doesn't take kindly to strangers…” This man, on the other hand, seemed entirely altruistic.

I see, she replied simply, shooting him a smile. Would you like to grab your parcel and follow me, Etienne? I’ll take you to where they’re staying.
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Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
996 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne didn't know of the past of Mahler or Wylla. The woman had not liked him. Wouldn't she be chuffed to see him still around her son.

Etienne would not deign to know what Heda had told. It was not his place to ask. But he hoped she was beginning to heal.

He nodded and bent to lift the items again. Golden eyes taking in the pack lands as they walked. A small smile on his face at the quiet place.
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Etienne obliged her suggestion, though before Druid could move off to where her sister and her daughters were bedding, she noticed his paws again. She frowned lightly, then motioned for him to set down his bundle again. There was an apology in her two-toned eyes.

Are you sure you want to walk any further? Your feet look quite painful.
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Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
996 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne hurt badly. But he had done this to himself and thus he should reap what he sowed right?

Though he knew too if he kept going like this. He may grow infected or very ill. He looked down at his paws and frowned.

Yes i will be okay. I promised 'eda i would come. And I won't break de promise. I will gwt rest once i see 'er yea?
1,358 Posts
Ooc — ebony
heda had been with ava as usual, smoothing one limp paw between two of her own. the girl slept, and when etienne called, she did not immediately go.
but heda rose eventually all the same; she found druid with etienne, and smiled gently, though like her sister did her eyes fill with worry at the state of his paws.
"you should stay. just a short time. the hollow is pretty far when you're walking on wounds," heda said, echoing druid's earlier sentiment with a little half-smile toward her sister.
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Druid was very curious how he’d come about his wounds, though Etienne didn’t volunteer that information and she did not pry.

But she couldn’t help but argue, You did come. You fulfilled your promise.

“You should stay,” came Heda’s voice, drawing Druid’s mismatched eyes to her sister’s.

She shot her a smile, bobbing her head in agreement with her words before glancing back at Etienne, that same question from before trundling through her mind again.

I actually met Fiona, Druid said suddenly, and she led me to believe her leader was unfriendly. Surely she didn’t mean you. That only leaves Anselm. Did he do this to you, Etienne?

It was none of her business. Druid just hoped she wasn’t treading on Etienne’s poor toes, nor her sister’s. Her eyes were full of question marks as they flitted between their faces. There must be a reason the trio hadn’t been invited to join them in Rivenwood. Was its name Anselm?
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Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
996 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Eti didn't want to talk about it. And how did you tell a wolf who had liked your granme. That you did it because you hated that you looked like her?

A small smile that reformed his golden gaze.

Dat I did.

Heda offered a place to stay, but the next question. Etienne blinked in surprise. He shook his head.

Anselm didn't do dis. I did dis, breakin' ice.
1,358 Posts
Ooc — ebony
while heda didn't think that anselm would have hurt etienne like that, she did not rise to his defense. any mention of the greyscale male clenched her belly with sickness; she was desperate for druid not to let out, let alone glaukos, and she tried to meet her sister's wondering gaze with resolution.
"well. it doesn't matter," she said softly, "as long as you let them rest a little before you go back. you came so far to see us. to see ava." and her eyes said she was truly thankful.
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
She studied his expression carefully. Etienne seemed genuinely surprised by the allegation, so she believed him when he insisted Anselm hadn’t hurt him. It was curious that he didn’t refute her comment about the man’s unfriendliness. Druid couldn’t say she was surprised to have her suspicions confirmed. He was the son of Mahler and Wylla.

To corroborate Heda’s words, Druid nodded and added, You’re welcome to rest here as long as you like, Etienne. You know, you could stay in Rivenwood. Her eyes cut to her sister’s face, hoping she didn’t mind the offer, before looking back at Etienne. Fiona too.

In her mind, neither one of them was fond of Anselm. Perhaps they stayed with him out of habit, or for survival. Druid didn’t know. She just wanted them to know they had options. And she was curious if it turned out she was wrong about this man she only knew about secondhand, and truthfully very little at that.
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Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
996 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Etienne smiled to both of the females. A little uncomfortable at the topic at hand. But how did he explain. That everyone always left Anselm or so he felt and he would not do that. It was not in his nsture. He wanted to help the wounded boy, now sad man.

Etienne nodded. I will stay 'ere tonite and mebbe tomorrow den leave. I will tell Fiona. And dough i do not plan to leave. It is nice to know if i decide to ' I 'ave options.

Then his smile brightened. ow is Ava?
1,358 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"she's doing much better, etienne. her head still hurts here and there, but she's up and around." 
heda was secretly satisfied that etienne would even consider an option. to have him here and not in the hollow, well. he would be invaluable outside of his skills.
"i wish i'd gotten to know fiona better. she was kind to me even when i wasn't in a place to be friendly back." regrets, regrets. she would not live a life of them.
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He would stay for a day or two. Druid dipped her head in acknowledgement. She stayed quiet as he and Heda spoke about Ava. It was good to hear she was slowly improving.

Heda and I were just talking about medicine the other day. We don’t have a proper healer among us so we’d like to learn what we can. Maybe once we get you situated somewhere comfortable, you could go over your wares again with both of us? To her sister, she added, Shall we take him to Dawnleaf?
I archive threads if my partner goes inactive and/or there are no new replies for several weeks. I'm more than happy to continue an archived thread if you're interested. Just revive it (via maintenance) and tag me in your next reply. :)
Swiftcurrent Creek
Gentle doesn't mean weak
996 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A small glow of happiness that Ava was okay. Not great but okay, mending. This was good.

He gave a soft sigh and felt his shoulders lessen a little.

I am glad to 'ear 'er is doin' better. I will gladly go over it all again.

A small smile and he bent to pick up his small offering for them again. He would follow where they led. Dawnleaf. It was a name that filled him with hope. Sunshine feelings.
1,358 Posts
Ooc — ebony
this post is kinda vague bc im not sure if we're continuing or fading, game either way!

etienne was a true soul and a good friend. together druid and she would make him comfortable near ava. heda knew he would be fed and tended, and so rested close in conversation, waiting for him to show what he knew.
she rather liked the idea of being trained by him, if only for his companionship; heda doubted her ability to retain anything about medicine.
759 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Etienne was a saint, or at least he had the patience of one. Druid’s lips curled into a smile. She nearly bent to take up his carryon for him, though he beat her to it. That left her to tilt her head, then fall into step beside Heda as they embarked for the bedfast Ava.

I went with the latter option, hope that’s cool. :)
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