Firefly Glen you were a child crawling on your knees toward him.
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
All Welcome 
The howls that had gone back and forth about Fennec had left Figment feeling deeply concerned and helpless. These were both feelings he disliked, and so he set out for the Glen early that morning to learn more. He'd taken some time in Bramblepoint to explore his sister's favorite haunts, noting that her scent was indeed all but entirely faded from the place. The detour yielded him nothing but more worry, and so he'd continued on swiftly until he reached the Glen's South Eastern border.

Fig was open to seeing anyone who could tell him more about his sister, but when he tilted back his head and called, it was for @Bronco. His step brother seemed the most likely source of information, seeing as he and Fennec had always seemed like good friends, and he'd been the one to start the calls the other day. With his voice echoing in the surroundings, Fig busied himself sniffing around at the pack's borders, noting once again how very faint any scent he came across of hers was.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
Bronco's searching had, until now, only included the areas nearest to the Glen. Given the information he had- that she went missing somewhere in between the Caldera and the Glen, he mostly stuck to the areas in between, but found no trace of her. It was difficult for him to believe that she'd been through there at all, but enough time had likely passed that she might have moved on, if she intended to go further from the Glen.

His worry grew into disappointment. He had vouched for her, and he had asked Kukutux to train her- and now she'd just ditched on them, the same way she had ditched the Firebirds? Of course, they had always had a 'free to come and go' policy but he wondered now if that simply enabled a runaway like her, to try and flee from her problems rather than facing them. 

He heard Figment howl so he howled in return, letting him know he was on his way, before he picked up a lope, and made his way back toward Figment was, which was in an area he had patrolled earlier. He saw the dark figure, and for a moment- it occurred to him just how much Figment might've fit in at the Glen. He was the same age as the majority of them, and he had the sort of even temperament that probably would have allowed him to fit in quite well amongst the Ostrega trio. 

But he suspected Figment had come as a result of his howling, and he appreciated it. He panted slightly as he slowed to approach his step-brother, and bobbed his head. "Figment. Thanks for coming," He puffed
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Figment felt he was going to jump out of his own skin waiting for someone to arrive. He knew he was being impatient, but with nothing else to occupy his mind, he was left to consider all the terrible things that might have happened to Fennec. He was relieved when he heard approaching footsteps and turned to see Bronco. A distraction, and hopefully a source of some answers.

"Of course," he said, getting straight to the point, "What do we know? Anything?"
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
I just realized like 2 days ago where the thread title is from and I've had that song stuck in my head since then <3

Figment was quick to search for answers and Bronco, who felt like he knew nothing still, likely knew more than anyone else. Still, it was hard to place things back in order and to figure out where it was she'd been seen last, by whom, and when. So he shook his head. "Only bits and pieces," He said with a disappointed frown as he sat down. They might be able to piece something together if they both worked on it- but the likeliest scenario was that Fennec had given them all the slip without leaving so much as a goodbye note. 

"Apparently Phox saw her when he came to the Glen, but that was several days ago. I went to the Caldera I guess a couple days after that, and she'd gone missing by then so...She's been gone about a week, give or take a day," He wasn't too far off- but there was really no way for him to know exactly when Fennec had gone missing; he hadn't seen her immediately before, nor had he noticed immediately after. "She's not at Moonspear either," He said. "And...Not answering any calls." He murmured. Not that he expected she'd answer him, anyway.
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
lol it was the first one that popped into my head when I needed to come up with a thread title

Figment hadn't expected too much, but still he was disappointed to hear how little information they had on the situation. He had been hoping to be surpried, but that was apparently not in the cards for this situation. He frowned as he listened, piecing the timeline together in his mind. Where could she have gone? Why would she just leave without telling anyone? His mind went to Penn Blackthorn and his frown deepened. Would she really just run off with him though, after all that had transpired?

"Do you have any idea why she would've left?" Fig asked, "Was she unhappy about something? Someone at the Glen? Did something happen?"
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
From what he could tell, with the timeline he thought he'd figured out, Figment might have been the last wolf to see Fennec- so it surprised him when Figment seemed unaware of whether Fennec had been upset. Then again...Fennec was like a book, locked tightly shut so as not to break its spine and spill forth its secrets. So he couldn't have expected for her to have told Figment everything which meant...He would probably have to. 

"We've been...Off," He said, with a shrug. It disappointed him to have to tell someone else what he'd done, and about how badly he'd failed her when he'd been doing everything that he possibly could to make her happy. "I tried to help her dig out her den, and it collapsed on me. I was buried for like...I dunno how long, but...She was really pissed off, even after she got me out so I think she's mad at me, for that." He explained. He felt like such an idiot. Why had he even thought it was a good idea to try and dig that boulder out, without expecting it to cave in on top of him? His first time really putting an effort into renovating a den, and he'd destroyed it, and nearly killed himself in the process. Fennec's paws had left behind little bloody pawprints when she'd left, so he knew she'd been hurt too- and that it was his fault. 

"And so I brought her a gift, for her garden and she...Tried to show me her new den," He said, and his throat tightened. He licked his lips to try and release some of his tension, but it didn't work. His mouth felt dry, and he felt incredibly vulnerable actually admitting his fear to someone. "But I...I had a panic attack. As soon as I stepped inside, so I...Kind of...Fell out, and knocked the wind outa myself, or something. I couldn't breathe. And she just...I dunno. She didn't come see what was wrong, she just ignored me so I left. And...I didn't really see her, after that," He said. He shrugged lamely, and in a low voice, he continued. "I tried to go in a cave again afterwards but...I just can't. I'm just...Terrified of it. I'm such...A loser," He admitted quietly.
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Fig listened thoughtfully to Bronco’s story. As his brother spoke, he couldn’t help but wonder how this could have anything to do with Fenn’s departure. He couldn’t connect the dots. Bronco hadn’t done anything wrong intentionally. He hadn’t tried to hurt her or ruin her accomplishments. It had been an accident. Fennec wasn’t a cruel wolf. Mischievous, yes, but not one to be angered and hold a grudge against someone for making a mistake. Especially one so inconsequential, in spite of how Bronco described her behavior.

Fig shook his head. ”I’m sorry you experienced that. It can’t be easy to be haunted by it,” he said, ”I can’t imagine Fenn being so upset by what was clearly an accident that she’d just take off like this, though. Something else must’ve happened. Maybe she got lost, or was... taken... Have you come across any strange scents nearby lately?” Fig’s mind trailed towards the loner than had attacked Maia and he bit his lip, wondering, anxious.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
These two were idiots.

Penn had become pretty good at sneaking and eavesdropping since he'd come West to stalk the Caldera and its neighbors. His own searches for Fennec had yielded him no results, but he hadn't spent too much time just blindly scouring the land for any trace of her. Like Fig, he wanted to know more about her story before he bothered (which he had to begrudgingly give the guy). He was confident he at least knew more about where she'd gone than these morons--he'd tracked her heading East, though the trail had eventually gone cold for him. But, curiosity drew him back. He needed more of a lead to help him. Some way to better understand what had gotten into her fool head to make her leave in the first place.

What made the stalking easy was that so few actually paid attention to the trails they were leaving and how easy they were to follow. He'd come across Figment's headed North through Bramblepoint and had followed him from there. When he'd stopped at the Glen, Penn had taken care to creep forward only slowly, keeping himself hidden. It had cost him much of the conversation, but he'd gotten near enough to hear some snippets, and to hear all of Fig's last. He didn't know what Bronco was being haunted by--something about a den and a cave and... oh, who cared. It was Figment's response that clued him in and finally made him step forward to reveal himself.

"Seriously? You lost a blind wolf?" Penn drawled as he sauntered forward with a smirk, "Do you know how ironic that is?"
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
*Hoards all the Stevie love*

He appreciated that Figment didn't humiliate him, as he was already humiliated enough by his own self-consciousness and doubt. He himself had no idea why Fennec had reacted the way she had; it didn't make sense for her to not at least check on him. She'd walked away from him, angrily, after pulling him from the earth. She'd not come to check on him after he fell a few feet out of her den and into the river just outside. And now, she'd disappeared- so he simply connected the dots, and assumed that she'd simply reached the final straw, perhaps. 

But what Figment offered for other potential explanations had crossed his mind as well too. He grimaced, and turned his ears back at the thought of Fennec being kidnapped. "No, I haven't sm-" He would have gone on, if he hadn't been interrupted. He startled visibly, stiffening automatically and straightening his posture as the snarky voice called out unexpectedly. Bronco's surprised gaze fell upon Penn, and darkened almost immediately. He recalled how sour he had felt when Fennec had left with him- and how much he'd continued to resent his cousin, who had ditched Fennec the last time he'd left the Copse. He'd never really liked Penn- but because of how he'd treated Fennec, he now loathed him. 

His malicious remark went over Bronco's head, and he forgot his civil conversation with Figment in an instant. For Penn to comment on Fennec's welfare was an affront- and he suddenly wondered if Penn hadn't had something to do with her disappearance. With a snarl, he lunged, and without even deigning to respond to Penn's barb he charged toward his cousin with snapping jaws- hoping he might be able to catch him so that he could pin him down and make him squeal.
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Fig’s thoughts were consumed by what might’ve happened to Fenn, so much that he didn’t notice the Blackthorn’s approach until just before he spoke. Fig whirled around to spy the silver Fox trotting to a stop before then, his face smug and superior in all the ways it always had been. Fig’s hackles raised in spite of himself and his lip curled a little at the mockery in the man’s tone.

Before Fig could say or do anything though, Bronco was charging. His brows raised in surprise and for a moment, his anger cleared. That smug look on Penn’s face. Did he know something? ”Bronco, wait!” he called, even as his stepbrother smashed Penn into the ground. He cantered swiftly closer to them, his eyes now on the Blackthorn, who was laughing of all things.

”Where is she? What do you know?” Fig snarled.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn had expected that Bronco might eventually try to attack him, but he’d hoped to do a little more to earn it first. I mean, at least let him have a little fun before the beating began. But, that seemed not to be in the cards for Penn, which he ultimately was okay with. Getting such a rise so easily was gratifying enough for him.

The Blackthorn didn’t try to avoid it, nor did he even fight back. He stayed relaxed as the impact came, knowing that if he tensed then he was likely to get hurt more. He went down easily, a laugh spilling from his lips that halted only momentarily as he was slammed into the ground.

He settled a little when he heard Fig’s question, but his grin didn’t falter. He was still on his back beneath Bronco, his eyes watchful though it was to Figment he spoke. ”Not really in a position to chat anymore, mate,” he answered, smirking, ”’Less you wanna get this ox off of me.”
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
He didn't even flick an ear back to respond to Figment's plea, as he honed in directly on his cousin who merely stood, relaxed and couth, and unwilling to either run away or stand against him. He used the point of his shoulder to knock Penn over and the silver dagger went down easily and in a moment, he was pinned, with Bronco standing over him, tail raised and fangs bared. A moment later, Figment was nearer, and asked a question he punctuated with a growl; it was surprising just how angry Penn could make him simply by laughing at him. He thought he was a wolf with thick skin but...Apparently not, not when it came to his snarky cousin. 

He tried to weasel his way out with an excuse but Bronco only growled louder and snapped his jaws together inches from the end of Penn's muzzle. Dipping his head toward his cousin's ear so he could stare him in the eye, he snarled "Answer the fucking question, Penn." And in case he tried to appeal to Figment again, Bronco pressed down against Penn, hoping to squeeze his breath just enough to make him wheeze. "I'm not letting you up until you do." He said darkly, before he released the pressure, but remained where he was, ready to grab Penn and shake the daylights out of him whenever it became necessary.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
swapping places with Fig with permission from me :D

Penn rolled his eyes at Bronco's display, cringing a little simply due to the smell of his cousin's breath in his face. He still didn't move, even when his agitation rose at the pressure that was briefly added. He kept his composure, stubbornly determined not to give the brute what he wanted. He looked narrowly into Bronco's eyes and smirked. "Pain and death don't scare me," he drawled, "What makes you think you do?"
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Bronco didn't stop, nor did he let Penn up when the Blackthorn claimed to be unable to talk from his altered position. Fig growled in frustration, wishing very much that he had less self-control and could join in on the beating. But, he knew better. This was all counter productive--it was just a pissing match now between the two hot-blooded teens. And at the end of the day, Penn Blackthorn didn't have enough common sense to listen to threats.

"Penn," Fig said sharply after his last, his own blood boiling though he took a breath to calm it. He looked again at Bronco, leaning a little into some of the natural authority he rarely let show without consciously noticing it. "Bronco," he said, "For Fennec."

They could murder Penn together later. For now, if there was even the slightest chance he knew anything at all about Fenn, then they needed to hear it no matter how it wounded their pride to not rip him to shreds right there and then.
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
The relaxed nature of his adversary bothered bothered him, stinging like a foxtail pricking into the skin between his toes. He refused to answer the question he was charged with, which spoke volumes to Bronco of just how little Penn actually cared about Fennec. He might have redeemed himself somewhat if he'd offered information or expressed some sort of concern- as it was, Bronco was left believing that Penn either didn't care what had happened to Fennec, or he knew something. And if there was anything he knew, Bronco was going to squeeze it out of him. 

Figment's tone of voice caused the fur along the back of Bronco's neck to bristle but he didn't remove his gaze from Penn's smirking face. It irked him to hear Figment try and talk him down and assert authority; these were the borders of Bronco's pack, after all. But with his ire focused on Penn, he didn't take the time to snap at Figment for butting in. Instead, he squinted slightly at Penn when he insisted he feared neither pain nor death. He hadn't thought it possible for Penn to get any more arrogant than he'd been the last time Bronco had seen him; but Bronco had learned something since then. After having sparred with Opalia, he'd left the experience armed with a trick up his sleeve; reserved only for last-ditch efforts. He figured Penn deserved it. 

So with a brief shift in his weight, he picked up one of his hind feet and stomped it down where he was hoping Penn's family jewels would be and leaned his weight into it, bellowing into his cousin's face. "WHERE IS SHE?"
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
As it turned out, there was something that could trigger Penn's instinct for self-preservation. That was a well-aimed kicked at his man parts.

Pain spasmed through him at the attack, and just like that, a switch flipped in Penn's head. In the very next instant, Penn's jaws shot open, wide and snarling right for Bronco. He didn't even think--just reached to lock whatever part of his cousin's face he could between his teeth and tear, regardless of whether it was the other male's nose, his muzzle or, fuck it, his eyes. Instinct drove him now, and pure rage, that he'd be dealt such a low blow just for walking up and starting a conversation (as he saw it).
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Fig felt his hope shatter in that moment he saw it happen. That one moment where he saw any chance of Penn sharing what he knew about Fennec disappear. Bronco ignored his pleas, choosing instead to strengthen his attack on the stubborn Blackthorn. And just like that, the opportunity was doomed. 

For a moment, Fig stood motionless, unable to believe the pure idiocy of this moment. Fenn swam before his eyes--stolen, hurt, lost, helpless. How would they ever find her? His despair held him still as his mind tried to wrap itself around this new turn of events. But there was no real time for that. He blinked it away and bristled, then threw himself forward to slam into Bronco's side and wedge himself into whatever gap he could find between the two of them in an effort to put an end to this stupidity.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
He might have been more satisfied with the outcome of his tactics had it not immediately resulted in painful repercussions- but it was still deliciously satisfying to feel even for just a fledgeling of a moment that he had proved Penn Blackthorn wrong. It turned out that his cousin was not immune to pain, a fact Bronco had gladly pointed out when he'd stepped his foot down purposefully on one of his most sensitive areas. There was no dignity in making such a move when he already had his opponent pinned, but it still made him feel like a king to see Penn writhe in pain within seconds of seeing him look so smug. He might have stolen the look for his own had he not had to snarl and snap in response to the sudden flash of stained, ivory fangs that caught him by the corner of his jaw. 

He was wrenched free from Penn's grasp when Figment collided with him, shoving him to the side where he stumbled so awkwardly off Penn that he twisted his left front ankle. Instinctively he snapped, teeth clicking together in the air between himself and his step-brother, hissing a pained breath through his teeth as he glared. Figment hadn't necessarily chosen a side, but he had chosen to keep him and Penn from tearing each other apart. Blood trickled from his jawline in a place not far from where the flesh had been torn months ago by a badger- it appeared, then, that he'd discovered a spot that was a personal weakness of his. He would have to mind that, as it was far too close to his jugular for comfort. With his ankle throbbing, he felt unfit to challenge Figment, but also found that he didn't need to. He avoided placing weight on his ankle and glared down at Penn, an ugly smirk pulling at the corner of his lips. Figment seemed to have taken over- but at least Bronco had made his point.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
It was Fig's intervention that really allowed Penn to slip out from Bronco's grasp, but not before he had the satisfaction of drawing blood. He darted a few feet to put some space between himself and the other two wolves and looked back over his shoulder. He shook with rage at the look Bronco was giving him, but was tempered a bit by the look on Figment's face. It was a mix of desperation and concern, though he knew it wasn't concern for him. Just concern for what he was going to do next.

Penn could've told them what he knew, but in the end, he decided it wouldn't do them any good anyway. They were both useless at tracking, so what did it matter that they knew which direction she'd gone? Besides, fuck them both, especially Bronco. Mindless, stupid beast that he was. His glare slid easily into a smirk as he lifted his head. "Well then," he drawled, "Fuck you, and good luck."

With that, he turned and cantered off at an easy pace that would certainly increase if someone tried to come after him. He was done with these morons, and a little bit done with his concern over Fennec too since having it obviously lead to him having to deal with the bunch of assholes that made up her family.
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Figment was relieved when Bronco didn't fight him. He was heavy wolf, so he wasn't pushed aside easily, but Fig managed. He stepped away from Bronco to look at Penn as the smaller wolf slid out from beneath Bronco and got back to his feet. He stepped forward then stopped, his heart in his throat. He'd thought that Penn would flee immediately, but he'd paused. Hope sprang, but then it wilted. They would get nothing from Penn Blackthorn. They'd failed her.

The Redhawk didn't pursue him as he bolted. A plea for him to wait rose in his throat, but Fig swallowed it down. It would do no good. He knew how stubborn the Blackthorn could be from their time travelling together with Fenn. Hope had vanished the moment Bronco had attacked him without provocation. They had nothing now on what had happened to Fennec. Slim as the chance had been that Penn would've given them something useful, it had been a chance. One that now was lost.

Fig couldn't find any words, so he merely stood there as the thoughts raced through his head and anger and sorrow warred in his heart.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.
1,652 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Guardian
It was gratifying to see that Penn had been knocked over and that Figment had replaced him in keeping the Blackthorns at bay. He panted slowly as he continued to send a victorious sneer toward his cousin, who pulled himself to his feet, swore, and took off. Bronco bounded forward a few paces, snapping his teeth more as a show than anything, before he strode, stiff-legged back to Figment. He sensed his steo-brother might have been harbouring some level of indecision, faithful as he was to his family. So Bronco was quick to remind him. 

"That asshole's the reason Fennec is the way she is. He's just a low-life, with nobody that he cares for more'n himself. And he ditched her." He said. He hated to think that Penn had gotten more of a reaction out of Fennec than he'd ever managed to get, but in part, he was relieved to find that Penn was just as much of an asshole as he'd always been. He knew quite well that if he had had a change of heart, and come back to find Fennec, he could very well win her over again- and Bronco wasn't having that. 

"We'll search. I'll keep an eye out in the wilds from the bramblepoint to Moonspear, and North of there. If you want to keep an eye out from the lake to the Caldera...We'll have our shared neutral grounds covered." He suggested. "I'm going to head along the mountain range and see if I can pick up her scent there first," He said, and he made to leave. They couldn't just waste time talking if they wanted to find her. "We'll find her." He said.
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Bronco began to speak, and Figment listened quietly as he tried to calm the anger that warred within him. His brother's assessment of Fenn took him by surprise, and he couldn't help but turn and peer curiously at him. It was enough to pull back enough of his emotions that he was able to steady and retain control of his thoughts, though still they simmered beneath the surface. He let the other boy finish, gave a nod of agreement to the plan, spent another few moments in thought, and then parted his lips after Bronco had taken a few steps away.

"You might question how well you really know her if you think there's any part of Fennec that isn't wholly her own," he said over his shoulder, eyeing Bronco to gauge his reaction, "You might also question just how much you're willing to let your temper and your jealousy cost you. I hope for Fenn's sake, her well-being wasn't the cost this time."

With that, Figment too moved to depart.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.